Eupatorium Perfoliatum.- Pain from forehead to left occiput, (<) left side.

Eupatorium Purpureum.-Hard thumping pain in occipital bone.

Euphorbium.- Pressive pain. Bruised pain, left side, cannot lie on it.

Emphrasia.-Sharp, tearing stitches left side of occiput.

Eupion.-Clawing in left side of occiput; sticking, drawing in occiput, drawing along left cervical muscles to back of chest, also in middle of chest with every breath; when these are gone, teeth, as if loose when pressed. Stitches right side of occiput.

Fagopyrum.- Back of head tired. Pain in occiput and weary feeling in back of neck. Sharp, sticking pain. Sharp darting, very persistent pain left occipital region radiating to left side. Pain in temples and back of head on rising,(>) bending head back, (<) stooping. Pain through whole head and occiput to back of neck,(>) pressure and gentle motion, especially in cool air. Pressing out, (<) in occiput. Dull pain from back of eyes, through head and occiput.

Headache to occiput, dull pain in eyes, with aching, tired, neck, ought, to be characteristic.

Ferrum. – Drawing from nape up into head, in which there is then shooting, roaring and humming. Oppressive, somewhat acute pain in back of head and neck, gradually extending to forehead. Weight, from ear to ear. Beating, almost insupportable, pain in back of head and neck, gradually extending to sides and forehead, (<<) moving or stooping. Pain in back of head when coughing.

Excellent in congestive headache with hammering, beating, must lie down. It is usually (<) in temples, but as with Phosphorus, etc, it may seemingly come up the neck, commencing with drawing, etc. Often the feet are cold, the fingers stiff and the mind confused.

Fluoric Acid.- Feeling of a warm breath, from nape to occiput. Pressure on both side of occiput. Pressure and compression,(<) towards right. Dullness of occiput only Cramp-like pain in lowest part of occiput towards left.

Gelsemium.- Dull aching in occiput occasionally extending into os frontis. Aching, (<) stooping. Dull heavy pain, or rising, also slight throbbing on right side of head. Pressive pain (<) temples, at time in occiput, at others all over head. When writing, headache in vertex, then in left occipital region, then both sides and in upper cervical region, and again on vertex; finally settled, dull ache, (<) in occiput, mastoid and upper cervical region, extending to shoulders, (>)sitting, reclining head on high pillow. Drawing on right side, on crown towards occiput. Pains over top of head to occiput, dizzy, disagreeable painful sensation in whole head. Pain over occiput, crown, as if, lifted off in two pieces. Persistent and distressing numbness in occipital region lasting some hours after consciousness returned.

Very important are all of these. First is the headache beginning in the cervical spinal vertebrae and extending over head, with bursting pain in forehead and eye-balls, (<) 10 A.M. with nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, etc. Next, is the fullness to bursting in the medulla oblongata before spasms. Then we note vertigo and confusion spreading from occiput., with dim-sight, large pupils, etc. (<) from summer heat. Then come the various neuralgic pains, showing the action of the drug on the occipital nerves.

Geranium Maculatum.- Slight pain, low down in occipital region.

Ginseng.-Dizzy, with pains in nape; large pupils. Reeling sensation in the occiput, gray spots before eyes. Ground seems to waver. Sensation in occiput, as if, head was swaying to one side. Drawing, he involuntarily bends head backward. Pressure, with sense of involuntarily bends head backward. Pressure, with sense of impending vertigo. Pressure, as if, in sinuses of cerebellum. Sudden blow on occiput, followed by severe bruised pain.

This famous chinese nerve remedy seems to be worthy of our consideration in vertigo of occipital origin, with consequent in-coordination. Right side of body is weakest. Gait is unsteady and difficult; and generally there is dull rumbling in abdomen.

Glonoine. – Affects occiput and neck, more than any other part. Subdued sensation, as if, something was moving in nerves from back of neck to head. Pain up, from back of neck to occiput, and then spreads upward. Pain in occiput, then in vertex pain in occiput towards crown, (<) shaking

head backward and forward. Pains in occiput and slight in forehead when moving head. After fullness in occiput, pain to forehead growing more violent. Severe pain in occiput, to eyes and temples. On shaking head great pain in spot in right side of occiput (where he habitually suffered from headache). Thumping fullness in occiput, when sitting down, (<) after shaking head. Such intense congestion in occiput, like pressure, seems, as if, must lose reason. Violent tensive pain in occiput, up and down and towards both ears; also from time to time, tension above right eye. Constant gnawing. Pressure from occiput to crown. Sore pain, constant inclination to bend head backward. Dull pressive pain, (<) in occiput and region of ears, same in nape, as if in medulla oblongata, (<) moving head or twisting neck, neck stiff. Headache in glabella, spread up and back, at last to occiput; throbbing from below up and from front back. Paroxysms of beating and throbbing in vertex, temples and occiput.

Characteristics of this remedy are: Upward surging, as if, blood was forcing itself through the constricted neck; this congestion is as marked in the area of the vertebral arteries, as in that of the carotids. Shaking the head, aggravates intensely, as do also wine, Sun’s heat, and artificial heat. Motion increases the dreadful throbbing, though gentle exercise in the open air, relieves. The throbbing from the neck and occiput upward in and over head, is very characteristic. Glonoine, then, as an “occipital” remedy is to be remembered as one causing congestion there, spreading the blood thence directly to the back of the brain. Here it excels Belladonna. Like Aconite and Gelsemium, it has increase of urine with the headache.

Glonoine should be thought of in apoplectic congestion when stiff-neck and a feeling (worse at the back of the neck) as if, clothing were tight, shows the direction of the hyperaemia. This is a genuine symptom.

In the effects of exposure to the Sun, Glonoine is inimitable; though if there is pulsation and constriction in cerebellum Camphor is needed; if anxiety, fever, or coldness and weak quick pulse, Aconite.

Graphites.- Violent, but dull pain in occiput, with heaviness of head, tension, stiffness of neck; pain intolerable on walking not noticed lying, (>) in night.

Pressive headache in occiput. Much pressure in occiput and nape. Severe tensive headache on walking, (<) on surface of brain, (<<) in occiput, without impending thought; neck painfully stiff; the more he tries to fall asleep, the worse the pain. Pain, as if, constricted especially in occiput, extending to nape, which pains, as if, broken when he looks up; afterwards pain extends down back to chest. o pain, as if, constricted with a cord, (<) in occiput.

In fat, but anaemic patients, who suffer from spinal irritation, especially in women, Graphites is very useful for a nervous headache with stiff-neck, spine sensitive, (<) at vertebra prominens; tension on nape, shoulders and head.

Guarea.- Constriction and hammering, in occiput.

Guaiacum.- Dull pressive pain obliquely upward from left side of neck to vertex, ending in a stitch. Tearing, right side of occiput. Drawing, tearing, in occiput and forehead.

Hamamelis.- Dull throbbing pain in back and top of head.

Helleborus Niger.- Pain in occiput. Headache from nape to vertex. Pressure. Pressive pain extending towards nape, as if, bruised in occiput, (<) stooping. Violent Pressive headache, with great heaviness in occiput, on waking. Brain feels too large in front and occiput empty; afterwards reverse in forehead, occiput feels, as if would fall forward; wants to lie down and roll head from side to side feels helpless as an infant, etc.

Helonias.- When reading, feeling of fullness, pressure out wards in vertex and occiput; scalp burns,(>)(>) concentrating mind.

Hepar.- Pressive pain externally right side of occiput, gradually extending to nape, throat and shoulder blades. Severe stitches in occiput and temples, as if, a plug or nail was being driven in.

Hura.- Headache from occiput to vertex, with throbbing and sharp pains. Constriction. Pain behind head and in neck, to left gums.

Hydrastis.-Dull, heavy, pain in left occiput, with pale face, much heat in head and pressing from within out in region of temporal fossa, (>) pressure of cool hand and cool, open air. Aching pain in cerebellum right, then left.

Hydrocotyle.- Intense pain with some tumefaction in posterior portion of skull. Constriction. Occiput acutely sensitive, especially to touch.

Hydrocyanic Acid.- Violent pressure in occiput and forehead, (<) right side; pressure soon leaves, but confusion lasts. Pressure from vertex towards forehead on both sides, and to orbits where it became fixed, while from occiput it extended down nape of neck; it caused confusion of head. Sudden feeling, as though every thing about him moved slowly; dizzy without reeling; slight pressure left side of occiput over left half of head to frontal region.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.