Light sleep (1 to 5 h)..

Sleep very light, superficial, so that in the morning he imagines he has not sleep at all; without being weak,.

Frequent waking, with excessive wakefulness,.

Disinclination to go to bed; he could not sleep when he went to bed, owing to excessive wakefulness.

Sleeplessness on account of severe pressive pain in vertex.

Could not sleep for some time after the decline of the symptoms, owing to inability to keep the eyes closed.

Sleepless night.

He sleeps sitting, with head bent forward.

In the morning, he lies asleep on his back, the left hand laid under the back of the head.

He felt as if he were sleeping in the air, and had nothing under him.

On lying down at night, shuddering.

Frightful convulsive jerking on falling asleep.

Frequent starting out off sleep, He starts up in a fright, moves much and talks in his sleep.

She starts up in her sleep, and says some one is holding her.

Violent twitching of the extremities on falling asleep, so that he was waked up by it.

Very restless nights (several).

Restless nights.

Restless nights, must walk about.

Went to bed very restless and excited, and slept with difficulty; not refreshed on rising next morning.

Very wakeful and restless.

Nights always restless; and, in rising next morning, feels as if he had been drunk over night.

Restless tossing in bed.

Nights very restless; she leaves the bed frequently, without being in a condition to lie down again without help.

Nights restless; alternating cold and heat, partial sweat.

Nights, much thirst, restlessness, chill and heat.

He cannot lie on the right side nor on the back; he turns in bed from one side to another with pain.

Sleep at night often disturbed by cough.

He wakes often at night on account of dryness in the mouth and throat, wherefore he must drink often.

On falling asleep, great itching of the limbs, so that he is wake up by it.

Slow breathing when asleep.

(Inspiration with a double jerk, like the bleating of a goat, while asleep).

After lying down at night, and while sitting during the day, he is in a state of waking dreaminess, and imagines erroneously that he is far from home.

In a kind of half-sleep, tormented by the most extravagant dreams, till morning.

Nightly phantasies in a half-waking state.

Restless nights, with vivid dreams, about the events of the day.

Passed a restless night, body very hot, tossed about much, and had excessively vivid dreams.

Restless and disturbed sleep; strange dreams.

Restless night, disturbed by fearful dreams.

Stupid sleep, from which she arouses herself with difficulty, after awaking several times, with confused dreams; morning on waking, the head is confused.

Sleep full of dreams of a confused and vivid character.

Long, confused dreams.

Dreams in which he spoke much.

He has a very vivid dream towards morning, and obtains an accurate explanation of a circumstance that was a riddle to him while awake (after 20 h)..

Very vivid dreams all night (several).

Vivid, remembered dreams of the day’s occurrences (several).

He dreams half the night of a single subject, which also occupies his attention for many hours after he awoke, so that this subject alone is in his mind (like the fixed idea of a monomaniac), which is very troublesome and disagreeable to him.

Dreams of subjects that, for eight years, had been foreign to his thoughts.

At night, anxious dreams, and several times waking with a start.

Anxious dreams at night.

Long dreams, with anxiety in the chest, taking away the breath and causing him to awake (nightmare).

Anxious, heavy dreams, with oppression of the chest.

Frightful dreams.



Cold over the whole body.

She is cold, and shivers.

Cold and rigors.

Anxious chilliness (after 3 h)..

Chilliness on the slightest movement (after 10 h)..

Chilliness from being uncovered.

Body and extremities cold.

General coldness rapidly increasing, especially on the extremities, with blueness of the nails of the fingers and toes.

Coldness in a warm room.

Chilliness evenings, especially in hands and feet.

Extreme chilliness nearly all day.

Had rigors, and felt icy cold.

Felt icy cold, and nearly fainted; during the day frequent recurrence of the rigor, with violent pain in right temple.

Violent shaking chill.

He lay quiet, but freezing and shivering, and wished to be covered up with many clothes.

Slight degrees of chilliness.

Continual diminution of temperature.

Constant shivering.

Constant shuddering.

Shivering for several hours, as if between the skin and flesh, especially over the back and abdomen; felt even when perspiring from rapid walking.

Shivering and frequent yawning on rising in the morning.

Shuddering from the middle of the spine to the lumbar muscles of both sides, as if from taking cold.

Chilliness over the back, as before the outbreak of catarrhal fever.

Constant coldness through the arms and legs, and shivering even in the face.

Chilliness and formication between the shoulders and down the back, with cold tips of fingers and toes, blue nails, even in a warm room (several).

Shivers run through her, from below upward to the chest.

Shivering in the evening, especially in the hands and feet.

Attack of faintness, with shivering.

Shuddering on lying down at night.

Shuddering, with paleness and sunken features.

Coldness in the hands and feet, shuddering over the back, while the head and body are warm.

Rigor over back and arms.

Arms and hands cold and pulseless, legs and trunk much the same.

First coldness, rigor, and paleness of the finger-ends, then of the fingers; thereafter cramped sensation in the soles of the feet and calves, and finally coldness in the forehead (after 1/4 h)..

Coldness under the skin; slight, frequently repeated rigor, not followed by heat.

Rigor commencing in limbs, then going to whole body, with goose flesh; it seems to be between skin and muscle; disappears on motion; worst when the rest.

The rigor continued to increase in the afternoon, and he became icy cold, no coverings suffice to warm him.

In the afternoon rigor all over the body, in a hot room.

Rigor down the back, especially in the evening.

Rigor along the spine, with goose-skin creeping along the galea aponeurotic; hands and face blue; he seeks the heat of the stove.

Felt better after breakfast, but soon afterward, when in open air, had severe attack of rigor over the back and chest, followed by great heat (with frontal headache), which the least movement brought back.

On the 9th day and attack of rigor after mid night, which seemed to arise from the precordia and extend to the limbs; attacks of this awoke him frequently during the night, and were followed by burning dry heat with febrile pulse; in morning moderate perspiration.

Violent continued rigor; short-lasting heat, and copious sweat, with heaviness of head, with waving and swaying of the head.

Violent rigors; icy coldness, with very gratifying yawning and stretching the limbs; after some hours moderate warmth and sweat; during chill and heat many concomitant symptoms.

Chilly sensation after eating; weakness; sleepiness; at night increased heat, tossing about, and sleep interrupted by lively memorable dreams.

Fever; chilly feeling, even coldness over whole body, especially in the red, hot cheeks; pulse gradually rises from 71 to 102, is full and hard, with pleasant warmth and anxiety, and sensation of heat around to head; lastly, general sweat.

Dry heat and exhaustion; violent rigor in the evening with headache, lasting till midnight.

Flushing of the face, and cold hands and feet, especially in the evening (19 a)..

At night thirst, restlessness, rigors, and heat till morning.

Fever; coldness of whole body, with hot forehead, hot ears, and inward dry heat.

Fever coldness and stiffness of the whole body, redness and heat of one, coldness and paleness of the other cheek, with open, fixed eyes, and contracted pupils, which only dilate slightly and slowly in the dark.

Toward evening rigor and coldness of the hands and feet; then nausea felt about the middle of the sternum, which continues even when partaking of food; after eating the nausea goes off, and is followed by heat of the face, accompanied by sad and despairing thoughts.

Cold shuddering, from the crown of the head down the back to the sacrum, followed by an agreeable sensation of warmth in the skin.

Heat of skin, then coldness.

Alternation of coldness and heat.

Alternation of heat and chill all night.

Alternating attacks (after 3, 4, 6 h).

Either along with redness of the cheeks, childish merriment, with sensation of heat all over the body, and headache on moving the eyes upwards and sideways.

Or along with redness of the cheeks and heat of the head; shuddering all over the body, with proper taste in the mouth.

Or along with redness of the cheeks, rigor, with weeping and pressive headache.

Or along with redness of the cheeks, an obstinate disposition, burning in the region of the navel, and pressive headache.

After the siesta, which usually makes him warm, feeling of rigor throughout the body, and cold of the upper arm; the cold feeling persisted even while walking, and in the evening gave way to a short, disagreeable feeling of warmth, like a catarrhal fever.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.