Confusion, weakening of pulse, are valuable accompaniments of this powerful agent. (See Laurocerasus below.)

Hydrophobinum. – Throbbing headache in forehead, vertex and occiput down to neck.

Hypericum.- Pressive pain on motion; also with drawing stitches. Tearing. Back of head feels “bothered”. Severe scalp headache left side of occiput. Shooting of dull pain up the left occipital nerve. After breakfast severe scalp headache on left side of occiput sharp, at other times dull.

Ignatia.- Pain in occiput just above mastoid process at times involving the auditory apparatus, then hearing seems blunted. Pressure and pressive pain in occiput, right half, till he falls asleep. Pain, as if, occipital bone was pressed inwards. Head heavy, as if, filled with blood, as after stooping too low, with tearing pains in occiput, (>)lying on back, (<) sitting erect, (>)(>)bending head low forward while sitting. Vertigo changing to pain in right half of occiput. Confusion of head. Pains in right side, (<) in occiput, (<) thinking and also speaking.

It is not locality so much as universal effects that distinguishes Ignatia.

Ind..- Painful raging in bones of left side of occiput. Dull headache like a heaviness in occiput. Warmth and rushing like boiling water. Heat in occiput, afterwards, (<) in middle of brain. Pain in left side of occiput, lancinating, shooting, through head to occiput. Violent stitches. Throbbing, with painful stitches in occiput.

Ipecacuanha.- Painfulness of occiput and nape from moving head. Tensive, pressive headache in occiput and nape, extending into shoulders.

Iris Versicolor.- Pain shoots like an electric shock, from right temple to left side of occiput; depression of spirits, debility. Slight dull pain at situation of posterior fontanelle. Severe stitch in interior of occiput.

Jaborandi.- Aching in lower part of occiput. Dull pain in lower part of occiput over left side of head to forehead; weak; palpitation of heart, stitches in chest.

Kali Bichromicum.- After nasal discharge ceases, pain from occiput to forehead. Pressive headache, (<) forehead and occiput, waking in morning. Pressive headache with transient violent stitches now in vertex, now in temples or occiput. Tearing sticking over whole head, (<) in right temporal and occipital region. On waking A. M. pain in forehead and vertex, after rising changes to occiput. Violent tearing from temporal region to occipital of either side. Sticking in right side, side, of head and whole occipital region. Pressure. Biting.

Kali Carbonicum. – Heaviness, like confusion; or like lead, head falls backward, with stiffness of nape extending to between shoulder-blades. Aching and heaviness, (<) swallowing. Pressure and burning, low down in occiput, heaviness of head even to falling. Violent pressure in occiput with rush of blood in head and feeling of heaviness, while standing. Stitches from nape to occiput. Stitches in occiput on stepping or stooping, as if on surface of brain. Tearing now in right, now in left side of occiput and now in forehead. Throbbing, tearing in right side of occiput close to nape. On stooping, sensation, as if, something was sinking from occiput towards forehead.

In anaemic patients, who suffer from headache with stiff-neck and spinal irritation, Kali Carb. is very useful.

Kali Chloricum.- Confusion in occiput, with peculiar sensation in muscles of nape. Pain in occiput extending into both jaws.

Kali Cyanatum.- Slight, dull pain in back of head just before going to sleep. Head drawn backwards.

Kali Iodatum.- Pressive heaviness. Tension, as if, in bone, with stitches.

Kali Nitricum.- Violent compression, everything stiff, afterwards pain in nape, like pulling on hairs, extending into shoulders, with tension and stitches over face and neck, impairment of swallowing, anxiety, arrest of breathing from eleven A.M. to four P.M. Headache in occiput (>) binding up hair. Drawing, tearing, could not move head, neck stiff; two hours afterwards drawing and tearing, in scapulae, weakness, can scarcely lift feet. Pressure, heaviness. Pressive pain towards occiput, gradually changes into stitches, (<) by touch, seem like rhythmical sticking. Violent pressive pain, mingled with beating in occiput. Violent stitch in left side of occiput, during menses. Burning, throbbing on left side of occiput. Jerking, as if, in bone; later in hip-bone also; and at last alternate with tension behind right ear. A certain coldness in occiput always with the pains in the head. Pain, right side of forehead, suddenly walking; soon towards top of head and thence into occiput and both temples; seemingly in scalp. Painful pulsation in occiput and temples. Skin of forehead feels bruised.

Kalmia.- Pain in back of head and neck. Dull pain around back part of head, frequent sharp, darting in right side of the head.

Headache in occiput and pain in neck. Dull pain in occiput and temples. Shooting from nape up into head. Dull headache, one place and another, (<) in back of head, and especially those parts back of forehead. Pains shoot from temples to occiput.

In rheumatic patients, the shooting upward is important.

Kreosotum.- Whole occiput full, heavy, feels, as if, he would fall backward. Pain as from suppuration below left side of occipital bone.

Lachesis. – Heavy as lead; morning, waking, with vertigo, tensive pain in right side of occiput, extends to orbits and down into nasal bones. Rush of blood to head on stooping, with headache on right side, extending towards occiput.

Lactic Acid.- Pain at base of occiput and over eyes. Slight pain from occiput to vertex, with rough and constricted throat. Dull, weighty pain in occiput; on lying down, pain left and went to forehead, tendency to close eyes: later, pain back to occiput, the eyes still heavy; on again lying, pain went to be forehead. Severe headache in left mastoid, extending obliquely across by way of occiput to over the right ear. Light darting pains from centre of brain in straight lines to centre of occipital protuberance, (<) motion.

Lactuca Virosa.- Heaviness, pressure. Dull pain. Pressive, tense feeling, with heat in forehead and cold hands. Compressive, heavy feeling.

This pressive, tense feeling is very important. It is a similar tightness in the chest that makes Lactuca so invaluable in dyspnoea of spasmodic origin.

Lamium Album.- Pain in occiput, as if, lying on a stone, and as if, bed was too hard when lying on either side.

Laurocerasus.- As if tendons too short and head would be drawn backward, like painful heaviness with cessation of pain in forehead. Feeling of tension in right side of occiput, as from taking hold of a lock of hair. Drawing deep in right side of occiput. Twinging pain, with sleepiness. Painful pressure on left side of occiput to neck. Painful pressure from within outward, beneath left side of occipital bone; thought vanishes. Transient stitches in occiput or forehead. Throbbing in left side. Headache alternately in forehead and occiput, pressive; pulse diminished. (See Hydrocyanic Acid.)

Lilium Superbum.- Pain in right occipital protuberance. Lilium Tigrinum.- Headache in occiput and over eyes. Screwing pain in left occipital protuberance, with drawing pain on left side of nucha. Dull pressing-aching from left temple, over ear to occiput, in paroxysms, with steady, dull frontal headache, over left eye. Dull heavy pressive pain from forehead and temples to occipital protuberances.

Lobelia Inflata.- Dull feeling. Tension in occiput, in region if lambdoidal suture, only when playing strict attention to anything. Pressure, after removing head covering. Pressive pain in occiput in open air.

Lycopersicum Esculentum.- Boring in left of occiput.

Lycopodium.- Heaviness. Dull heavy feeling in occiput, with confused pain in forehead, (<) motion. Burning pain in both occipital eminences. Pain, as if, scalp was inflamed. Occiput fills with blood after he stoops. Punching pain in head behind ear. Pressure in right half of occiput, extending

towards ear. Pressive pain. Sticking pain. Sticking and throbbing at night. Stitches at times in occiput, with almost excessively joyous mood. Constant stitches with slow pulse. Tearing. Pressive tearing in left side of occiput., in small spot near nape. Throbbing and pressure. Violent shock from back up towards vertex, obliged to hold on to head, while sitting (after eating to satiety.). Nausea affects head, which pains, as if, compressed and confused as far as nape. Fine stitches in both occiput. Stitches in vertex and occiput. Jerking headache from occiput to vertex. Violent throbbing in forehead, afterwards tensive, and extending across occiput to nape. Drawing pain in right side of head to nape. Tensive pain in nape and occiput while writing.

Lycopus.- Pain from cerebellum transferred to temples, more acute. Congestive pain in occiput without mitigation of temporal aching. Severe aching, with cessation of cardiac pain. Aching at superior curved line, one inch to left of occipital protuberance, passing to corresponding spot on right side. Distressed feeling in cerebellum. Pain of temples transferred to cerebellum, seemingly congestive. Fronto-occipital headache, with toothache; or succeeded by labored cardiac action. Frontal headache, extending afterwards through to occiput, succeeded by cardiac depression. Frontal, then occipital aching and subacute pain in fifth right interspace, each quickly abating, succeeded by return of aching pain in temples.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.