Pimpinella.- Rushing in head, (<) down back part with pressure, that is increased by the rushing. Pressive and pushing from temples to occiput and into nape. Headache, (<) in occiput and nape. Sensation of coldness in occiput as from sharp draft, in a closed room. Sensation of tension and pressive pain in occiput into nape. Constant dull pressive pain. Pain, (<) reading so that thought is difficult. Acute stitches in occiput, concentrated about protuberances. Tension and sticking in nape of neck and occiput.

Piper Methysticum.- Dullness, fullness and pressure in forehead. Vertigo on elevating or moving head to either side; after dinner, pain shifted to lateral and occipital regions, and on lying increased, though not enough to constitute real pain; was apprehensive of pain by rapid movement but none followed felt impelled to move cautiously; as if, something there that would not admit of rapid movement. Front of head, as if solid with pain, this gradually moves to base of brain and along medulla oblongata: (>) slight motion, (<) active motion; slight mental effort, passing from topic to topic relieves, though sustained effort increases pain; lying with head elevated resting been forward on cushion, frontal pain better but occipital pain worse, Vessels of neck and base of brain full, as if, circulation had been cut off by a cord, back of head and cerebellum and neck felt congested to the brain and cord-centre, sore inside and tender outside to pressure; all these parts felt double or treble their size. After business anxieties, evening, pain along under forehead outward to sides, after retiring, passed to posterior of brain, medulla, cerebellum etc. as if, compressed by an even pressure, especially from front to back; constriction extended to chest and stomach; nervous system in high tension; (>) while moving.

The essential characteristic here seems to be that the pains are relieved by temporarily turning the mind to another light topic.

Plantago Major.- Dull boring. Dull pain, passing off quickly. Headache morning, (<) back of head. Pain all-

around back of head, cannot rest head five minutes in one place. Dull stupefying pain in sinciput, finally extending to each side of occiput. While walking and driving in cool air, pain in left side of head from over left eye back toward occiput. Twinges now in right temple extending backward, then through occiput from ear to ear, then in other parts of head.

Both the major and minor are good in Neuralgia. The major is excellent when either ears or teeth are involved; back head particularly with ear-pains, caused by catching cold.

Plectranthus Fructicosus.- Drawing pain in right frontal eminence, returning, on walking out of doors, (<) pressure of hand, afterwards it suddenly disappears and reappears as a drawing in occiput towards nape, (>>) here going into open air. Pressive pain and tension in occiput, nape and cervical muscles, across scapulae and down arms. Pressive pain in occiput, (<) lying on back, must often change position, 4 A.M. on waking. Pain at 6-40 A.M. on waking extended to sinciput and from eyebrows into upper lids, which are raised with difficulty; drawing pain in occiput, so bad in evening, that it disturbs work; must get up and walk about the room, which affords transient relief. Drawing, (<) out doors, (>>) in house.

Plumbum.- Sense of heaviness in occiput, as if, its weight was increased. Violent headache in occiput to ears and temples; dull pressive pain commencing while asleep; often arose and walked about holding the head until relieved. Headache in occiput extending to forehead. Dull pain in occiput from spine upwards. Pressure forward and feeling, as if, eyes would close from heaviness,(>>) on standing up. Violent stitches. Severe pain in head, especially in occiput.

Invaluable in chronic headaches, congestive, with occipital heaviness; or violent, agonising from behind forward, (>) walking and pressure of hands.

Prunus Spinosa.- Shooting like lightning through brain from right side of forehead coming out at occiput. Violent nervous pain in left side of occiput takes away thought. Pressive pain outwards. Pressive sore pain in occiput forward into some of the teeth.

Crushing and sharp pain are very characteristic

Psorinum.- Like a cord tied firmly around skin, (<) about occiput, which feels, as if, pressed outward. Pressing pain, right side of occiput, as if, strained.

Clinical: o Pain in occiput, as if, a piece of wood was lying there.

Ptelea Trifoliata.- Headache in occiput, passing to frontal region over eyes. Heaviness in occiput with gloomy feeling in forehead. Headache seems more in cerebellum. Severe pains in forehead and occiput.

Pulsatilla Nuttalliana.- Hot, full, feeling in cerebellum.

Pulsatilla Pratensis. – Drawing headache above nape in morning. Pressive tearing pain in left side of occiput, morning. Pressive pain in occiput, with frequent heat of body and constant sweat. Rhythmical throbbing in occiput. Tearing in left side of occiput. Stitches from occiput through ears; also (<) lying down, (>>) on rising. Violent pulsation in the left side of occiput, externally.

Excellent in congestive occipital headaches, with throbbing, (>) pressure.. Pains of gastric origin or in conjunction with spinal congestion I cured promptly with this drug. o Throbbing in occiput, in a patient who had chills suppressed by quinine. Its occipital headache extending into ears is similar to plantago.

Ranunculus Bulbosus.- Pain in occiput after slight chagrin, morning. Drawing sticking. Violent tearing in evening in left side of occiput, as far as nape, afterwards along lower jaw from behind forward. Transitory (beating?) pain while sitting, in left side of occiput, with general debility. Subdued, soft beats, not like pulsations, but at long intervals in the left side of occiput. Violent tearing in the right temple, preceded by vertigo in occiput when walking, as if, he would fall. On entering a room from open air, suddenly there is aching in temples and in nape; with this there is vertigo apparently from deep in brain.

Ranunculus Scleratus. – Dull pain in occiput, the whole head feeling painful externally. Pressing pain in both inferior tuberc ossis capitis, (>>) when pressed upon.

The Bulbosus affects the circulation in the occiput causing vertigo. Mental emotions such as chagrin, cause pain in occiput, and also trembling of limbs. He has turns of weakness, seemingly from the head, feels as if, senses would vanish. Vitality is lowered by this drug. It is useful, too, for inebriates.

Further, it is indicated, in rheumatic patients, who are, (<) in every change of temperature.

Raphanus.- Dull pain in occiput, (>) throwing head back. Headache, morning and evening, (<) in occiput. Head easily fatigued. Headache, morning, (<) in occiput; when she presses hand on occiput pain becomes general. Finger upon middle of occiput causes shudderings in back, chest and arms with loss of thought; there in sensation, as if, a sheet of water was before they eyes. Pain in occiput causing an uneasiness or fatigue. Drawing pain behind head and in neck. Gnawing followed by numbness. Violent headache in the forehead and occiput in the morning.

Ratanhia.- Tearing from occiput up to vertex. Violent tearing in nape while walking, extending forward into forehead. Heaviness in the head.

Tension, as if, skin was tight here and there seems important.

Rheum.- Pressive headache, then tearing, extending into occiput.

Rhododendron.- Aching, sore pain in right hemisphere and in cerebellum while sitting. Dull pain early in morning. Aching deep in right occiput, with paroxysmal drawing from below upwards. Dull pressure deep in the occiput in evening. Pain in right side of occiput, as if, a foreign body was forced in. Contusive pain in a small place on right side of occiput with alternate drawing in the direction of ear.

Rhus Radicans.- Pain at the right hemisphere of cerebellum after intellectual labour, 11.30 A.M. same place and over right eye at eye-brow. Dull pain in right side of occiput, with constipation; also awaking, morning. Pressive pain in left side of occiput. Pain in head and nape. Pain in occiput and neck. Feeling of crowding upward at occiput. Pain in occiput on awaking. Semi-lateral pain at right side of occiput. Dull pain in occiput, and neck, (<) bending head forward. Headache in occiput, with feeling of weakness in head and inability to exert much the body or the mind.

Rhus Toxicodendron.- On opening eyes after sleep sudden violent headache in the forehead behind eyes, as if, brain was torn to pieces; as after intoxication by Brandy; (<) moving eyes, then in occiput, as if, cerebellum was bruised, with a pressing outward in temples. Headache in occiput, disappearing on bending backward. Single jerks in occiput. Drawing in occiput and temples with pressure in eyes, driving him form bed. Burning pain, at times in occiput, and at times in forehead.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.