Sensitiveness of eyes.

Sticking and tearing pains around the eyes, especially worse nights.

Lachrymation, more particularly in the evening and at night; the edges of lids are sore, red, and inflamed (1 d).

Lachrymation with cough.

Pricking and biting in lids like beginning coryza, evenings.

Dryness of upper lid, almost, causing a pressure in eyes (4 h).

Hard, red swelling of right upper lid, with feeling of tension, especially in the morning.

Slight irritation of the edges of the lids, which were almost raw from the violence of the lachrymation.

Marked pain at right internal canthus, dull and deep seated.

Several times repeated sensations as if left upper lid was long, heavy, and hung down as if paralyzed (though it looked natural).

Heaviness of lids, they seem too heavy on raising them.

Rough feeling, as of sand in left internal canthus (13 h., lasted two minutes).

Lids swollen hard, with tensive sensation; they are red and hot.

Lids convulsively closed as from irresistible sleepiness.

Conjunctiva, especially toward internal canthus, highly injected.

The balls feel enlarges, as if coming out of the orbit, and stretching the lids.

Pain in the interior of the eye, as if it would be pressed out when the lids are opened; the pain extends to the supraorbital region and interior of the brain (21 h)..

Sensitiveness of upper part of ball on moving it, as if it were pressed out of the orbit; relieved by stooping; changed to a dull pain on bending the head back.

Pressure on upper lid, and sensation as if the whole ball would be pressed into the orbit, which makes the eye pain as if crushed.

Severe pressure, sometimes stinging or burning in the front part of the ball.

Sense of pressure in the balls.

Fine sticking pains in the balls during the course of a half hour, momentary.

Pupils dilated (immediately).

Pupils dilated; right nearly oval, left irregularly polygonal.

Pupils contracted.


Cannot look at strongly lighted objects without blinking.

Sight weak (long lasting).

Eyes dazzled on coming to consciousness.

Sharp vision.

Photomania, desire for bright light (3 h)..

Warmth and undulation in eyes with involuntary half closing the lids, and a feeling as if it were too dark to read in a well- lighted room (12 d)..

As though she were removed from a narrow dark room to a light one; after bleeding.

Dimness of vision (several).

Vision as through a veil.

Dim vision with wide-open eyes.

Cloudiness came before vision.

Loss of vision.

Cloudiness of vision with sense of giddiness.

On going out in the evening from a half dark room into the street; flickering before eyes, the lamp-light quivered; he could with difficulty see the passers; he seemed to see worse at a short than at a long distance; he became anxious and dizzy on account of it.

Flickering before eyes.

Black spots floating before the sight.

An intensely white and bright spot, about the size of a small plate, appeared before the eyes both when shut and opened; it was impossible to determine before which eye it was, though it seemed more nearly in axis of right eye; it had the refulgence of highly furnished silver, this gradually changed to a straw or light golden color, then the whole field of vision became of a delicate lilac hue, which disappeared to give place to the same spot, which was now of a beautiful and bright azure; the whole lasted one half hour.


Burning, itching, and darting in both ears while yawning, worse in the evening and in open air, better after eating.

Tickling sensation in right ear as if a worm were crawling in it.

Acute stitch in right meatus externus.

Tearing in left ear.

Pressure in ears.

Pains in left ear.

Pains in right ear.

San occasional burning pain in left ear and upper jaw while perspiring.

Pain behind left ear, as from pressure with the thumb.

Pain just below right ear.

Sensation of swelling on the bone around the external ear.

Feeling as if a drop of water were in left ear.

Sensation as if something stopped up the left ear.

Sensation as if something lay before the ear.

Roaring in ears; great sensitiveness to noise.

Roaring in ears.

Ringing in ears (10 min. 29).

Humming in ears.

Humming, hissing noise in ears.

Continual dull buzzing before ears, and then faintness.

Intense singing in the ears.

External ear red, hot, swollen, painfully sensitive.


Feels tightly constricted.

Stupefying compression at the root.

Marked pain between orbits at the base of nose.

Furuncles at the tip.

Nose feels quite dry.


Blows much bright red blood from nose for several successive mornings.

Frequent violent sneezing. Frequent sneezings with shootings in chest.

Sneezings frequent, violent, with pain in abdomen.

Sneezing frequent, profuse nasal flux, and sense of extreme stuffing in the had.

Forcible sneezing.

Sneezing interrupted by pain in left side of chest.

Clear fluid flows from nose.

Threatening coryza; one or two hot clear drops fall from nose, attended by slight lachrymation.

Attacks of catarrh and coryza (8-12 h)..

Fluent coryza in the morning. (Attack of coryza).

Severe coryza.

Sensation as if coryza were about to commence.

Discharge of thick yellow mucus from nose as in old coryza.

Great sensibility of the olfactory nerve; bad smells have a powerful effect.


Countenance pale and anxious.

General sickly appearance.

Livid and ghastly.

Pale and altered.

Extreme paleness.


Uneasy expression.

Pale, with expression of anxiety and restlessness (5 h)..

Appearance of fright and imbecility.

Expression of fright.

Livid countenance.

Face blue, like that of a strangled person.

Livid purple with white blotches.

On looking at herself in the glass the face seemed blue and indistinct.

Bluish face, black lips.

Blue lips.

Face red.

Red and hot (several).

Flushed face.

Redness and heat of both cheeks, with a sensation of the face growing large.

Glowing cheeks.

Glowing heat in face (several).

Face hot, especially in the evening (several).

Face hot, hands and feet cold (19 d)..

Increased warmth of cheeks.

While the left cheek seemed swollen and hot it is really cool to the touch.

Puffy swelling of the face and forehead.

Cold sensation in face, though it is hot to the touch (several).

Face seemed to be swelling.

Sensation of swelling in forehead and face, especially left side.

The face, red when lying, becomes deathly pale on rising


Cheeks red and pale alternately, or one red the other pale.

Warm perspiration on face.

Sweat on the cheeks, whichever side is lain on.

Sweat on the upper lip under the nose.

Face covered with cold clammy sweat.

Cold sweat stood on his brow.

Pain in zygomatic process, as from an internal ulcer.

Shooting pain from right supraorbital ridge, branching out upwards across the forehead to the hairy scalp, sideways to temples, and downwards to the cheeks and into two or three teeth; increased by pressure, and becoming so excessively violent toward even ing, when it was accompanied by constant cough, that all other symptoms were thrown into the shade; the next day the supraorbital ridge was swollen (15 d).(420).

Pain in face.

Creeping pain in cheeks.

Sensation as if cheeks were swollen to double their size.

Crawlings in right cheek.

Crawling in face, and sensation of burning in skin.

Violent face ache.

Peculiar drawing sensation in the cheeks, upper jaw, forehead; grows more intense, and becomes continuous and violent.

Very violent pain in the jaws, as if they would fall off, causing him to put his hands to them.

Pain in the maxillary joint, behind the zygoma while chewing.

Stinging and drawing in left upper and lower jaw.

Shooting jerks in the under jaw.

Pressive aching in the under jaw.

Involuntary pressure of the under jaw against the upper, with flow of saliva into the mouth.

Pressive and digging pain in chin.

Itching and formication of the face.

Tickling on face,.

Peculiar tickling on the face.

Face almost insensible.

No feeling in face.

Most remarkable sensation of distortion.

Twitching of the muscles of the face, etc.

Distortion of the facial muscles.

Continued distortion of face.

Convulsive contraction of face.

Jaws and face rigid.

Heat-rash on the forehead.

Itching pimples on the upper lip (24 h)..

Lips black.

Lips swollen, inflamed.

Burning of lips with sensation of swelling.

Burning of lips and tongue, as after eating pepper or smoking (several).

Lips and interior of mouth burning, painful, and inflamed.

Burning and numbness of lips and mouth.

Lips blue.

Heat and tingling, followed by numbness of lips and tongue. Feeling of the most strange distortion of countenance at times, as if a single muscle had bulged out to the size of a pigeon’s egg, then as if the whole jaw was thrust to one side, as in partial dislocation; at other times as if the lower jaw were pushed up or raised into the cavity of the mouth, conveying the idea that the face must look like that of an old man who has lost all his teeth, and in consequence has his lower jaw thrown forwards and upwards (no visible change).

Several times sensation as if all the muscles of the face were firmly but not spasmodically contracted, attended with a numb, heavy, paralytic feeling of whole face; similar sensations simultaneously in both arms, from shoulders to the tips of fingers, conveying the idea that the arms were paralyzed, though they obeyed the will perfectly.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.