3 b. Dose was now changed to gr. j of 1st trit. 4 times a d. In m. uneasiness, stiffness and dull pain in muscles, chiefly in scapulae and nucha, also between shoulders and in hips, coming occasionally during day till evening 15th. Cutting pain across left eyeball, with flow of tears, in m. in bed; pricking itching in various parts. 16th. – Pains in scapula; quivering of lower lip. 17th. – Fixed pressive pain at apex of heart as before; flatulence; itching in armpits at night; frequent dull deep seated pains in hands and fingers; pains in back as before. Proving was now discontinued; pains in back persisted for some days, and then gradually disappeared. (Hahn. Mat. Med., Part i, p. 54.)

4. Dr. DRYSDALE’S provings of Kali bichromicum. All experimenters used (unless otherwise specified) solution of gr. of gr. v. to 3j, taking 1 – 100 dr. several times daily for periods varying from several days to 2-3 weeks.

Its action is developed within a few hours if less than 20 dr. have been taken, and when the dose has been larger frequently within a few m. Where it has been taken in moderate doses, duration of action does not exceed 3 or 4 days after discontinuance of medicine. In doses of 20 – 100 dr. (gr. 1/5 -) it generally caused nausea and vomiting. The following symptoms also were developed in the majority of cases: [* Some of these symptoms may belong to the chrome workers(see II, 10-15) as these are commingled with the others in Drysdale’s schema; but we have eliminated them as far as possible-EDS*]

Sudden, transient attacks of vertigo; stupid, giddy sensation in head, expressed by terms “swimming,” or dulness; listlessness, languor, and disinclination for mental or bodily labour (in many stages of provings); headache in temples, or shooting pains in one; frontal headache, generally over one eye; itching of eyes; redness of conjunctiva; itching and redness of tarsi; watery discharge from nose, with or without soreness; stuffing of nose, with pain across bridge; sensation of a fetid smell; tongue thickly coated at root with yellowish fur, – dry and thickly coated in m. (constant); sour or coppery taste; loss of appetite; no relish for food; great thirst; sensation, after meal eaten with relish, as if digestion stopped, and food lay like load; uneasiness in stomach; aching in right hypochondrium, and corresponding place in lumbar region, with metallic taste, confusion in head, and clay – coloured stools; much flatulence (at all stages); belly generally tumid; occasional griping pains in abdomen; cough in m. with tenacious expectoration; stitches under sternum through to back; on awaking, heaviness at chest as if something were pressing on it, with soreness, better after rising; pains in loins and sacrum; stiffness in nape on bending head; rheumatic pains in fingers, knees, and hips, latter felt chiefly in day time and on motion; aching in legs, with tremors; darting on top of r foot; weariness and weakness in limbs; transient flying pains in all limbs, without definite character (constant); when gastric symptoms reach any height, rheumatic symptoms subside; waking early from disturbed and unrefreshing sleep; sleep disturbed, and with vivid dreams. The symptoms come on quickly and subside soon; most appear in m. or are worse then; pains fly rapidly from one place to another. (Brit. Journ of Hom

5. Dr. HAHMILTON, AET. 29, sanguine temperament, took at different times 10, 20, 60, and 100 dr. After 10, 20, and then 60 dr. in same day was attacked with vertigo and heavy pressive pain in vertex, without other symptoms. This went off in 6 – 8 hours, when severe pain in lumbar region came on, extending into sacrum and down thigh; at first an aching pain, proceeding to a numbed sensation, pain increasing to such a degree that he could hardly rise from his chair. In continued for 3 days, and gradually decreased in severity. Appetite remained good, and bowels regular. Urine was scanty, high coloured, and deposited a pearly – white sediment. (Ibid.)

6. Dr. R. Russell, aet. 28, nervous – lymphatic temperament, took at different times 20 – 40 dr. Vomiting was almost always produced, and in a great measure prevented other symptoms from being developed; sometimes, however, 25 and 30 dr. produced no apparent effect. After 40 dr. nausea and diminished appetite; after breakfast vomiting with much straining, great watering of eyes, injection of lids, and drowsiness. After 1/2 hours again vomiting of brownish – yellow pappy matter. In 3 hours vomiting returned, with violent retching and very bitter taste in mouth. Nausea lasted all day, occasional griping in bowels, and sudden attacks of vertigo. Other symptoms noted are – transient smart shooting in right temple, lasting 2 or 3 m., and returning at intervals of 10 m.; awaked on m. after 40 dr. by itching of lobe of right ear; flapping and singing in ears; loss of appetite; languor, and disinclination to exertion; offensive taste (with nausea and salivation). (Ibid)

7. JOHN WEIGHT, aet. 20, florid complexion and dark brown hair, made two provings, in interval of some months between. took from a few dr. up to 20 first time, and up to 60 dr. second time. On 2nd day of (second) proving, in afternoon, dull, heavy pain over left eye; shivering and sense of coldness, chiefly in arms and shoulders. Took 20 dr. at 4 p. m.; in evening pain in cheek – bones, uneasy sensation in gums, discharge from nose At 11 p. m. 15 dr. Awoke about 2 a. m. with extreme nausea but inability to vomit, and frontal headache, preventing sleep; after a time these symptoms subsided, and restless slumber supervened. On 3rd day 45 dr. Dull, cold, heavy pain in region of heart, with tightness in chest and dyspnoea, griping in bowels. On 4th and several following days hands felt in bones as if they had been bruised. Other symptoms are – 2nd day, soon after dinner, dull, heavy, throbbing pain in forehead, feeling as if it would burst, above eyes, extending into head, with desire to lie down, and relieved by lying down or resting head on anything, and by open air, worse on stooping or moving; sight confused and dim; slight pain under left eye, and uneasy sensation in gums (30 dr.); tickling in nose, and sneezing; sore – throat; awoke with severe pains in stomach; griping in lower belly, as if something was piercing bowels, worse on deep inspiration, better on pressure, lasting 2 days (60 dr.); constipation during proving; coldness and shivering in arms and shoulders. (Ibid.)

8. a. H. TURNER, aet. 31. took 1 – 6 dr. Great weight in head; dryness of mouth and throat; food tasteless; constipation; waking with saltish taste in mouth.

8 b. Gave to son, aet. 4, 2 – 4 dr. doses. Sore – throat; severe pain in abdomen, followed by blackish watery stool. (Ibid)

9. R. BOWES, aet. 35, bilious lymphatic temperament. In good health, save for a chronic eruption. Took Ist trit. in gr. doses twice daily for weeks. Violent shooting pains from root of nose along left orbital arch to outer angle of eye, with dimness of sight as if scale was over eye, beginning in m., increasing till noon, going away towards evening, for 3 weeks. (Ibid)

10. S. J -, girl aet. 14, having lepra vulgaris, but otherwise well, took 1 – 5 dr. daily for several weeks. Had after some days darting pain in small spot over left eye, spreading over forehead, but still remaining worst at original spot; aggravated by motion, with gastric derangement. Also, after breakfast, aching pain, beginning at navel and rising into throat, for 1/2 hour (Ibid)

11. Dr. DRYSDALE, aet. 28, nervous – sanguine temperament, took from a few dr. to 60 several times a day for a fortnight. For first week, with smaller doses, flying rheumatic pains in various parts; in second week, disorder of digestive organs and liver to such an extent that proving was suspended. On 3rd day, sharp tearing and shooting pains in right hypochondrium, of short duration. On 4th day, burning smarting sensation over right trochanter major. On 5th day, smarting of external canthus; throughout day sensation from throat to stomach as if food remained in oesophagus; urine scanty, with white film and whitish deposit; frequent yawnings. On 6th day, sharp pain, like a strain, in tendo Achilles in walking; in evening weariness, distension, hiccup, waterbrash; at n. deep – seated, dull, shooting pains under scapulae; vivid dreams, and woke early, then fell into a confused heavy half sleep; in m. unrefreshed and weary. On 7th day, transient heavy pain in right temple immediately after eating, frequently recurring in afternoon, accompanied with uneasy craving sensation in stomach; pains in right hypochondrium, as on 3rd day; dull pressive pains in different parts of back, going off in evening; deep – seated aching pain in upper angle of left scapula. On 8th day, after dinner external stitches in epigastrium and breast into nipple, and in right hypochondrium; also dull pressive pain on right side of spine about 9th dorsal vertebra, with uneasiness in stomach. On 9th day, woke with general heat and perspiration, quick pulse, palpitation and dyspnoea; soreness and swelling of right ala nasi; sensation of swelling and enlargement of lower extremities in bed, first one and then other. On 10th day, gastric pains were relieved after eating, and rheumatic pains reappeared. From 10th day till a few days after leaving off, scanty pale clay – coloured stools, sometimes twice a day, with aching in right hypochondrium, metallic taste, fetid breath and confusion of head. On 10th and 11th day, tearing pain from left ham down leg; and on 11th redness of conjunctiva, with sensation of heat and uneasiness, as when eyes are opened under water.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.