Felt sick, but could not vomit.

Faint, sick feeling, without definite nausea.

Inclination to vomit with much diarrhoea.

Violent vomiting.

( Vomiting of lumbrici)..

Vomiting twice of greenish-gray watery fluid (3D ).

Vomiting, followed by violent thirst.

Vomiting very violent, first of food, then of mucus, frothy, lasting an hour, with burning of lips, mouth, and throat, soon extending to stomach.

Bilious vomiting Green vomit Vomiting of green bile (1 h).

Vomiting mucus.

Vomiting of all the food.

Vomiting after each drink.

Vomiting of green masses with diarrhoea of same appearance.

Vomiting of fetid, black, bilious mucus (with relief).

Vomiting artificially excited, only temporarily restored the patient from his state of syncope.

Vomiting with anxiety.

Vomiting with great disposition to stupor.

Vomiting with stools, accompanied by cardialgia and violent colic.

After repeated vomiting and many stools he still complained of a feeling as if a cold stone lay in the stomach.

Vomiting of mucus mixed with blood, three or four successive days.

Vomiting of bloody mucus, followed by profuse perspiration.

Vomiting blood.

Food distressed after eating.

After dinner heartburn and pain in stomach.

Pressure in pit of stomach after eating.

While eating pressure in stomach, as if she had eaten something indigestible, with feeling of warmth and tenderness in pit of stomach.

Pains in stomach, etc.

Spasmodic pains.

Pressive stomachache.

Pressive pain in pit of stomach changes into constriction of the chest (2 1/2 h).

Pressure, as from a stone in pit of Stomach going through to the back, with a squeezing sensation as from a strain, like stiffness.

Sense of extreme oppression at pit of Stomach all day, as of excessive repletion, feeling as if nothing could pass further than the stomach.

Pressive pain at pit of Stomach while sitting, walking, and standing.

Pressive pain in stomach, as from a weight (11/2 h).

Pressive tensive pain, as from fullness or an oppressive weight in stomach and hypochondria (11/2 h).

Pressive and swollen feeling in pit of Stomach.

Pressure in stomach with splashing in bowels (5-10 d).

Pressive sensation in pit of Stomach and upper abdomen.

Sense of weight in stomach.

Sense of weight in stomach with constriction in throat, and nausea.

Pressive and burning pain along the oesophagus down into pit of stomach Feeling as if the stomach were alternately distended and collapsed; the hand laid on it feels distinctly the rising and falling.

Sticking and tension in epigastrium, as from flatulent colic.

Tensive sensation in pit of stomach, relieved by frequent offensive eructation.

Felt like a ball in pit of stomach, that rising up spread a cool air over vertex and occiput.

Contractive feeling in stomach, as from as astringent.

Feeling of emptiness in stomach.


Heartburn all day.

Burning in stomach Burning and numbness in stomach Burning feeling from stomach up through the oesophagus to the mouth.

Warmth in stomach with sweat.

Warm feeling in stomach.

Feeling of anxiety in pit of stomach, especially in a warm room.

Swelling of stomach region, which is sensitive to touch.

Pain in pit of stomach, as if it were swollen internally, with loss of appetite and dyspnoea.

Anxious pulsation and shooting in pit of stomach with burning in umbilical region, etc.

Stomach sensitive to touch.


Pressive pain, as from a weight in the hypochondria (12 h)..

Feeling of violent constriction in the hypochondria.

Sensation of anxiety in the hypochondria.

Pains in the upper abdomen with ineffectual straining at stool (several).

Stitches in the liver and bowels as with needles.

Continued constriction, especially in the right hypochondrium, not permitting a deep breath.

Stitches in hepatic region, hindering a deep breath.

Pressure in the hepatic region, obstructing respiration, followed by pinching bellyache above the navel.

Violent jerks in the hepatic region, taking away the breath.

Constrictive pain in the region of the gall-bladder, preventing respiration, on sitting.

Shooting in the spleen while walking.

A sharp stitch under the ribs on the right side on laughing aloud.

The upper abdomen below the ribs is the seat of a tense painful swelling.

Dull stitches under the ribs on the left side on inspiring.

Burning in the umbilical region.

Burning sensation in umbilical region, which rapidly traversed it and spread toward the pit of the stomach, with anxious pulsation and shooting there; after a short time came a rigor over the whole body, whereupon the hot feeling and the painful sensation in the umbilical region disappeared (11/2 h)..

Pinching sensation in umbilical region.

Clawing and scraping in umbilical region.

Pinching in umbilical region, as if from nausea, followed by slight diarrhoea.

Drawing bellyache on both sides of navel, also excited by bending forward.

Compression of the navel, followed immediately by intermitting pressure, like jerks, in the navel.

A painless feeling above and to the left of navel, as if something cold (a fold finger) were pressing from within outward.

Retraction of navel, especially in the morning before eating.

Flatulent colic in hypogastrium, as from a flatulent purgative.

Sensitiveness of lower abdomen to touch.

Abdomen sensitive.

Sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, as from slight peritoneal inflammation (6 d)..

Exceedingly fine prickings, as from needless, in left hypogastric region.

Faint sinking feeling in lower abdomen (19 d)..

Darting in the bowels, as from needles.

Cutting in intestines which extend through the chest toward the right shoulder, like sharp knife thrusts, and almost make him cry out, during stool.

In morning in bed intolerable (cutting) pains in abdomen so that he knows not what to do with himself, he tosses about the bed (16 h)..

Burning in abdomen.

The child complains of the pain in abdomen.

Painful tension of the abdomen with borborygmus.

Great swelling of abdomen, which is painful to touch.

Drawing pains in bowels here and there.

The flanks more tense, painful and felt hard.

Pressing pain in parietes of abdomen, first right then left, and almost typically recurring for several days.

The abdomen swelled as if he had dropsy.

The abdomen seemed as if full of water.

Abdomen swelled, distended as from ascites, The recti abdominis stretched as hard as a board.

Colicky, distensive stretching, and pressive pains in abdomen as from flatulence.

Violent colic.

Slight gripings.

Gripes with swelling of the abdomen, relieved by expulsion of flatus (several).

Fine sharp pains in different parts of the abdomen, as from flatus.

Pains in abdomen, as from flatulence.

Very hot flatus. (9 h)..

Painful rumbling in bowels, and discharge of flatus with relief (19 d)..

Rumbling in bowels.

Rumbling after eating.

Rumbling and grumbling all night.

Rumbling and grumbling with sensation of rawness.

Grumbling fermentation in abdomen.

Rumbling and gurgling, relieved by expulsion of flatus.

With shooting and contractive pains here and there.

Gurgling, with itching in rectum, provoking scratching, and call to stool.

Loud gurgling in lower abdomen, as after a purgative with sensitiveness in sacral region.

Weakness of bowels, as from abuse of purgatives.

The intestines feel paralyzed and unable to expel their contents; this sensation is observed more in the region of the transverse colon than in the rectum, notwithstanding the stool when discharged is not unusually hard.

Abdomen symptoms are relieved after warm soup.

Rectum and Anus.

Pain in rectum (1 h)..

Burning and heat in hemorrhoids (4 d)..

Frequent itching in rectum, with discharge of white, hot mucus, for sixteen day after leaving off the drug.

Itching and pressing in the hemorrhoidal vessels.

Bleeding hemorrhoidal.

(An itching in anus associated with hemorrhoidal pressure, disappeared; curative).

Violent, very painful contractions in the anus; stitches through anus and urethra.

Shooting and pressure in anus.

Sensation as of warm, fluid escaping from anus.

Transient paralysis of the anus, involuntary evacuation.

Involuntary stools.

Thinking to pass merely flatus, there occurs an unexpected evacuation of thin faces (4 h)..

Urine and faces involuntary (in convulsive fit).

In his faint he had some evacuation of the bowels.


Watery diarrhoea.

Three thin watery stool of dissolved offensive faeces (19 a).; with slight bellyache (19 a.); with grumbling in abdomen, and faint sinking feeling (19 a).

Three thin fluid stools with some cutting in abdomen (2D d)., (19 b)..

Diarrhoea of thin fluid.

Between 6 and 7 A.M. an urgent desire for stool and copious discharge of soft faeces with straining (19 d)..


Painless diarrhoea preceded by pinching about the navel.

Looseness of bowels.

Tendency to looseness of bowels.

During diarrhoea copious flow of urine and moderate perspiration.

Pasty evacuation.

Soft scanty stool three or four times daily, accompanied by straining.

Nausea, with sweat, at times before, at times after, the diarrhoea.

Several very white stools during the day.

White color of stool.

White faeces and red urine.

Green stools.

Stool like chopped spinach.

Slimy, bloody stools, with violent pains and tenesmus (constant tearing pinching pains).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.