Boring: Agaric., Coloc., ( (>) pressure),. Equisetum, Mezer., Moschus (here and there in head)., Natrum Sul., Oleum An., Phos, Ac., Plantago Maj. Stann., Stron., Strychnine., Upas.

Burrowing: Spigelia.

Digging: ArgentumNit.

Empty sensation in occiput: Helleb., Mangan., Nat., Carb., o Staphysagria (feels hollow), o sul., Occiput, as if loose,: Picric Ac.

Jerking: Belladonna, Cann. Ind., Kali Nit., Nux Vom., (orbit towards occiput)., Spigelia (occiput and then in temples)., Sul., Spasms: Bufo, Absinth., Aconite BELL., Cann. Ind. (even Uraemic)., o GELS., o Petrol. (and occipital headache.,) o VeratrumV..

Pressure: Pressive. Alumina Ambra., Angus., Argentum Met., (Arnica) Baryta Acetica ( pressing asunder ), Belladonna, Bism., Bovista., Bry Cann.Ind., (before convulsions), CARBO VEG., Causticum, Chamomilla, China (deep in brain),. Coca, Colchicum (deep in cerebellum from least literary work), Conium, Digitalis, Hydrastis Acidum (with confusion), Lycopodium Nat. Carb. (occiput to nape,, at last to forehead, vertigo, eructations, dim vision,, NUX Vom. ( (<) morning; also as if, skull was bursting), Oxalic Acid (inward on small spot)., PETROL, Phosphorus Ac. (outward: also as if on hard board, (>) rubbing), Pimpinella (and pushing temples to occiput and nape), Piper Methysticum, RanunculusScle. (>>) pressing ). Selenium (and vertigo), Silicea (>) warm wrapping), Stann. (heaviness and outward pressure in occiput), Sul., Tarax.

Sinking down sensation in cerebellum, etc: Elaps, Tilia. Pressure. Compression: Band: Tape: Tightness: Constriction: Like a Vise: AmmoniumMur., ANAC. (also pressure as from a plug), ArgentumN., Asafoetida, CACT., Cereus (band, etc.), Camph.. (contractive pain in occiput and root of nose), Carb. Sul. (band- like compression: terrible headache, intoxication or paralytic weakness), Coca (ear to ear as in vise ), Coccus (band from mastoid to mastoid), GRAPH. (as if constricted in occiput), kali Nitricum, Lactuca Virosa, Mercurius, Sol. (constrictive), Nat.Sul. (pressive, squeezing in whole occiput.)

Stiffness: Rigidity: Agaricus, Argentum, Met., GLON. (Stiff-neck as if, clothing tight), GRAPH., Kali Nit. Spigelia.

Drawing: Agaric., Ambra, Ammoniac., Carbo Veg. (from nape into head then hammering, mind confused), Causticum, Chelid., Equiset., Ferrum (nape to head., (>>) pressure to hand, then hammering, mind confused), Mangan. (pressure of hand), Moschus (occiput to ears, the to teeth), Nat. Mur. (forehead to occiput), Pulsatilla, Sepia.

Tension: Angus., Asarum ( scalp), Chelid, Lycopodium (nape and occiput while writing), Murex tightness, (>) bending head back, Nat.Carb., Paris (as if in skin and in meninges), Pimpinella, Ratanhia (tension here and there as if, skin was too tight), Thea, Thuja (from ear to ear).

Eyes affected: cim, GELS, Lactic Ac. (tendency to close eyes), ALOES (must close eyes, heavy), MUR.ACID, Nat.Mur., Senega, Bovista (lids inclined to fall), Eryngium Aquat. (blurring), Fagop. (eyes pain), Ginseng (gray spots, dizzy in occiput), Lactic Ac., MercuriusSol. (eyes water), Nat. Carb., Raphanus (like sheet of water before eyes; occiput feels fatigued), Saponin. (left eye feels sore), Selenium, Tarent. (photophobia) o Veratrum V. (dim vision).

Pulse slow: Hydrocyanic Ac., Lauro., Lycopodium, Gels, Opium. Dragging: Eryngium.

Bones: Periosteum: MercuriusIodium, MercuriusBin.Iodium, MercuriusCor., MercuriusSol, MercuriusPrac. Ruber (all these Mercuries; Mercurius Iodium, with coated base of tongue; MercuriusCor scalp very sore, pains leave suddenly; Mercurius Sol, o tearing from side of head to temple, (<) night in heat of bed, sweat, and no relief; Mercurius Prac. Rub. o leaden heaviness in occiput. MEZER. (BORING, (<) night, (<) abuse of Mercury), NITRIC AC. (Mercurial syphilitic, (<) least jar, as rattling of wagons, also pressure of hat; bones as if, constricted with nape). Stillingia ( Mercurio-syphilitic cases).

Extending from neck to occiput: Nat.Mur., kali C., Kalmia (up into head), Dios, (back of neck to back of head and to occiput and to shoulders), Dulcamara, Ferrum, Flour., Ac. GLONOINE, Helleborus (nape to vertex).

From the whole head to occiput: Fagopyrum (dull pain in eyes, aching, tired neck), Piper Meth. (>) diverting mind). From above eyes to occiput: Bism, Cim, Colch, NUX VOM. (orbit to occiput), Sepia, THUJA (excellent in Neuralgia).

From temples to occiput: Cinnab., Iris Vers., Kali bichromicum, Lycopus (cardiac depression),. Rhus Ven.

From the forehead to occiput: BRY., Cann.Sat. Cantharis (deep stitches), Cim, ChinaSul, Coccus, Equiset., Eup.Perf., Lilium Tig,, Nux Vom., (temples, then forehead, then occiput), Plantago Maj., Prunus, Sabad. (like thread from forehead to occiput), Sabina (drawing), Sepia, o Theridion.

From front over head to occiput: CIM.

From vertex to neck: o Chelid. (and vice versa), Gelsemium From crown to occiput: Cinnab.

From sacrum to occiput: Cann.Ind. (hot iron).

From neck to shoulders: kali Nit.

From nape to vertex: Silicea (headache; also cold headache).


To forehead: China, MercuriusSol., Moschus T., Conium, Bovista, MurexAc. Carbo Veg., Dirca, Kali bichromicum (after nasal discharge), Jaborandi, GELS, Kali C. (like something sinking), Murex Ac., Sabadilla (through brain to forehead; reeling sensation), Sabina., o SARS, Senecio, Tarent.

To Temple: Menisperm., Coca (reading), Spigelia

To Vertex: Mag.Mur., Nat., Carb., Digitalis, Lactic Acid Lycopodium (shock) Phellandrium, Ratan.

To Head: MercuriusSol.

To Jaw: kali Chlorum, Baryta, Acet., Nitric Acid., To Nape of Neck., Bryonia, Kali C., Kali Nit., Lauro, MurexAc., Pimpinella, Ran Bulb. (then along jaw forward), Sabina (and down the whole spine).

Down Neck: Argentum Nit. Comoclad., Hydro., Ac., Mangan. (to fifth vertebra), Tarent.

To Shoulders: Bry Dios, Gels, Ipecac, Kali C., Kali Nit.

Down Spine: Aethusa, Sanguinaria (to renal region and there (<) ) Sepia, Strychnin., Thuja.

To Ears: Colchicum, Pulsatilla, Plantago, Strychnine.

To Eyes: Eryngium Aquat., Spigelia ( (<) over and in left eye), Strychnine.

Forward: Oleum An., o RHUS TOX. (must move about continually, which relieves), o RHUS RAD. ( (<) cold, (>) motion). Pain in head and nape, or in occiput and nape: RHUS RAD.


Dr. Van Artsdalen: For vertigo in the occipital region I have found Baptisia to cover almost the same symptoms as those given for Petroleum. If the pain runs from occiput through to the eyes, Agaricus is the remedy. Bovista has drowsiness, reflex from the stomach, and transverse half-sightedness. In brain-fag, Phosphoric Acid is useful.

Dr. Guernsey: I think with Dr. Martin that cases of poisoning by matches should not be included in our provings of Phosphorus, for we must, in such cases, get a combination of Sulphur with the Phosphorous. I am gland that the repertory of remedies for occipital pain has been prepared, for we have long needed it. I would mention the use of Coca for brain-fag., taken as a drink. It is given to athletes to enable them to withstand fatigue, and its use is not followed by depression. It is also used as an antidote to Alcohol. I believe that we do get symptoms form the provings of higher potencies and that we get the finer shades of the provings without any of the effects of the crude drugs.

Dr. James: I have had some experience with Coca. In one case of a lady suffering from nervous depression I gave a malt preparation, but it only served to increase her sufferings. I then obtained the fluid extract of Coca and putting ten or twenty drops in a half glass of water, left her sip it as she would a glass of water. I brought her up much better than alcoholic stimulants had ever done, and it had no bad effects. I have used it after cased of exhausting diseases, as Typhoid Fever, etc., and find it much better than Alcohol.

Dr. J.B. McClelland: There was a remedy mentioned by Prof. Farrington in his Lectures on Materia Medica, for the occipital headache, that I have not heard spoken of to-day, and that is Juglans Cinerea.

Dr.Farrington: That was mentioned as Juglans Cathartica, which is the same thing. Dr. Guernsey is right in regard to Coca., Dr. Van Artsdalen spoke of some remedies that are included in the paper. As I only gave an abstract of the paper, I have not mentioned all the remedies given.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.