Numb, tingling sensations in arms and hands, as though the poles of a galvanic battery were being held.

Numbness in arms, and hands.

Much formication in arms and hands.

Immediately (from a portion of the juice getting into a wound in the thumb), horrible pain throughout the arm, and especially at the wounded spot.

The arm became bright-red, much swollen; the pain so intolerable that he nearly fainted.

A numbing-like paralysis of the left arm (and thigh), so that he can scarcely move the hand.

Prickling and tingling down the arms and fingers, and a painful numbness across the wrists (in five minutes).

Pain in the arm and the fingers.

Jerking, drawing pain in the lower and internal surface of the left forearm, over the wrist to the palm of the hand.

Shooting in the wrist-joint, as if from needless (several).

Drawing, paralytic pain in the right wrist-joint.

Tearing pain in the wrist.

Trembling motion in the wrist on moving the hand.

Drawing and tearing pains in wrist and fingers.

Icy coldness of the hands (several).

Trembling of hands.

One hand becomes ice-cold, and insensible as if benumbed (after 2 h)..

Cramp like pain, with fine shootings, in the right hand, relieved by moving it.

Swelling of the hands, with frequent cough, and ordinary appetite.

Hands cold and pulseless.

Clenched hands.

Same sprained feel in joints of right hand.

Stinging, itching little red pimples on the back of both hands, like fleabites.

Transient stitches in dorsum of left hand.

Increased warmth of palms, evenings.

Cold sweat in the palms.

Palms of hands quite insensible.

A few pulsating stitches in the hollow of the right hand, as if from a sharp needle.

Morbid, contractive pain in the hollow of left hand, so that the fingers can scarcely be extended.

Transient, lame pains in both metacarpi.

Creeping pain in the fingers.

Creeping in the fingers, felt also while writing.

Hot prickling in the tips of the fingers, night.

Nails blue.

Crawling and sensation of warmth in middle and index fingers of left hand.

Cutting, pressive pain on the side of the right forefinger, next the middle finger, during motion and when at rest.

Strange, intermittent, lame, growing-like forefinger, lasting for about ten minutes, and causing great awkwardness in bending it.

Drawing lame pains in right forefinger.

Paralytic pain in the thumbs.

Pain as of dislocation in the right thumb-joint on moving it.

Jerking pains in the right thumb.

Painful drawing in the left thumb.

Drawing pains, several times, in right thumb.

Lower Extremities.

Drawing pain in the border of the left hip-bone.

Drawing pain in left hip-joint on moving it.

Painful pressure in hip-joint while walking.

Powerlessness in the head of the femur, or inability to walk, owing to an indescribable, intolerable pain, almost like a crushing of the head of the femur, which sometimes declines and sometimes increases, and occurs after lying down and after sleep (after 5 h)..

Powerlessness and pain in the head of the femur, producing unsteady gait.

Drawing pain in the head of the femur, while standing and sitting, but still more while walking.

Tired feeling in the lower limbs during repose.

Sensation of heaviness in the limbs, as if they were asleep (several).

Bruised pain in the limbs, especially in the knees.

Stiffness and heaviness of the limbs, when walking preventing him from walking quickly.

His limbs trembled as he walked.

Trembling of limbs.

The lower extremities were in perpetual movement, even when he sat down.

He loses the sensation of standing firm.

Legs fail her on attempting to go up stairs.

The legs bend under her.

The child staggers to his feet; his face brightens up; but soon standing becomes impossible.

Step uncertain.

Drawing pain especially in the joints of the limbs.

Drawing in the tendinous expansions of the lower of limbs.

Small vesicles on left lower extremities, very painful.

“No use in legs, “.

No feeling in legs.

Drawing pain in left lower extremity, here and there.

Weariness of limb.

An almost paralytic powerlessness of legs and thighs, after sitting.

Tight pressure in the thighs, as if from a tightly_drawn bandage, with great fatigue while walking.

Drawing pain, first in one thigh, then in the other, then in both together, only while walking.

Drawing pain, first in one thigh, then in the other, then in both together, only while moving.

Numbness in the thighs and feet (several).

Strange sensation down forepart of both thighs, as if drops of cold water trickled over them; it lasted for fully five minutes.

Drawing-tearing pain in thigh.

Fine shootings, as if from needless, in the muscular substance of the thigh.

Cold feeling running down from the middle of the thigh, especially on the knee and leg.

Bruised pain of thigh and coldness of soles.

Drawing along the thigh, and discomfort in the knees.

Unsteadiness of the knees; they bend while standing or walking.

Unsteadiness of the knees, especially of one; it bends under the body, while walking (immediately, and after 1 h).

Slight pain in right knee.

Deep, slow, shooting over the right knee.

Jerking-tearing in the inside of the knee.

Shootings in the left knee.

Icy coldness of the knee alternating with flying shootings.

Drawing, tearing pain in knee-joint.

Knife-like pains in the knee-joint.

Tension in knee-cap, hindering walking.

Pain in patella, as from a blow.

Pain in patella on walking.

On walking in open air, an acute pressing pain by fits in the left patella, right tendo Achillis, and dorsum of left foot.

Pressing gnawing pain in patella.

Pressive pain in patella and in tendo Achillis.

Painful drawing in leg, from the knee to the heel, and back again.

Cramps and pains in the legs.

Marked feeling, as if a heavy weight, about the size of the palm, were laid on the outside of both legs, about eight inches above ankle.

The legs got very cold in an hour; worse in a warm room and when walking.

Stitching and drawing in tibiae.

Violent shooting from the heel to the popliteal space (from olfaction).

Paralytic drawing in right leg and tendo Achillis to heel.

Drawing in tendo Achillis.

Tendo Achillis feels shortened and bent.

Cold creeping on inside of leg.

Itching on inside of leg.

Weakness in lower legs, morning.

The lower part of the legs and feet and as of numb and asleep.

Legs and feet feel numb.

Heaviness and tension in the calves.

Pain in calves as from cramp.

Cramp in the calves.

Pain in the ankles, with despairing thoughts, and contemplation of death.

Sensation in the ankles, as if they were tightly tied with a ligature, in the morning.

Horrible pain in the ankle, relieved by compression (after 7 h)..

Tearing pain in left outer ankle, going upward (after 14 h)..

Sharp, transient, rheumatic-like pain in anterior part of left ankle-joint (3D d)..

Coldness of the feet to the ankles, with sweat of the toes and soles.

Coldness of the feet, particularly of the toes.

Feet covered with cold sweat.

Heaviness of the feet (immediately).

The feet feel as heavy as lead (several).

Weariness of feet on ascending steps.

Paralytic drawing in the feet (several).

Pressure on right instep. Transient stitches on dorsum of left foot.

Pain in right heel, principally when treading (several).

Hot pricking in toes, night.

Sleeping of the toes of the right foot while walking (several).

Repeated sharp, painful shootings in right fourth toe.

While sitting at tea, most unexpectedly, three very sharp and painful stitches in third and fourth toes of right foot.

Shortly after getting to bed, several momentary lancinating pains in right big toe, on the inside of ball in particular; also in third and fourth right toes.

Sensation of numbness and tingling commenced in feet and spread rapidly upward.



Clonic spasms.

Spasms of the eyes; clenched jaws; the body became rigid and bends backward; the limbs are distorted with spasms, and he dies.

Convulsive attacks; the upper and lower limbs drawn inward; the legs in constant motion; face covered with cold sweat; the eyes turned up; the joints crack during the spasms.

Violent convulsive fit; the eyes drawn up under the lids; the fits clenched across the throat; the teeth grate violently against one another, and a thick ropy saliva was forced through the lips. In the evening sudden crying out, gnashing of teeth; then, from long-continued hiccup, stiff immobility like a statue (catalepsy).

Twitching of tendons.

The symptoms at last become chiefly confined to the tendinous or muscular structures, such as shortened feeling of the tendons of the ham and of the tendo Achillis.

Twitching of various groups of muscles, especially of the forearm, as if he held the conductors of an electromagnetic apparatus in his hand, only the pains come and go slower.

Excessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours.

She gave an occasional sigh, tossed her arms backward above her head and sought to shift her position by jerks.

Extreme sense of nervousness.

Extreme nervousness and agitation.

Fearful and uncertain in his actions.

Sensitiveness to fresh air.

Remarkable degree of sensitiveness to the least draft of cold air.

Feeling as if he would take cold.

All the symptoms of having caught cold.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.