Especially after spices or coffee: Nux vomica

After drinking stout: Sumbul.

After drinking beer: Sumbul.


From deep inspiration: Lycopodium virg.

While at stool: China sulph.

During the flush of heat: Sumbul.

From the least emotion: Ananth.

From indignation: China sulph.

From excitement: Lycopodium virg.

Thinking of the palpitation and cardiac distress: Lycopodium virg.

Paying attention to it: Sumbul, (after drinking beer).


REST: Arnica, Carb. an., Veratrum alb., Verbascum vir.

Goes off by rest: Arnica.

Must lie still with the eyes closed: Carb. an.

Goes off lying on right side: Tabac.

Must sit up or lie on the right side: Laches.

Better lying down: Veratrum alb., Verbascum vir., Tabac.

MOTION: Magn. mur., Ferrum.

Goes off on motion: Magn. mur.

Better walking slowly: Ferrum.

When sitting up: Angust.

By lying in the abdominal position: China sulph.

Lying on the heart: China sulph. (alternating with change of position).

Lying on the right side: Tabac.

From stretching: China sulph.


Rest: Arnica, Carb. an., Veratrum alb., Verbascum vir.

Motion: Magn. mur., Ferrum.

Sitting up: Laches.

Lying down: Carb. an., Verbascum vir.

Lying on right side: Laches., Tabac.

Closing the eyes: Carb. an.

Pains: At times tearing rheumatic pains in the extremities, relieving the heart: Benz. ac.


Absinthium: Tremor of the heart felt towards the back.

Aconite: Oppression about the praecordia, burning flushes along the back. Palpitation, with a feeling as if boiling water was poured into the chest. Feeling of fulness; pulse hard, strong, contracted. Fainting, with tingling.

Actea: Left arm numb and as if bound to the side; numbness of the body.

Aesculus: Burning in the region of the heart.

Agaricus: Anxious sensation of pressure. Constricted feeling of a lump in the epigastrium, with pain under the sternum; drawing in region of diaphragm, sharp pains in left side.

Ailanthus: Dull, pain and contracted feeling in the region of the base of the heart and centre of left lung.

Ambra: Palpitation, with pressure in the chest as if a lump lay there or as if the chest was stuffed up.

Amyl nitr.: Cardiac oppression and tumultuous heart action.

Anantherum: Burning and sensation of weight in the heart, with sadness, anguish and fear of death. Stitches and formication in the heart, with great anxiety. Lancinations, cramps and weakness of the heart, which seems too full of blood and unable to beat, with oppression; pulse slow and full, then accelerated, hard and dicrotic. Sensation as if the bloodvessels of the heart and larynx were contracted. Stitches and cramps in the heart, with sensation as if its apex were pinched very hard. Trembling of the heart, with sensation as if it shook. Sensation as if the great vessels of the heart were distended in various parts. Heavy and painful heart. Heart seems paralyzed, as if it could not beat any more, with death-like weakness.

Angustura: Violent palpitation of the heart when sitting or stooping, with a painful sensation as if the heart was constricted.

Argentum: Full feeling in the region of the heart; frequent spasmodic though painless twitchings of whole cardiac muscle, especially on lying on back; fears apoplexy.

Argentum nitr.: Heart’s action irregular, intermittent, with an unpleasant sensation of fulness; exertion causes strong beating, worse when noticing it.

Arnica: Region of the heart feels as if bruised.

Asafoetida: Pressure in the region of the heart as if the heart was too full and expanded, pulse small.

Asparagus: Palpitation of the heart occurred, with oppression of the chest. Slight sensation of stitches in the region of the heart, after eating.

Aurum: Feels as though the heart ceased and then suddenly gave one hard thump.

Baptisia: Heart’s pulsations seem to fill the chest.

Baryta carb: Feels the heart beat.

Belladonna: Pressure in the cardiac region which arrests the breathing and causes anxiety. Gurgling at the heart, kind of palpitation, when going up-stairs.

Benzoic ac.: Sense of weakness in the praecordia.

Borax: Sensation as if the heart were on the right side and were being squeezed.

Bovista: Visible palpitation after going up-stairs, as if the heart was working in water; after overexertion.

Bryonia: Oppression in the region of the heart.

Bufo: Feeling as if the heart was very large, and plunged in a vessel of water. Lancinating and pulling in the region of the heart, as if it were being distended. Sensation of scraping and weight in the heart. Trembling feeling at the heart.

Cactus: Sensation of constriction in heart, as if an iron hand prevented its normal movements.

Calcarea: Tremulous pulsation of heart, worse after eating, at night, with anguish.

Calcarea phosph: Feels the beating of the pulse, not frequent but quick; while sitting feels it in the nape of the neck and left chest.

Camphora: Praecordial distress when loudly spoken to; sensation of severe coldness and irresistible sleepiness.

Cannabis ind.: Sensation as if drops of water were falling from the heart.

Cannabis sat.: Violent beating of the heart on moving the body and on stooping, with a warm sensation about the heart.

Cantharis: Stitch, followed by a crawling sensation.

Causticum: Oppression of the heart, with lowness of spirits.

Cereus bon.: Sensation of a great stone laid upon the heart; soon after, sensation as if the chest was broken out just in front of the heart. Feeling as if the heart was transfixed by a blunt instrument, as on a bolt.

Cereus serp.: Paralyzed feeling at heart (9.50 P.M.)

Centaurea tag.: Sensation of dilatation of the heart, with anxiety.

Chininum ars.: Sensation as if the heart had stopped still; no perception of the beating of the heart; after 1 P.M.

Chininum sulph.: Slight uneasiness in the praecordia. Sitting, heart’s action subjectively felt, extending to head; having just had an incomplete stool, with protrusion of mucous membrane especially right side, after postponement in the forenoon. Pulsations of the heart, conscious, slightly accelerated in the forenoon. Pulsation of the heart felt in the left chest after going upstairs, in the afternoon. Conscious pulsation from heart to left chest, arm and abdomen, in the forenoon.

Cicuta: Feels as if the heart stopped beating; and sometimes faint feeling therewith. (Hering.) Sudden sensation as if the heart stopped when walking. (Allen.)

Crocus: Warmth about the heart, with anxiety, and some oppression of breath, so that she cannot breathe deeply, with inclination to take a deep breath; she feels relieved every time after frequent yawning. Sensation of great emptiness in the praecordial region. Drawing in the praecordial region, extending to the stomach like colic. Palpitation, anxiety at the heart, with a sensation of weakness extending thence through the whole abdomen and continuing down to the soles of the feet.

Croton tigl.: Some jerkings in the left side of the heart.

Curare: Heaviness of the heart, with severe palpitation.

Cyclamen: Buzzing in the region of the heart; sensation of something alive running in the heart.


Digitalis: Dull uneasiness in various parts of the region of the heart, with a sensation of weakness in the forearm, all the evening. A sudden sensation as though the heart stood still, with great anxiety.

Glonoinum: Pressure in heart as if it was being contracted. Fulness in the heart. Purring noise in the region of the heart when lying; pulse intermits; must have head high; worse when lying on left side, better on the right.

Graphites: Constriction; pressure; sensation like an electric shock from heart towards the front of neck.

Iberis: On turning on the left side, a sharp, sticking pain is felt as if a needle were crosswise in the ventricles and pricked at each contraction. Slight palpitation of the heart, with a sensation of weight and pressure in the region of the heart, with occasional sharp stinging pains in that region, passing from before backward and lasting but a short time.

Iodium: Sensation as if the heart was being squeezed together.

Jacea (Viola tricolor): Oppression and stitches in the heart on bending forward while sitting. Anxiety about the heart while lying, with bearing like waves.

Jatropha: The beating of the heart suddenly became distinct to the hand and was even felt in the chest. Violent beating of the heart, shaking the chest, when walking slowly about the room. Uneasiness at night, from palpitation and rush of thoughts.

Kali bichr: Cold sensation about the heart; tightness of the chest; dyspnoea.

Kali carb: Cramping pains, as if the heart was hanging by bands; burning.

Kalmia: Pressure like a marble from epigastrium towards the heart, with a strong, quick, heart-beat. Every beat has a strumming, as if it would burst, along the sternum to throat. The third or fourth beat is harder, and is followed by an intermission.

Lachesis: Numbness of the left arm.

Lachnanthes: Feels hot in the chest and around the heart. Boiling and bubbling in the chest and cardiac region. While lying feels the beating of his heart in his head.

Laurocerasus: Beating, fluttering sensation in the region of the heart; gasps for breath; sometimes has slight, dry cough. Sensation as if the heart would turn over, causing him to gasp for breath; better lying down.

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.