Frequently repeated sensation as if the lower and anterior part of the face were firmly compressed from both sides by a heavy but not painful weight, until the idea became irresistible that that portion of the face was very thin (no change of features noticed).


Sensibility of the teeth to open air.

Cold feeling in the incisors.

Pain in teeth.

Shooting pain in various teeth.

Shooting pain in right molars.

Sticking and drawing in right back teeth.

Teeth of right side ache.

Pressive toothache in left upper jaw.

Teeth feel as if they would fall out.

Blunted sensation in teeth.

Throbbing, one-sided toothache, with redness of the cheek, etc.

Teeth spasmodically clenched.


Tongue and lips swollen.

Sensation as if the tongue were swollen (several).

Tongue feels too large for the mouth.

Tongue seems to have grown thicker.

Tongue feels as if getting longer.

Tongue white, thick, cold.

Tongue furred yellow.

Tongue furred moist with dry mouth (19 d)..

Burning in Tongue Burning in tip of tongue and in lips.

Burning long-lasting.

Burning vesicles on Tongue.

Burning on sides of Tongue.

Burning increases intensity for four hours.

Burning in Tongue after eating.

Burning violent.

Slight burning under the Tongue.

Fine penetrating stitches in the point of the Tongue Momentary flying stitches in the tongue with salivation.

Occasional singles stitches in right, under surface of Tongue Pricking sensation at the back of tongue as from pepper, with salivation.

Peculiar tingling on Tongue extending to lips.

Biting sensation in Tongue toward tip.

Tingling in Tongue and jaws, and burning, so that the teeth seem to wabble.

Momentary tingling, numbness at tip of Tongue Peculiar crawling sensation on Tongue as from peppermint, extends to lips and lower part of palate.

Tickling on tongue then on lips.

Numbness, tingling, and sense of distension of Tongue and lips.

Numbness of Tongue and mouth and lips.

Transient paralysis of Tongue Sense of dryness and rawness in middle of Tongue without thirst (1 h)..

Numbness in Tongue with difficult swallowing.

Cramp-like sensation at root of Tongue Sensation as of cold air passing over the Tongue (several).

Cold Tongue, as in a cholera patient.

Tongue felt like leather.

Tongue moved continually around the interior of the mouth; at times it was thrust out beyond the lips, and moved from side to side.

In the mouth biting, burning feeling.

Burning in mouth.

Burning from lips to pharynx.

Dryness of Mouth.

Dryness and coolness of mouth without thirst.

Feeling of dryness in the front of the mouth.

Dry sensation, first in lips, then in interior of mouth, with heat mounting from chest to head (without redness of the cheeks).

Convulsions in the mouth.

Mouth drawn to one side.

Copious flow of saliva, etc.

Flow of frothy saliva.

The secretion of saliva compels him to swallow often.

Increased secretion of clear watery saliva (several).

Saliva mixed with red streaks, with sweet taste in the mouth (16 days after leaving off the drug).

Soreness of the orifices of the salivary ducts, as if they were corroded.

Bitter taste in the mouth.

Intensely bitter taste.

Bitter taste by day. (Bitter taste with loss of appetite, and pain in chest and under false ribs). (Peppery taste).

Strong taste of pepper.

Peppery taste in pharynx.

Astringent taste. Sourish taste, with loss of appetite.

Flat, nauseous, sweet taste; compels hawking up though mucus, and then swallowing it.

Nauseous taste relieved by eating; returns after eating.

Insipid fishy taste, as from stagnant water.

It seems as though her mouth were filled with air having the taste of rotten eggs.

Taste and sensations changes; in spots there is a feeling of fuzziness.

Things that formerly tasted strong and good are now tasteless.

Speech stammering.

No power of articulation; he uttered only unintelligible sounds.

She lost all power of speech.


Uvula swollen and elongated; the fauces and pharynx injected dark red; feeling as if an angular many-pointed body were sticking in the throat; prickling burning in the palate, throat, and along the Eustachian tube, increased by swallowing, with oppression of the chest, headache, and increased flow of saliva; the throat symptoms increased by walking in the open air, and relieved after eating.

Soft palate, tonsils, and fauces reddened, with feeling of warmth and dryness of lips.

Redness of the soft palate and uvula.

Pain in throat.

Disagreeable scratching in throat, provoking dry cough.

Scraping in throat with difficult swallowing.

Scraping sensation ceases on clearing throat.

Drawing from the side of the throat to behind the ears.

Fine stinging sensation in the back of the throat, as from the small pricking hairs of the seed of the dog rose (Rosa canina) (1 h)..

A sticking choking sensation in a small spot on left side of throat, worse when swallowing and speaking, but felt also when at rest; after one-fourth hour it passed into the right side, while the painful sensation in the left side ceased; it remained there one-fourth hour, then disappeared(550).

Creeping in pharynx.

Transient pressure and tension in the soft palate and fauces, as if these parts were swollen.

Slight congestion of fauces.

The throat seemed to be growing narrow. Constrictive sensation in the back of throat, as from astringents.

Warmth and constriction of fauces (several).

Burning in throat.

Burning in glottis and gullet.

Burning and numbness of throat.

Sensation of burning of throat and stomach with inclination to vomit.

Burning and fine stinging pain in back of throat.

Burning sensation in pharynx.

Heat in pharynx.

Burning sensation in back of throat, causing him to hawk up (14 h)..

Fine burning in fauces.

Burning and dry sensation in the soft palate and pharynx, not disappearing even after eating, and frequent empty swallowing.

Complaints of throat and burning along oesophagus.

Sensation of heat and constriction in throat.

Constriction of throat.

Throat seems to swell, with feeling of a quantity of mucus there that he could not get rid of by hawking.

Scraping and constriction of throat.

Constriction in the oesophagus, not relieved by drinking cold water, with dryness of the palate.

Scratching and constriction in the uvula and soft palate, causing constant hawking and spitting, even amounting to an irritation to vomit.

Sensation as if the palate had fallen down and rested on the tongue, forcing one to hawk and spit constantly (for several hours).

Dry feeling in palate and posterior nares.

Dryness in oesophagus with great thirst; the water seemed not to moisten the parts it passed over.

Feeling of dryness, as if something had stuck in the throat.

Dryness of throat increased by tobacco smoke.

Raw feeling in throat, with frequent secretion of mucus from the larynx.

Raw scraping feeling at back of throat with constant desire to hawk up, lasting 12 hours.

Raw sensation in the pharynx.

Rawness in throat, especially in posterior nares, which compels him to clear the throat frequently, as if very though mucus extended through the choanae over the soft palate and uvula.

Pressure in throat, especially during empty deglutition.

Inability to swallow.

Several sticking pains in posterior fauces.

Pricking in right Eustachian tube, compelling him to swallow.

Strong peppery feeling in throat.

Tickling in pharynx.

Throat almost insensible.

He frequently pulled at the throat.

Coldness down the oesophagus, as after peppermint.



Appetite completely gone, unable to take solid food (1 d)..

Long continued anorexia and aversion.

Loathing of food and qualmishness (1/4 h)..

She will eat nothing.

No appetite, etc.

No appetite, food creates nausea.

Uncommonly good appetite.

During the day appetite very much increased, at noon and evening enormous; he ate to distension and then felt hungry.


Lively sensation of hunger, which is renewed even after eating.

Great thirst.

Thirst for beer, which lies heavy on the stomach.

(Hiccup after eating and drinking). (Hiccup, mornings, long lasting).

Hiccup painful.


Eructations empty,; after eating,; with taste of the drug,; of air (several).

Ineffectual attempts to eructate, he wishes to but cannot.

Eructations of air with nausea going off after breakfast.

Risings of sweetish water like water-brash, with noises in the ears.

Rising of sweetish water with nausea.


Risings from the pit of the stomach amounting to nausea, fasting.

Scraping from the pit of stomach to throat with nausea, and sinking in pit of stomach, as if water were about to flow into the mouth.

Nausea, etc.

Nausea and vomiting.

(Nausea, vomiting, thirst, general heat, and profuse sweat with flow of urine).

Nausea, loathing, and general sick feeling, with painful heaviness of the limbs (19 d)..

Nausea, and sinking in pit of stomach; worse while sitting; almost entirely removed by walking (immediately).

Flesh broth nauseates him.

Nausea while walking in open air.

Nausea, first in pit of stomach, then under the sternum, lastly in the throat without flow of saliva.

Nausea and sinking, qualmishness (1/4 h)..

Nausea, as after eating some disagreeably sweet or fat substance (1 h)..

Nausea relieved by eating, with sweet taste, and hawking up phlegm.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.