20. Mr. J -, of Philadelphia, proved under Dr. Neidhard’s supervision the gr. v to 3j solution. Enjoys excellent health save for slight stitches in region of heart, especially in warm weather. May 22nd, 1844. – Took 5 dr. in evening before going to bed. No effect during n. 23rd. – At 7 a. m., 5 dr.; at 8, dull

heavy pain in right chest, through to back, continuing and passing off at intervals of 20 m. At 10, slight oppressive pain in umbilical region. At 12:30, sense of soreness in right hypochondrium, coming and going at intervals during d. At I, sharp shooting in left chest, pain around navel having gradually disappeared by this time. towards evening all these pains had gradually ceased. Took 4 dr. more; no effect during n. 24th. – At 6 a. m., 4 dr.; at 9, tearing in right chest as yesterday, but less violent and only transitory. 9:30, aching in right hip – joint; sense of stiffness in back of neck when bending head downwards. 10, rheumatic pain in shoulder and elbow on motion, with numbness from one to other. In evening much more thirst than usual; fulness and heaviness of whole head, especially vertex; on bending forwards general throbbing; increase of appetite; urine clearer and more limpid than usual; countenance fuller, clearer, and more intellectual. From 25th to 27th no medicine, and no symptoms, save on 26th slight return of pain in right chest. 28th. – In evening, 15 dr. In 20 m., extreme sickness, with great inclination to vomit, which continued for 1/2 hour, when it gradually passed off and he fell asleep. Next m. woke at 5 with sense of weakness about navel (as if he had taken a cathartic) and heavy pain in head. At 6, took 15 dr. In 1/2 hour again sickness at stomach with still greater inclination to vomit and slight chilliness. took breakfast at 7; appetite at first good, but soon sensation of disgust, obliging him to leave table. 7:30, sharp stitch in left side. All day commotion in bowels, with one loose passage; dull heavy pain in right frontal protuberance; very languid; weakness, especially in region of navel. 30th. – In m., dr. Felt only, in evening, slight pain in right forehead, and in right chest through to back. (Ibid.)

21. a. Dr. NORTON, aet. 31, Jan. 12th, took i gr. of 1st trit. Immediately sense of dryness in bronchi; two similar doses later in day had no other effect. Same dose was continued daily for 5 following d. On awaking on 13th, same bronchial dryness, and pain in left elbow for several h. During next 4 days transient pains in right mammae and left elbow; stitches in right hypochondrium; frontal and occipital headache. On 17th, frequent acid risings; acid burning in stomach once or twice in d. During afternoon taste like salt in mouth. Transient acute pain at base of left scapula; frontal and occipital headache; earache in evening for next 2 days no medicine and no symptoms. 20th to 26th, took 2 gr. 3 or 4 times a d. On 21st, on rising, slight dyspnoea, as if mucous membrane of bronchi were thickened. Sharp pains in right knee-and hip-joints and left breast and shoulder; uneasiness a stomach. 22nd. – Frightful dreams; nausea soon after a dose taken fasting; sharp pain in knee. 23rd. – Rheumatic pain in knee and chest. 24th. – Awake with severe pain in stomach lasting 3/4 hours; disagreeable dreams; uneasiness at stomach continued all day, situated about great curvature 3 in. below ensiform cartilage like feeling of an overloaded stomach. 25th. – Frightful dreams; rheumatic pains in knee-and hip-joints; sense of hair in fauces. Acute and severe stitch in side for a moment. 26th. – Headache at sundry times, generally on one side and at circumscribed spots; pain at stomach as on 24th; headache; after dinner heartburn; in evening acute twinging pain in ball of left, then of right great toe, for about 4 m. each; pricking and stinging pains in skin of several parts of body.

21 b. On 26th and two following days rubbed in trituration on inside of thighs, without notable effect On 31st resumed internal use (manner not stated). Feb. 1st. – Pains in joints; stinging in skin and tongue; pain in one spot on head, also in course of left sciatic nerve; stitch in right side. 2nd. – Rheumatic pains in several parts. 3rd. – Same, and in head at a point. 4th. – Same in nearly all joints; sensation as of a hair at the back of tongue and on velum lasting a considerable time, and not relieved by eating or drinking. 6th. Same symptoms. 7th – 9th. – No medicine. Pains in joints less frequent; severe sharp pains about chest. In evening took 3j of solution in gr. iv to 3j. 10th. – Awoke with sore-throat, pain being at palate; cough with dense, transparent, small, lumpy sputa, easily expectorated; tongue covered with thick loose fur; papillae very long on dorsum, with brown patch. Sore-throat went away in an hour; cough continued occasionally during day; rheumatic pains in right hip and left elbow. In course of this day took in all 3iv of sol= 2 gr. On 11th woke with all feelings of having caught severe cold; nose full on swallowing; tongue thickly furred, and of light brown colour on dorsum; soreness in larynx; pain in sides and nape of neck and in left shoulder; throat looks red and inflamed around tonsils; cough began on awaking, sputa free and thick, transparent, of slaty colour. At 10 a. m. catarrhal symptoms disappeared, with exception of cough; uneasiness at stomach; frequent eructation; pain in elbow joint; headache at a point; bruised pain in spina tibiae, first in one leg then in other. The doses were continued for 2 days longer, with a repetition of the symptoms.

21 c. Took from 1 to 50 dr. of gr. v to 3j solution several times daily for about 3 weeks. At various times headache, semi – lateral, in small spot that might be covered with finger, tip, also frontal and occipital headache, stinging and pricking pains in tongue, thick coating of same, with brown patch on surface and elongated papillae, and pains in elbow joint. On 4th day, pains in shoulder, down arm, and in hips, knees, and finger – joints. On 5th day, salt taste in afternoon; sour risings and burning in stomach; rheumatic pains in nearly all joints. On 12th day, after breakfast, uneasiness in stomach lasting all day, as if from overeating, seated 2 or 3 in. below ensiform cartilage. On 13th day, sensation as of a hair on velum and root of tongue, not removed by eating or drinking, felt for some days, and ending in sore-throat one m., which went off in course of d. On 14th day, in evening, acute twinging pain in ball of left great toe, like gout, for 4 m.; about 5 m. after it had gone, precisely similar pain in right foot. On 16th day, pricking and stinging pains in skin, in several parts of body. Without date, – uneasiness at great curvature of stomach, as if of pent-up flatus, with efforts to eructate, which, when successful, relieve; awoke with severe pain in stomach; sharp tearing and shooting pains in right hypochondrium of short duration; momentary stitch in right hypochondrium; irritation at orifice of meatus urinatious; external stitches in mammae; pain course of left sciatic nerve, extending from behind trochanter to calf. (Ibid.)

22. Dec. Ist, 1860. – Feeling perfectly well, and attending to the labours of a country practice, I was one day obliged to prepare some Kali bichr., whereby I inhaled some of it, when I was suddenly attacked at 10 a. m. by a severe burning, itching pain, as of sharp cutting knives, in the centre of the chest, so severe that I had to throw everything away in attempt to continue my former work. The pain begins on both sides under the clavicle, and extends over the whole chest down to the lower ribs, but is most severe in the centre of the chest. The pain is somewhat similar to that felt when walking against a cold wind, but is not only burning, but sharply cutting. Deep breathing increases somewhat the pain, or rather the pain forces me to inspire deeply. Heat relieves, without taking the pain away. The feet are cold, with shivering over thighs and back. On scapula and back quivering, as of fluid dropping about on flesh; pulsations in sharply broken motion, like the key of a telegraph. These pains kept on till noon, sometimes lasting for 1/4 hour, and greatly decreased after taking some warm soup. When sitting, bruised sensation in right ischium, so that I limped when I tried to walk. All the pains passed off after dinner, without returning. (SCHELLING, A.H. Z., Ixxxiii, 189.).

AUSTRIAN PROVINGS OF K. BICH. – 23. ARNETH began his proving 21st March, 1845, with 100 dr. 12th dil. twice in day 22nd, m., 60 dr., 12th dil., and evening, 60 dr., 10th dil. 23rd, m., 60 dr., and evening, 100 dr., 7th dil. (until now, no symptoms). 24th, m. and evening, 100 dr., 7th dil.; pain in right shoulder on moving it, also at other times sensation as if parts forming joints were separating from their attachment (but without any tearing here or in other parts). 25th, m. and evening, 100 dr., 7th dil.; arm quite well; swelling in left tendo Achillis, stepping upon toes difficult; in course of day these symptoms of foot frequently alternate with those of arm. 26th, 100 dr., 3rd.; besides foregoing symptoms, sore – throat as though from a broad substance covered with prickles impeding swallowing. 27th, afternoon, same dose; foregoing symptoms continue 28th and 29th. – Pain in tendo Achilles always diminished after walking some time, and was less during rest, but afterwards always the more severe; disagreeable sensation in arm increased after prolonged inactivity of extremely to a stiffness which was painful, even if no attempt was made to move arm, but it was increased to a high degree on raising arm. The sore – throat first began to diminish on 29th; unusual exhaustion during evening of 29th. – On 30th, evening, 100 dr., 3rd dil. M., on waking, sore throat more severe than ever, but it, as well as other symptoms, lessened in course of day 31st, m., 100 dr., 3rd dil. sore-throat quite relieved, but pain in arm worse, foot pains about same. April Ist. – 4th. – Each m. same dose. Pain extended to right tendo Achilles, so that walking was very difficult. Great chilliness in evening 2nd. – L. foot somewhat easier, right more painful, arm still stiff. 3rd. – No pain in left foot, but still in right; pain in arm much worse, especially if arm was bent at elbow, and drawn somewhat backward and outward (as, for example, when putting on clothes). Nose constantly full of thick mucus. Painful spot somewhat to right of centre of sternum; and much oppression of chest. 4th. – Pain in arm worse, pain in foot and oppression of chest same as yesterday; unpleasant stitches in same spot (r. of centre of sternum). Small hard swelling on inner malleolus of right foot, somewhat painful only on hard swelling on inner malleolus of right foot, somewhat painful only hard pressure. 5th. – Without medicine; symptoms unchanged. 6th, m., all symptoms less severe. Afternoon, 50 dr., 2nd dil.; pains in foot quite gone; oppression of chest and arm pains lessened; frequent, sudden, very violent cramp like pain in middle of outer surface of right upper arm; even after pain had disappeared the spot was sensitive. Swelling on inner malleolus increased, was very hard, of rhomboid form, immovable, apparently seated on bone, and only painful on hard pressure. late at n. repeated dose. 7th. – Same dose twice. Swelling of ankle somewhat less; other symptoms as before. 8th. – Same doses; stitches in chest almost as before. 9th. – – 130 dr. 2nd dil. quite well except transient pains like rheumatic pains. 10th – Same dose. Disagreeable sensation in epigastric region for a moment after each dose. 11th and 12th. – Without medicine. Quite well except slight drawings in different parts; also (for first time since proving Bryonia) aphthae. 13th. – In m. noticed livid colour of gums, which neither bleed nor are painful. 14th. – Quite well. 15th. – At 10:30 a. m., about 15 dr. of solution (5 gr. to 3j), which tasted metallic and nauseous. Uncomfortable region of stomach almost as soon as first dr. reached tongue; comparable only (after whole dose) to last stage of sea – sickness; it is not exactly constant inclination to vomit, nor is it the trouble which sensation of twisting and constriction in region of stomach, with, at intervals, rush of blood to head like electric shocks; also, as in sea sickness, great prostration and the characteristic utter indifference. something, was obliged to lie down, on account partly of great exhaustion, and partly of distressing sensation in region of stomach, which was aggravated by every step, and only relieved by rest; sleep 2 hours almost uninterruptedly, but even after waking and having dinner, taste still reminded him of sugar of lead; water had disagreeable, but food natural taste. N., restless, interrupted by dreams, unrefreshing. 16th. – Feeling of constriction in stomach was frequent during d. N. less tranquil than usual. 17th and 18th. – Well; bowels regular. 19th. – At feeling of constriction in stomach was frequent during d. N. less tranquil than usual. 17th and 18th. Well; bowels regular. 19th. – At 7:30 p. m., again took 15 dr. with great reluctance; immediately feeling of constriction in fauces and accumulation of saliva; almost simultaneously pain in region of stomach, commencing as uneasy feeling of coolness, coming constriction, which even impedes respiration; this time the uneasy feeling disappeared sooner than before. During following day, frequent bleeding from right nostril, also frequent stoppage of nostrils; discharge of fluid from nose; impaired smell; offensive odour in nose. Frequent griping in upper abdomen, with and without stool; occasional diarrhoeic stool. N. less tranquil than usual. 24th. – At 1:15 p. m. took about 30 dr. In addition to above symptoms, frequent eructations tasting of medicine. Immediately, great aversion to water. After 1 hour vomiting, preceded by frequent ineffectual efforts; this six times; ejecta had a slightly yellow colour, a somewhat sweetish taste, reminding one of the drug. During 5th and 6th repetition of the vomiting there was bruised pain in upper abdomen, and ejection, with great straining, of a very dark brown extremely bitter substance (much more bitter than ordinary bile). Great thirst, but smallest amount of liquid caused return of nausea in stomach. After 3 hours took dinner; began to feel unwell after taking a few spoonfuls of soup; solid food seemed to agree very well. Nose bled and offensive odour affected; griping in abdomen several times; metallic taste; aversion to water almost as before; nose bled again; pasty stools, followed by (discharge almost solely from right nostril). 26th. – Very severe coryza occasional griping in abdomen, stool scanty and hard; tongue clean and taste natural, but appetite defective; discharge of liquid mucus from right nostril; spot on right lachrymal bone is painful, swollen and throbbing; boil on right thigh. 27th. – R. side of nose sore; aversion to water; n. not so tranquil as usual; slight threatening of (previously noted) rheumatic and chest symptoms; very gloomy. 28th.-r. side of nose more tender, violent sticking when blowing nose as though two loose bones rubbed against each other; other symptoms same as yesterday; pimples on right half of face; taste sometimes extremely nauseous, sometimes metallic; very despondent mood. 29th. – Pain in nose on blowing, continued with frequent violent sticking pains; there were frequently discharged grayish – -colored masses, sometimes of offensive odour; every sputum from posterior nares had very disagreeable taste. Water still tasted bad; stools natural; appetite not improved; gloomy mood. 30th. – Pain in nose, both when blowing it and without, continues as violent as yesterday. Sad, almost sorrowful mood. May 2nd. – Feeling in nose, as though bones rubbed against each other, ceases; but right nostril is quite filled with clotted masses; small ulcers on external borders of nostril continue. For first time taste of water is agreeable as usual; sleepiness during day 3rd. – Quite well, except nose symptoms which are unchanged; scars formed by healing of small ulcers on borders of nostrils, and remained for a long time; ulcers on right side had not quite healed before they also appeared on left nostril, where they burned still more than on right, but healed sooner; at last tip of nose, especially towards right side, became very sensitive. The aversion to water (especially if not quite fresh) continued till May 20th. The gums also appeared very livid. The sensitiveness of the abdomen, which in the latter part of the proving had never quite left me, came on again in the beginning of June and lasted till August. In quite fine and warm, and even hot, days, as well as in unfavorable weather, when exposed to the smallest draught of air, I got, though in slighter degree, that turning and twisting in the belly described above. Stool generally hard; and when there was no stool for a day, painful drawing in anus. Appetite and tongue natural. (Ester. Zeitsch. f. Hom., iii.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.