Excellent in debilitated persons, who get tired easily when talking; empty feeling in chest; occiput feels heavy not from compression but from occipital fullness and outward pressure. Very important is: Pains increase slowly, and as slowly, and as slowly decrease.

Staphisagria.- Occiput feels, as if, compressed internally and externally. Heavy, pressing-asunder pain in occiput, while walking in open air. Painful drawing on and beneath occiput. persistent on every motion of the head. Transient burning stitches in occiput, right to left later below upward. Heaviness in head and weakness in cervical muscles, must lean head to side or backwards. Pressure in head, (<) in occiput, towards bones of skull, before going to bed, continuing after lying down. A tense pain in left side of neck and occiput, only at night: waking him; can lie on either side.

Clinically, o Occiput feels, as if, hollow or as if, brain was not large enough for the space.

Most. characteristic of Staphisagria is the sensation of a heavy ball in forehead; but in some cases it is needed when there is heaviness and weakness in muscles referable to occiput and neck, or compression in occiput, caused or aggravated by sexual abuse, over-use of Mercury or during convalescence, Particularly too, if the peevishness of the remedy is present.

Stillingia.- Sharp drawing pain in right occipital protuberance. Constant flowing pain, from median line of forehead to occipital process and left of cerebellum. Sharp darting in sinciput extending to occiput.

Suggestive of pains in Mercurio-Syphilitic cases, especially of bone-pains.

Stramonium.- Pain in occiput. during sudden pain over left eye. Occasional, sometimes throbbing pains right or left side of occiput.

Strontium Carbonicum.- Dull pain. Pressive pain. Violent compressing pain in middle of occiput. Violent boring pain in small spot in right side of occiput. Tearing in right side of occiput. Thrusts like stitches in vertex and occiput. Back and small of back as if beaten, (<) stooping, (<) removing back from sun- heat; pain extended from small of back over hips; as this disappeared, there are pressive headache, now in sinciput, now in occiput.

Suggestives are the back and head pains. The drug also causes violent palpitation and suffocation at night; must spring up out of bed. Diarrhoea.

Strychninum.- Dull pains in back of head and temples. Pressure, with nausea. Constant pain in occiput and nape. Boring. Pains in occiput and down whole length of spine. Sharp pains extending to left eye and to back of right ear. Sharp pains in back of head and in glands of neck. Darting in back, and top of head. Head jerked backwards. Violent pains through head from back to front. Violent pains in head and in muscles of back of neck in the morning.

When the back is almost tetanically stiff, and there are darting, violent pains from occiput forward, strychnine is more sure to relieve.

Sulphur.- Weight and hot feeling in the morning. Aching, heavy feeling in the morning, after getting up, extending into nape. Sudden, aching, tension in left side of occiput. Stupefying pain or tingling in occiput. from noon on; must sit quietly. Pain as from congestion on left side of occiput, after walking. Aching, drawing in forenoon; in occiput, and nape. Drawing in occiput, violent while chewing. pressive pain, at night. Burning aching as if beneath the occipital bone. Pulsating in left side of occiput, changing to jerking. Awoke, 5 A.M. aching throbbing in right side of occiput, pain in left side of small of back. Aching in vertex, and slight drawing in occiput after dinner, (>) open air; most aching is in vertex. Clinically, o empty sensation in occiput, (<) in open air and after talking.

One of the best remedies in congestive headaches, general symptoms agreeing. Also in debility from loss of animal fluids, severe study, etc.

Sulphuric Acid.- Compressive pain in sides of occiput, (>) even holding hands towards head. Pressure, sticking in left side of occiput. Sticking, now in forehead and now in occiput.

Sumbul.- Uneasiness, in cerebellum, painful, with stiffness of adjoining muscles, on moving head; uneasiness, heat, lightness, ebullitions of blood, chiefly in forehead and cerebellum. Occasional shooting from left cerebellum to left forehead. Uneasiness, dizziness, fullness and heat in cerebellum, extending to cord, (<) in sun-beams. Oppression in forehead and dull constriction over head, (<) from forehead to occiput.

Suggestive in ebullitions of blood and pains, especially in nervous persons who have violent, strong beating of the heart.

Tabacum.- Stitches from forehead to occiput, (>>) lying down and pressure.

Tarantula Hispania.- Pain to posterior part of head. Pains, as if, hammer blows in occiput to temples. Intense pain, burning thirst. Pain in occiput as from a nail driven in. Compressive pains in posterior part of head, extending towards neck (relieved by Aconite) Headache, deep, restless, must change place often, pain flies to forehead and to occiput, photophobia. Pains in occiput, (<) inclining head backwards.

Characteristic is headache in occiput, compelling to rest head against pillow; restless, anxious, hysterical. Compare Agaricus and Ignatia.

Taraxacum.- Pressure and heaviness in occiput after lying down. Tearing pain, while walking. Heaviness, (>) stooping, (<) erect.

Clinically, o violent tearing in occiput in Typhoid. Very useful in “bilious dyspeptics”, bitter taste, nausea as after fat, mapped tongue, and pains in legs, (>) moving.

Tellurium.- Confusion, (<) towards occiput. Numb sensation in occiput and nape.

THEA. – Tensive pain, almost as low as nape. Neuralgic pain and feeling of damp coldness in occiput; sharp,, electric shocks in right occipital protuberance; thence slowly to nape, right shoulder and arm, (>) warm cloth or hand. Neuralgic pain in nape; both sides of base of cerebellum like a cold flat-iron, pains extending up over cranium and down forehead to eyes, with excruciating suffering.

Characteristics are sick headaches in nervous, delicate women; palpitation; nausea. Pains in left ovary (like Naja).

THUJA.- Sensation of heaviness in occiput. Spot near left occipital protuberance feels painful when lying on it, or even hair is painful. Drawing tension. Fullness and pressure when walking in open air. Tension in occiput painful, from ear to ear. Jerking, tearing, (<) in right side of occiput. Tearing in occipital protuberance and in petrous portion of temporal bone for six-weeks. Stitches in occiput. Stitches in brain from occipital foramen upwards. Painful stitch through occiput from above downward. Drawing pain, (<) left frontal eminence thence to posterior of left eye-ball, thence, at times to occiput. Drawing from head over nape to sacral region. Dull stitches from eye- ball to occiput. Violent tearing stitch through right side of brain from occiput to forehead. Bruised and tearing sensation from forehead to occiput on walking from sleep, disappearing after sleeping again. Pressing headache on vertex and occiput, with sensation of lead in it, (<) false step, moving head;;brain feels loose.

It is interesting to note that Clavus occurs in the Thuja provings almost in all localities, save only the occiput. Practically Thuja is the best drug we have for Neuralgia going from before backwards; thus the converse of spigelia, which it in other respects resembles.

THERIDION.- o Violent frontal headache, with throbbing extending into the occiput. Its concomitants are nausea, worse from the sun, and a peculiar sensitiveness to noises;;they make the nausea worse, and penetrate through the teeth;

TILIA EUROPOEA. – Heaviness, as from an in-seated weight; when head inclined forward weight seems to sink lower down in nape. Peculiar aching in occiput extending upwards towards back of head, after dinner. Pressure outward at mastoid process. Pressure and burrowing pain. Drawing in occiput into head and into forehead where it becomes a pressure.

TONGO.- Confusion, (<) occiput, somnolence and a sort of intoxication. Sharp dartings in the upper part of right parietal through head, coming out below occiput. Compressive headache, external sensitiveness, morning. Tearing from right side of occiput through head to a frequently painful tooth.

UPAS.- Boring in the frontal eminence and in the left occipital protuberance. Painful heaviness, with throbbing synchronous with pulse. Pressing inward pain in occiput.

URANIUM NITRATE.- Aching at the occipital protuberance. Occipital and frontal headache. Occipital headache when he awoke.

VALERIANA.- Pressure and drawing penetrating into side of occiput (from vapor). As from hammering internally, in occiput, so intolerable he forcibly turns head to and fro.

VERATRUM ALBUM.- Tension in occiput and forehead; also with sticking pain deep in occiput.

VERATRUM VIRIDE.- Frontal headache back on left side to occiput, (<) lying, (<<) lying on occiput. On waking, indescribable sensation rising from forehead towards crown and grasping as if it were in vertex and occiput.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.