Plumbum: Variable; generally small and slow, contracted; at times hard and slow, sinks even to 40.

Pulsatilla: Slower in the morning.

Ranunculus bulb.: Slower in the morning.

Rhododendron: Slow and weak.

Sambucus: Occasional omissions of heart-beat; sometimes slow and full; sometimes intermitting.

Sarsaparilla: Slow in the morning.

Secale: Generally slow and contracted; at times intermittent and suppressed.

Scutellaria: Pulse reduced to 64 per minute, at 10 p.m.

Sparteine: The pulse is at first slow, later becomes somewhat rapid, and still later slow again (in experiments on animals).

Spigelia: Strong, but slow.

Squilla: Small and slow, slightly hard.

Stigmata maidis: Renders heart’s action slower and stronger.

Sterculia acuminata (Kola Nut): Under its action the heart’s action is slowed and the systolic contractions become stronger.

Strophanthus: This drug physiologically slows the pulse and increases the ventricular power.

Strychninum: Pulse hard, full, slow, intermittent. Pulse 70, hard and contracted. Pulse small and slow.

Sumbul: Sinking of the heart, which beats softly, as if in water. The action of the heart full, and sharp strokes at times, irregular, beating rapidly 8 or 10 times, then slowly. Pulse 70, weak, low, irregular. Pulse 52 to 56, compressible, very irregular.

Tabacum: Beat of the heart weak, slow and intermittent. Pulse full, slow. Pulse slightly compressible and perfectly regular at barely 60. Pulse irregular, variable and intermittent, at one time 136 per minute, and in a short time thereafter down to 38 per minute. Pulse slow, 45. Pulse remarkably slow, scarcely perceptible, intermittent for fifteen seconds. (Allen.) Exceedingly slow. (Hering.)

Tanacetum: Pulse 68, with a peculiar beat.

tarentula: The circulation of the blood, judging by the pulse, is alternately increased and diminished.

Terebinthina: Pulse from 65 to 86.

Thea: Pulse altered both in frequency and in strength; in some cases it is weak and slow, in others fluttering or intermitting; this state of depression of the circulating system occasionally becomes alarming.

Thuya: Slow and weak in the morning.

Valeriana: The pulse at first fell 10 beats, but subsequently rose higher than the former. Pulse unequal; in one minute 60, and in the next 90.

Veratrum alb.: Slow, soft, intermittent; sometimes slower than heart-beat.

Veratrum vir.: Slow, soft and weak.

Zincum: Slow in the morning; increased by wine.


Large: Cuprum ac., Kali cyan., Bellad.

Small: Aconitine, Aconite cam., Aconite fer., Agaricus, Amygd. am., Ascl. tub., Cicuta vir., Digit., Helonias, Hyosc., Ignat., Kali brom., Kali cyan., Kali nitr., Mercurius cyan., Plumbum, Physos., Strychnin., Squilla.

Strong: Amygd. am., Physos., spigel.

Weak: Aconitine, Aconite cam., Aconite fer., Crot. hor., Helonias, Kali brom., Kali nit., Kalmia, Naja trip., Oleand., Physos., Rhodod., Sumbul, Tabac., Thea, Veratrum alb., Kalmia.

Hard: Cepa, Plumbum, Squilla, Strychnin.

Soft: Kali cyan., Kali fer., Mang. ac., Veratrum alb., Verbascum vir.

Constantly soft and weak: MAng. ac.

Full: Amygd. am., Ananth., Bellad., Cicuta vir., Colchic., Gelsem., Naja trip., Opium, Physos., Sambuc., Strychnin., Sumbul, Tabac.

With snoring: Opium.

Feeble: Aconitine, Canthar., Colchic., Gelsem., Junip. vir., Physos.

Faint: Baptis.

Regular: Amygd. am., China sulph., Iber., Physos., Tabac.

Irregular: Aconite cam., Agaricus, Bufo, Digit., Erythroph., Hydrastis ac., iber., Junip. virg., Kali cyan., Naja trip., Sumbul, Tabac.

Intermittent: Aconitine, Amygd. am., Benz. ac., Bufo, Canthar., Capsic., Cuprum ac., Iber., Junip. virg., Lycopodium virg., Oleand., Physos., Sambuc., Secale, Strychnin., Tabac., Thea.

Occasional omission of heart-beat: Sambuc.

Variable: Plumbum, Tabac.

Low: Crot. hor., Sumbul.

Unequal: Valer.

Vibrating: Amygd. am.

Wiry: Iber., Physos.

Thin: Iber.

Difficult to count: Aconitine.

Depressed: Hydrastis ac.

Bounding: Naja trip.

Almost imperceptible: Aconitine, Aconitum cam., Aconite, Canthar., China sulph., Helonias, Hydrastis ac., Kali cyan., Naja trip., Tabac.

Flickering: Amygd. am.

Fluttering: Junip. virg., Thea.

Easily compressed: Iber.

Slightly compressed: Tabac.

Compressible: Kali cyan., Sumbul.

Changeable; Antim crud.

Contracted: Mercurius cyan., Plumbum, Secale, Strychnin.

Thread-like: Aconite

Thready: Kali nitr., Naja trip., Physos.

Suppressed: Secale.

Unusually slow: Apocynum, Cann. ind., Digit., Plumbum, Tabac. Forty-five between attacks of vomiting: Apocynum

As low as 46: CAnn. ind.

Sinks even to 40: Plumbum.


With anxiety: Aconite

At first accelerated: Baptis.

Occasional omission of the heartbeat: Sambuc.

At times frequent, at others slow: Cactus, Mang. ac.

Pulse often slower than the beating of the heart: Helleb., Veratrum alb.

Constantly soft and weak: Mang. ac.

Changing from slow to rapid every few beats: Antim crud.

Pulse remarkably slow, scarcely perceptible, and intermitting for fifteen seconds: TAbac.

Pulse very feeble in carotid and radial arteries: Amygd. am.

After sweating a notable diminution of the pulse and of temperature was observed: Jabor.

Action of the heart slow and fluttering: Kali brom.

Pulse slower, except during actual vomiting: Kali brom.

In some persons the pulse was reduced from 10 to 12 beats: Lactuca.

Pulse 32, remarkably irregular, both in rhythm and in force, some of the beats being strikingly full and bounding: Naja trip.

Pulse and respiration very irregular: Nicotin.

Sinking of the heart, which beats softly as if in water: Sumbul.

Pulse 60, with a peculiar measured beat: Tanac.


Slower in the morning: Argentum met., Nitrum, Lycopodium virg., Oleand., Pulsat., Ranunculus bulb., Sarsap., Scutell., Thuya.

And weak: Thuya.

Intermitting: Lycop.

Afternoon: Aloes.

Day: Mercur., Acid Muriaticum

Day and evening: Mezer.

Frequent in the morning, slower in the evening: MEzer.

At rest: Digit., Petrol.

When alone (weak and trembling) : Mercur.


Better from sweating: Jabor.


Rapid Pulse: Aconitine, Aconite cam., Aconite fer., Acid aceticum, Aconite, Actea, Adonis ver., AEsc. hip., AEthusa, Agaricus, Aloes, Ailanth., Amyl. nit, Amygd. am., ananth., Ambra, Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur., Anacardium, Antim crud., Ant. tart., Apis, Argentum met., Argentum nitr., Arnica, Arsen., Arum, Ascl. tub., Asafoetida, Asarum europaeum, Atrop., Aspar., Aurum, Baryta ac., Baptis., Bellad., Benz. ac., Borax, Bovista, Bromium, Bryon., Bufo, Cactus, Caffeine, Caladium, Calcar., Cann. ind., Cann. sat., Capsic., Carb. an., Caustic., Cepa, China ars., China sulph., Chelid., Chloral., Cina, Cinchon., Clemat., Coca, Coccul., Conval., Coffea, Colchic., Coloc., Crocus, Crot. tigl., Cuprum, Cuprum ac., Cyclam., Digit., Dulcam., Eupat. purp., Ferrum, Acidum fluoricum, Gelsem., glonoin., Graphit., Guajac., Hellon., Hydrastis ac., Hepar., Hyosc., Hypericum, Iber., Ignat., Iodum, Ipecac., Jabor., Jatropha, Junip. virg., Kali bichr., Kali brom., Kali chlor., Kali nitr., Kali carb., Kali jod., Kreosotum, Laches., Lachnan., Lactuca, Lauroc., Lobel., Lycop., Mate, Magn. mur., Mancin., Mang. ac., Mercur., Mercurius cyan., Mezer., Millef., Acid Muriaticum, Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Nux mosch., Oleand., Opium, Acid oxalicum, Phosph. ac., Pilocarp., Platin., Plumbum, Pulsat., Physos., Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rheum, Rhus tox., Rhus ven., Ruta, Sabina, Sambuc., Sanguin., Sapon. Sarsap., Secale, Sparteine, Spongia, Stannum, Staphis., Stramon., Strychnin., Sulphur, Acid Sulphuricum, Sumbul, Tabac., Tanac., tarent., Thea, Terebintha, Valer., Veratrum alb., Verbascum vir., Zincum.

Acetic ac.: Ninety-six, full and regular, small, contracted.

Aconitine: Pulse at first, on entering a warm room, more frequent, then sinks far below normal, is small, weak and intermittent.

Aconite: Hard, strong, contracted.

Aconitum cam.: Pulse frequent, afterwards depressed.

Aconitum fer.: Pulse 70, small and weak.

Adonis ver.: An increase in the number of pulse-beats occurs as a secondary effect of this drug in dogs. Small doses appear to increase the force and frequency of the pulse primarily.

Actea rac.: Weak and irregular.

AEsculus: Full, heavy, soft, weak.

AEthusa: Small, sometimes hard, unrhythmical.

Agaricus: Violent; strongly felt.

Ailanthus: Small, weak, sometimes scarcely perceptible; very frequent and irregular.

Aloes: Strong beat of the heart occasionally.

Alumina: Irregular; large and small beats intermixed.

Ammonium carb.: Hard, tense.

Amydalae am. aq.: Pulse at first small, frequent and intermittent, then slow and regular. Pulse 100, 130, 140; very small, thready.

Amyl. nit.: Increased cardiac pulsation. The pulse-beats often rose from 70 to the rate of 160 per minute in a few seconds, quickly subsiding again as the drug was left off, but nearly always remaining somewhat irregular. Pulse at first slow and very strong; afterwards quicker and jerking. Pulse 136, regular. Pulse 80, very irregular.

Anantherum: Pulse slow and full, then accelerated, hard and dicrotic.

Antimonium crud.: Extremely irregular; now accelerated, again slow, changing very few beats.

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.