Allium Sativum

Allium Sativum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Garlic; (German), Knoblauch; (French), L’Ail.


Allium sativum, L.Natural order: Liliaceae.

Preparation: Tincture from the fresh bulb.


Weeping during sleep.Sadness; restlessness when alone.

Mental anxiety.

Dread of being poisoned.

Fears he will never get well.

Fears of being unable to bear any medicine.

Impulse to run away.


Moral sensitiveness.

Wandering thoughts.


Vertigo on looking long and steadily at anything.Vertigo of short duration, and on rising from one’s seat.

Heaviness in the head.

Heaviness of the head, ceasing during menstruation, and returning afterwards.

Heaviness in the forehead, almost preventing him from opening his eyes.

Pulsation in the temples.

Dull pain in the occiput, in the morning, while lying on the back.


Catarrhal ophthalmia at night; smarting burning lachrymation; agglutination; continued difficult opening of the agglutinated lids; (this set in regularly every night, when he desired to read an hour in bed (usual habit), so that he had to give it up).


( The customary aural catarrh disappeared; he heard better from the diseased ear) Humming in the ears.


Coryza, rather dry, then fluent, with pressive pain from above the root of the nose. Increased secretion of nasal mucus, together with slight stoppage of both nostrils.Blowing blood from the nose in the night.


Lancinations, in one side of the face.Dryness of the lips.


Tickling sensation in the lower teeth.Transient pressive pullings (in the forenoon) in both jaws, and in the right upper molars.

Swelling of the lower gums.

Troublesome feeling during the night and in the morning, as of a hair on her tongue; renewed on waking.

Dryness of the palate.

Very copious flow of sweetish saliva into the mouth in the forenoon, after meals; more especially after supper and during the night.

Hot taste in the mouth, proceeding from the throat, and strongly reminding him of the taste of garlic, immediately after taking the medicine, and returning after breakfast to such a degree as to excite a flow of saliva.

The symptoms of the mouth are aggravated by reading.


Inflammation of the throat.Sensation as of something cold rising in the throat.

Sensation as of a hot and smarting vapor rising in the throat.

Mucous accumulations in the throat, in the morning, with heaviness of the head.


Voracious appetite.Feeling of great hunger, from weakness of the stomach, without increase of appetite.


Thirst, which prevents sleep.

Burning eructation.

Burning eructations after a meal.

Eructations (immediately).

Eructations, which excite copious salivation.

Nausea and loathing of food (immediate and very short- lasting symptom).

Vomiting during the fever.

Burning in the stomach, which is not painful when not touched, but is very sensitive to the least pressure.

Lancinations in the stomach.

Sensation of a weight in the stomach, which prevents sleep.

Dull pains in the epigastric region, felt only on deep inspiration, but which finally embarrass respiration.

A pressure inward, as if a stone were in the epigastric region.

Pressure in upper abdomen (stomach and along the transverse colon); relief only by sitting bent and pressing with both hands; the pains became unendurable on walking out.


Pressure in upper abdomen (stomach and along transverse colon); relief only by sitting bent and pressing with both hands; the pain became intolerable on walking out.Twisting and pinchings around the umbilicus.

Borborygmi in the forenoon.


Incomplete, and as if interrupted, emission of fetid flatulence. (The usual colic disappeared for some days).

Every step on the pavement caused excruciating pain, as if the intestines would be torn apart (ameliorated by lying down).

Everything (in abdomen) seemed to drag downward.

Weight in the hypogastrium, immediately after a meal, without urgency to stool or urinate.

Stool and Anus


Involuntary stools.

Diarrhoeic stool (at the end of thirty hours), towards 3 o’clock A.M., preceded, accompanied, and followed by cuttings in the abdomen and loins.

Several soft, but not diarrhoeic, stools every twenty-four hours, during three days.

Stool, first faeces, then watery; hot passage.

Normal stool immediately after a meal (contrary to habit).

Stool delayed from morning (usual time) till after dinner, with great urging; with the stool, heat in the rectum.

Constipation, which becomes obstinate.

Constipation, with almost constant dull pain in the bowels, during eight days (chiefly in the forenoon).

Urinary Organs

Sensation in the bladder and urethra as of urging to urinate, which, however, does not exist.Urine increased.

Whitish, very abundant urine, becoming cloudy from nitric acid.

A kind of diabetes.

Scanty, high-colored urine.

Urine scarcely half the normal (first day); one-third normal (second day).

Did not urinate in the night (contrary to habit).

Sexual Organs

Suppurating pimples on the vulva during the menses.Bright red spots, with itching and smarting, on the inside of the labia majora, and at the entrance of the vagina.

Menses five days too early.

During the menses, the skin of the internal portion of the thighs.

presents large excoriations.

Respiratory Apparatus.

Painful irritation of the windpipe when coughing.Scraping in the larynx, exciting dry cough, with no other symptom.

Almost continual mucous rales in the bronchi.

Deep seated cough.

Cough, which seems to come from the stomach.

Cough, which gives rise to a perceptible fetid smell.

Dry cough after eating.

Morning cough after leaving his bedroom, with extremely copious mucous expectoration.

Sudden paroxysms of hard, dry cough while smoking, obliging him to quit.

Great difficulty in expectorating a glutinous mucus.

Expectoration increased.

Expectoration of a thin, yellowish, purulent-looking, blood streaked mucus, of a putrid odor.

Difficult respiration, as if the sternum was compressed.

Uneasiness in respiration.

The cough symptoms are aggravated by bending the head, and after eating, and by going into the open air.


Oppression of the chest during sleep.Darting pain in the chest, which prevents sleep.

Lancinations in one side of the chest.

Twitching pain in the side of the chest; it seems to him as if there was an empty spot in his chest.

Lancinations under the shoulder-blades and pectoral muscles, increasing during the cough and deep inspirations, and becoming spasmodic if the latter are renewed several times in succession; with irresistible impulse to cough.

Swelling of both mammae, which become sensitive to touch (at the end of twenty-four hours).

Dull stitches in the right mamma.

Eruption of red blotches between the breasts and around the nipples.

Heart and Pulse

Leaping beats of the heart.Tension of the pulse.

Neck and Back

Drawing pains in the neck.Insensibility to touch of the anterior portion of the neck.

Itching between the shoulders.

Darting pain in the back.

Itching in the back.

Red spots, like ringworm, come out on the back.

Tearing pain in the sacrum.

Cutting pain in the sacrum, in the morning.

Simple pain in the coccyx.

Upper Extremities.

Painful feeling of contraction in the arm.Tension and heat in the right elbow, which is painful during movement of the arm.

Pain in the forearm, it seems as if paralyzed.

Burning, then moisture, in the palms of the hands.

Some red spots appear on the hands.

Tearing pain in the fingers extending below the nails.

Lower Extremities.

Weakness of the lower limbs.Tearing pain in the hip.

Almost intolerable pain, confined to the common tendon of the iliac and psoas muscles; this pain, only slightly felt in the daytime, during rest, is renewed by the least movement; it is so acute as almost to extort cries when he tries to cross his legs, while sitting, to place the right thigh over the left; but this movement is performed with scarcely any pain, if, instead of using the muscles of the pelvis and thigh, he lifts the latter gently with his hand.

Finally, this pain, which is endurable while walking, although compelling him to limp, is aggravated towards 8 P.M., in bed, where it becomes impossible to change his position, or to sleep.

Painful weariness in the thighs.

Boil on the thigh.

Pain as of a sprain in the ankle-joint.

All these symptoms are much aggravated by walking.

Tearing pain in the feet.

Burning in the soles of the feet.

Sensation of stiffness in the feet.

Tingling in the feet.

Pain as of a sprain in the toe-joints.

These symptoms are much more troublesome during rest, especially if the foot is not supported.

The pains in the limbs were always aggravated by changes in temperature, and under the influence of moist heat.


General lassitude, especially in the lower limbs, to such a degree that he dreads having to go two or three steps upstairs.Morning lassitude, which appears to depend on nervous insensibility.

Relaxation of the muscles.

Sense of oppression; weakness.

Drawing in the muscles during the night.

Sensation of contraction in the muscles.

Tingling in the affected parts.

Pain in the glands.

Lancinations in the limbs.

Often the pains are gradually increased to a high degree, and subside in like manner.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.