26. Dr. ADOLPH MARENZELLER, aet. 26, of small build, delicate constitution, sanguine – choleric temperament; in earliest childhood affected with croup, later with the exanthemata, scarlatina and measles. Since his 8th year liable to pulmonary catarrh, especially in spring and autumn, with tendency to chronic mucous discharge from bronchial tubes; also suffering from rheumatic toothache.

26 a. June 20th, 1845, at 9 a. m., took 10 gr. of 2nd trit. Eructation, feeling of heat in whole body (immediately). After 3 hours, dull tearing pain in left scapula, left arm, forearm, and hand, especially in thumb, more located in bones than in joints, and disappearing on movement of arm. pressive headache right side, especially violent in occipital region, accompanied by severe shooting pain in latter; appetite and thirst increased; irritable mood. Symptoms disappeared towards evening. 21st. – Much tough mucus in throat in morning; at 9 a. m., took 20 gr. 2nd trit. Eructations, rush of blood to head, feeling of heat in whole body. After 3 hours dull, drawing pain in in left arm and both lower extremities, worse in right foot, most severe in great toe; irritative cough with expectoration of tough white mucus; pressive headache, shooting pain in right side of head and occiput; sticking pain in hollow left molar tooth; discharge of much flatus; irritability; sleepiness. 22nd. – Took 40 gr. 2nd trit. at 9 a. m., Eructations lasting longer; feeling of heat in whole body with increased thirst; drawing – tearing pains in lower limbs, especially right great toe; cracking on least movement of hand, foot, or vertebral joints twitching of little finger left hand; tearing pain on least movement of neck; stiff neck; shooting pains in various hollow and sound molar teeth left side; transient severe stitches in right eye rapidly recurring; itching in both eyes; rapidly recurring; itching in both eyes; smell even for strong odours blunted; tongue coated with thick yellow mucus; highly irritable mood; occasional short cough with expectoration of tough mucus; frequent sneezing; nasal secretion increased as if coryza were coming on; transient stitches in urethra, especially after urinating; irresistible sleepiness, momentarily falling asleep. 23rd. – Sore-throat on waking, sticking pain when swallowing and speaking, aggravated by lateral movement of lower Jaw, and extending to ears; soft palate reddened; notwithstanding this took 5 gr. of Ist trit. Empty eructations, attack of vertigo, sickness with dull pressive headache in whole head for 1/2 h. After 3 hours pains in various parts, especially drawing – tearing pains in joints of upper and lower extremities, flying from one part to another, and disappearing on movement. Sore throat worse at noon; on anterior are of palate were observed soon circumscribed spots as large as millet seeds, and some larger, bright red looking as though ulcers would form; cough from irritation in air passages, with copious expectoration of whitish mucus of salt taste; dull pressive headache in whole head occasional violent twinges in temporal and occipital regions both sides; lassitude with general feeling of illness; peevishness and disinclination for ordinary avocations; dislike to society; melancholy and taedium vitae; constipation; difficult falling asleep. 24th. – Sore-throat less in m., redness had disappeared. Dull pressive headache towards noon, also pain in limbs of same character as former day, bit less severe; expectoration of mucus somewhat copious; smell very acute; nasal secretion augmented; hard, insufficient stool passed with difficulty towards e. colour of face pale sickly, with sunken eyes. 25th. – throat quite well except for sticky mucus adhering to it. At 9 a. m., took 6 gr. of 1st trit. Eructations, sickness with short attacks of vertigo and confusion of head (for 1/2 h.), feeling of hunger yet disgust for food. After 3 hours, pressive headache, tearing in whole in temples, always recurring at some spot; lachrymation from both eyes with transient stitches in eyelids; conjunctivae reddened; vessels on ocular conjunctiva injected. Violent pains in bones of lower leg extending to ankles, feeling as though feet had been broken or bruised, intolerably increased on moving ankles upwards, so that walking was difficult; arms and hands as though beaten and lame, thumbs especially painful; cracking in joints. Dull pain in throat recurring in course of day, but not severe; stiff neck; transient stitches in urethra; great irritability and peevishness. 26th. – 8 gr. of Ist trit. After 1 hour transient vertigo, sickness with confusion of head. After 4 hours, headache, shooting pains in whole head but especially in certain spots right temporal and occipital region; empty feeling in stomach, yet went of appetite for dinner; tongue coated with thick yellow mucus except edges. Tearing pains in various joints of upper and lower extremities (hips, knees), also constant pain in bones of legs, intolerably increased on moving ankles, and preventing quick walking; no stool. Towards 8 p. m., sudden tearing pain in all molar teeth left side, not relieved by cold or warmth, and only momentarily by pressure on lower jaw; ceased towards midnight. 27th. – Toothache had ceased; gums swollen and painful around left lower hollow molar. At noon dull, tearing toothache same side; shooting pains extending to ear, temples, and cervical region (which is sensitive to touch); cervical glands swollen; vague tearing pain in various parts and joints of upper and lower extremities; tongue coated yellow; along with toothache, intolerable headache shooting through whole head, occasional cutting as though knives were passing through head; chilliness; flushes of heat left side of head and face; pulse quickened, 80, usual pulse being barely 70; complete loss of appetite; constant thirst; no stool; prostration, exhaustion; melancholy; desire for rest and sleep; 1 hour after lying down in bed felt much relieved, then violent palpitation, with dull pressive pain in cardiac region. Sleep at last, and undisturbed. 28th. – Toothache and swelling of gum had disappeared; tearing pain in various joints, especially those of right hand and fingers. At noon, transient tearing pain in l. lower teeth of great intensity with equality transient shooting- tearing pains in left ear, temple, and cervical region, lasting, with slight intermissions till e. Constrictive sore-throat, especially on swallowing and moving lower jaw from side to side; hard, somewhat copious stool in evening; irritability and disinclination for mental works lasted whole day, sleep restless, disturbed by tooth and headaches, also by paralysed sensation in r. arm when falling asleep, and by pressive pain in cardiac region (for 1/4 h.). 29th. – Early, bruised feeling in upper and lower limbs, more violent tearing in joints of right foot and hand aggravated by movement. Disinclination to raise or move. Suddenly, 1/2 hour after moderate dinner, sickness, uneasy feeling of pressure in epigastric region; shooting-pinching pain in hepatic region; urging to vomit; rumbling in bowels, discharge of offensive flatus, violent pinching pain in whole abdomen, cutting as though knives were being passed through all parts of abdomen; diarrhoea – like stool of brown frothy water, with excessively pain pressure, urging and tenesmus in anus; these stools were repeated 7 or 8 times, accompanied by constant pain in abdomen and by nausea and inclination to vomit, after which there followed sudden complete rest, and there only remained a bitter pappy taste and whitish-yellow coated tongue; the abdominal disturbances lasted barely 1 h; sleep fairly quiet. 30th. – Head – and toothaches and sore-throat scarcely noticeable; tearing pains in limbs much less, chiefly in right hand and finger – joints; general emaciation is unmistakable; yellow complexion; no stool. July 1st. – Occasional tearing pains in joints of upper extremities, shifting from one part to another; fleeting pains in teeth and in whole head; troublesome itching in nose. 2nd. – Again itching in nose. Dull, tearing toothache in back teeth, left lower jaw, with stitches extending to ears and corresponding temple. Tearing pain in various joints of upper and lower extremities, most severe in r ankle. 3rd. – Same symptoms, but less frequent and less severe. 4th and 5th. – No symptoms except general feeling of illness.

26 b. On 6th, at 8 a. m., took 9 gr. 1st trit. Immediately eructations of flatus and increased flow of saliva. After 1/2 hour nausea; inclination to vomit, greatly increased by slight pressure in gastric or hepatic regions, also dull pressive pain in these parts. Rumbling and gurgling with severe cutting and pinching pain in abdomen, indescribable sensation of straining and pressure in anus, as if violent diarrhoea were about to set in; sudden cessation of symptoms after discharge of flatus. Severe itching in both eyes at noon, lachrymation, flow of water from both nostrils (nose usually dry). Pressive headache, especially in parietal regions, extending to temples. Somewhat consistent copious stool in evening, preceded by slight griping in abdomen, and followed by diarrhoea-like stool, after which feeling of tenesmus for some time. At midnight awoke with feeling of pressure upon chest, which took away breath and caused extreme anxiety. 7th. – Eyes agglutinated on waking in morning; after opening them there was considerable and persistent lachrymation. At 9 a. m. took 10 gr. 1st trit.; immediately nausea, bit less then yesterday; pressive headache at noon; drawing-tearing pains in different parts of upper and lower extremities and right ankle, especially severe in right great toe and r. thumb; loud cracking in various joints; stifling neck (transient); tongue coated with thick yellow mucus; taste; hawking of mucus; copious expectoration of thick mucus of bluish colour dull tearing toothache in left lower molars, with stitches extending to left ear and temple; lachrymation in both eyes; itching and burning, especially of upper lids, which are much reddened; photophobia; irritable mood; sleepiness; violent pressive pain on chest as from a hundredweight, awaking from sleep about midnight, after which was unable to fall asleep before daybreak; during same time severe drawing or tearing pain in right elbow extending to hand; also in right leg impeding outward movement of foot; also dull aching in whole of teeth of left side. 8th. – Eyes agglutinated in m., eyelids painful to touch, lachrymation; troublesome itching of nose whole day, itching in nostrils increased by rubbing; several transient but severe stitches in left ear; transient drawing and tearing in various joints of limbs, also in left molar teeth. 9th and 10th. – General feeling of illness without definite symptoms. 11th, at 9 a. m., took 12 gr. Ist trit. Immediately eructations of flatus and transitory nausea. After 2 hours severe pressive aching over whole head, but more violent in parietal regions, lasting with short intermissions till e. Tearing-drawing pain in right tibia, ankle, and wrist, also in finger-joints, especially in both thumbs (transitory). Loud cracking on least movements of joints of limbs or back. Itching and burning of both eyes; lachrymation; photophobia. Watery discharge from both nostrils with tickling and itching; sore pain r side of septum of nose, especially when touched, after which it was most violent. Desire for food, but loss of appetite for dinner. Afternoon, frequent hawking, irritative cough, rough hoarse voice (for I h.). At intervals dull pressive pain in both temporal regions. Unusual sleepiness. Irritable excitable mood, as during entire proving (The remarkable conditions observed by other experimenters and myself, viz, complexion yellowish or pale, emaciation, falling of hair (of head), were certainly the effects of the medicine, because after leaving it off these morbid conditions disappeared day by day, and the usual healthy aspect was restored.). 12th. – 15 gr. 2st trit. Immediately eructations of flatus lasting all d. After 1 hour nausea, inclination to vomit, great prostration, weariness, lethargy, persistent yawning. Rumbling and griping in bowels, with discharge of offensive flatus. Unable for usual evacuations obliged to rest, somewhat better after 1 hour sleep, but still there was despondency and an indescribable feeling of uneasiness and illness. Noon and evening, complete loss of appetite (without disgust for food). Tickling and itching in nose, feeling of coldness in right nostril on drawing in air; dull sore feeling on right surface of septum when touched, and afterwards burning. Watery discharge from both nostrils. Troublesome twitching and crawling like formication, beginning in left wing and extending over side of nose to eyelids, where it caused violent twitching. Frequent sneezing. Photophobia; lachrymation; itching; margins of eyelids reddened, burning, Pressive headache, accompanied by transient but severe stitches in parietal,, temporal, and occipital regions. Violent tearing in right tibia in finger – joints both hands, so severe in right thumb as to incapacitate from writing. Cracking in joints. Irritative cough (from mucus). Dull pain in region of clavicle, cervical glands swollen and painful to teeth. Great despondency and irritability. 13th. – Agglutination of eyes in m., much sensitiveness to sunlight, itching and smarting, great lachrymation all d. Afternoon, photophobia so that daylight could be borne only with twitching of lids, violent lachrymation and burning of eyes; photophobia ceased towards evening; margins of eyelids much reddened; ocular and palpebral conjunctiva injected. Tearing pain in right thumb, lasting with short intermissions till e. Dull pain in whole chest as if raw. At internal troublesome pressure right through chest, with contractive sensation. Complexion yellow and pale. 14th. – Agglutination of eyes. Tickling and itching in nose; formication left side of nose, associated with twitching of margins of eyelids. Tearing pain in right tibia and in fingers of both hands (vague and transient, lasting all d.). At intervals pressive headache, with stitches in left ear and left parotid. Irritable mood. 15th. – 19th. – Drawing and tearing in various joints of limbs, but each day at longer intervals and for shorter duration. Transient stitches in right side of head, extending to ear and molar teeth. Short but frequently recurring attacks of nausea and colic, which suddenly ceased. Formication along left side of nose. Twitching of left eyelid.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.