Aconitum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common name: Monkshood.


A. napellus, L. (including also A. Stoerckianum, Reich., in part).

Natural order: Ranunculaceae.

Preparation: Tincture from the whole plant and root when beginning to flower.


Nightly raging delirium; he will not be kept in bed; in the morning excessive sweat.

He did all things hurriedly, and ran about the house.

Transient frenzy.

Hope is aroused, immediately after vomiting.

Crazy folly.

He commenced to be delirious, and played upon a leaf.

Maniacal delirium.



Exalted spirits.

Gayety, with inclination to sing and dance (1/2 h)..

More gay and excited than usual (1st h)..

He cannot remain long at one occupation.

Excessive disagreeable restlessness; without occasion for hurrying, he is in the greatest haste, every obstacle that delays his rapid pace is excessively annoying; he knocks against some people who do not get out of his way fast enough, and runs in breath less haste up the steps; this hurried disposition lasted two hours.

He raves, though awake; jumps out of bed and imagines he is driving sheep (4 h)..

Lucid (clairvoyant) vision.

(* Hahnemann’s note explains that he was conscious that his beloved, fifty miles away, was singing a certain piece. *) Lively memory.

Lively imagination.

Great activity of mind.

He sits buried in thought.

Rapid change of thought, great exertion is required to fix the train of thought.

Unsteadiness of ideas; on attempting to think of one thing, another forces it out of the mind, and this if supplanted by another, and so on, until he becomes quite confused.

Restlessness, uninterrupted, unpleasant; he must now sit, now stand, now walk, he does not know what is the matter.

Excessive restlessness, all movements and actions are performed with great haste and hurry.

Impatience, he throws himself anxiously about, and constantly changes his position, etc.

Hurried speech.

Speaks much and rapidly.

Alternate attacks of opposite moral symptoms.

Variable humor, at one time gay, at another dejected.

At times he seemed to weep, and at times he sang.

Now he doubts his recovery, now he is full of hope.


Now he was perfectly conscious, and then again he raved.

Quarrelsome, with constantly varying delirium, he chatters childish nonsense, and is extravagantly gay.

Morose, peevish.

Quarrelsome (6 h)..



Vexation about trifles.

Extremely inclined to be vexed (1/2 h)..

Great in-difference, irritable.

The slightest noise is unbearable (1/2 h)..

Over-sensitive to light and noise.

He takes every joke in bad part (3 h)..

Cannot bear pain, nor to be touched, nor uncovered.

Great Anxiety.

Anxiety only transiently relieved by drinking cold water.

Anxiety as though a great misfortune would happen to him.

Increased anxiety, followed by total apathy.

Anxiety which does not allow him to remain in one place, he must constantly walk about.

He is made restless by internal anxiety.

Anxiety and peevishness, with fine dartings in the side of the chest, then palpitation at the pit of the stomach, and pressive headache.

Inconsolable anxiety and piteous howlings, with complaints and reproaches about trifles (5 h)..

Dolorous anxious complaints, with pusillanimous fears, despair, loud wailing, and weeping, and bitter reproaches.

His anxiety and fright rose to great pitch.

Flickering before vision makes him anxious on the street, he thinks he constantly jostles the passers by.

Anxiety, he believes he will soon die.

Fear of approaching death (2-12 h)..

Excessive fear of death.

Feeling as if his last hour had come.

Thrice he became blind, and affirmed death to be at hand.


Extreme fearfulness (1/4 h)..

Dread of some accident happening.

He cannot banish anxious apprehensive thoughts, even in gay company.

Fear lest he might stagger and fall.

Great timidity after a severe fright, afraid to go out unattended after dark, is unable to control his feelings of apprehensive fear.

Fear of ghosts.


Depression of spirits.

Sadness, solicitude.

Dejected, as if she had no life in her (2 h)..

Dejected, disinclination for everything, depression even while walking.


Music is unbearable, it goes through every limb, and makes her quite sad (24 h)..

She began to cry violently, with convulsive twitching of the facial muscles.

Every now and then she uttered a peculiar plaintive cry.

Dislike to company.

Desire to be alone.

Disinclined for conversation.

Anthropophobia (3 h)..



Staid resolute, not lively humor (secondary, curative action, 8 H).

Disinclination for mental labor.

Disinclined to exert body or mind.

Disinclined to read (several).

Unable to think or perform even the slightest mental labor (several).


Unusual distraction of ideas.

Distraction of the attention while reading or writing, owing to frequent cessation of thoughts.

Thinking slow, all attention disturbed.

He cannot think nor reflect, knows nothing, and has no idea of anything in his head as usual, but feels that all the mental operations transpire in the region of the stomach; after two hours he has two attacks of vertigo, and then the usual thinking power returns again to the head.

Prepossession of the mind, the thoughts he has already conceived and half written down he is unable to register completely without an effort to recall them (3 d)..

Want of memory, what has just been done appears like a dream, which he can scarcely call to remembrance.

Weakness of memory (5-9 h)..

Memory very weak.

Loss of memory.

Loss of memory for dates.

Diminished intellectual powers.

Great confusedness both of thought and action (4 h).

Dulness and confusion of mind.

Prostration of mind.



Loss of consciousness transient.

Loss of consciousness during the convulsions.

He lies in a stupid condition, at evening, eyes closed, twitching of the facial muscles, mouth, compressed, without power of speech. Coma.


Confusion in the head as after intoxication, with pressure in the temples.

Confusion of the head evenings with pressure in the forehead (several).

Confused and muddled feeling in the head early in the morning after waking (several).

Confusion with heaviness and fullness of the head, aggravated by motion (several).

Confused head and pressive pain in the forehead, mornings on waking (19 h)..

Confusion of the head soon changed to a sense of heaviness, and pressive pain in the vertex and forehead (19 d)..

Muddled sensation in the head.

Easy stupefaction from tobacco smoke.

Vertigo, (and several). (many) vertigo to falling.

Confused vertigo all day.

Frequent attacks of vertigo, feeling as if about to fall over.

Vertigo as after slight intoxication, with distraction of mind.

Vertigo, the child totters and cannot stand.

Vertigo and stupefaction on entering a warm room, as if intoxicated.

Vertigo, especially on stooping; she staggers, especially to the right (36 h)..

Vertigo, everything seems to go around in a circle, she can scarcely get into bed (37 h)..

Vertigo as if intoxicated, all goes around, she staggers as if about to fall; with nausea, worse on rising from sitting, less while walking, not at all while sitting (1/2 h)..

Staggering as from concussion after a fall on the occiput.

Vertigo, sense of swaying hither and thither in the brain.

Vertigo while stooping.

Vertigo while standing.

Vertigo on rising up.

Vertigo with confusion in the head forenoons daily for 16 days after leaving off the drug.

Vertigo on motion and on rest.

Vertigo great after dinner.

Vertigo when walking or driving.

Vertigo much increased by shaking the head, whereby complete blackness comes before eyes.

Vertigo, and headache in forehead and occiput, both worse on stooping (20 min)..

Dizzy heaviness of the head, chiefly in the forehead on stooping, with nausea and sinking in the pit of stomach (2 h)..

Dizzy confusion of head, on right side of forehead, on walking in the open air.

Vertigo with commencing staggering, it seems to him as if he could not stand on his feet.

Vertigo with headache, especially in the occiput.

Vertigo with distending pain in the occiput.

Vertigo and headache, not affected by violent motion 1/4 h)..

Vertigo with obscuration of vision.

Whirling in the head so that she dare not move it, with a sensation as if the eyes would close. (Vertigo with difficult respiration, dry cough, and pain in the hips).

Vertigo with nose bleed.

Vertigo with nausea.

Vertigo with vomiting and exhaustion.

Staggering on attempting to walk.

Head thrown back.

Stupid feeling in the head, in the morning; stupidity increasing, cannot think, forget what I intended to do a moment ago.

Do not know in what street I am walking (third day).

Heat in the head (several).

Heat in the whole head followed by soreness, particularly of the forehead, lasting all the evening (11 h)..

Burning headache as if the brain were agitated by boiling water.

Head warm, it feels smaller to the hand.

Headache as if a hot iron were bound around the head.

Headache as if the skull were laced externally with a band and drawn tightly together.

Head seems bound around with a band.

Pain over the whole skull as if compressed from all sides equally; sometimes the pain is concentrated with the greatest severity in the orbits (typically recurring).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.