immediately after dinner; to – day blood is thick, dark red, and after flow ceases there is tickling in nose extending to throat. 20th. – Frequent short cough in m., and all day much tickling in larynx with short dry cough or hawking. 21st. – In n. sickish taste, sweet or as of blood. Dry tickling cough day and n. During cough pressure in middle of sternum and larynx to hyoid. When coughing much taste of blood in mouth. Repeated attacks of cough (every 10 m.). By 28th nearly all morbid symptoms had ceased except cough, which seems from deeper part of lungs with sweetish expectoration of yellow colour. this last symptom ceased in 3 days (Ibid)

30. K. K. – took, on June 22nd, at 10 a. m., 2 gr. 1st trit. in spoonful of water. No symptoms. 23rd. – Awoke at 6 a. m. with violent urging to stool; she was unable to reach closet soon enough – watery contents of bowel spurted fro her; such violent tenesmus followed that she was unable to rise from stool. After this subsided burning in whole abdomen. Great nausea and vomiting; violent efforts to vomit which caused rumbling in abdomen. Although there was only one diarrhoeic stool she felt to prostrated and weak that she feared being really left. Pale sickly appearance all day 25th. – Agglutination of eyelids on waking; white of eye tinted reddish yellow; great itching in eyes; tired feeling in them; eyes drawn into sockets. Weakness even to sinking down. Trembling of lower extremities. Ash – grey complexion. Prostration. She lets things fall from her hands; weakness and drawing in arms and distension of veins of arms. Pulse irregular, small, and contracted. From 26th to 29th, eyes very sore as if there were pressure in them, especially when looking long at an object; obliged to rest and shut eyes for some m.; externally eyes unchanged. (Ibid)

31. Dr. REISINGER took, on July 9th, at 1 p. m., 10 gr. 2nd trit. Immediately scraping and slight burning sensation in throat. Sweetish taste on tongue. Accumulation of saliva in mouth for about 1 h. until he took warm soup, when it entirely disappeared. 10th. – look 10 gr. 1/2 hours after breakfast. After 1/h. slight accumulation of saliva; sweetish, slightly metallic taste. During n. slight accumulation of saliva; sweetish, slightly metallic taste. During n. marked itching on hairy region of pubes, which develops into inflammation of skin and formation of twenty pustules of size of pin’s head, aggregated over space an inch (never remembers having such an eruption in this situation). 11th. – Itching (almost biting) lasted all day, obliged to scratch in order to lessen it. N. restless. 12th and 13th. – 20 gr. After 1 hour metallic taste, less marked, but lasting longer. Eruption painful and discharging; small pustules merged into excoriated patch. Violent stitches in back during n., waking from sleep; rest of night moderately quiet. 15th. – 40 gr. Not the slightest result. Ulcers began to heal (slowly). 17th. – 5 gr. of Ist trit. After 1 hour metallic taste, sweetish, astringent. 12th. – 10 gr. During whole day observed nothing abnormal, but towards evening pressure in stomach. Eructations (though I had eaten very little, nothing likely to cause flatus). Metallic taste. Accumulation of saliva in mouth. Slight burning in throat (not lasting long). Pressure in stomach, subsides after smoking, but soon returns; continued till bedtime; n. fairly quiet. 20th. – Pressure in stomach less severe. Appetite throughout not impaired, rather increased.. 21st. – 10 gr. Same symptoms. Scabs separated from ulcers; healing completed. 24th. – 20 gr. Soon afterwards, pressure in stomach with continual eructations of odorless flatus. Sometimes a feeling during eructations as if something stuck in throat, lasting some time. Copious secretion from bronchial and usual mucous membranes (without coryza). Pressure in stomach rather severe (lasting 3 h.). 25th and 26th. – Sore feeling in pit of stomach, which is painful to touch. 28th. – 20 gr. After 2 hours bitter astringent taste at root of tongue. Dryness of throat. Metallic sweetish taste less marked, still enough to cause frequent expectoration; frothy saliva. Pressive pain in pit of stomach which increased hourly to severe pain. During 3 hours feeling as though beaten in region of stomach, associated with slight nausea and inclination to vomit. Confused feeling right temporal region with pressure at root of nose. Frequent sneezing without increased nasal secretion. Very frequent yawning, though I had slept well previous night. Tired feeling in limbs, especially in right foot powerless sensation. Fairly good appetite at dinner; little thirst (contrary to my usual habit). Wine, well diluted with water, tasted bitter. After dinner all symptoms diminished. N. fairly quiet, but woke often to pass water, which smelt strongly. 30th. – Took, fasting, 20 gr. without water. Immediately saltish sourish taste in mouth; disgust for breakfast; slight burning in throat causing dry hawking. Constant yawning; after 1/2 hour pressive pain in stomach with great nausea and urging to vomit, difficult to restrain vomiting. Feeling of uneasiness in pit of stomach. Marked increase of salivary secretion, which is first watery, later frothy. Frontal headache. Cold perspiration on forehead to root of nose, rest of body dry. Sickness lasting whole forenoon, obliging me, in order to lessen discomfort, to take warm soup, which tasted well and brought desired relief. Pressive pain in stomach only remained (but less severe), so that I could not bear pressure of trousers over stomach. Eructations of odourless flatus Felt sick and giddy in room, better out of doors. Stool very firm and knotty. Abdomen sensitive and distended whole day (as on 31st), though I had taken no medicine. Discharges of flatus to-day (31st) more downwards. After dinner until towards evening pain in stomach increased considerably, with feeling of uneasiness in scrobiculus cordis and perspiration of upper lip. Epigastric pain in circumscribed to a small spot about breadth of hand above umbilicus. August 1st. – Fairly well. Pressive pain in pit of stomach; thirst for sour drinks and desire for quiet being the only symptoms. 7th. – Took 15 gr. Soon afterwards metallic taste with marked flow of sweetish sourish saliva. Burning at tip of tongue. After about 1 hour violent pressure in epigastric region with nausea and great inclination to vomiting, which followed in 1/2 hour with much straining. Confusion of head, especially supra-orbital region. Lachrymation and burning pain in eyes. tickling in nose which causes sneezing (without coryza). Boil on right side of back in region of last rib, very sensitive to touch (lasted 5 d.). After other symptoms ceased, pressive gastric pain with sickness all day so that I could eat almost nothing. About 6:30 p. m. repeated vomiting with much straining after a cup of weak coffee, accompanied with vertigo. Frequent burning pain in stomach. Perspiration over whole body. Chill, causing shivering, vomiting of food in forenoon, and of bilious fluid in e. Great lassitude and uneasiness preventing him from falling asleep for 1 hour; feeling as if real illness were impending.

31 b. September 2nd, m., weakness of lower extremities and slight pressive pain in epigastric region. 8th. – Took 20 dr. 2st dil. Soon afterwards sweetish taste in mouth, with copious secretion of saliva; nausea; inclined to vomit. about 2 hours afterwards pressive pain in pit of stomach (which was very sensitive), lasting more or less whole d. Great prostration. N. restless. 18th. – Took 50 dr. Very sweet metallic taste. Scraping in throat. Flow of saliva (for 2 1/2.) Dryness in nose, with pressive sensation at root of nose as from incipient coryza. Pressive pain extends to temples and whole head. Vertigo, nausea. Sickness, with vomiting of sour liquid. Drawing pain in right hip, extending to knee. Violent headache. Tired feeling in limbs. Aching of bones, obliged to sit down. Sore feeling of lower ribs right side (for 2 d.). October 1st. – Took 80 dr. Had barely taken it (while writing) when so overcome with giddiness that pen trembled tried to go to open window to get breath of air when violent vomiting ensued of white sourish mucus. Terrible sickness with violent pressure and burning pain in stomach. Symptoms subsided somewhat, but not 5 m. passed without nausea and giddiness, increasing to most violent and painful vomiting of similar fluid, but less in quantity. Aching of forehead, burning of eyes, face and surface generally flushed from internal heat; still internal chills, which continued even during siesta. In vomited mucus there are clots of bright blood of size of hazel – nut. Perspiration over whole body, and burning headache, with vertigo, during which everything appeared yellow. Took warm soup and wished to finish a letter, but had scarcely put pen to paper when he had; hasten to lavatory, and vomited violently three or four times, vomited matter being yellow, bitter, and bilious. Severe headache is to be covered with macular eruption fro violence of vomiting. Taste bitter or saltish. Great thirst. Heat on surface, with external chills. Chest pains on deep inspiration. Pit of stomach sensitive to touch, and slightest pressure causes tendency to vomiting. Appetite gone, and rest the only want. After 1/2 hour sleep vomiting is over, but feeling tired and prostrated. Face and hands flushed, arms cold; internal chills. Distension of abdomen and rumbling in bowels as if loose stool were about to occur. Discharges of offensive flatus per anum (though he had eaten nothing all d.). 2nd. – Fairly well, except slight lassitude and prostration. Eruption on forehead not quite gone, but much less. Have only feeling of distension of abdomen after eating (lasted until the 3rd or 4th). (Ibid)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.