Sensation as if all the blood vessels were congealed.

Very shaky and nervous.

Trembling and tendency to palpitation.

Great trembling.

Increased tremulousness and vertigo.

General muscular tremors.

Paralytic and bruised pains in arms and legs, with violent trembling all over the body, especially in the extremities, which prevents walking; with very pale face, dilated pupils, faintness, palpitation, cold sweat on the back, and dizzy headache in the temples, soon followed by burning head of the face, with a sensation of tension and redness of the face, and sleepiness after dinner (46 h)..

He complained of lassitude of the whole body, great weakness, and pressure at the heart.

General sore, tired feeling in the body.

On awaking in the morning such great exhaustion he was unwilling to get up; it went of, however, on rising.

Frequent attacks, almost every other hour, of extreme weakness and insensibility, so that he can stir neither hand nor foot, and cannot sit up in bed; he does not feel his former pains, cannot see nor hear, nor even speak aloud; the legs are stretched out (after a few h)..

Grew very weak and almost blind in half an hour, though still conscious.

Prostrated, weak, and sleepy.

Great muscular weakness, weariness, prostration, almost total inability to stand.

Great loss of strength.

Progressive failure of strength.

Great weariness, as if after walking far.

Feeling very weary, languid, and unable to rise from the couch; obliged to discontinue all work; the system feels prostrated, with sense of inward fever.

Great laziness (19 d)..

Unusual fatigue.

Walking and talking tire him; he feels very much affected.

Easily tired when walking, and especially going up stairs.

He loses his ability to stand, must sit down.

She hates movement, prefers sitting.

She must lie down in bed she feels so sick; head so confused, dizzy, and painful, and the limbs so heavy (19 a)..

Complains of his head being heavy, his strength and spirit exhausted, so that he had to lie down.

Urgent desire to lie down.

She must lie down (2-5 h)..


Faintness on attempting to sit up.

Attacks of fainting follow constructive sensation of the chest, and icy coldness.

Went quite suddenly and unconsciously into a swoon in the evening while standing up urinating; all thee blood seemed to rush to his head, and he feel heavily to the ground (first time in his life).

Fainting fit directly after urinating; everything whirled around him; for the time he completely lost all consciousness; hands bedewed with cold sweat, and for some time after he remained quite prostrated.

Impaired sensibility of the surface.

Touch diminished, so that he cannot distinguish small objects by the feeling.

Formication and crawling, now in one place, now in another, with an uncomfortable shuddering sensation, especially on the upper arm and lower leg.

The paralytic condition soon quit the left side and passed over to the right.

Numbness and tingling over the body.

Muscles sore and stiff.

Sensation as if the whole body, from the shoulders downward, was heavy as lead, while a heavy pressure, from all sides and from above downwards, seemed to render the whole body smaller in size and stature, the head and neck seeming to retain their natural proportions.

Sensation of swelling of many parts of the body, generally accompanied by shuddering cold or rigor (several).

Sense of swelling of almost the whole body, especially of the left side, which after awhile becomes a numb sensation, with bruised feeling of the muscles, and weariness in the bones.

Feeling of swelling all over, especially in left side, with bruised pain in ribs and arms, and crampy feeling about the heart; the swollen feeling changes to a numb feeling.

General anxious sensation, as though the blood would overflow the vessels, with constant chilliness, especially with cold face, even in a warm room; worse in the open air and on motion.

Anxious tremblings, like a boiling and seething through the whole body, as if the hands and feet would go to sleep; something as if one is just on the point of becoming intoxicated, always accompanied by a predominating unpleasant sensation of coldness.

Swelling of the part (on which the juice had been laid), and acute inflammation, going on to profuse suppuration.

General feeling of illness.

Sensation as if she had just recovered from a severe illness or risen from a sick-bed (6 h)..

Feeling all day as of impending fever, with nausea, went of appetite, and aching gnawing pains throughout the whole body, extremities particularly.

General sick feeling, nausea, and qualmishness, with painful heaviness in the limbs.

Drawing pains wander over the whole body in rapid succession, nowhere lasting longer than one minute.

Painful drawings, now here, now there, most frequently in various parts of the thorax, and in the upper and forearms.

Drawing, tearing pains, wandering without order from one place to another, but mostly alternating with heart symptoms.

After the delirium pains in stomach, head, jaws, and here and there in his joints, which in seven hours becomes more general.

Rheumatic pains, chiefly in the knee.

Frequent flying pains all over the body.

Transient pains in different parts of the body.

Bruised pains in different parts (several).

Neuralgic pains.

Very fine stinging, or stinging burning pains in many parts, as if seated in the skin, sometimes combined with a sense of heaviness, numbness, or swelling.

In the evening flying stitches here and there, in the ribs, walls of abdomen, and joints.

Stitches in the forehead, back, sides of chest, back of hands, and other parts, as if he stood on the isolated plate of an electrical machine, and one took sparks from him.

Constriction of body.

Gradually all part of the body becomes black, the whole body swells up, the eyes protrude, the tongue hangs out of the mouth.

A peculiar feeling over the whole body, to be compared with that experienced in a vapor bath, when the steam falls rapidly on the skin, and drops are felt on it.

Unusually comfortable feeling in whole body.

(Painfulness of whole body with increasing weakness).

The whole body sensitive to touch; the child will not allow itself to be moved; it whines.

Burning through all the mucous membranes.

Most of the symptoms are accompanied by shivering and anxiety (several).



Skin becomes yellowish.

The skin appears peculiarly elastic and smooth.


Skin dry and unperspiring.

Vesicular eruption on both temples.

Spots like fleabites on hands, face, &c..

Red pimples on flexor side of the thumb, index and middle fingers, painful to pressure (con. 5 d)..

Skin seems dotted with red spots.

(Isolated vesicles, here and there, fill with yellow lymph and dry up).

Red pimples, filled with acrid fluid, all over body (from patient with sciatica).

Broad, red, itching pimples all over body (from patient with rheumatism).

Chiefly on face, forehead, nape, and various parts of the body, isolated vesicles, the size of a pin’s head, containing a serous fluid, and attended with itching; successive eruptions appeared for a fortnight, which dried up and fell off gradually.

Itching all over the body, especially on the pudenda (from a patient with sciatica).

Itching in several muscular parts, especially the forearms.

Constant itching and smarting on various parts of the skin.

Great heat all over the body, and burning-itching, especially on the inside of the thighs and about the knees.

Creeping, itching, and desquamation of the skin, especially on the affected parts.

Sensation in the skin as if the epidermis were separated from the cutis by an intervening layer-a kind of wandering, creeping, and running all over the body, with uncomfortable shuddering feeling.

Formication and biting, especially on the hairy parts of the body, with the exception of the head, as if from fleas, making him scratch.

Fine pricking, as if from needles, here and there on the body.

The tingling sensation spread gradually over the whole body, until it took in all the limbs.

Pricking, pressure, pressing-gnawing, now here, now there, in the skin, as from a strong electromagnet.

Skin warm (19 c)..

Cold clammy skin.

Skin becomes cold and dry.

Single long-continued dartings, here and there, mixed with a raw sensation, and at last ending with pain as of a wound.

Sleep and Dreams.

Interrupted yawning; she cannot yawn enough,-Yawns often, without being sleepy.

Yawning and stretching, (19 c)..

Frequent yawning; (shivering and) Frequent yawning on rising in the morning.

Yawning, with ringing in ears.

Yawning, with sleepiness.

Intense yawning, without sleepiness.

Great sleepiness; spasmodic yawning (19 d)..

Sleepiness and laziness; uncommon sleepiness, even while walking.

Irresistible sleepiness by day.

Sleepiness; sleep (after 2 h)..

Quiet sleep, for four of five hours.

Sleepiness toward noon.

Great sleepiness in the afternoon; the eyes close involuntarily; he wakes, however, readily, at the least noise, but always falls asleep again.

Uncommon sleepiness after a meal.

Falling asleep while standing.

Inability to keep awake.

Tendency to stupor.

He cannot be awake, his hands are cold and he is senseless.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.