Pulse full, powerful, intermitting every sit beats of the heart and radial artery, with heaviness of chest, especially in the cardiac region.

Pulse intermitting and irregular; two or three beats followed rapidly in succession, and then came a pause of as long a duration.

Pulse febrile and intermitting.

Pulse intermitting, with general dulness.

Pulse soft, irregular.

Pulse, at first with beginning warmth, frequent, sinks below normal; becomes weak, and at times intermittent.

Pulse at first frequent, then retarded.

Pulse slower, full, and soft (19 c)..

Pulse 54, unequal, soft, and full.

Pulse sinks, irregular, small, weak.

Pulse slow, irregular.

Pulse sinks, irregular, small, weak.

Pulse slow, irregular.

Pulse slow, intermittent.

Pulse seems as if the blood did not fill the artery full.

Pulse slow, feeble,; weak,; small,; small and weak,; almost imperceptible.

Pulse feeble, soft, and occasionally intermits (every fifteenth beat).

No pulse perceptible.

Pulse thready, with anxiety.

Neck and Back.

Nape of neck stiff.

Pain as if the flesh were separated in the nape, with feeling as if the neck would not support the head, and the head would on that account fall forward; on moving the head, shootings in the nape.

Rheumatic pain in the nape, felt only on moving the neck (after 5-9 h)..

Stiff feeling in the nape of the neck in the evening.

Stiff feeling in the nape, with chilly hands and feet.

Drawing pain to the left of the nape and in the scapula on moving the neck.

Single stitches in both sides of the nape.

Weariness in the neck on motion, as if involving single muscles, especially evenings and nights.

Drawings in muscles of throat and neck.

Fine shooting in the neck, externally.

Drawing pain into the neck, into the ear and shoulder.

Stiff and bruised feeling in the left side of the neck, to the left shoulder-joint and a portion of the dorsal muscles; worse on lying better on moving (5th d)..

Pressive pain in the left side of the cervical vertebrae.

Pressive pain in the neck, as of a pressure with the point of a finger inwards toward the trachea.

Stretching in the cervical muscles on turning the head.

Pain extends from neck towards right shoulders.

Bruised pain between the shoulders.

Stitches between the scapulae (several).

Drawing, tearing pain in scapulae.

Slight drawing in right scapula.

Crawling pain in back, as if from beetles.

Dull rheumatic pains in muscles of back and shoulders, in the places where the chilly or numb sensations had been most marked.

Creeping as of insects over back, arms, and things.

Stiffness of the back.

Shootings in the back.

Coldness along the vertebral column.

Feeling of heartburn all down the back.

Violent shooting, digging pain in the whole of the left side of the spine to the small of the back, so much increased by inspiration as to bring tears into the eyes; this lasted four hours.

Violent drawing pain on both sides of the spine, along the mm., sacrolumbalis and longissimus dorsi, increased by pressure, and rendering every movement difficult; this went off after four hour, but passed into the antagonist muscles, the recti abdominis, which were stretched as a board.

Burning, gnawing pains near the right side of the spine.

Pain in the loins, like labor-pains, while walking.

Pain in loins.

Pressive pain in the small of the back.

Momentary sticking and drawing in small of back.

Violent tearing pain in small of back, aggravated by pressure.

Painful boring on the left side of the small of the back.

Pressive pain on the left side of small of the back.

Painful stiffness in the small of the back and hip-joint, as if paralytic, on movement (after 2 h)..

Numb sensation in the small of the back into the legs (several).

Paralytic pressure in the small of the back, relieved by movement and bending forward (3D and 5th d)..

Shooting and creeping in the small of the back.

Sensitiveness of the renal region.

Shooting in the kidneys.

Transient, but painful aching in region of left kidney.

Slight uneasiness in region of right kidney.

Tension and drawing in the lumbar vertebrae, or as if bruised, with gripes, as if from flatulence.

Tensive, pressive pain in the lumber and sacral regions, noticed on stepping.

Pain as if bruised, in the last lumbar vertebrae, at its junction with the sacrum; the back feels as if beaten.

Pain as if from a bruise, from the loins through the back into the nape of the neck (after 4 h)..

Cutting pain, extending from the spine over the left hip, round to the abdomen, in a circle.

Extremities in general.

Trembling and tingling in the limbs, accompanied by shooting pains (1/4 h)..

Convulsive trembling of the limbs.

Twitching of fingers and toes.

Convulsive contractions of limbs.

Involuntary stretching of limbs.

Distortion of extremities.

He was unable to keep himself upright, and was attacked by convulsions, the upper and lower extremities were drawn inward, the first clenched and the thumbs doubled into the palms so that he could not open the hand.

Weariness of arms and legs.

Weariness and exhaustion of all the limbs, with stretching and straining.

Weariness of the limbs, especially the legs, with constant sleepiness and ill-humor.

Heaviness and stiffness of limbs in open air.

Painful heaviness of limbs (19 c)..

Stiffness and difficulty of moving limbs.

Difficulty of moving limbs.

An arm and a leg feel paralyzed.

A paralyzed feeling in left arm and thigh; the power of moving was gone in both, only slightly remaining in the hand.

When the left side lost this it came into the right side in the same way; when he could raise the right arm he could not the left, and vice versa; as length could raise them both.

Feeling as if the limb had gone to sleep.

It seemed as though the circulation stopped in all his limbs; no circulation at all was felt by him from the wrists to the finger ends, and from the ankles to the tips of the toes.

Weakness and unsteadiness in the ligaments of all the joints (46 h)..

Feeling as though the ligaments of the joints were relaxed.

Great weakness of the joints, especially the knee and joints of the foot, with jerking in the tendons so that he can scarcely walk.

Numbness in the tips of the fingers and toes.

Coldness of extremities.

Bruised feeling in the limbs.

Pain as from a contusion in shoulder and hip-joints, after sleeping, as if the bed had been too hard.

Drawing now in the knee and calf, now in elbow.

Drawings here and there in the joints.

Drawing, tearing pains in limbs.

Transient pains, like bone pains, in the metacarpal and long bones of upper and lower extremities.

Stretching pains in the limbs.

Pain in the elbows, knees, and hips; pressure after walking pains in left middle finger and right heel.

Shuddering of the extremities.

Crawling in upper and lower limbs.

Pain in the joints.

All the joints are painful (7 h)..

Painless cracking of all the joints especially the knees.

Upper Extremities.

Pain in left shoulder-joint.

Slight pain in shoulder-joints.

Pain in left shoulder.

Tearing pain from the shoulder down the arm to the wrist and fingers, on every motion; during the pain the hand is blue (after 1, 14 h)..

Tumor in the muscles of the shoulder, extremely painful to the touch, as if bruised (after 4 h)..

The shoulder is painful, and feels as if it would sink down.

Some transient stitches in the left shoulder.

Numbness in the shoulders.

Drawing, tearing pain in shoulder-joint.

Pressure in right shoulder and upper arm.

Pressive pain in left shoulder, and posterior-exterior side of left upper arm.

Violent drawing and tearing, with paralytic sensation in head of left humerus.

Tingling down the arms.

The arms feel bruised and sink down powerlessly.

Weariness of arms.

Coldness and insensibility of the arms.

No feeling in arms.

Pinching, as if with blunt forceps, on some spots of the left arm, often returning.

Throws the arms about.

Single shootings in middle of right upper arm, anteriorly, while at rest, not changed by motion or pressure.

Sudden drawing and shooting pain in right upper arm posteriorly.

Drawing and paralytic stiffness in right upper arm.

Weariness of left upper arm.

Tickling itching on inside of left upper arm.

Drawing pain in the elbow-joints.

Drawing-tearing pain in the elbow-joints.

Several rheumatic-like pains in left elbow-joint.

Dull, rheumatic pains about right elbow-joint.

Violent shooting in the elbow-joints down to the wrists, on the outside of the arm, on flexing the fingers to the wrist- joint.

Sensation of weight in the arms, from the elbow to the fingers; they feel as if they would fall, with sensation in fingers as if they were asleep, on grasping anything.

Drawing-tearing pain in the forearm.

Pain in the forearm, as if from a violent blow.

Drawing, shooting pain in the bones of the forearm, excitable by movement.

Crawling in right forearm.

Paralytic feeling in right forearm and hand (on writing), relieved by violent motion, but returning while writing, or at rest, but less severely.

Drawing-tearing pain on the outside of right forearm.

Cramp like pain in the whole of the left forearm, not relieved by anything.

Undulating, tearing pain in the upper end of the left forearm.

Acute pain in right forearm, along the flexor tendons of the little finger, increased by movement.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.