Tabacum: Sudden anxiety (with angina pectoris) (Hering). Suddenly seized in the evening with violent praecordial anxiety, followed by complete sleeplessness and springing from bed (Allen).

Tarentula: Inability to lie down on account of the extreme anguish it caused in the praecordial region; did not retire to bed nor sleep for four nights. Oppression and pain at the heart as if a misfortune had happened, with weeping and moaning, followed by cramps and coldness in the extremities. Palpitation, with sadness, inclined to tears, oppression, headache, with general perspiration and burning heat.

Thea: Acute pain, as from a spasm, in the region of the heart; and inspite of all his efforts he felt as if he was continually falling into delirium. Anxiety in the praecordium.

Theridion: Anxiety about heart; sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder.

Veratrum alb.: Violent, visible, anxious palpitation, with fainting.

Anxiety: Aconite, Agaricus, Ananth., Ambra, Ammonium carb. Ant. tart., Aspar., Bellad., Calcar., Calcarea phosph., Camphora, Cann. sat., Cent. tag., China sulph., Colchic., Crocus., Cuprum met., Digit., Glonoin., Graphites, Jacea, Kali nit., Kalmia, Kreosotum, Laches., Lachnanth., Millef., Natr. carb., Oleand., Sepia, Spigel., Spongia, Thea, Tabac., Therid., Veratrum

Anxiety about the Heart: Aconite, Ambra, Camphora, Cann. sat., Canthar., Cuprum, Glonoin., Jacea, Kreosotum, Laches., Lachnanth., Therid.

Heart beats quicker and stronger; fear of death: Aconite

With sensation of pressure: Agaricus

Causing oppression of breathing and flushes of heat: Ambra.

With sudden sensation, as though the heart stood still: Digit.

With vomiting of mucus and bile: Ant. tart.

With weakness: Glonoin.

With sensation of dilatation of heart: Cent. tag.

When lying, with beating like waves: Jacea.

With hasty speech; restless; Laches.

With stitches: Lachnanth.

Sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder: Therid.

Anxiety and apprehensive feeling at pit of stomach, with oppression of breathing and palpitation: Cann. sat.

– – and Palpitation: Ammonium carb., Ananth., Aspar., Camphora, China sulph., Colchic., Crocus, Jatropha, Natr. carb., Lycopodium virg., Oleand., Sepia, Stann., Sumbul, tarent., Veratrum alb.

As if dying, with audible palpitation: Ammonium carb., Baryta carb.

With nosebleed: Graphit.

When ascending, and at night when lying on the left side. Natr. carb.

Chest feels expanded: Oleand.

With anxiety about things which happened years ago: Sepia.

With or without anxiety: Acid Sulphuricum

Without anxiety: Sarsap.

Violent, anxious, visible palpitation, with fainting: Veratrum alb.

Anguish: Ananth., Arnica, Aurum, Nitr. ac., Pulsat., tarent. Coming from praecordial region, driving him from place to place. Frequent attacks of anguish about the heart, with trembling fearfulness: Aurum. And Palpitation on going upstairs: Nitr. ac.

Violent paroxysms of palpitation, often with anguish and obscuration of sight: Pulsat.

Agony: Aurum (with palpitation).

Alarm: Sepia, Spongia.

Fear: Ananth., Aconite, Mercur., Lilium tigrinum, Nux mosch.

Of death: Aconite, Ananth.

With palpitation: Mercur.

Of apoplexy, with palpitation: Nux mosch.

Palpitation without fear, mostly during day: Sarsap.

Inclined to tears: tarent.

Weeping: tarent.

Moaning: tarent.

Sadness: Ananth.

Oppression: Ambra, Cann. sat., Caustic., Spigel., tarent.

Of breathing and flushes of heat: Ambra.

Of breathing and palpitation: Cann. sat., Caustic.

With lowness of spirits: Caustic.

And stitches about the heart, sometimes synchronous with the pulse: Spigel.

And pain as if some misfortune had happened: tarent.


Great anxiety, as if dying, with audible palpitation: Ammonium carb.

Fear of apoplexy, particularly with palpitation: Argentum met.

Noticing the breathing of the heart increases it: Argentum nitr., Baryta carb., Lycopodium virg.

Praecordial distress when loudly spoken to: Camphora.

Sensation as if the heart would stop beating if she dared to move: Digit.

Fears that unless constantly on the move her heart will cease beating: Gelsem.

Fears he has heart disease: Lilium tigrinum

Weakness at the heart as if life was ebbing away: Mercur.

Palpitation of the heart, renewed when thinking of it: Baryta carb.

Sensation of dilatation of the heart, with anxiety: Cent. tag.

Violent beating of the heart while lying upon the back: Kali nitr.

A sudden sensation as though the heart stood still, with anxiety: Digit.

Oppression and pain at the heart as if a misfortune had happened: tarent.

He felt as if he were continually falling into deliquium: Thea. Praecordial anxiety, alternating with slight vertigo: Hydrastis ac.

Awakens with trembling at the heart and agitation as if frightened: Mercur.

Suddenly awakened after midnight with suffocation, great alarm, anxiety: Spongia.

Heart-beats intermit, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death: Nux mosch.

Heartburn intermits when thinking of it: Acid oxalicum

Stitches about the heart, sometimes synchronous with the pulse, with anxiety and oppression: Spigel.

From giving directions in her domestic affairs, great palpitation of heart and anxiety: STannum.


Worse from indignation: China sulph.

At night: Mercur., Natr. carb., Spongia.

With fear: Mercur.

At midnight: Kali nitr.

In bed: Kali nitr.

After midnight : Spongia (with suffocation).

During the day: Baryta carb., China sulph., Sarsap.

After dinner: Sepia.

When ascending: Natr. carb., Nitr. ac., Lycopodium virg.

On going up-stairs. Nitr. ac.

While lying: Jacea, Kali nitr.

Lying on the back: Kali nitr.

With restlessness: Aurum, Camphora, Laches.

Driving from place to place: Aurum.

Tossing about : Camphora.

Worse from motion: Aspar.

Worse quick motion: Coccul.

Worse from deep inspiration: Lycopodium virg.

Worse mental excitement: Coccul., Lycopodium virg.

Worse mental emotions: Nux vomica, Podoph., Sepia.

Palpitation renewed when thinking of it: Argentum nit., Baryta carb., Lycopodium virg., Sumbul.

Palpitation after drinking beer, increased by paying attention to it: Sumbul.


Better from pressure: China sulph. (palpitation).

Better from change of position: China sulph.

Better from stretching : China sulph.

Better sitting up: Kali nitr.

Relieved by yawning: Crocus. Pain not increased by pressure: Hydrastis ac.



Abrotanum: Weak and small.

Absinthium: Heart thumps; can be heard in the scapular region.

Acetic ac.: Very weak and small.

Aconitine: Weakness of the beating and sounds of the heart. Heart’s action almost imperceptible.

Aconitum: Small, intermittent, irregular; quicker than the beat of the heart; full, hard (and frequent), succeeding chill, during which it was small and weak. During three beats the apex strikes only once.

Aconitum cam. : Pulse and beat of heart sometimes intermit for several seconds.

Actea: Feeble in the morning, with trembling and weakness. Heart’s action ceases suddenly impending suffocation.

Agaricus: Feeble, scarcely perceptible.

Agnus: Often imperceptible.

Aloes: Suppressed after vomiting.

Alumina: Either unchanged or full (and accelerated).

Amygdalae am. aq.: Heart beats very feebly. Beat of heart feeble, sometimes intermittent. Pulse scarcely perceptible. Pulse becomes imperceptible.

Amyl nitr.: The beating of the heart and of the carotids is in some persons very marked. Cardiac oppression and tumultuous heart action. Tumultuous heart action. In all cases the pulse was first function to show any indication of the action of the drug. The sphygmographic pulse-curve ends abruptly in a very sudden downfall.

Apis: Feeble, scarcely perceptible at wrist; at times intermittent and imperceptible.

Apocynum: Pulse 45 between attacks of vomiting; feeble.

Argentum: Beat sometimes omits; often unchanged.

Argentum nitr.: Irregular, intermittent, with an unpleasant sensation of fulness; exertion causes strong beating, worse when noticing it.

Arnica: Intermittent, feeble, hurried, irregular, fluttering.

Arsenicum: Heart beats more rapidly and stronger when lying on the back.

Asafoetida: Unchanged; unequal.

Asclepias tub.: Pulse a little disturbed after dinner.

Asparagus: Irregular, quickened, two-fold stroke of the heart. Pulsation of the heart perceptible to the feel and hearing; also upon moderate motion. The beat of the heart hardly perceptible. Pulse small and compressible.

Aurum: Violent beating of the heart after exertion. Baryta ac.: Irregular pulse.

Baryta mur.: Beating of the heart very irregular; pulse scarcely perceptible. Pulse soft and irregular.

Belladonna: At times small and soft.

Benzoic ac.: Full.

Bismuthum: Strong heart-beat; pulse contracted, somewhat spasmodic, and at times intermittent.

Borax: Circulation irregular, face bluish, especially around the mouth, nose and eyes, with blue look of finger-ends and feet; with attacks during which the child became prostrated and as if suffocating.

Cactus: Irregularity of the heart’s action (at times frequent; at others slow).

Camphora: Full, weak; not perceptible.

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.