Niccolum.- Heaviness. Painful boring and gnawing, (<) left side. Feeling of fullness and heaviness in heads, feels, as if, cut to pieces, on stooping; in occiput sensation as if beaten and sore, and a stupefied feeling in head generally.

Nitri Spiritus Dulcis.- Heat. pressure. Heaviness with heat.

Nitric Acid.- Violent sticking pain in right side of head and in occiput, even sore to touch. Transient headache in occiput after slight exertion, especially when thinking. Pressive bruised pain. Pain, like that from Mercury. Stitches in both occipital protuberances to lower jaw. Violent stitches in left side of occiput during breakfast, so that head is drawn back and respiration impeded. Violent stitches, suddenly in right side of occiput in evening; afterwards another kind of violent headache, both (>>) on going to sleep. Throbbing.

Neuralgia, periosteal and bone-pains, Mercurial or Syphilitic, need this Acid; especially when in addition to above there are sensitiveness to rattling of wagons, to touch or to pressure of hat. Bones of skull feeling constricted by a tape.

Nitro muriatic Acid- On rising, 7 A.M. feels as if, brain was all in occiput, making it feel heavy; food slow in digesting. To be remembered in Dyspepsia.

Nitrogenium Oxygenatum.- Headache and aching along spine, as if, they were sleep. Numb feeling in head and all over, followed by semi-consciousness; she falls backwards; open air postpones spells.

An observation I made several years ago. I think the drug should be tried in hysterical fainting and perhaps in la petit mal.

Nux Moschata.- Pressure between vertex and occiput. Pressure in left side of occiput towards nape. Pressure in right side of head, in part above ear, in part at right angle of occiput as from pressure inward on bone.

Nux Vomica.- Aching pain in occiput, morning just after rising Headache in occiput at time of menses as from ulcer in brain and as if suppurating; (<) lying down. Drawing posteriorly as if chilly. Pressure in occiput outward from both sides, as if, skull there was forced asunder, with heat in brain, (>) momentarily by pressure of hands. Violent jerking or dull stitches in left hemisphere of brain from orbits towards parietal bone and occiput, soon after eating Drawing pain, first in temples, then in forehead, then in occiput. Pain in occiput, as if, brain was knocked forwards.

Clinically: o Intense occipital headache; dizzy; pains in eyes; stomach deranged. o Sensation as from a bruise in back part of head.

Characteristics are the starred symptoms; and also sensation, as if, skull would burst. The integuments are intensely sore as if, bruised. Hair on occiput seems painful.

Oleander.- Sharp pressive pain externally in left side of occiput. Dull pressure in a small spot in occiput. Tensive stitch in occipital bone.

Oleum Animale.- Pressure from vertex towards occiput. Tearing and sticking in upper part of right side of head, leaves and goes to right side of occiput. Tension of occipital muscles. Blood seems to rush into occiput on going into house. Pressure from occiput forward, one hour after dinner. Pressure in left side of occiput, must hold head forward, continues even on moving head, lasting from one hour after dinner till 6 p.m. Gnawing pain in occipital region less on left side. Boring pain in small spot on left side of occiput. Sharp stitches.

Opium.- Occiput feels like lead, head falls backward. Dullness and confusion becoming pressive sensation extending forward over orbit and backward to nape. Pressive, at times, throbbing headache from behind forward along median line. Pain, pressing outward in right frontal eminence, preventing writing; later felt in occiput; (>>) rubbing with hand and pressure. Very painful headache, involving occiput.

Occipital pains, etc., are not very distinctive of Opium and its Alkaloids.

Osmium.- Fullness and aching at upper and back of head, (<) throwing head back (second day). Occipital headache continued (sixth day.)

Oxalic Acid.- Cutting from right side of forehead, behind ear, down to insertion of sterno-mastoid. Pain along base of occipital bone. Pain pressing invariably between vertex and occiput on a spot.

This pain in a “spot” is very characteristic. It is more often noticed in forehead.

Paeonia.- Heaviness. Pressure. Pressive pain in occiput and nape.

Paris Quadrifolia.- Pressure. Intermittent drawing in muscles of right side of occiput. Tension in skin of forehead and occiput. as if, adherent. Meninges and brain feel tense, with tensive sensation in occiput, as if, skin was thicker and could not be wrinkled. Sensation, as if, dura mater were drawn tight, (<) in occiput.

Two conditions are characteristic: Sensation, as if, head was very large, and, this tightly drawn feeling. Most marked is the latter through eye to mid-brain, but it also occurs in the occiput.

Petroleum.- Heaviness like lead. pressure and sticking pressure, morning. Pinching. Pulsation, when lying upon it. Pressing, stinging, in cerebellum. Clinically determined; o Occipital headache, spasms screaming; loss of appetite, constipation. o Pain from occiput over head to forehead and eyes; blindness, losses consciousness. Throbbing and pulsating in occiput is most characteristic, indicating the remedy in many ailments.

Phellandrium.- Distressing, intermitting pressure. Burning, constrictive sensation. Pressive dulness. Dull headache, (<) in occiput. Painful tearing. Slight burrowing in left occiput. Sharp stitches in right side of occiput. sensation of heaviness, as if head would be drawn backwards to nape. Hot orgasm from occiput to vertex and slight dull stitch left side of vertex, a quarter of an hour after dinner.

Headache “;like a heavy weight on vertex, with aching and burning in temples and above eyes, pain in eyes, congested conjunctivae” has yielded to this plant. Quite like it will be useful when, as in the symptom, the heaviness, weighs occiput- ward.

Phosphoric Acid.- Pinching, tearing pressure in occiput, (<) noise or least motion. Painful pressure outward in right side of occiput. Tearing in vertex and occiput. Pressure, as if, lying on something hard; as from hard body, (>) rubbing. Pressive pain in occiput in part extending forward, (<) pressure and turning head. heaviness and pressing forward in occiput on bending forward, (>>) bending back. Headache in occiput, must lie down. Drawing in occipital bones. Bruised pain at insertion of cervical muscles. Digging boring right of occiput. Hard pressure above left temple, to occiput; dread of motion. Clinically: o Occipital headache and pain in nape from nerve exhaustion.

Phosphorus.- Dull pain, fever and flushed face. Pain in back of head and left side of head. Heaviness in occiput and nape; also with pressive pain in occiput. Occiput and nape stiff and painful. Transient pressive pain, as if, in bone in side of occiput. Sticking, then pressure followed by throbbing in forehead. Stitches. Pulsation in occiput on rising. Throbbing in occiput and in vertex. Stitches, at times burning, in frontal region, in vertex, sides extending into left side of occiput; Sense as if, pulled by hair. Neuralgic pain 10 A.M. as if head was drawn forward by a weight, face feels full, as if, too full of blood, as after intense study, with drawing in left side of occiput.

I have cured with this remedy, o rush of blood to head, seeming to come up the spine and thence into head. It suits long- standing congestions, with stinging in occiput and pulsations there and in whole head; (<) mental work, brain-fag. etc. It has also relieved o cold sensation in cerebellum; brain feels stiff.

Physostigma.- Tired sensation in cerebellum. Shooting pains through right side of head down into back part of neck, (<) rising or walking. Severe pain in mastoids.

Phytolacca.- Severe general headache, but (<) part of time in temples, with slight vertigo, and part of time, (<) in occiput; (<) walking or riding. Dull bruised pain.

Picric Acid.- Dull pain in right side of lower occipital region, comes and goes gradually; also with sensation as of a band along right parietal eminence. Dull, heavy throbbing and burning pains from occiput forward to supra-orbital foramen and thence to eyes, which throb and feel sore to touch. Pain in lower right occipital region, as if, cerebellum was loose, keeps throbbing, (<) walking(>) sitting quiet. Heavy pain in occipital region down neck and spine. Fullness and heaviness of head, developing into intense throbbing pain in left side of head, (<) eyeball and forehead, extending back to occipital region; (<) keeping quiet, (<) motion, (<<) going upstairs. Fullness and heaviness of head, disinclined to mental or physical work, becoming throbbing headache, (<) left eye and occipital region, (<<) going upstairs, which causes intense throbbing in eye-ball.

(Zincum Picricum.- Dull, heavy, drawing, occipital headache.


These two remedies are invaluable in serious cerebral and spinal affections. They cure headache from brain-fag, from sexual excesses. The latter especially relieves headache accompanying Morbus Brightii.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.