Symptoms and hints related to Head from the Hahnemann’s therapeutic hints by R.E. Dudgeon, originally published in 1894. …


Vertigo-ALM., ARN., ARS., BRY., CON., HYO., IGN., K-CA., LOL., NA-C., PHO., SEP., SUL., TAB.

-extreme, as if intoxicated e.-SIL.

-all things seem to whirl and is apt to fall forward-NA-M.

Vertigo as if swayed to and fro-PET.

-so that he must lay hold of something-SIL.

-making him lie down-NI-X.

– in morning-CB-A.

-as if from stomach-K.CA.

Vertigo when looking around as though he should fall to the side- CON.

-especially when stooping-LYC.

-when sitting-SUL.

-when sitting and reading-AM-C.

-when walking and sitting-NI-X.

when going upstairs-CAL.

-when climbing high-CAL.

-when eating-AM-C.

-with jerks in head and inability to remember-NA-M.

-transient attacks, with loss of recollection when walking in open air and writing-SEP.

-with nausea-PUL.

-with slow pulse-CRO.

-with paralytic weakness of limbs-AM-M.

Empty, hollow, confused-PUL.

Confusion -NA-M., PET., ZIN.

– and incapacity for mental work-SEP.

Dazed-ANA., GRP., NA-C., SIL., ZIN.

-in m.-IOD.

Dull, dazed feeling-SIL.

Vertiginous dazedness-CAU.


Blow on head, as if had a-BEL.


Humming-CAU., K-CA.

Intoxicated, as if, on rising in -GRP.

Hollow feeling and headache after epileptic fit-CUP.

Chilliness-BAR., CB-V. SEP.


Cold Spot-SUL.


-cold feet-AM-C.

Sweat, evening-CAL.

Weight-CAM., CB-V., CON., LYC., SEP., SUL.

Heaviness, as though it was full of water-PH-X.

-and want of recollection, from stooping-SUL. Rush of blood with flushes of heat-SUL.

Congestion-ANT., AUR., CB-V., K-CA., LYC., NI-X., PHO.

-on stooping-SEP.

-on sitting up in bed., m. followed by headache-LYC.

Apoplexy-CRO., NX-V.


Bent down when walking-SUL.

Jerking forward-SEP.

Headache-ARS., COF., SUL -violent, of influenza-CAM.

-long-standing-AM-C., CLE.



-morning-K-CA., PHO., PH-X.

-On waking m.-NA-M.

-at night-LYC.

-from reading and writing- CAL.

Headache from annoyance- LYC., PET.

after eating-AM-C.

after a meal-ARS.

– from sneezing and coughing-K-CA.

-on the slightest movement in bed, n.-SUL.

-aggravated by stooping– IGN.

-from over-lighting-CAL.

-when driving–K-CA.

– in the sun-NA-C.

– from being over-heated-CB-V., SIL. -vertiginous-NA-M.


Headache, drawing to bursting, daily-SUL.

-drawing in head, forehead, temples, and molars-PET.

-dull, pressive-CAU.



– – after dinner-CB-A – – tensive- LYC., MG-M.

– – shooting-PET.

– – cutting- PUL.

– shooting- CAU., CON., SUL.

– – and humming- SUL.

– -, worse on movement- BRY.


– – on crown, forehead, temples, in eyes, nose and a tooth, on lying down- LYC.

– – in forehead, vertex, and occiput-NI-X.

– – shooting, he must lie down -NA-M Headache, as though head would burst-NA-M.

-bursting -CAL., SIL.

-tensive – CAM.

-hammering-AM-C., NA-M.

– – after walking in open air-CAL.

– beating- NA-M.

– – in middle of head- CAL.

-throbbing -IOD., NI-X., SIL.

– – and beating when moving body-NA-M.

– – clucking-SUL.

– like pulling the hair, with nausea-ALM.

-Sick-AM-C., CB-V., NI-X., SEP.

-with nausea-K.CA.

– with slow pulse-CRO.

Headache, feels hollow after epileptic fit-CUP, Cephalic gout-COL., GUI.

Gout in h., attacks of. with boring pain compelling him to cry out, and vomiting-SEP.



Sweat, m-K-CA.


Weight-ARS., CAL, -pressive -STN.

-as if it would press out, from noon till evening-SIL.

-like a board in front- CAL., DUL.

Pain over eyes -BAR.

-ulcerative (above eye) every evening-HEP.

-boring, as if head would burst-CAL.

Pain boring, (at root of nose) every m. from 7 to 12 o’ clock- HEP.

– – and burning-DUL.

– drawing out at-SIL.

– pressive-CAL.

– – over eyes- NA-M.

– shooting, over eyes- NA.M.

– shooting out through eyes NA-C.

-tearing with heat, forenoon- SIL.

– – to and fro, every afternoon-LYC.

– – also in temples, crown, eyes, nose and a tooth, on lying down-LYC.

-throbbing and drawing- NA-M.

– as if all would come out there- AM-C.


Pain, pressing, to eyes -ANA.

– shooting-CAU.

– tearing, also in forehead, crown, eyes, nose and a tooth, on lying down-LYC.


Pain from nape to crown, preventing sleep-SIL.


-tearing, also in forehead, temples, eyes nose and a tooth, on lying down-LYC.

-tensive, shooting-CAU.



Icy coldness, r.-CAL.



Pain, tearing, also in teeth and cervical glands-GRP.

Stitches in parietal bone- NA-M.



-especially in occiput, closing eyelids-NA-M.

Pain from false step or load noise-ANA.



-throbbing-CAL., PET. SEP.


Chilled, apt to be-K-CA.

Itching -ANT., GRP., NI-X., PHO.

-also in nose and ears-SEP.

Formicating, humming, buzzing-SUL.

Sweat, evening-SIL.

-when walking in open air-GRP.



-severe – CLE.

– scurfy-K-CA.

Tinea capitis-GRP., PET.

-itching, humid, scabby- SIL.

Nodular elevations-SIL.

Pain, as if ulcerated-ZIN.

-pricking (one side)-PHO.

-tearing, boring, scraping, n-LYC.

-tearing at certain hours-NA-C.



Falling out-AM-C., ANT., AUR., CAL., CON., GRP., K.CA., NI-X., PET., PHO., SEP., SIL.

Baldness -BAR., LYC., ZIN.

R.E. Dudgeon
Robert Ellis Dudgeon 1820 – 1904 Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in 1839, Robert Ellis Dudgeon studied in Paris and Vienna before graduating as a doctor. Robert Ellis Dudgeon then became the editor of the British Journal of Homeopathy and he held this post for forty years.
Robert Ellis Dudgeon practiced at the London Homeopathic Hospital and specialised in Optics.
Robert Ellis Dudgeon wrote Pathogenetic Cyclopaedia 1839, Cure of Pannus by Innoculation, London and Edinburgh Journal of Medical Science 1844, Hahnemann’s Organon, 1849, Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Homeopathy, 1853, Homeopathic Treatment and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera 1847, Hahnemann’s Therapeutic Hints 1847, On Subaqueous Vision, Philosophical Magazine, 1871, The Influence of Homeopathy on General Medical Practice Since the Death of Hahnemann 1874, Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica, 2 vols 1878-81, The Human Eye Its Optical Construction, 1878, Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura, 1880, The Sphygmograph, 1882, Materia Medica: Physiological and Applied 1884, Hahnemann the Founder of Scientific Therapeutics 1882, Hahnemann’s Organon 1893 5th Edition, Prolongation of Life 1900, Hahnemann’s Lesser Writing.