Clinical: o Headache from nape, with vertigo, dim vision, dilated pupils. o Congestion of brain and spine. o Cerebro- spinal Meningitis. o Muscles of neck contracted drawing head backwards;;violent convulsions.

VIBURNUM OPULUS.- Neck stiff, with pain in occiput. Dull headache, (<) over eyes at times goes to occiput, (<) When delayed menses should appear.

ZINCUM. – Acute heaviness. Pressing asunder pain in right of occiput. Drawing in occiput, with gnawing in forehead. Painful gnawing on right occipital protuberance, as from a mouse. Bruised pain. Beating as of waves, feeling of heat in a spot on right side of occiput up to vertex. Tearing, with dull stitches on top of head. Tearing in right side of occiput when laughing. Boring in right side of head, (<) in occiput. Vertigo in whole brain, (<) in occiput, as if he would fall over, or to the left while walking.

ZINCUM PHOSPHORATUM.- Severe frontal headache, stabs of pain from before to occiput, but intra-cranial.

Clinical: Zincum; o Internal, semi-lateral headaches. There are pain in sinciput or in occiput, (<) from wine, in warm room, and after eating.

Zinc is precious remedy in chronic headaches, deep-seated, maddening pains, with trembling hands or with fidgety feet. It is also useful in anaemia of brain and spine from over-work, loss of fluids, undeveloped or imperfectly cured exanthemata, etc. The characteristic vertigo is present, as may be, also, tearing pains. Wine aggravates.

The Phosphide of Zinc has a short proving, but even this justifies the clinical use of the drug in occipital headaches of a neuralgic character, but of evident central origin: stabs from before to occiput. (See also Picrate of Zinc, above.)

Zizia Aurea.- Dull pains in occiput down muscles of neck.

A single symptom, but as it is in a prover who developed the characteristic choreic symptoms, it may be of value.


Congestion etc. ACONITE, head drawn back. Aesculus Hip., spine weak, haemorrhoidal hyperaemia. Aethusa wants to bend back; Colic, green stools, spasms; vomiting. Agaricus, Chorea or cerebro-spinal irritation; boring head in pillow. Ailanth., confused dizzy; beating in occipital arteries. Alcohol, apoplectic fullness, face dark red, muscles of neck give out. ALOES, pulsating; with abdominal plethora. Amyl Nitrite. Ant. Tart, heaviness, difficult breathing, drowsiness, nausea. Apis, Asterias, o Baryta sul BELL. (<) Bending back or lying. Borax, throbbing; rush of blood. Bovista, ptosis, drowsy, head feels very large. Bryonia, forehead to occiput, (<) motion. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS, with band-like compression; with inco-ordination and sore pressure, (>) from mental or bodily exercise. CALC. C. chronic, Calcarea phos. school-girls. CAMPHOR, throbbing, (<) Sun. CANN. INDICA, surging throbbing; stunning pain, he feels, uraemic case, convulsions; errors in recognition of time and space. both are magnified; delirium.

CARBO AN, throbbing; heaviness, confusion, (<) cold, (<) after dinner, feels weary. Cedron. CIMIC. Conium, pain with every pulse, as if, pierced. Crot., Digitalin, confusion, pulsation, (>) walking, in the open air. Dirca Palustris. FERRUM, hammering. coming up neck; feet cold, fingers stiff; mind confused. GELS., occiput over head; sight dim; drowsy; face suffused. GLONOINE Ham dull throb. Ind., throb, stitches; melancholy. Kali C., Lachesis Lycopodium, after stooping. Lycopus, fronto-occipital pains, congestion; heart-symptoms. Mancinella, hammering head and nape, (<) stooping. Mitchella. Melilotus, Nat. Mur., NUX VOM, haemorrhoidal, abdominal plethora, (<) in the morning, skull bones, as if, would burst. Oleum Animale, Opium, PETROLEUM, Pulsations, o even spasms; accompaniment of scrofulous Ophthalmia, Eczema, diarrhoea, etc. etc. PHOS., rush of blood up spine into head, (<) Sun, (<) Summer, Piper Methysticum, (<) light mental work or diversion of mind. PICRIC ACID, throbbing, (<<) going upstairs. ZINCUM PICRIC. Plumb., chronic, agonising pains from behind forward, (>) walking and pressure of hand. PULS., throbbing, caused by gastric or uterine derangement. (<) o after Quinine. Ranunculus Bulb RHUS Tox., RHUS RAD, SEPIA, o pulsation, (<) motion, etc. SULPHUR, abdominal plethora, chronic cases. Sumbul, ebullitions; violent heart-beat. o Theridion Upas. o Veratrum Viride.

Ice-like sensation: CALC.CARB. CALC.PHOS.

Coldness: o Chelid, Kali Nit., o phos. (brain stiff). Pimpinella, silicea.

Feeling of damp coldness; Thea.

Crawling: Calcarea phos. Dulcamara

Heaviness: Weight: Feeling of lead : Agaric, Aurum Mur.Natro., Bryonia, Baryta Acetica, Belladonna, Bism., Bovista, Calcarea Carb., Cactus., CARBO AN., CARBO VEG. (confused as after debauch), Cham, CHELID., Colch, coloc, Conium, Dulcamara, Graphites., Hell, Kali C., Kali Iod, Keros., LACH. (leaden) LACTUCA ( but more tensive heaviness), Lauro., Lycopodium Mag. Mur. Mephitis, Mitchella, MUR. AC. (obscure sight). Myrica, Natrum mur.. (draws eyes together), Niccol, Nitr. spiri. Dulcis, Nitro-Muriatic Ac. (as if brain all in occiput; low digestion), NUX VOM, Opium, Paeonia, PETROLEUM, Phellandrium (vertex weighing down), Phosphorus PhosphorusAc., PICRIC AC. ZINC. PIC., Plumb. Psorin. (like wood there), Ptelea, Ruta, Rhus Tox, sabina, Saponin, Selen, Sepia, Spigelia, Spong, Stan, SUL, Tarax., Thuja, Tilia, Upas, Zincum met.

Mental overwork: Brain-Fag: Coca, COLCH. (nausea, bitter taste, etc.) PHOS.ACID (o occipital headache, pain in the nape), CALC. PHOS., PHOS., PICRIC ACID, Piper Meth, (business anxieties, pressure and congestion front to back), ZINC.PICRIC., Nat.Mur., Raphanus, Rhus Rad., Rhus Tox., SEPIA, Silicea, SUL., Zincum met., Zincum met.Phosphorus

Better concentrating mind: Helonias

Thinking: Writing: Reading, etc.: Nitric Ac., Pimpinella, Piper Meth. (intently or steadily)., RHUS RAD. (occiput aches, weak, unable to extent mind or body), Rhus Tox.,

Inco-ordination: Cactus, Ginseng.

Pains come and go suddenly: Asterias, ArgentumNit., BELL., Merce. Cor. (go suddenly).

Pains come and go gradually: Picric Ac., STANN.

Occiput seems to open and shut: o Coccul., Sepia.

Anaemia: Graphites (neck stiff spine sensitive (<) seventh cervical vertebra), CIM, FERRUM, KALI CARB. (Stiff-neck, (<) swallowing food,) Mangan., ZINC.

Rheumatism: Actea Spicata, Cim., Baryta C. (glands swollen), CALC.CARB., CALC.PHOS., CAUST. ((<) cold, dry air), Dulcamara, Kali bichromicum, Lycopodium, Nux V., Ranunculus Bulb. ((<) changes of temperature)., RHUS RAD., RHUS TOX.

Summer Heat: Sun(<); ACON., Camph., BELL., BRY, Gelsemium, GLON., Theridion.

Damp Weather: DULC., Bromium (bone-pains), BAR.C., CALC.CARB., CALC.PHOS.

Touch (>) : Dirca Palustris.

Tight Bandage (<) : CalcareaCarb.

Jarring: o Ferrum, (<) coughing, GLONOINE, Mag.Sul. (dare not cough), Nit.Ac.

Pressure(>) : Diosc, Bryonia CASTOREUM, Hydras., Nux Vom., Plumb., RanunculusScle. Sabina.

Rubbing(>) : PhosphorusAc., tARENT.

Vertigo from Occiput: CalcareaPhosphorus, Coca., Cann. Ind., Carbo Veg. Cim, Digitalis, GELSEMIN, Ginseng., Hydroc., Ac., Mag.Mur., RanunculusBulb. Sabadilla, Senecio, SILICEA, Zincum met., Mercurius Cor. (with tearing in occiput), o Nux Vom. (dizzy, intense occipital headache, eyes pain, stomach deranged)., Selenium (pressure in occiput and vertigo on standing)., o Verat V.

Head drawn back: Aconite, Aethus., BELLADONNA., Cereus Bon., Castoreum (as if would be: better pressing spot), Ginseng (bends, back involuntarily), GLON., Kali Cyan., Lactuca Virosa (as if would be), Mag.Carb., Nat.Carb. (as if would be), Nitric Ac. (with stitches in left side of occiput), Phellandrium, Nux vomica, Strychnine, o VeratrumV.

Head falls back; Bufo, Kali C., Murex Ac. (from heaviness), Staphysagria

Semi -conscious, etc.: Oxygen. Nitrogen, head and spine numb, falls backwards: Hysteria. As if, would lose Senses: Nat.Mur., RanunculusBulb.

Confusion, etc.,: Ambra, Ailanth. (dull heavy), Ammoniac. CalcareaPhosphorus, Carbo Veg. (as after intoxication)., Carb. Sul. (intoxication), Digitalin, Dig, o Ferrum, Hydrastis Ac. Kali Chlor,. Lycopodium Pain takes away thought: Prunus.


Tearing: Aconite, Arsenicum Aurum, Berberis, Bovista (and in lower jaw), Colchicum, (eye-balls to occiput), Kali Nit., Magnesia Mur., mERCURIES in general (see periosteum), RanunculusBulb. (preceded by vertigo in occiput); Rhus Ven. (from each temple back to occiput and down neck to shoulders), Sabina (pressive tearing), Silicea (occiput forward), Spigelia (burrowing_tearing), Tarax. ( (<) in Typhoid Fever).

Sharp: Flying: Stitching: Neuralgic: ACON., CIM., BELL., BRY., Cedron (periodic, but even if not in ague, nervous persons, etc.,) CHAM. (excitable, pains unbearable), Chelid (violent, back and forth, vertex to neck, CHINA (Ague;(<) least touch (>) pressure, unbearable), Chin, Sul., (periodic), Conium (pain at every pulse as if, pierced with a knife), Diosc. (sharp, twisting pain (>) rubbing), GELS. (sharp, occiput over head, pupils large, face suffused, ptosis), Mag. Mur., Mag.Phosphorus, Mangan., Naja (dull, shoots up the occiput, spinal irritation), Nat. Mur. (stitches as with knives in the occiput), Phosphorus, Plantago Maj. (especially when there is toothache or earache)., Prunus. Spinosa (shooting, lightning-like, forehead through to occiput). JUGLANS CATHARTICA (severe pains in occiput), SANG. (o occiput to over right eye, nausea, vomiting, etc.), SEPIA (Shoot up (<) noise, (>) sleep, o THUJA (Converse direction to Spigelia, which latter goes from behind forward).

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.