Cactus Grand. Heaviness and pain in posterior of brain, (<) lying on back. constant dull pain in cerebellum. Pain and drawing, (<) moving head. Pressure, (>) by quick exercise or mental activity. (See also Cereus Bon. and Serp. P.221.)

Calcarea Acetica. – Drawing pain right of forehead above eye and in occiput on exerting the mind. Drawing, pressive, tearing headache, now in forehead, now in occiput, now in temples, (>) pressure or exerting mind. Feels, as if, occiput would be pressed asunder. Pressive pain, suddenly shooting through the occiput. Jerk-like pressing outwards left side of occiput, extends down into neck. Drawing, pressive headache in left of occiput, stiff-neck. Sore pain in occiput when touched, as if place was suppurating.

Calcarea Carbonica. Violent dull headache, first in forehead, then in occiput. Cracking, audible in occiput, followed by warmth in neck. Heaviness, pressure. Headache in occiput whenever she ties anything tightly about the head. Drawing always towards side he moves head, (>) after sneezing. Gnawing. Tensive pressure. Cutting in occiput and forehead, (<) walking and from pressure. Stitches in right side of occiput.

Calcarea Caustica. :- Confused, dull pressure in forehead extending to occiput, could scarcely attend to business. Dull rheumatic pain; neck stiff. Pressive pain.

Calcarea Phosphorica. Staggering, dizzy when walking, with drawing in nape of neck, and confusion of head. Headache on top of head, behind ears, and drawing in muscles of neck of nape of neck and back of head. Muscles of neck hurt up to occiput. A slight draft is followed by rheumatic pain in neck, stiffness and dullness of head. Crawling, running over top of head, as if, ice were lying on upper part of occiput; head is hot, with smarting of roots of hair. Aching, drawing around lateral protuberances. Dull, sleepy, oppressive pain of whole head, (<) in cerebellum.

It is in rheumatic headache of the occiput and neck that the Calcarea Salts are most effective. Still in headaches, even congestive, when the peculiar ice-like feeling is present, CALC.CARB. and PHOS. are both useful.

Camphor. Headache, front to occiput. Contractive pain at base of brain, especially in occiput and above root of nose; (<) stooping low, lying down and from pressure; with cold hands and feet, hot forehead and coma vigil. Fine tearing in left side of forehead and of occiput. Pressure. Uneasy feeling. Cutting pressure from left side of occiput towards forehead. Throbbing in the cerebellum. (See Glonoine.)

Cannabis Indica. Vertigo on rising, with stunning pain in back part of head, he falls. Vertigo, head inclines backwards. Dull heavy throbbing pain through head, with sense of heavy blow on back of head and neck. Jerking in right side of forehead towards interior and back part of head. Headache in occiput and temples. Fullness in right of cerebellum. Dull pain, (<) shaking head. Sense of pressure at back of head, before convulsive movements, changing to an unpleasant feeling of heat, then of cold; he carries hands automatically to the spot; they are held there, as if, it were difficult to detach them. Feeling of surging from posterior of head towards forehead. Surging up neck into head, seeming to press it forward. Peculiar feeling, as if, a stream of warm water, gradually stealing up back into brain. Sense of a red hot iron rod passed up from sacrum to atlas, around the occiput over eyes from right, stopping at left ear, leaving a feeling as if charred.

A very precious remedy is this Hashish, serving well in uraemic headaches, congestions of brain and spine, Meningitis, abuse of Alcohol, etc. Characteristics are; errors of space and time, perception of both being extravagantly over-estimated.

Cannabis Sativa. Pressure beneath frontal eminence, deep through brain to occiput. Heaviness. Heat. Tension in occiput, then in forehead, lastly in temples. Drawing to occiput. Pressive pain right side of occiput.

Cantharis. Twitching in right occipital bone, then in left knee. Sticking pressing pain. Stitching in left side of occiput. Stitching tearing from both sides inward. Stitches, deep into brain on right occipital bone. Dull violent stitches in succession in occiput, extended into forehead, deep internally. Tearing from left side into left forehead, with vertigo lasting longer than pain. Tearing in nape of neck and stitching in right cervical muscles on moving head, when it extends into upper part of head.

The deeply-penetrating stitches extending towards forehead, occurred in same prover, who had deep soreness and heaviness in forehead, head feels, as if, being pressed forward.

Carbo Animals. :- Heaviness, especially in occiput and left temple with confusion. Pressive headache. Pressive pain in small spot. Stitches and throbbing. Twitching tearings shoot back and forth in left occiput. Painful tearing sticking in right.

Carbo Vegetabilis. Dizziness as after intoxication spreading from occiput, (<) walking. Severe headache, on stooping it presses out in forehead and occiput. Drawing all over head from occiput. Sticking headache extending into occiput. Tearing through whole head, starting from small spot in occiput. Crackling in occiput, while sitting. Confusion in occiput, as after intoxication. Confusion, like a tension from within. Much severe pain in occiput and boring in forehead, with sweat, pale, cold face, trembling hands, nausea. Drawing, tearing left side of occiput. Dull headache in occiput Violent pressive pain in and on the occiput, in the lower portion. Pressure, (<) after supper. Pressive headache in upper part of right side of occiput, pressure in eyes. Pressive headache, first in neck then in forehead, then lachrymation with closure of lids. Burning-sticking in a small sport.

Tearing, here and there, in left side of occiput, face shoulder, thigh, etc. with severe pressure in arms and legs. Throbbing headache violent in occiput as if suppurating. Drawing in nape up into head, with nausea and rush of water from mouth.

These two forms of Carbon are characterised by headaches with a feeling of weight or heavy pressure, the mind is dull and confused, as after a debauch. Very important in Carbo veg. is headache from occiput forward, with nausea, dizziness, etc., particularly in old offenders in debauchery, or in old dyspeptics with an abundance of flatus in the abdomen, causing distension, dyspnoea, headache.

Carbo.An. has relieved heaviness in cerebellum, (<) in cold air, (>) after dinner; feet weary.

Carboneum Sulphuratum. Compressing, band-like pains in occiput and temples.

In these days of the Menthol craze one is reminded of the Carbon Sulphide, which out to relieve terrible headache with cerebral intoxication or with paralytic weakness. Phosphorus antidotes.

Castoreum.- Pain in occiput, as if, head would be drawn backwards.

Pressure, and throbbing in left side of occiput externally in small spot, internally widely extended; pressing spot relieves pain, but sensitiveness retained and she felt stupefied, during dinner. Throbbing, as from an ulcer; with sticking and tearing in right side of occiput. Tearing and sticking, right side of occiput like shootings, while standing.

To be thought of for nervous women, after exhausting disease, when they remain weak; relief from pressing sport is very important.

Causticum. Occipital bone feels numb, pithy or dead. Drawing pain. Tensive headache arising from nape. Sudden pain in occipital bone while sitting, as if, something in muscles had been displaced. Throbbing pain right side of occiput; on rubbing, it extends towards vertex, where it continues for a long time as if beaten. Drawing pressure in right side of occiput and muscles of neck, (<) on rapid walking, arising in the open air.

This drug should be remembered in rheumatic or neuralgic patients especially when they suffer from every exposure to cold winds, or pains are accompanied with paralytic weakness.

Cedron. Dull pains in head, but very sharp in occiput and in nerves of face and eye; sharp, flying pains all over, on getting warm in bed. Bending head backwards, with pressure on occipital and parietal regions, as if, they would burst. Headache deep in orbits extending to occiput; must shut the eyes; with shuddering of body; hands, feet and nose cold; heat of face. Pain in occiput and forehead.

Excellent in Neuralgia, periodic or not, Malarial or not, provided only the patient is nervous, excitable, with cold hands, feet and nose, and congestion to head.

Cereus Bonplandii. Head as if suspended under skull and base of brain. Head felt drawn backward. Pain through forehead, left side, to occiput. Disagreeable feeling in back of head, seeming to pass down neck and end in a disagreeable sensation approaching qualmishness at the stomach. Sense of a board bound to back of head, (<) left side. Occipital headache. Pain running through to cerebrum. Drawing. Pressing sensation, left side of occiput, immediately afterwards counter pains on left side of forehead. Forcing inwards in occiput on line with sagittal suture, on walking and descending one or two steps. Pain in upper spine and medulla oblongata, up through brain, (<) stooping or bending head forward.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.