Rhus Venenata.- Tearing in right temple, from forehead up to left half of head, in bone; thence to left side of occiput and down the nape. Throbbing and tearing from each temple back to the occiput and down neck to the shoulders, with flushes of heat. Jerk-like headache in the occiput.

Clinically, Rhus Radicans leads the list, followed in importance by the Rhus Tox. Rhus Glabra also has cured occipital headache.

Clinically: o Rhus Tox. presents terrible headaches from the occiput forward; must move about continually, which relieves somewhat.

Rhus Tox. cures occipital headaches after mind and body are worn out with hard work, in typhoid states, etc. But rhus Radicans is more certain to relieve pains in this region, even, as has been shown by Drs. Korndoerfer and Middleton, in Typhoid. The pains o commence in back of neck; and spread up and over the entire head or remain in occiput. The muscles are sore to touch. In rheumatic cases, particularly, the pains are worse during rest and in cold and are better in warmth and from motion.

Closely allied is Juglans Cathartica proved and confirmed by Dr. Jacob Jeans; there are terrible pains in the occipital region. A single dose is all that is usually needed to effect relief.

Rumex Crispus.- Dull aching pain low in occiput, which comes and goes. Pungent tingling pain in left side of occiput; headache in forehead; similar pain in left nostril and a feeling, as if, coryza would ensue. Headache until he sleeps, returning on waking, (<) in temples. pain is felt in occiput.

Ruta Graveolens.- Pressure. Heaviness and tension Beating and pressive Pain.

Sabadilla.- Pressure in occiput from behind forward with reeling sensation. Headache, as if, something was thrust from upper part of occiput through brain to forehead. Pain in left side of occiput, as if, a wound was violently pressed. Headache, as if, a thread and been drawn from middle of forehead to occiput above temples, leaving a burning sensation. Hard pressure from both temples towards vertex and thence to lowest part of occiput.

The reeling sensation and the thread-like feeling are the characteristics. Croton Tiglium has something similar: o Feeling as of a string pulling from eyes to back of head.

Sabina.- Heaviness of occiput and nape down to small of back. Pressive heaviness in occiput, painful, (<) by strong pressure upon hard cushion. Sensation, as if, a sharp wind penetrated the left side of occiput. Pressive tearing pain externally in left side of occipital bone in a curve, as far as left side of frontal, (<) when touched. Tearing in the whole of the right hemisphere from occiput to forehead. Drawing first in forehead and afterwards in occiput.

Sambucus Nigra.- Tearing stitch through left of occiput, with dull sensation in same place.

Sanguinaria.- Moderate pain in back of head and neck, gradually down to renal region, where it is very severe, dull and heavy.

Clinically, o the sick headache begins in the occiput and spreads over the head, (<) over right eye.

Saponinum.- Dull heavy sensation in head, (<) over left eye; eye- ball aches and feels sore; spreads thence running back to occiput; great heat in frontal region, (>) by cold and by pressure, (<) stooping.

Sarsaparilla.- Stinging pain in left side of occiput. Twitching in left side of occiput. Pressing in forehead and occiput. Strong pressure in right temple, with drawing stitches from occiput to forehead.

Clinically, o pain from occiput, darting forward to eyes. This is a clear deduction from the symptoms. Dr. Neidhard has confirmed this. Here it compares with Spigelia. Pulsatilla and sep.

Scilla.- Sudden transient drawing pain in occiput from left to right. Tearing pain. Long-lasting drawing and sticking while sitting.

Secale Cornutum.- Dull headache in occiput. Severe pain. Pressive pain. Lightning-like pain in occiput down nape.

Selenium.- Great heaviness, at time waving in brain, fluttering i ears, twitches and pressure in eye-balls. Pressure in occiput and vertigo on standing. Drawing in occiput, with ringing in ears and stoppage.

Senecio Aureus.- Giddy, like a wave from occiput to sinciput. Suddenly dizzy while walking in street, feeling like a wave from occiput to sinciput.

Senega.- Pain in occiput afterwards to temples and finally affecting whole head. Aching, stupefying pains in occiput. Aching in head, in sinciput and occiput; (<) sitting in warm room; accompanied with pressure in eyes, which will not bear touch; it comes daily.

This last is interesting in connection with the well-known eye symptoms.

Sepia,- Stitching pain in head, coming up the back at every step. Occasionally pains from left eye over side of head towards occiput, (>) after meals, (<) mental labour. Drawing pain externally on forehead back to occiput. Severe pain, head feeling like a soft bladder; intensely hot and covered with wheals. Pain involves the occiput; causing nearly raving or loathing of life. Stitches in left side of head in the afternoon, and in occiput in evening. Heaviness, (<) in the morning. Dullness of the left side of the occiput. Awoke with a dull feeling in the back of head, down spine, passed off an hour after rising. Headache comes on with heat and gets better with it, but does not leave; it is as if occiput was opening and shutting, (>) by cold water and open air. (<) banding head down. Pressive pain, as if, on something sore. Drawing pain, when touched feels like sub-cutaneous ulceration. Tearing. Pains run down back of head. Pain in occiput, (<) at night and when lying on it, as if, hollow and ulcerated, (>) pressure with hand. Severe stitches extending towards vertex.

Clinically, o Pulsating pain in the cerebellum, beginning in the morning, lasting till noon or evening; (<) least motion, when turning eyes, or when lying on back: (>) lying on side, when closing eyes, at rest and in dark.

Serpentaria.- Pain in frontal region and in right side of occiput. Striking in forehead extending to base of brain.

Silicea.- Pressive pain in occiput, (>) warm wrapping of head. Pressure soon followed by stitches in forehead, with chilliness in nape and back. Tearing in right side of head from occiput upward and forward. Tearing in right temple, after half an hour, in occiput. Tearing in whole head from occipital protuberance forward and upward over both sides of head. Headache, as if, from neck rising up to vertex. Pains alternating in different parts of head, for an hour in sinciput, then in whole head; tearing in right temple also in occiput, later in left temple. Cold kind of headache from nape to vertex. Attacks of vertigo seems to rise painfully from back through nape to head; Inclined to fall forward; knows not where she is.

Two symptoms are markedly characteristic; the direction of the vertigo and of the headache, and the relief from wrapping up the head warmly. Useful for over-worked brains, for nervous persons who are made worse by even normal and ordinary stimulation of functions.

Spigelia.- Occiput heavy, drags like a weight. Pains, as from a blow. As though an artery was beating against an obstacle. Cannot lie on occiput, it is painful; painful, as if, ulcerated, with at times, dull sticking, jerking, penetrating deeply. Violent pains in occiput and nape, 3 or 4 A.M., seems stiff, in the morning could not move head till after he was up and dressed. Boring in occiput and vertex, as if, drawing head back. Burrowing and burrowing-tearing pain in occiput, left side of vertex and in forehead, (<) on motion, from loud sounds, opening mouth even slightly; most tolerable loud sounds, opening mouth even slightly; most tolerable while lying. Violent jerks in occiput and then in temples, on every step, while walking in open air. Violent pressure inward left side of occiput, unless presses hand hard on spot. Intolerable bubbling pain in occiput, (<) (<) at first on walking, afterwards (<<) by slightest motion, (>) while leaning back sitting, (<) lying horizontally. Intermittent drawing in cervical muscles and in occiput.

Invaluable in Neuralgia from occiput forward, especially on left side of head over and into left eye- ball. Pains may be boring, tearing, burning, stitching, stabbing, or throbbing.

Spongia Tosta. – Painful heaviness. as if a lead were in it while walking; paroxysmal. Heaviness and stitch in the afternoon, when turning head; face, hands and feet hot, rest of body chilly; inclined to coryza; body weak, mouth bitter; shaking chill in evening, then heat, except in thighs, which are numb and chilly. Pressing pain in left side of occiput, as if, it would burst. Fine pressive stitches, now in forehead, now on occiput only on motion, with sensation of burning heat from behind ear over occiput to nape. Its characteristics are heaviness and numbness in the thighs.

Stannum.- General heaviness, (<) in the occiput. Painful pressing in brain towards vertex and occiput, in evening, also after lying down. Painful, almost constant sense of weight on occiput; also heaviness with boring in occipital bones. Pressure outward in left side of occiput. Pressive tearing in left of occipital bone. Constructive pain in right of occiput. Transient tearing, in forehead, top of head and occiput, afterwards shifting, generally (<) in forehead.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.