Inspiration through the nose impeded, especially in sleep.

Respiration short, imperfect, laborious.

Short breath in sleep, after midnight.

Breath short and scarcely perceptible.

Respiration quickened.

Respiration hurried.

Respiration rapid (25 to min)..

Respiration superficial (19 c)..

Dyspnoea, and hot feeling in the lungs.

Fear of suffocation with anxiety.

Anxiety impeding respiration, with warm sweat on the forehead.

Difficult respiration, anxiety, gasping for air (several).

Breath hot.

Breath fetid.

Respiration loud, noisy, with open mouth.

Respiration stertorous.

Mucous rales, audible at a distance.

Mucous rales posteriorly,.


Tightness of chest.

Tightness of chest with strong loud respiration.

Sensation as if chest were contracted.

Constriction of the chest, to the right of the sternum, a kind of tightness.

Constriction of chest.

Construction of the chest in central anterior part, hindering deep breathing.

Contractive pain in chest, as if the ribs of both sides were drawn toward each other.

The cavity of the thorax seems narrowed.

Squeezing pain in chest.

Pressive squeezing pain in chest under the sternum.

Pressive tight pain in side of chest.

Constrictive sticking pain in sides of chest.

Anxiety in the chest, and oppression on the right side, afterward in the whole chest.

Oppression of chest, with raw pain under the sternum on inspiration.

Oppression of chest, etc.

Oppression and anxiety in chest.

Great oppression of chest, and feeling as if a hundred weight upon it.

Great oppression of chest, making him breathe deeply, with flying shoots in it.

Heaviness and oppression of chest relieved by wine.

Pressive pain in chest relieved bending the body backward, but renewed on resuming a straight position (12h)..

Pressure, especially on the right side of chest.

Pressure on chest, first on right side then on left.

Pressive pain in left side of chest superiorly, the part is sensitive to touch.

Pressive pain in the region of the second left rib near the sternum, limited to a spot the size of the palm, increased on deep inspiration.

Pressure and burning under the sternum.

Feeling of weight on chest, as if the whole chest were compressed from all sides, Weight under the sternum preventing deep inspiration; painful pressure from the sternum, to the spine.

Weight on the chest, with a quick succession of fine but violent stitches in left side from without inward.

Heaviness on the chest.

Heaviness and fullness in the chest, as if he could not expand the thorax, which frequently makes him breathe deeply, with internal uneasiness, anxiety, and palpitation, forenoons on walking (19 a)..

Heaviness on chest, difficult respiration, sometimes sighing, violent palpitation, with dry cough, and clear, bloody expectoration (19 h)..

Oppression of chest, superficial, frequent respiration, and frequent deep breathing and sighing (19 c)..

Heaviness and fullness in chest, anxiety and palpitation (19 c)..

Shooting pressive pain on right side of the sternum.

Stitches in the chest on breathing.

Violent stitches through the chest.

Painful stitches in the right side of the chest, about the last rib, going through to the back (10 h)..

Superficial stitches in the chest and cardiac region.

Stitches in lower part of the chest toward the false ribs.

Violent stitches in the chest with suspension of the respiration.

Stitches in chest, with cough (several).

Single large stitches in the side toward the back (24 h)..

Stitches from the lowest rib in the right side to the apex of the shoulder-blade, through the center of the chest, accompanying every inspiration, with complaining humor.

On rising in morning, acute lancinating stitches in cardiac region, as if in the pleura costalis, that prevent him assuming an upright posture or breathing deeply, with an inclination to cough; after rubbing the skin, and making gradual efforts to breathe deeply, these symptoms went off, but that part of the thorax remained sensitive even to external pressure (20 doses 2D dil)..

Stitches in left chest.

Periodical stitches through chest with dry cough.

On the 11th day violent stitches in the region of the eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs, but not affecting deep inspiration; the 12th and 13th days, these stitches still continued, and often extended to the loins.

Transient stitches in chest, now here now there (several).

Slight stitches in the left upper half of the chest, as of paralysis.

Sensitive stitches in the left upper half of the chest, as of paralysis.

Sensitive stitches in various parts of the thorax, aggravated by bending sideways.

On deep breathing stitches between the shoulder-blades and in the sides of the chest.

Violent stitch in left half of chest.

Transient stitches in pectoralis major and intercostals, left side.

Dull, oppressive stitches in the left side, near the axilla.

In the evening flying stitches here and there, in the ribs, the abdominal parietes, the joints; great swelling of the belly, which is painful to the touch.

Toward evening, shoots in the center of the sternum, with particularly good humor.

Flying shoots along the sternum and betwixt the ribs.

Pain in the chest, like a shooting, interrupting respiration.

Shooting in the side, followed by palpitation and pressive headache, with anxiety and ill humor.

Fine, burning, shooting pain in the chest.

Shooting in the lower half of the left side of the chest, going off on lying down.

Shooting, boring, burrowing pain in the left side, between the fourth and sixth ribs, lasting ten minutes.

Shooting in the right side of the chest with complaining, lachrymose humor.

Pinching, scraping pain in the right side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, not affected by anything; it goes away of itself.

Painful shocks in left chest superiorly, especially on taking a deep breath.

Pain in right side of chest (19 c)..

Pain as from a bruise in the lowest rib, very much increased by the touch, whereby the patient is very uneasy, and complains.

Pain in the middle of sternum, as from a bruise, increased by touch.

Soreness on posterior surface of sternum, as if he had bruised himself, evening.

Chest painful externally on several places, particularly the right side.

Heat on and in the chest.

Heat in the lungs.

Burning in the lungs, not affecting respiration; it seemed as if a hot fluid would come into the mouth.

Feeling as if hot water were being poured fluid would come into the chest.

Chest warm.

Fatigued, exhausted feeling in the chest; slight speaking is an exertion.

Creeping pain in the chest.

Crawling in the chest, as from beetles.

Gnawing pain in the right clavicle.

A digging, boring pain from the right scapula to the front of the chest, increased by deep inspiration, but not by expiration, and so in no way relieved; lasting twelve minutes.

Heart and Pulse.

Slight stitches in cardiac region.

Transient stitches in heart region (sometimes noticed in rest), especially on walking, forenoons (19 a)..

Anxiety in cardiac region, and oppression of chest, with contracted pulse and constriction of the chest, when sitting after much motion.

Palpitation, with great anxiety, difficulty of breathing, and great weariness in all the limbs; sensation as of something rushing into the head, with confusion and flying heat in the face.

Palpitation and anxiety, with increased heat, especially of the face.

Palpitation of heart (several).

Palpitation on walking, with great anxiety, etc. (19 c).

Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety and restlessness, and pressive pain in the cardiac region.

Sudden violent palpitation while sitting quietly, quiet, increased by walking.

Tendency to palpitation, with trembling.

The heart beats quickly while the pulse was slow, apparently intermitting with attacks of powerlessness.

Heart’s impulse weak.

Heart feebly fluttering.

The heart beats but once to every three pulsations against the chest.

The left ventricle was consonant with the pulsations against the chest.

The left ventricle was consonant with the pulse, but the right auricle seemed to be in a convulsive state, its movements were rapid, irregular, and not related to be in a convulsive state, its movement were rapid, irregular, and not related to the beats of the ventricle.

Pulse contracted, full, powerful, febrile, exceeding 100 beats to minute (in adults), (several).

Pulse strong, full, and quick, etc.

Auscultation revealed mucous rales posteriorly, but one beat of heart to three beats of pulse, still the pulsations of left vena cava were equal to the arterial pulse; rapid, irregular motion of right auricle, synchronous with the beats of the vena cava.

Pulse rose from 95 to 112 on going in from open air.

Toward evening the pulse became full and quick; he felt the beating of the temporal and carotid arteries, while sitting.

Pulse full, rapid, 80 to 90.

Pulse 96 during afternoon, fever.

Pulse 13-, feeble.

Beat of heart powerful; pulse full, hard, and strong, moderately frequent (19 c)..

Pulse quick, irregular.

Pulse 67, small, and soft, after this it rose in an hour to 102, was full, and hard, then an agreeable warmth came over the body, followed by perspiration, the legs all the time continuing cool.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.