24. L. J.KOSTLER, medical student, took daily from 15th to 23rd april (1845) 1 gr. of 1st trit. Headache with which I woke in m. was excessively aggravated by the drug, until nausea set in, and at last after about 1 hour vomiting followed, whereupon all symptoms disappeared. 17th. p Immediately after dose violent nausea and eructations, not followed by vomiting. Constant flow of saliva from mouth, not relieved even by breakfast, lasting till noon; strong metallic taste. 18th. – Metallic taste same as yesterday, but no vomiting. During next few days foregoing symptoms diminished until 23rd, when all had ceased. From April 29th to May 7th, took daily 2 gr. of 2nd trit. No symptoms at first except slight headache on May 2nd. On 6th, feeling well all day till about 7 p. m., when I had sudden feeling as though a black plate were placed before both eyes at distance of about ten paces, so that I was unable to recognize any object at that distance. As I was looking through a closed window I thought that might be cause of difficulty: but on turning round and speaking to a person standing about two paces from me I was unable to recognize him, vision being so obscured; this lasted about 10 m., when obscuration gave way to sensation as though a veil were hanging before eyes, and were drawn upwards and downwards; this, however, soon disappeared, and the former condition returned. I washed the eyes in cool water, hoping thereby to find relief, especially as eyes had already begun to be painful, but it was of

no avail; after lasting about 1/4 hour obscuration disappeared, and a kind of vertigo set in (quite similar to the which follows too large an amount of alcoholic stimulants). this lasted 2 or 3 m., when it disappeared, giving place to a violent headache, especially in frontal and orbital regions, at times associated with sticking pains in eyes and tearing in ears; whole attack lasted till 9 p. m. 7th. – Quite well on waking, but soon after taking medicine headache again, associated with pressive pain in eyes, and frequent severe tearing in ears; later, frontal headache with stinging and pain in ears. From 15th to 22nd, took daily 2 gr. of in less degree to eyes; tearing in ears. From 15th to 22nd, took daily 2 gr. of in less degree to eyes; tearing in ears, sometimes associated with roaring and ringing (not lasting long). 27th. – Took 1 gr. 1st trit; after 3 m. strong metallic taste, inducing frightful retching, followed in 2 m. by repeated attacks of vomiting, which completely empty stomach; such nausea and aversion to drug that slightest attempt to take it brings on frightful retching; most violent headache for several days, increasing up to June 2nd (although no medicine had been taken), when it was associated with vertigo, relieved in afternoon after thrice – repeated bleeding of nose. Headache in less degree next day, although I was free from it during, n. and slept well. June 4th. – – As headache was gone on waking, I took 10 gl. of 10th dil., and soon headache returned (not associated with nausea, vomiting, or roaring in ears), and though not severe, lasted till next day, when I took no medicine; headache ceased towards evening 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th. – took each m. 10 gl. without any effect. 10th. – Took 15 gl. 11th and 12th. – Same dose; slight irritation of gum left upper jaw. 13th. – violent headache on waking, obliging me to provoke vomiting, which relieved; irritation of gum had now become decided, pain extending to upper lip and alae nasi; gum somewhat inflamed. 14th. – took 20 gl., followed by usual nausea, slightly felt and even next m., so that I took no med.; inflammation of gum had extended, including not only entire upper lip and alae nasi; gum somewhat inflamed. 14th. – took 200 gr., followed by usual nausea, slightly felt all day and even next m so that I took no med.; inflammation of gum had extended, involving not only entire upper lip, but both alae nasi, which were very painful. 16th. – There appeared between upper lip and gum above eye tooth an oblong very painful abscess took 2 gl., soon afterwards headache lasting whole day, less severe next day (although 5 g. were taken each d.) and ceased by 20th, 21st, and 22nd. _ Took 40 g. 23rd. – 45. 24th and 25th. – 50. From 26th to 30th (inclusive) 54 gl. of 10th dil. No symptoms except occasional sticking pain in ears (on 24th) and diarrhoea lasting from 22nd to 28th. (Ibid)

25. LACKNER took daily from 20th to 29th March (inclusive) 1 gr. of Ist trit. Immediately after taking dose, disagreeable sweetish metallic taste for short time. 21st. Burning in inner canthus waking, soon extending over whole margin of lower eyelid, worse when writing, disappearing after ceasing to write. Metallic taste as yesterday evening, sudden irritation causing dry cough, soon ceasing.. Burning in margins of both lower eyelids after writing a short time, becoming very violent, but disappearing after ceasing to write. 22nd. – Metallic taste; burning of margins lower eyelids as yesterday; after dinner till evening increased secretion of saliva, inducing frequent expectoration of light liar rumbling in intestines; rumbling in bowels for long time after stool, followed by eructations of flatus; towards noon pain in left knee as though sprained, on rising from sitting a long time, lasting whole afternoon, at times associated with similar pain in left ankle. 24th. – Metallic taste of longer duration than previous day; evening, for short time severe sprained pain in left knee. 25th. – Towards evening great exhaustion and dejection, but no knee pain. 26th. – Slight confusion of head after dinner, forehead being hotter than cheeks; evening, weariness in lower limbs; vivid dreams at n., particularly towards m. (of various dangers in chest followed by eructations for 3 hours; afterwards sickness, aggravated by drinking coffee. Great weakness of hands; unable to hold a paper without resting hands on table. Slept well at night; vivid pleasant dreams. 28th. – Suddenly towards noon strong metallic (coppery) taste at root of tongue and soft palate, with nausea and eructations. 29th. – No symptoms. 30th. – took 2 gr. of gr. of 2nd trit. Sticking in metacarpal joints in m. on waking.. 31st. – Great weakness of stomach on waking, followed by eructations; suddenly towards noon crampy contractive pain in bowels, with sickness (for 1/4 h.), followed by pasty stool, after which straining and burning at anus. Similar attacks of pain at 4 p. m. and 10 p. m., but without stool. April Ist – No symptoms. April 2nd and 3rd. – Without medicine. 2nd. – Painful sensation as though penis were constricted at root, after waking in morning; much rumbling in bowels during forenoon. Burning in eyes, evening 3rd. – Same constricting pain. Transient, sometimes severe, stitches beneath one of pectoralis major muscles, and at another time in one of intercostal muscles. from 4th to 8th (inclusive) took daily 2 gr. of 2nd trit. 4th. – Attack of sickness after dinner whilst smoking. Sudden tensive pain in middle of right sartorius muscle, worse when walking and especially when ascending steps, relieved when sitting and lying, lasting till I fell asleep. 5th. – Burning in urethra and fore part of penis when urinating, and for long afterwards; accumulation mucus in larynx obliging hawking; metallic taste; dry cough with stitches in chest (afternoon); sensation of dryness and tension in lungs, evening 6th. – Boring pain in right upper molar teeth towards evening 7th. – Pressive headache on waking, especially forehead and occiput; boring pain in right upper molars; tearing and drawing in right temporal muscle; slight swelling of right cheek, especially over zygoma ((malar bone); weariness of limbs, great fatigue from slightest movement; foregoing symptoms lasting all day with exacerbations and remissions; worse forenoon, better in evening; sleep disturbed by headache. 8th. – Same symptoms but less severe; swelling on cheek large. Sudden hoarseness in evening 9th. – without medicine, in m. tearing and drawing in temporal muscle; swelling and toothache (less). Frequent hawking and expectoration of tenacious yellowish – white mucus, which accumulates in large quantities in air passages, followed by relief of hoarseness. Twitching and jerking in right eyelid while reading and for short time afterwards. Hoarse rough voice in evening 10th. – Without medicine; m., hoarseness and accumulation of mucus in larynx; frequent sneezing; dry cough and hoarseness in evening 11th. – Without medicine; m., accumulation of mucus in larynx; frequent sneezing; dry cough and hoarseness in evening 11th. Without medicine; m., accumulation of mucus in larynx and air passages; nose bled towards noon; dry, short cough and hoarseness, evening 12th. – Without medicine; m., accumulation of mucus; evening, short cough and hoarseness; sticking pain in From 13th to 21st (inclusive) took daily 2 gr. of 2nd trit. From 13th to 16th every m. great secretion of mucus in air passages; great lassitude during day; short cough and hoarseness in evening 17th. – No symptoms. 18th. – Severe cutting colic, but especially spasmodic constriction in upper abdomen. Great melancholy in evening especially right side Stitches in chest, hoarseness, irritative cough. 20th. – Strong metallic taste at root of tongue (suddenly, forenoon and e.) accumulations of saliva in mouth, and nausea lasting some m.., followed by insipid taste for some time. 22nd. – Without medicine. Burning and itching of skin on nape of neck, m. on waking, occurring later on left shoulder, left upper arm, and left side of chest, lastly on back (from 6 to 10 p. m.). Sudden itching of skin on loins (afternoon). 23rd. – Without medicine; no symptoms. From April 24th to May 11th (inclusive) took daily 2 gr. of 2nd trit. 24th. – Hoarseness and dry cough in evening; sleepiness and somewhat pressive headache. 25th. – Irritative dry cough whole d. Occasional twitching and jerking in several muscles of thigh and upper arm, evening 26th and 27th. – Sudden irritation, causing dry hard cough for some m. (frequently during d.). 28th. – No symptoms, 29th. – Sudden violent tearing pain in left knee, impeding movement of joint, lasting some m. and recurring in 1/2 h. Later, slight sickness. 30th. – constant urging to urinate whole day, without change in quantity and colour of urine. Sickness in e. May Ist. – No symptoms. 2nd. – Sore pain in anus impeding walking toward evening 3rd. – Sudden tearing and twitching in right deltoid; sore pain in anus after prolonged walking. 4th. – Urging to stool towards noon; accumulation of saliva in mouth and sickness; burning pain in anus; erections lasting 1/2 hour; burning and biting in eyes, lasting with intermissions till late at n. 5th. – Stitches in left thigh and groin after dinner. 6th. – Frequent sneezing in m. 7th and 8th. – No symptoms. 9th. – Pressure in stomach region in evening; dull pain in stomach; great nausea for more than 1 hour 10th and 11th. – No symptoms. On 12th and 13th took 1 gr. of 1st trit. 12th. – Scraping in larynx, and hoarseness towards noon; former after disappearing frequently returned for a moment; hoarseness constantly increasing. Pressive headache in evening. Feeling of obstruction in nose, as though hot air were passing through it; nose bled after 2 h.; burning in eyes; great sleepiness. 13th. – Great hoarseness with pressure and scraping in larynx on waking, till late in e, followed by hawking of mucus; burning in both eyes. From May 14th to 3rd (inclusive) without medicine. 14th. – Great hoarseness on waking, also burning in left eye (transient); hoarseness worse towards noon, but less after dinner, then later becoming worse again. Scraping in larynx occasionally. Frequent expectoration of thick mucus (bronchial) whole day 15th. – Hoarseness on waking, but less than yesterday, lasting whole day, much worse in evening 26th. – Hoarseness. vocation of bowels difficult and painful; faeces extremely hard. Burning in eyes in evening, followed by nose bleed twice repeated. Great tightness in chest, especially at bifurcation of bronchi, compelling him to take a deep breath with aid of pectoral muscles during n. 17th. – Slight hoarseness in m., disappearing towards e. Nose bleed after dinner. From 18th to 23rd, no symptoms. From May 24th to June 6th (inclusive) took daily 1 gr. of 1st trit. 24th, 25th, and 26th. – No symptoms. 27th – Itching and burning in skin in various parts of body at different times, lasting into n. 28th. – Eructations and slight sickness soon after dose in m., followed by griping in bowels (till noon); slight sickness again after dinner, also after supper; itching and burning in skin of forearm and hands soon after lying down. May 29th, 30th, and 31st and June 1st. No symptoms. June 2nd. – Sudden stitches in liver while walking in evening, rapidly increasing in violence and preventing further walking, but soon disappearing; followed after 2 hours by pain in I knee as from a sprain, which also soon disappears. 3rd. – Tearing pain in left temple, soon disappearing; later, stitches in right chest. 4th, 5th, and 6th. – No symptoms. 7th and 8th. – Took 2 gr. of 1st trit. 7th. – violent nose bleed in evening (about 4 oz.); transient burning in eyes; nose bleed again during n. 8th. – Severe pressive headache over whole head on waking; burning and biting in eyes; great lassitude till noon. Eructations and great nausea, soon disappearing. Nose bleed again in evening (1 1/2 oz.). 9th. – Slight headache in morning; great lassitude lasting till about noon; nose bleed; lassitude again in evening, also vertigo; later, dull headache. From 10th to 17th (inclusive) took daily 2 gr. of 1st trit. 10th. – Nausea after dose, soon disappearing; disinclined for every kind of mental occupation (afternoon) without bodily laziness. Boring pain in left lower jaw, evening 11th. – Slight nose bleed, always from left nostril. Constant boring pain in left lower jaw, with some remissions. 12th. – No symptoms. 13th, – Slight nose bleed in m. 14th. – No symptoms. 15th. – Much nausea in m. Slight oedematous swelling of right eyelids on walking, lasting till evening 16th. – Sickness towards noon, soon disappearing. 17th. – Slight nausea towards noon; violent sickness in evening, inclination to vomit; dull pressive pain in region of last three (true) ribs, both sides, aggravated by deep inspiration. From 18th to 22nd (inclusive) without medicine. 18th. – Pressive pain (in side) same as yesterday; great nausea, less towards noon. Severe pressive headache (chiefly frontal) after dinner. Tensive dull pain on right side of chest aggravated by going upstairs and by deep inspiration; tearing pain in right shoulder and later in left elbow and forearm, soon disappearing. 10th. – Tensive pain right side, very slight, disappearing during d. Sudden sleepless and inclination to vomit in evening 20th, 21st, and 22nd. – No symptoms. From 23rd to 27th (inclusive) took daily 2 gr. of 1st trit. 23rd. – Sudden stitches on inner surface of sternum in forenoon, followed in few m. by violent cutting and sticking pain in bowels, soon ceasing. 24th. – Dull headache, confusion of head and burning in eyes during evening 25th. – Pressive headache on waking; very sleepy towards noon; closing of eyes, yawning; tired feeling in feet; and soon after tearing and shooting in both temples, going off after noon; very sleepy after dinner; pressive headache in evening 26th. – sudden violent bleeding of nose during dinner, soon ceasing; slight nose bleed in evening 27th. – Pressive headache and slight confusion of head towards noon, soon ceasing. (Ibid).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.