Without date, – After taking 3j at bedtime, woke in about 2 hours, with great uneasiness in stomach, and soreness and tenderness in region of same, particularly in a small spot towards left of xiphoid cartilage; pains continued for some time, with nausea, restlessness, heat of hands and feet, dryness of mouth, and wakefulness;then subsided, with perspiration of hands, feet, and legs. Pains flying about head, darting or aching on one side of head; stinging and pricking pains in tongue (frequently); sharp shooting pains in left tonsil towards ear, relieved by swallowing; nausea, relieved by eating; sharp irritative fixed pain in region of apex of heart, unaffected by respiration or position; sense of coldness in stomach; while walking, fine irregular stitches in left breast, without palpitation and unconnected with respiration; violent tearing aching pain in left shoulder (after 3iss); at n., soon after lying down, tearing pains in shoulder and upper arm, on side not lain upon, – on turning, pain went to other arm; pain, heat, and throbbing in toes. the feverish symptoms and epigastric pains returned in a slight degree on second n. after leaving off medicine. (Ibid)

12. Dr. NEIDHARD took 3rd trit., 1 gr, twice daily. Shooting pain in left maxillary bone towards ear. (Ibid)

13. Mrs. F – aet. 32, lymphatic – sanguine, took from 1 to 6 dr. Pains, darting or aching, on one side of head; giddiness and dim sight after breakfast (2nd d.); redness of conjunctiva, with aching in eyes; swelling of genitals; pain across back and thighs as if before catamenia (ist d.); stiffness in shoulder – joint; transient darting pains in mammae (Ist and 7th d). (Ibid)

14. A.B -, aet. 23, single woman, sanguine lymphatic, took 20 – 40 dr. several times a day for 4 days sour taste in mouth whole of 3 rd day, but taste of food unaffected; hiccup during whole proving; nausea like sea-sickness; same on 4th day with feeling of cold, trembling and hunger, and relieved by eating; on another occasion with vertigo, followed by vomiting of clear watery fluid, attended with cold perspiration of hands and coldness of body, followed by heat with still persistent feeling of cold; menstruation too soon, with vertigo, nausea, feverishness, and headache; coldness and shuddering with vertigo and nausea, then heat with feelings of cold and shivering, and shooting pains in temples-without thirst. (Ibid)

15. X. Y -, single woman, aet. 30, lymphatic-sanguine temperament, took 10 – 60 dr. for 10 Loss of appetite, languor, and disinclination to exertion; stomach disordered, with heat at n., yellow coated tongue, gnawing at epigastrium, fetid eructations (12th d.); nausea like sea – sickness – after breakfast – on moving about, relieved by lying down, and violent shooting pains in stomach, then vomiting for medicine; vomiting, on moving about, of undigested food, followed by nausea, for several hours; after breakfast squeamishness, and in 1/2 hour vomiting of food, quite undigested, and not in the least acid; constipation (through proving), griping in bowels, and flatulent eructation; gnawing pains in stomach and sacrum, with flatulence; transient darting pains in mammae. (Ibid)

16. Mrs. K -, aet. 30, nervous-lymphatic, took 8 – 10 dr. several times daily for 5 d Pains, darting or aching, on one side of head; sinking at epigastrium; sharp tearing and shooting pains at right hypochondrium, of short duration; shooting pains through bowels; smarting and rawness at anus, – also boring and smarting there; costive, with languor, foul tongue, headache and coldness of extremities; smarting and rawness in vulva; yellow tenacious leucorrhoea, with pain and weakness across small of back, and dull heavy pains in hypogastrium (2nd – 4th d.); slight rheumatic pains in flesh of legs, arms, and fingers; continued rheumatic pains in all limbs, and swelling of finger-joints,–when acuteness of pains subsides, feeling of excessive weariness in limbs (5th d.); sharp pains like needles in muscles of calf, with tenderness on pressure (2nd d.); feeling of cramp in knee-cap; pain, heat and throbbing in toes; soreness of heels in walking for some day after proving; frightful dreams. (Ibid)

17. J. W. -, woman of 36, light complexion and red hair. Paroxysms of vertigo every 2 hours, lasting for 12 hours, and succeeded by nausea, headache (particularly at frontal protuberance), with extreme prostration of strength (after 30 dr.); in afternoon, languor, drowsiness, foul taste, and slight faintness, – all increasing towards evening (Ibid)

18. Dr. Dr. WALKER, aet. 29, bilious-sanguine, took 3rd dil. for a week; with slight burning feeling afterwards far back in urethra as if a drop of urine were still there, with desire, but inability to expel it; dreams of fighting. From latter, rheumatic pains between 7th and 8th ribs at their angles on right side, increasing on bending forwards or twisting body to left (35 dr.); transient stitch at inferior angle of left scapula, then similar pain in toe (do.); painful shooting in 2nd joint of great toe, at night in bed (do.); sensation of coldness in back, with desire to sit near fire, and drowsiness. (Ibid)

19. Dr. DUDGEON, July 7th, 1844, took 5 dr. of a saturated sol. 1/2 hour before dinner. Between this and 11 p. m. had nausea; tickling in larynx causing cough and clearing of throat; eructations with taste of food; slight circumscribed pressive pain in left hypochondrium; smarting in eyes, worse in open air; transitory darting pain in forehead, with similar aggravation; irritable humour. At 11, took 10 dr. Shortly after, nausea; in 1 hour slight burning in pharynx, at same time dull heavy pain above eyes and in temples, aggravated by cold air and motion. During n. awoke with heartburn, and had slight transient pain in middle of lung; on rising in m., taste as of blood in mouth. 8th. – At 11 a. m., 15 dr.; in 11/2 hours nausea, darting pain in outside of elbow joint and later in right wrist. At 1 1/4 p. m., 11 dr. Almost immediately, excessive nausea; inclination to vomit; flow of saliva into mouth; convulsive eructations. After 1/2 h, nausea still continued, worse at sight of food and on motion; in 2 hours copious flow of saliva into mouth; deadly sickness and vomiting of light yellow tasteless fluid while walking in open air; during rest of d eructations with taste of rancid bacon, though none had been eaten, and at same time imaginary putrid smells; in evening bloody taste in mouth. Great disinclination to exertion for 4 h. In 1/2 hour pressive darting pains in both temples; slight vertigo on moving head rapidly, for some hours; pains, burning in outer angle of left eye, pressive in left eyeball, darting in precordium, dull and circumscribed in right chest (aggravated by inspiration), fixed and burning in mid – sternum; darting in renal region, slight pricking in glans penis; occasional smarting during menstruation for 2 d. On falling asleep at n. frequent startings tossings of arms, incoherent talking and finally snoring. Took no more. On 3rd day, bloody, putrid taste in mouth, with eructations having taste of putrid fat; pain, – shooting in forehead, pulsative in left parietal bone, boring in left hypochondrium, dull in hepatic region (increased on deep breathing or coughing); high-coloured urine, and some heat in passing it; irritation in larynx obliging hawking of mucus in morning; cough, causing pain in mid – sternum, darting through to between shoulders, with expectoration of thick yellow mucus containing traces of blood; a point towards middle and left of sternum painful on pressure; dull lumbar pain worse on motion, and severe stitch there aggravated by breathing and coughing. On 4th day, darting pain in temple; smarting and watering of eyes; rawness in pharynx; nausea after usual pipe; dull, heavy hepatic pain; pressive pain groin, as if hernia would protrude; obstruction of left nostril in m., with discharge of thick yellow mucus; pain as of ulceration in larynx. At dinner, after swallowing first few mouthfuls, great tickling in larynx, which went off on eating more; constant pain in chest under left axilla; transient dull pain under right scapula; sharp shooting pains first in left afterwards in right renal region, extending down thigh, worse on motion; lumbar pain and stitch as yesterday; great sleepiness and yawning after dinner. On 5th day, violent shooting across forehead and temples, whilst walking, relieved by rest; slight shooting in liver region, and dull aching there posteriorly; pressive pain in right eye and soreness of caruncula; risings after eating; copious dark evacuation with tenesmus; escape of prostatic fluid at stool; sprained pain (on movement) IN lumbar region; shooting in left elbow; irritable humour. On 6th day, swelling of stomach in evening, with fulness and pain on pressure; inability to bear clothes at all tight, worse on motion, relieved by rest; pain in left inguinal region, darting through to right; same nasal obstruction as on 4th day, and frequent sneezings in m. Darting pain down outside of left thigh, and frequent yawnings. On 7th day, sinking in stomach before breakfast; taste of blood all day; shooting in left elbow; a red pimple on back of hand; great tendency to yawn and stretch. On 8th day, severe throbbing darting in left wrist near pisiform bone for 1/2 hour; slight aching in second joints of left fingers; frequent micturition with slight burning afterwards. On 9th day, cutting in left sacrum, shooting up and down. (Ibid)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.