The heart-beats are sometimes quick and sometimes slow: Bufo.

Pulse 200, felt in the temples and radial arteries: China ars.

The heart began to tremble, with a rumbling noise, and I was unable to distinguish the pulsations: China ars.

Pulse becomes more frequent and perspiration breaks out: Chloral.

Pulse so weak and quick it could not be counted: Crot. tigl.

The slightest motion makes the pulse immediately more rapid: Digit.

A weak impulse alternates with a strong one: Hydrastis ac.

Pulse smaller and unequal, so that after every six or seven beats there were one or two stronger and longer waves of the radial artery: Hydrastis ac.

Pulse unequal, in one minute 60 and in the next 90: Valer.

Pulse 69 (before experiment), rose to 75: Valer.

After the perspiration the pulse falls and gradually sinks to the normal: Pilocarp.

During the first five days my pulses were increased from 10 to 20 strokes per minute: Rhus ven.

Pulse more rapid than usual between the spasms: Strychnin.

It was impossible to count the pulse during the convulsions: Strychnin.

Radial impulse imperceptible during the spasm: Strychnin.

Pulse irregular, variable and intermittent, at one time 136 per minute, and in a short time thereafter down to 38 per minute: Tabac.

Pulse decidedly increased in force and a little in frequency: Tanac.

The circulation of the blood, judging by the pulse, is alternately increased and diminished: tarent.

Pulse and respiration quickened: Terebintha

Pulse at first accelerated, afterwards diminished, irregular and even intermittent: Thea.

23 The pulse at first fell 10 beats, but subsequently rose higher than the former: Valer.


Morning : China ars., China sulph., Graphit., Mezer., Kali carb.

Rapid, mornings; slow, evenings: Mezer., Kali carb.

Afternoon: Nitrum, Kali nitr.

Evening: Argent., Argentum nitr., Bufo, Capsic., Carb. an., Caustic., Chelid., Crot. hor., helon., Graphit., Lobel., Acid Muriaticum, Natr. carb., Nitrum, Oleand., Pulsat., Ranunculus bulb., Rheum, Sarsap., Sumbul, Thuya, Zincum.

In bed: Argent.

With hot skin: Oleand.

Toward evening: Kali nitr.

Slow, mornings; rapid, evenings: Sarsap.

Night: Arsen., Benz. ac., Kali bichr., Dulcam., Mercur., Ranunculus scel.

Awakens suddenly with a start at 2 a.m.: Kali bichr.

Awakens after midnight with violent pulsations of heart: Benz.


After midnight (2 a.m.): Physos. Slow during the day: Mercur., Acid Muriaticum

During heat: Secale, Ruta.

Only during heat: Ruta: After eating: Camphora, Nux vomica, Lycop.

By motion: Digit., Glonoin., Petrol., Argentum nitr.

At rest: Kali nitr.

By exertion: Argentum nitr., Ferrum, Iodum.

By walking: Glonoin.

By mental emotion: Argentum nitr., Nux vomica

From protracted study: Nux vomica

On entering a warm room: Aconitine.

When sitting: Aspar.

When lying down: Atrop.

From touch: Strychnin. (brings on spasms).

From salivation: Pilocarp.

From sweating: Jabor., Pilocarp.

During spasm, and much worse afterwards: Strychnin.

Affected by alcohol: Rhus, Acid Sulphuricum

Affected by wine: Zincum, Nux mosch.

Affected by beer: Rhus.

After spices: Nux vomica

Affected by coffee: Nux vomica, Rhus.


More quiet after meals: Cinchon.

After perspiration: Pilocarp.

Towards noon: China sulph.


Abort., Aconite, ANac., Baryta carb., Calcar., Coloc., Ferrum mur., Graphit., Kreosotum, Lachnanth., Lilium tigr., Lycop., Mercur., Millef., Naja trip., Natr. mur., Petrol., Plumbum, Physos., Sabina, Sambuc., Sarsap., Sumbul, Valer., Verbascum vir., Zincum.

Abrotanum: With general heat and distended veins on the forehead.

Aconite: Burning flushes along the back; oppression about the heart; anxiety; difficulty of breathing; flying heat in the face; sensation of something rushing into the head.

Anacardium: Beating in the bloodvessels.

Baryta carb.: Orgasm of blood, with anxiety.

Calcarea: Much beating in the bloodvessels.

Colocynth.: Strong throbbing in all the bloodvessels.

Ferrum: Throbbing in all bloodvessels; soft bellows’ sound at apex.

Graphites: Strong pulsation of the blood in the whole body, but especially about the heart, increased by every motion.

Kreosotum: Pulsation in all the arteries when at rest.

Lachnanthes: While lying feels the beating of his heart to his head.

Lilium: Conscious pulsations over the whole body and outpressing in hands and arms; as if the blood would burst through the vessels.

Lycopodium: Sensation as if the circulation stood still, or ebullitions.

Mercurius: Orgasm, with trembling from slight exertion.

Millefolium: Ebullitions from coughing blood.

Natrum mur.: Heart’s pulsations shake the body.

Naja trip.: Heat and uneasy about the heart towards evening.

Petroleum: Fainting, with ebullitions; heat; pressing on the heart and palpitation.

Plumbum: Rush of blood to the heart during a rapid walk.

Physostigma: Uneasiness and distress about the heart, mostly without violent palpitation, but with a fulness and pulsation over the body, so that I counted the pulse, 72, by the ear; this uneasiness is principally at night, causing restlessness, tossing from one side to the other, with dry heat all over. Woke about 2 a.m., with a rapid, tumultuous action of the heart, as if in high fever, but there was no unusual heat. Sometimes it seems to me as if I could hear every artery in my body beat. While sitting still he felt a pulsation through the whole body, particularly in the chest, each beat of the heart was distinctly perceptible in the chest and temples.

Sabina: Violent beating in bloodvessels in whole body.

Sambucus: Orgasm in whole body.

Sarsaparilla: Ebullitions of blood and protruding veins.

Sumbul: Palpitation of the heart with transient flushes of heat. Flushes of heat in floods from the back.

Valeriana: In the first quarter of an hour the beats are full and vigorous, in the second the diastole is shorter, the whole body being agreeably warm, and a tremulous, anxious sensation being experienced, which seems to come out of the abdomen. Pulse 69 (before experiment), rose to 75, where it remained for some hours, associated with rush of blood to the head and increased warmth of the face.

Veratrum vir.: Loud, strong, with great arterial excitement.

Zincum: Violent pulsations in bloodvessels during heat.


With anxiety: Aconite, Baryta.

With anguish: Plumbum.

With fainting: Petrol.

With trembling: Mercur.

With palpitation: Petrol., Sumbul.

And transient flushes of heat: Sumbul.

Mostly without violent palpitation: Physos.

With uneasiness about the heart: Naja trip.

With uneasiness and distress about th heart: Physos.

With restlessness, tossing from one side to the other: Physos.

With pulsation : Physos.

With rush of blood to the head and increased warmth of the face: Valer.

With difficult breathing: Aconite

With cold sweat: Plumbum With great arterial excitement: Verbascum vir.

With protruding veins: Abrotanum, Sarsap.

And distended veins on forehead and hands: Abrotanum

With heat: Abrotanum, Petrol., Physos. Dry heat all over: Physos.

With oppression about the heart: Aconite, Petrol., Plumbum.

And palpitation: Petrol.

GENERAL SYMPTOMS Rush of blood to the heart after a rapid walk; anguish, cold sweat: Plumbum.

Beating in the bloodvessels: Anacardium, Calcar.

Heat and uneasy about the heart towards evening: Naja trip.

Sometimes I feel as if I could hear every artery in my body beat: Physos.

Each beat of the heart was distinctly perceptible in the chest and temples: Physos.

Felt particularly in the chest: Physos.

Flushes of heat in floods from the back: Sumbul.

Throbbing in all the bloodvessels: Coloc., Ferrum.

Pulsations in the vessels: Graphit., Kreosotum, Lilium tigr., Natr. mur., Zincum.

Felt especially about the heart, increased by every motion : Graphit.

Conscious pulsations over the whole body, and outpressing in hands and arms, as if the blood would burst through the vessels: Lilium tigr.

Heart’s pulsations shake the body: Natr. mur.

Felt over the whole body: Graphites, Lilium tigr., Natr. mur., Physos., Sabina, Sambuc.

Feels the beating of his heart to his head: Aconite, Lachnanth.

While lying: Lachnanth.

Sensation of something rushing into his head, with flying heat in the face: Aconite

As if the blood would burst through the vessels: Lilium tigr.

Burning flushes along the back: Aconite

Sensation as if the circulation stood still, or ebullitions: Lycop.


Worse from motion: Graphit.

Slight exertion: Mercur.

When at rest: Kreosotum

When lying: Lachnanth.

Rapid walking: Plumbum.

During heat: Zincum.

Coughing blood: Millef.

Worse evenings: Naja trip.

Worse at night: Physos. (uneasiness).

Worse after midnight: Physos.


Aconite, Actea, AEscul., AEthusa, Agaricus, Alumina, Ambra, Ammonium carb., Ananth., Angust., Antim crud., Ant. tart., Argent., Argentum nitr., Arnica, Arsen., Asafoetida, Aspar., Aurum, Baryta carb., Bellad., Benz. ac., Berber., Bovista, Bromin., Bufo, Cactus, Calcar., Calcarea phosph., Camphora, Cann. ind., Canthar., Carb. an., Caustic., Chamom., Chelid., China ars., China sulph., Cicuta, Cinchona, Coca, Coccul., Coffea, Colchic., Conium, Crocus, Crot. tigl., Cuprum, Cuprum ac., Curare, Cyclam., Dulcam., Euphras., Ferrum, Graphit., Guajac., Hamam., Helleb., Hepar, Hydras., Hydrastis ac., Iber., Ignat., Illic. anis., Iodum, Jatropha, Kali bichr., Kali carb., Kali cyan., Kali jod., Kali nitr., Kalmia, Laches., Lauroc., Ledum, Lilium, Lycop., Magn. mur., Mancin., Mang. ac., Mercur., Mercurius cor., Mercurius cyan., Millef., Acid Muriaticum, Naja trip., Natr. carb., Nat. mur., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux mosch., Nux vomica, Oleand., Petrol., Phosphor., Phosph. ac., Physos., Platin., Podophy., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Rhus ven., Ruta, Sabina, Sanguin., Secale, SEpia, Silica, Spigel., Spongia, Staphis., Stramon., Strychnin., Sulphur., Sumbul, Acid Sulphuricum, Tabac., tarent., Terebintha, Tellur., Thea, Thuja, Valer., Veratrum alb., Verbascum vir.

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.