26 c.. 20th. – At 9 a. m. took 20 gr. Ist trit. Immediately empty eructations; threatening sickness; confusion of head; accumulation of saliva; metallic taste. After 2 hours drawing – tearing pain in right thumb, tibia, and great toe. Loud cracking on moving joints of limbs and back. Unusual appetite. Afternoon, sense of smell, even for very strong odours, lost (this symptom was observed more or less during whole proving). Violent stitches in region of spleen, extending to loins, increased by movement and pressure. Irritative cough, expectoration of thick white mucus. Itching in nose. Feeling of formication, side of nose to eye; twitching of right upper eyelid, lasting. drawing-tearing pains shifting rapidly to different joints, bit lasting 1/4 hour in left hip. Throbbing in left forearm, not synchronous with pulse (for 5 m.): Violent stitches in left ear, extending to palate, side of head, and external cervical region, which was also painful to touch. Cervical glands enlarged. Towards evening stool, at first hard and afterwards loose. After 1 hour cutting and pinching in abdomen, as if diarrhoea were coming on. Whole abdomen painful and sore to touch for 10 m., afterwards free from pain even on firm pressure. Despondency and indescribable feeling of illness remained. Sleep undisturbed. 21st. – Eyes somewhat agglutinated on waking. Vertigo on sitting up in bed, worse again on lying down suddenly, and accompanied with nausea (for 1/4 h.). Lachrymation; eyes itching and burning, especially edges of upper lids; ocular and palpebral conjunctiva reddened, and injected with large vessels; in left eye (which was more affected than during whole proving) sensation for 1/4 hour as of a foreign body, which, however, gradually disappeared. Watery discharge from nose, in which there is almost intolerable itching; septum painful to touch, and especially burning as from a pinch of strong snuff. Formication in left nostril is constant. Cough from irritation in larynx, and copious expectoration of bluish-white with palpitation and anxiety. Tearing pain in right tibia, dorsum foot and various joints especially thumb, right tarsal, and metatarsal joints; cracking in joints; very violent pressive throbbing headache over whole head; violent shooting on circumscribed spot near occiput, contact with hair, especially at that spot, being painful; with increasing severity of headache, nausea recurring frequently, accompanied with shivering; transient stitches in several left molar teeth and one upper incisor; stitches in left ear, left external cervical region; several transient stitches in throat induced by empty swallowing; griping in abdomen; at intervals nausea; appetite unchanged; irritable mood. Foregoing symptoms lasting whole day with short intermissions. Solid stool followed (after 1 h.) by loose motion. 22nd. – Short attack of vertigo on waking; lachrymation and itching of eyed; tickling in nose; vague, dull, tearing pain in different parts of both extremities. Pressive headache with nausea; repeated attacks of colic. Many of these symptoms lasted for three weeks after giving up proving. (Ibid)

27. Dr. MAYRHOFER began proving July 11th, 1845, without change in usual mode of life. At 3 p. m. took i gr. 1st trit.; experienced no effects except disagreeable taste (transitory). 12th. – At 3 p. m. took 2 gr. Very disagreeable taste with inclination to vomit (for 1 h.); frequent attacks of vertigo in evening 15th. – 3 gr. Nausea and vomiting (for several h.); at intervals during this and following day great vertigo as if about to fall. 28th. – At 3 p. m. took 4 gr. Nausea vertigo and drawing in dorsum of hands and feet; noticed scab in left nostril which, on removal, bled, immediately formed again, and bled on every removal, without marked pain. Aug. 2nd. – Scab healed. Afternoon, took 5 gr.; and on 2nd day after, same place began to bleed, and then only healed after 14 days; during this time, frequent transitory vertigo with fulness of head. 16th. – Took 6 gr., and drank water afterwards to lessen disagreeable taste, but with difficulty restrained vomiting; during this and following day repeatedly sudden vertigo on standing or walking, but no affection of nose. In upper lobe or right lung pressive squeezing sensation (quite an unusual symptom), which on great extension increased to stitching pain lasting whole day (18th). 19th. – Pain in lung so much worse that he was obliged to incline toward right side when walking, and to breathe shortly, to avoid pain; frequent sneezing as from incipient coryza; violent stitch in upper part of right lung when sneezing. At noon, similar pain at same spot when swallowing a mouthful, with choking sensation in oesophagus; and lastly single stitches through the lung. This troublesome symptom disappeared gradually in 3 days; vertigo lasted longer, and frequently recurred, and prevented him (on account of an apoplectic tendency) from going on with proving. (Ibid)

28. Dr. F. MULLER took, on June 16th, 1845, 1 gr. of 1st trit. at 10 a. m. While in open air, 1/2 hour after dose, catarrhal scraping in isthmus faucium lasting 1/2 hour and when most severe causing cough on every inspiration. At 11:30, before dinner, borborygmi, rumbling in bowels, especially during inspiration. 17th. – 2 gr. in I oz. water. Pressive pain in temple extending to zygoma (1/2 h.); peculiar aching above and to of umbilicus; nausea with hot risings from stomach and accumulation of sweetish flat saliva in mouth (before dinner); scrapping in isthmus faucium causing retching; sore pain with bristling of hair on crown; waking at 1:30 a. m. and falling asleep again. 18th. – Tearing and squeezing over left ankle (as if in tibia), simultaneously with crampy, tearing pain over left wrist. Waking at 1:30 a. m. 19th. – Sharp cutting along right parietal bone; sensation of burning or rawness from stomach to mouth; waking early in m. 20th. – No abnormal symptoms. 21st. – Took, at 10 a. m., 5 gr. Nausea and weakness of stomach; itching in canthi of eyes; dryness of lids; slight reddening of conjunctiva over its entire extent; weakness of sight. 22nd. – Itching of canthi, m.; lachrymation; white of eye dirty yellow, discoloured, seems softened, dotted here and there with yellowish – brown spots of spot near inner margin of cornea which looked like resolving ecchymosis; eyes hot, obliged to rub them frequently. 23rd. – Waking very early m.; restless sleep, tossing to and fro; dimness of vision. 24th. – Amaurotic weakness of sight; when fixing gaze on an object burning and smarting of eyes, and sight became obscured. From 25th to 29th; no abnormal symptoms except nausea from stomach. Vision less disturbed and only for I hour daily. (Ibid)

29.a. N. -, a woman, took (under Dr. Muller), on June 20th, 1845, at p a. m. 3 gr. 1st trit. in a spoonful of distilled water. Immediately, empty eructation; no other symptoms whole d. Next day feeling unwell; some time after breakfast (of weak coffee and milk) violent shooting pain in right hypochondrium extending to left chest and clavicular region, acromion, and side of neck, leaving on these parts feeling as if stretched or torn. Pain was not affected by breathing or movement, but was aggravated by stooping. Entire attack lasted 1 hours, during which prover was restless and prostrated. 21st. – Took 5 gr. Transient sickness. After 1 hours sticking pain in left hypochondrium, lasting a while in recurrent attacks. Eructations frequently during day 25th. – Took 10 gr. in ten spoonfuls distilled water. No symptoms except empty eructations. June 30th to July 3rd. – Each day violent pressive pain in left temple extending to vertex; several attacks during day of nausea and inclination to vomit. Headache first day only after 4 p. m.; today (July 3rd) already in m.

29b. July 16th, at 10 a. m., took 10 dr. 3rd dil. After 1/2 hour sneezing with sensation of pressure in upper part of larynx extending through choanae to nose. Pressure in larynx aggravated by talking; loss of voice. Cutting pain in left side of abdomen in recurrent attacks lasting 1/2 h. Tickling in l. nostril. The above-described pressure in larynx changed to tickling extending to mouth and ears. Violent sneezing. Gnawing in rami of lower jaw. After dinner repeated sneezing. Burrowing and beating inside root of nose (in ethmoid bone?) therewith in corresponding portion of nose there were felt externally heat and distinct throbbing, rhythmical with pulse; nose became swollen at root and hot, without being red; nose itself seemed thick and full, and she spoke “through it,” snuffed. Was frequently inclined to blow nose on account of sensation of thick as if heavy weight were hanging from it. Sudden confusion of head 6 p. m. with sickness, anxiety, and drowsiness. N. almost sleepless of account of confusion of head and anxiety. After midnight, dryness, burning, and scraping in throat, especially in upper part of larynx to hyoid bone. Next day dryness in throat obliging her to swallow saliva. Burning when swallowing, but throat does not appear reddened. Above described suffering in nose continues to – day. Circumscribed swelling of size of small walnut on ramus of lower jaw (under periosteum). 18th. – Continued attacks of sneezing with heaviness of head. Striking paleness of face; eyes glistening, sunken, with dark rings about them Anxiety as from chest. Noon, defective appetite, easily satisfied. Fatigue and weariness of arms. Stream of liquid blood flows into mouth, 3:30 p. m. Burning in left nostril and epistaxis from it. Shivering at 6 p. m. extending from legs over whole body to scalp, which feels tightly stretched over head, recurring frequently. Heat 1 hour after chill with dryness of mouth and lips, which she constantly moistens. Great thirst following m., but no perspiration. 19th. – Rawness and burning in throat subsided, but she began to cough. Swelling on jaw decreasing. Flow of blood from right nostril

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.