Toward evening burning heat in the head and face, with redness of the cheeks and out pressing headache; at the same time rigor over the whole body and thirst (after 14 h)..

Heat in the head; forehead hot to the touch, with rigor over the body on the slightest movement.

The 14th day, at night, a rigor, followed by excessively copious perspiration, sleeplessness.

Internal rigor from back over the legs, with cold sweat; the face feels icy cold in a sunny day and warm room; this lasted four hours, till evening, when heat and rapid pulse and symptoms of coryza came on, with general laziness and heaviness of the limbs. 15th day; another rigor at night, followed by dry, hot skin, and perspiration.

Face hot; hands and feet cold (19 c)..

Flushed face.

Extreme redness of the cheeks, with a discontented, complaining, lachrymose disposition (after 3 h)..

Head and face suddenly very warm.

Toward evening dry heat in the face with anxiety.

In the evening heat of the palms and cheeks.

Sensation of heat, first in the hands, then all over the body, even in the chest, without perceptible external heat (after 4 h)..

Sometimes heat creeps over the back.

(Heat, and throwing off the clothes).

Flying heat.

Flushed of heat evening.

Dry heat all over the body.

Skin burning hot. General heat and thirst.

Great internal heat with thirst.

During the heat moderate desire for beer.

(She drinks little during the heat, yet has dry lips).

(During the heat the cough is troublesome)..

(Great heat, from ten in the evening till after midnight, with dyspnoea; she would like to cough but cannot, and speaking is difficult; at the same time there is the greatest restlessness, and complaints about pain in the bowels, feet abdomen, and back; she stamped with her feet, and would not allow herself to be touched).

Increased warmth all day, with exhausted feeling and loss of appetite; the heat increased toward evening, with internal heat and swollen veins.

Evenings prostration; increased warmth of skin; flying stitches along the sternum and between the ribs.

On going to bed the heat of the body increased, especially of thee extremities; perspiration appeared on the inside of the thighs and of the scrotum, and accompanied by great itching; he scratches till the blood comes.

After getting to bed all the feverish symptoms become much aggravated, and almost intolerable.

Increase of febrile symptoms toward evening.


Attack of fever at 3 p. m.

Throughout the whole afternoon a sense of feverishness hung about him, attended by great powerlessness and prostration of entire body, the extremities particularly.

The feverishness continues without interruption all though the night, but abated a good deal this morning.

Sense of inward fever attended by chilliness; desire to sit over the fire, and a disposition to nausea; feverishness abated on going out into the open air, and walking about.

Sense of inward fever, with the feeling of prostration.

Dry heat and tightness of the skin over the whole body.

Warmth extends over the whole body, especially stomach and abdomen, accompanied by sweat.

Whole body warm and sweating.

Slight warmth and moderate sweat.

Pleasant warmth of the whole body, especially in back, with moderate sweat.

Perspiration, with febrile rigors (after 3 h)..

Febrile perspiration.

Sour-smelling sweat all over the body.

Profuse sweat.

Cold sweats (several).

Surface cold, and covered with clammy sweat.

Moderate perspiration all over the body.

Skin inclined to transpiration (several).

General warm, steaming sweat (several).

Exhalation and sweat all over the body.

General sweat, especially on the forehead and precordia.

Sweat toward noon.

Sweat after midnight.

Nocturnal transpiration (several).

Violent sweat without exhaustion.

Though his speech was bold and his look animated cold sweat stood on his brow, and his pulse could scarcely be felt.

In the morning excessive sweat (after nightly delirium).

Profuse sweat, with copious flow of urine.

Profuse sweat, with the diarrhoea and increased flow of urine.

Copious sweat followed the convulsions.

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Morning), Confusion, etc.; muddled and empty sensation in head; head heavy and dizzy, etc.; blowing of much bright-red blood from nose; fluent coryza; hiccup; hurried call to stool; acute stitches in cardiac region, etc.; weakness in lower legs; sensation in ankles a if tightly tied, etc.; great exhaustion, etc.; Shivering and frequent yawning; excessive sweat; frequent yawning, lies asleep on back, etc.; hard, red swelling of right upper lid, etc.

(Forenoon), Sweat; sleepiness; vertigo, etc.

(Afternoon), Great vertigo; violent, sticking pain in upper orbital border, etc.; cough; pain in chest, etc.; shoot in center of sternum, etc.; pulse full and quick, etc.; rigor, etc.; heat, etc.; fear; attack of fever, 3 p. m; great sleepiness; shooting pain in right supraorbital ridge, etc.

(Evening), confusion of head, etc.; headache; pain in forehead; pressive headache in vertex; pressing-out pain in temples, etc.; burning-itching in both ears; face hot; flying stitches, here and there, etc.; stiff feeling in nape; warmth of palms; transient stitches, etc.; chilliness; shivering, etc.; rigor down back; prostration, etc.; heat, etc.; lachrymation.

(Night), Delirium; pressive pain on vertex; hot prickings in tips of fingers; hot prickings in toes; transpiration; much thirst, etc.; state of waking dreaminess, etc.; lachrymation; pains become into intolerable.

(Before Midnight), Shuddering; all the feverish symptoms.

(After Midnight), Short cough, etc.; short breath; attack of rigor, etc.; very vivid dream, etc.

(Open Air), Dizzy confusion of head; squeezing in forehead over root of nose, etc.; cold feeling of the eyes; burning, itching and darting in both ears; the throat-symptoms; nausea; irritation of larynx and dry cough; general anxious sensation, etc.; severe attack of rigor, etc.

(Bending body forward), Vertigo; vertigo, etc.; vertigo and headache; giddy heaviness of head, etc.; headache; fullness of the forehead, etc.; dull pain in vertex, etc.; headache; fullness of the forehead, etc.; dull pain in vertex, etc.; drawing bellyache etc.

(Bending body sideways), Sensitive stitches in thorax.

(On going to bed), Heat of body.

(After getting to bed), All the feverish symptoms.

(Drinking), Cough.

(On falling asleep), Jerkings; itching of limbs.

(Flexing fingers to wrist-joint), Violent shootings in elbow-joint, etc.

(Driving), Vertigo.

(Eating), Uncommon sleepiness.

(Going in evening from half-dark room into street), Flickering before eyes, etc.

(Grasping anything), Sensation of weight in arms, etc.

(During heat of body), Cough.

(Inspiration), Dull stitches under ribs of left sides; oppression of chest, etc.; pain in left side of spine, etc.

(Deep inspiration), Oppression of chest; oppression and anxiety of chest; pains in chest; pressive pain in region of second left rib, etc.; stitches between scapulae, etc.; painful shocks in left chest, superiorly; pain from right scapula to front of chest.

(Laughing aloud), Sharp stitch under ribs on right side.

(Light), Headache.

(Lying), Stiff and bruised feeling in left side of neck, etc.

(Lying on side ), Violent cough.

(After lying down), Powerlessness in head of femur, etc.

(Lying on back), heart symptoms.

(Mental exertion), Pain in head and face.

(Motion), Confusion in head, etc.; headache, etc.; headache, first in vertex, etc.; weariness in neck, etc.; painful stiffness in small of back, etc.; tearing pain down arm, etc.; pains in bones of forearm; acute pain in right forearm, etc.; drawing pain in thighs, etc.; general anxious sensation, etc.; chilliness; severe attack of rigor, etc.

(Appearance of Menses), Rage; sharp pain in loins.

(Moving affected part), Rheumatic pain in nape; drawing pain to left of nape, etc.; trembling in wrist; pain, etc., in right thumb-joint; drawing pain in hip-joint.

(Moving the head), Vertigo; shooting in nape; stretching in cervical muscles. (Rising up), (Rising up), Vertigo.

(Noise), Headache.

(Laying on cool hand), Headache, etc.

(Pressure), Pain on right supraorbital ridge, etc.; violent drawing pain in both sides of spine, etc.; violent tearing pain in small of back; violent sticking pain in upper orbital border, etc.

(Rest), Single shootings in middle of right upper arm, etc.; paralytic feeling in right forearm; tired feeling in lower limbs; rigor, etc.

(Standing), Vertigo; pressive pain in pit of stomach; drawing pain in head of left femur.

(Sitting), Nausea, etc.; pressive pain in pit of stomach; anxiety in cardiac region, etc.; drawing pain in head of left femur; powerlessness of legs and thighs.

(Speaking), Headache.

(Stepping), Tensive pressure in lumbar and sacral regions.

(In sleep), Inspiration through nose impeded.

(After sleeping), Pain in shoulder and hip- joint; powerlessness in head of femur, etc.

(On attempting to sit up), Faintness.

(While sitting during day), State of waking dreaminess, etc.

(Treading), Pain in right heel.

(Change of temperature), Dry cough, etc.

(Tobacco-smoke), Easy stupefaction; dryness of throat; tickling in larynx; severe cough.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.