causing burning. After dinner, burning of eyes and lids. 10th. – slept very well; on waking, after rising, tearing and pressing pain in sacrum. 11th. – Repeated dose. Since yesterday pain in coccyx, worse from walking and touching; fluid discharge from both nostrils immediately. Oppression of chest. Slight burning of margins of eyelids. After breakfast, slight sickness and pressure in stomach. Occasional tearing in bones of face and long bones of limbs. Tension of chest all forenoon, disappeared at noon. Slow drawing stitch through meatus of right ear. Later, buzzing in head. Soreness and dryness in nose, especially margins of nose are dry, with adhering scabs. Tobacco – smoke causes burning of lips, which are rough and dry. 12th. – No med. On waking, yesterday’s pain in coccyx. Later slight burning of margins of lids, otherwise well. discharge of fluid from nose. 13th. – On waking, pain in coccyx like yesterday; nose quite dry; slight burning margins of eyelids. In forenoon, after moderate exercise, twice a little bleeding from right nostril (very unusual with me). Pain in coccyx and burning in at noon. Watery discharge from both nostril in afternoon from right nostril. 14th. – Burning of eyes on waking, also slight pain at coccyx, but much less than before. Watery discharge from r nostril. I notice some spots like freckles about neck.. After dinner some burning in right eye, at inner surface of upper lid. 15th. – No med. Slept very well. Pain in coccyx on waking. Itching and burning of whole scalp, small pimples forming at different spots of head. Later, pressure in haemorrhoidal vessels. 16th. – No med At 4 a. m. had kind of nightmare.

I dreamed somebody had placed himself crosswise over chest and belly, which caused choking sensation. I moaned aloud, and on waking, covered with perspiration, had vascular excitement. After rising felt low; had the pain at coccyx; much watery discharge from both nostrils. In forenoon, dryness of mouth with bitter taste. Slight burning of eyelids. Painful inflamed pimples at right side of nose. Towards noon slight cutting in abdomen, more in peritoneum than bowels (for 1/2 h.). 17th. – Slept very well. On waking again Repeated dose. On waking pain in coccyx; after med. firm stool, with burning and urging in anus following. Burning of eyes. Little appetite for breakfast. Tearing in temporal region and maxillary joint. Biting in occiput from 9 to 10, tearing and gnawing in bones of right arm, and in right thumb and index; slight similar pain in left arm. At noon, urging and biting in anus. Watery discharges from l. nostril, Gnawing in fangs of all teeth. After dinner some pain in coccyx; otherwise well. this pain worse after walk. 19th. – No med. med. Waking, slight, short lasting pain in coccyx. firm insufficient evacuation. Slight burning of eyes. Strong urging in haemorrhoidal vessels at noon. Sore feeling at anus. 20th. – Repeated dose. After rising, pressive pain at coccyx. Slight nausea; burning of eyes, Dryness of nose. Pressure and burning of stomach; eructations. Slight tearing at bones of arm. No appetite for breakfast, after which rumbling in bowels. Distension of abdomen. Watery discharge from nose, causing burning of upper lip. Slight pressive pain in region of heart. sharp burning in skin of face, eyes, and both sides of nose at 11 a. m.. in open air, as if erysipelas would come on. Pressure in anus at noon. Rattling and whistling in bowels. later, while sitting, feeling of a block in anus. Outer margin of septum of nose burns as if sore, with watery discharge. Pain in anus increases to such an extent that I hardly able to sit. Hissing in head Tongue covered thickly white all over; taste not disagreeable. No failure of appetite. After dinner much distension and discomfort in abdomen (wore off in 2 h.). sharp burning and pressure in eyes in open air, e. Burning of skin of forehead, nose, and right leg when I got home, also itching of anus. 21st. – Sacral pain on waking after good night. Discharge of water from right nostril after breakfast. Twice firm stool followed by urging in anus. 21st. – Sacral pain on waking after good night. Discharge of water from right nostril after breakfast. Twice firm stool followed by urging in anus. Strong pressure and tenesmus at time, sometimes even sharp pain, in anus, so that during dinner I could hardly sit. Well p. m. 22nd. – sacral pain on waking, followed by slight griping in bowels and semi liquid evacuation with much gurgling and rumbling in bowels. Little appetite for break fast, after which constant rumbling and slight pinching in bowels. Soon after second quite liquid evacuation, followed by retraction of anus and slight nausea. Water from right nostril. some drawing in zygoma and bones of limbs. Very repulsive astringent taste at root of tongue. After a while painful drawing from perineum to urethra. Again urging to stool, but very slight evacuation of a spoonful of liquid; still discomfort in abdomen, relieved later in forenoon; burning of skin of face and scalp without redness. Strong pressure and burning in anus and again urging to stool. Water from. nostril; while sitting at stool passed only flatus; suddenly perspiration of whole of skin, especially of face, from which it flows in streams, soon disappearing. At dinner with appetite; well all afternoon. Painful pressure at coccyx for 1 hour in evening; also burning of eyes and disagreeable sensation in nose. Though smoking, each breath through nose carries a disagreeable sensation of sulphurated hydrogen. 23rd. – Could not get to sleep for some time to-night, but after wards slept soundly. Pain in coccyx and tenderness of eyes in m.; Otherwise well. Margins of eyelids reddened. In inner canthus a yellow purulent matter collected. Pain in coccyx, especially sitting, lasted whole forenoon. Quite well p. m. After exertion in evening while sitting some pressure in haemorrhoidal vessels. 24th. – slept very well, got up and felt well. Dull pain in nasal bones at noon. Flying painful stitch in right ear. Chest painful in evening, especially towards walls. 25th. – Slept very well, Slight pressing pain in coccyx only in m. Slight agglutination of eyelids. Noon, much flickering sparks and colours before eyes and muscae volitantes; can hardly write (1/2 h.). After 2 hours strong pressure in vertex as from load (ceased after dinner). 26th. – Repeated dose. Immediately after rising pain in coccyx, soon ceasing. Dried mucus in eyelashes. Soon after medicine slight touch of nausea. Drawing at lower Jaw from ear with salivation. Pressive pain in small spot in bowels, right side near navel. After normal evacuation, burning in anus for some time. Strong pressure and burning over right eyeball at 11 a. m. Pain as if beaten in bones of face, especially at facial surface of both superior maxillary bones,. Dry feeling of now. Pressure in small spot of superior lobe or right lung; later, drawing pain in interior of whole length of r. breast (1/2 h.); then strong pressure in anus. Before dinner pressure in stomach and epigastrium, but not in anus. Nose seems larger, m. m. swollen and dry. Feet in general very uncomfortable. General lassitude and laziness. E., nose often wet. While working better. Itching of right cheek. 27th. – Slept very well. On waking pain in coccyx ceased after rising. Burning of skin over forehead, especially of glabella. Margins of eyelids reddened at outer corners, and pretty strong burning and itching in forenoon; they seem rough, with feeling of rubbing on motion. Tension right side of chest at noon, at insertion of pectoralis major. After dinner (sitting), pain in coccyx, no other symptoms; after 1 hour no pain. 28th. – Waking, coccygeal pain; eyelids agglutinated and burning. Confused and drowsy. 29th. – Waking, pain in coccyx lasting short time only. Semi – liquid evacuation followed by slight griping in bowels. During breakfast slight drawing pain in sacrum and left shoulder (soon ceased). then drawing behind left ear (soon ceased). Later, slight stitches in both sides of chest. Sometimes pain in coccyx during afternoon. Later in evening burning in skin outer side of left leg. 30th. – slept well; waking, for short time slight pain at coccyx; returned towards noon violently when going to pass water. It extended towards urethra, and I had to bend forwards during micturition. It ceased in 1/2 hour some roughness of margin of eyelids. Frequent desire to blow nose after dinner, but nothing in nose. July 1st. – slept well. Burning of eyelid – margins in m. Fluid discharge from right nostril. Beaten pain in middle of right thigh (all ceased in 1 h.). Dryness of lips and mouth later, and burning of eyes. After dinner much discharge of fluid from right nostril. 2nd. – Pain in sacrum and coccyx in m. (1 h.) and fluid from nose; soreness in m. m. of nose. Burning eyes well p. m. Water from right nostril in evening afterwards nose dry. 3rd scarcely any pain in sacrum. Water from both nostrils. Pressure in right ear in evening 4th. – No med, slept well. Pain in sacrum during coitus; soon ceased. Twice dull stitch while walking through ext. meatus to interior of right ear. Slight burning margins of eyelids. and fluid from nose in evening 5th. – Insuperable disgust against med.; could not take any. Same sensation in right ear as yesterday in forenoon. Some stitches through cranial bones like sudden thrust from sharp needle. 6th. – Same disgust even from thoughts of med. After rising touch of sacral pain. Slight burning margins of eyelids. Some mucous expectoration. System seems saturated with the med. Discomfort before and after breakfast. Restlessness with slight stitches at internal surface of sternum in forenoon. 7th. – Slept very well and felt well during d. Some short cough in e. Burning pain in lower margin of right eyelid. Pressive sore pain in aperture of nose; feels swollen, but nothing to be seen. 8th. — Waking, touch of old sacral pain. Some hawking up of thick mucus with tenderness of larynx and trachea. Burning in both eyelid – margins. Slight injection of conjunctiva bulbi, both sides, especially r. Much perspiration in evening while resting. Unusual feeling in nostrils, soreness, and as if nose was like parchment and immovable, quite dry. 9th – quite well; took without disgust usual dose. Well in forenoon; only upper lip slightly swollen and tender below nose, bit not red. Burning of right nostril after dinner, worse from touched. Later, short slight stitches in bowels below umbilicus. Much dryness of lips and mouth in evening; drinking water relieves only for minutes. 10th. – Slept well. On waking slight sacral pain, slight tenderness of eyes. Some expectoration of thick mucus. Slight drawing pain in right temple; tenderness of gums. Some dry cough p. m. Great sleepiness in evening, and sharp stitch in forehead over right eye. Slight touch of sacral pain for short time. Nose very dry. later, great drowsiness and fatigue, am scarcely able to write. 11th. – Slept well. Waking, sacral pain; burning of eyes; mucous expectoration. bad taste. Burning of lips. Roughness of throat.. Burning of feet, especially in soles. At noon, again pain in sacrum, as if I had got a blow there (1/2 h.); then tearing and drawing in muscles in front of right leg. 12th. – No med. Slept well. Waking, only slight agglutination of lids. At 9 a.m touch of sacral pain; also in forenoon while walking, in spells, making walking difficult, coming and going suddenly, and felt at the moment of sitting down, less while sitting. Sacral pain ceased p. m. Drawing pain in leg ceased in evening; later in evening sacral pains lasting till supper. Disagreeable sense of dryness in nostrils. 13th. – Sacral pain during rising only, returning later while sitting. Copious evacuation relieved very well. 14th. – Repeated dose. Slept well and felt well in m. Soon pressure in stomach as if spasm would supervene. Appetite for breakfast fair; after it disagreeable sensation in stomach; then oppression in chest especially under sternum; disagreeable sensation in nose, feels as if swollen, m. m. dry; walls of nose feel stiff like velvet. Slight drawing in bones of forearm. A.m., great dryness of lips and mouth without thirst. Tenderness of eyes Dryness of nose. Some painful tearings in some slight pain in foot. Mouth and nose less dry. Pain in forearm had ceased. Slight touch of the pain in right forearm. 16th. – Two evacuations in m. followed by burning in anus. Some burning in eyes. 17th. – In m. slight burning of margins of eyelids. Itching in whiskers. Burning and pressure in anus at noon for 1 h Great sleepiness p. m. 18th. – Repeated dose. Soon after, slight pinching in bowels below navel. After breakfast slight inclination to vomit, nausea; slight cough discomfort in whole body. Oppression of breathing. Peculiar tension in muscles of face, making features stiff. Looked very ill. Tension in skin of scalp; frequent spitting; burning of eyes and margins of eyelids; disagreeable dryness of nose; finally vomiting, whole contents of stomach ejected, painful constriction of stomach with persistent retching even after emptying of stomach. Immediately after felt well again, all troubles disappeared. There was no bile in the vomit, not any bitter taste, only taste of ingesta. Then burning of septum of nose at upper lip. Repeated pressure on chest in forenoon, especially under sternum; pinching at temporal bone; burning of eyes. appetite for dinner. After dinner pains in various parts of head, but especially in temples, without sign of congestion, but of nervous character. Drawing in left hand Well in afternoon. Severe frontal headache with pressure on eyes in evening, but after 1/2 hour sleep headache ceased entirely and I felt well for rest of evening also and in septum. 20th. – Slight burning of eyes in m. L. eye somewhat reddened towards external angle. A few times mucous expectoration. Nose not dry, but at margin sore feeling. Slight pain in sacrum. 21st and 22nd. – Quite well. 23rd. – Hawking up of thick mucus in m. and stitching pain in region of heart; burning of eyes. Since last afternoon remarkable dryness of nasal m. m.; nasal cavities as if a kind of fluttering or oscillation of heart, passed off after awhile. After dinner slight stitches in anus. Painful tearing in humerus in evening, especially towards elbow-joint and wrist. Tenderness of eyes. 24th – on waking some burning of eyes and slight sacral pain. After pappy evacuation burning in anus. 25th. – Burning of eyes in m. Drawing in various parts of long bones. 26th. – No symptoms. 27th. – Much burning of eyes in m. with pressure about orbit (1 h.). 28th. – violent pain for more than 1 hour in bone of 1st phalanx of 3rd finger of left hand, forcing me to run and press the spot constantly, which gave some relief. Pain was seated in bone itself; was gnawing, boring; later moved more towards end of finger and disappeared after 1 hour. 29th. – Hawking of thick gelatinous mucus. In forenoon several attacks of strong venous excitement with great restlessness. Much thirst, with great desire for beer in e. Slight sacral pain. No trace of yesterday’s bone pain. 30th. – On awaking had hemicrania left side of forehead, violent, lasted 1 hour (quite unusual with me). Pressure in vertex and burning of eyes at noon. 31st. – Agglutination of eyelids in m. Accumulation of mucus in corners of eyes. Aug. 1st. – Much burning and pressure in nose.. Slight pressure at vertex. 3rd. – Burning of eyes in forenoon. Burning and pressure in nose. Slight pressure at vertex. 3rd. On waking burning of eyes, especially margin of lids. Slight pressure in nasal bone. Burning of nose and upper lip in forenoon, but no discharge. Slight herpetic eruption on upper lip, pressive pain at right nasal bone. Burning of margins of eyelids and surface of ball. towards noon more or less constant burning of eyes and pressure in both balls for rest of d. A burning vesicle at left corner of mouth inside. 4th – Vesicle formed a small painful ulcer, with indurated margin. Slight agglutination of eyes and sacral pain. Burning of mouth in afternoon and evening, especially inner surface of lips. Burning of eyes. 5th. – Ulcer decreases and does not burn so much in m. 6th. – Ulcer nearly healed. Some sacral pain in m. like the old pain, soon ceased. 7th. – Several fits of sneezing after dinner without 8th. 9th, and 10th. Except some burning of eyes (temporary) and some slight sacral pain. no symptoms. 12th and 13th. – Several times during day tearing pain in long bones of upper and lower extremities. 14th. – Tearing and pressing in sacrum, especially troublesome when walking. During the following day some medicinal symptoms sometimes appeared in slight degree. They finally totally disappeared, and my health (end of aug.) was better than it had been for a long time. All functions of body and mind are regular and healthy. (Ibid)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.