Suggestive of fronto-occipital pains with cardiac labored action or with the depression.

Magnesia Carbonica.- Deep dull stitch through brain from vertex to right side of occiput. Heaviness in forehead, with pain as from suppuration in left side of occiput. Tearing in forehead and drawing backwards in nape, disappearing in bed. Fine stitches in right side of vertex, cease there and on her moving head towards left, tearing in right side of occiput. Tension and drawing in occiput, as if, head would be drawn drawn backward during and after swallowing; (<) standing, (>)sitting. Violent stitches.

Magnesia Muriatica.- Sharp stitches in left side of head and in occiput. Much pressure, also sharp and pinching. (<) on vertex and in occiput. Heaviness; also dizzy feeling as if in danger of falling.

Pressure. Sharp stitch in right side of occiput, then burning there. Two sharp stitches in right occipital protuberance. Tearing, also throbbing tearing from occiput to vertex. Tearing and throbbing in occiput, at last involves whole head after entering the house; (>>) sitting. Painful jerking, tearing, in right side of occiput. On rising from stooping, throbbing in occiput, soon involving whole head. During menses, throbbing pain in occiput, with feeling of heaviness, morning, after rising.

Magnesia Sulphurica.- Pressive pain, morning. (>>) in open air. Must lie down with pressive pain in occiput from both sides. Occiput very sensitive; on stooping, feels in foreheads as if, something would fall forward; pain, (<) lying, he dared not cough on account of the shock. Headache in occiput, renewed by carrying heavy weight on shoulders. An excellent remedy in neuralgic cases.

Mancinella.- Hammering pain in head and nape, inability to bend head down when writing. Pain in nape and forehead when stooping.

Manganum.- Dull, pressive headache, with feeling of emptiness, taking away his senses, (>)applying hand. Beating, throbbing in right side of occiput, like suppuration, during rest and motion. Needle-like stitches externally on right side of occipital bone, morning in bed thence down to fifth cervical vertebra, (<) turning neck. Drawing pain in occiput and forehead, where it is (<) stooping, (>>) on pressure with hand. Burning, pressive pain in sides of head and in occiput, (>) going into open air.

Manganum Muriaticum.- Tearing in right side of occipital bone.

Marum Verum Teucrium.- Sticking in occiput and even in whole head. Painful pressive sensation in whole occiput.

Melilotus.- On talking, headache leaves forehead and settles in occiput, returning to forehead on stooping.

The headaches are congestive, severe enough to cause delirium; nose-bleed may relieve. The headache that affected the occiput was (<) in left supra-orbital region.

Menlispermum.- Headache through temples extending to occiput. Headache in temples and occiput.

Mephitis.- Feeling of heaviness; dull pressure, (<) in occiput as if pressed with a finger.

Mercurius Corrosivus.- Whirling vertigo, almost loss of hearing, (<) 9 P.M. lying down, seldom in day, with tearing pains, in occiput. Sudden, dull, aching in forehead and vertex, (<) stooping or shaking head, (>) cold hand to forehead, extends to centre of cerebellum, when it felt like a bone-ache, five P.M.; feels rather low-spirited; suddenly leaves.

Mercurius Iodatus Flavus. – Numbness of occiput and nape; stiff- neck. Sharp pain in occiput after rising in morning.

Mercurius Iodatus Ruber.- Dull pressure in cerebellum below the occipital protuberance, a while after pressure over eyes. Pains in bones of head, (<) occiput.

Mercurius Precipitatus Ruber.- o Leaden heaviness in occiput with diarrhoea.

Mercurius Solubilis.- Constrictive headache, as if, screwed in, now in sinciput, now in occiput, now in left side, with watering of the eyes. Violent tearing from occiput to forehead, where it is a pressure. Pressive. Boring. Tearing, lower portion.

Mercurius Vivus.- Frontal headache, with fulness, soon passing to occiput, with vertigo.

In syphilitic, rheumatic or scrofulous patients, the Mercuries suit for a tearing headache, that arises from the periosteum, the bones or the nerves. General symptoms must be present, but the Proto-Iodide will cure if the tongue is coated thick yellow on base; the Red Precipitate, if there is present leaden heaviness; the Corrosive Sublimate in bone-pains, scalp very sore; Bin-Iodide, when there is also hot vertex.

Clinical use for Solubilis is tearing in (left) side of head and temple, extending from neck, insupportable heat and sweat; (<) at night and in heat of bed, (>) towards morning and while lying quiet.

Mezereum.- Heavy sensation. Boring in occipital bones. Acute drawing right side of occiput. Pressive pain, (<) entering house; also occiput and nape, (<) moving head. Tearing, back and forth in bones of occiput. Tearing, throbbing in one spot above nape. Stupefaction in sinciput and occiput.

In periosteal and bone-pains, especially after Mercury.

Millefolium.- Transient drawing after eating. Sticking in left side of occiput. Painful stitch in right side of occiput Dull headache, (<) in occiput.

Mitchella Repens.- Dull, heavy aching in cerebellum. Throbbing in occipital region on inside of skull. Whole brain feels dull, (<) in the cerebellum, morning.

Moschus.- Pressive painful sensation in cerebellum. Throbbing, beating in occiput. Headache as of something beating in occiput, thence spreading to forehead. Painful drawing in head from occiput to ears and from ears into teeth, (<) right side. Pressive and boring through whole head at one time, at another behind ears, at another in forehead, at another in vertex and then in occiput. Slight pain in forehead alternating with pain in occiput.

Murex.- Pain. Tightness, involuntarily raises her hand to part affected, when tightness goes from left to right; bending head backwards seems to relax nerves of occiput and neck. Sharp, transient pains above cerebellum.

Suggestive of uterine and kindred affections and so probably of use only when accompanied by the depression, acute diagonal pain from the right side of the uterus to the left breast, profuse menses, etc.

Muriatic Acid.- Heavy sensation, with drawing stitches extending towards nape; cervical glands swollen and painful to touch; head heavy, dizzy eyes dim. Heavy as if head would sink backwards as if from weak cervical muscles. Pain in left occipital protuberance from walking in wind. Tension, sticking. Violent tearing and sticking. Shock, like paroxysmal tearing in side of occiput, extending into forehead. Pressive, tensive headache from occipital bone through brain to forehead.

This Acid acts on the occiput in the highest degree. Especially characteristic is the heaviness with obscure sight, said to be worse by any effort to see.

Myrica Cerifera.- Heaviness in back of head. Pain, right side.

Nabalus.- Occipital pains, probably muscular, with pain and feeling of stiffness in nucha and in trapezoid regions, (<) turning head.

Naja Tripud.- Dull pain shooting up the occiput.

Fronto-temporal headaches are characteristic of this remedy; but the prover who experienced the above occipital pains, also had tired feeling in cervical and dorsal vertebrae with the peculiar burning of exhaustion. The two, then, may belong to spinal irritation.

Natrum Arsen.- Feeling of pressure over each side of posterior and inferior part of occiput as from a photographer’s head-rest.

Natrum Carbonicum.- Painful sense of emptiness in occiput, with weakness and hoarseness of voice. Pain from occiput to vertex. Tension. Dull pain. Drawing and tension in right side of occiput, as if, they would draw the head back, Long-continued pressure in right side of occiput. Dull pressure; also from occiput to nape with drawing pain, at last extending to forehead with vertigo, eructations and dim vision. Headache at noon, (<) low down in occiput. Headache and tension in nape, before menses.

Natrum Muriaticum.- Head dull, with throbbing in occiput. Heaviness and pressure. Heaviness in occiput with pulsation and stiffness in nape, a feeling of constriction in occiput behind ear, with stitches in head. Pressure; also in nape. Stitches as with knives in the occiput Transient stitch from nape into occiput. Throbbing. Lying on back, feels drawing from forehead to occiput, feels almost as if losing here senses. Sticking, from forehead to occiput, taking away appetite. Stitches between right occipital protuberance and styloid process.

Clinical for Natrum Mur. is heaviness in back of head, it draws eyes together; (<) morning, warmth, motion; (>) sitting, lying, or perspiring.

Natrum Sulphuratum.- Wandering pains in occiput and head, afterwards in zygomata. Boring pain. Drawing and pressive pain in occiput with feeling of heat and heaviness in it. Pressive or squeezing pain in whole occiput. Pressing from both sides of occiput followed by quit night; in morning returned, and then extended all over right side of face. Tearing and pressure in right side of occiput. Tearing in occiput, soon afterwards in forehead.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.