Tanacetum: Feeble cardiac action and all the signs of impending dissolution. Pulse fuller and more incompressible. Irregular pulse. Pulseless.

Tarentula: Diseases of the heart, and particularly of the circulatory system, become worse after wetting the hands in cold water. Inability to lie down on account of the extreme anguish it caused in the praecordial region; did not retire to bed nor sleep for four nights. Praecordial anxiety; tumultuous beating of the heart. Violent anguish of the heart. Great irregularity in the circulation. Irregular pulse. Trembling at the heart and thumping, as when frightened, or when hearing bad news.

Terebinthina: Pulse thready and scarcely perceptible. Weak, irregular and intermittent in the evening.

Thea: The fluttering of the heart has been succeeded by a momentary suspension of its action and long-continued swoonings. Pulse quick, small and feeble. Very irregular, intermittent pulse. Pulse scarcely discernible and extremely irregular.

Thuya : Violent pulsations in the evening.

Valeriana: In the first quarter of an hour the beats are full and vigorous, in the second the diastole is shorter, the whole body being agreeably warm, and a trembling anxious sensation being experienced, which seems to come out of the abdomen. Pulse weak and small in the forenoon (Allen).

Veratrum vir: Heart beats loud, strong (suddenly increases and gradually decreases below normal); irregular, intermittent.

Zincum: Irregular, spasmodic action of the heart; occasionally one violent “thump.”


Large: Bellad., Strychnin.

Small: Abrotanum, Acid aceticum, Aconite, Agaricus, Aspar., Carb. veg., Cicut. vir., Crot. tigl. Cuprum ac., Digit., Dulcam., Hyosc., Ignat., Jatropha, Kali bich., Kreosotum, Lauroc., Mercurius cor., Mercurius cyan., Nitr. ac., Nux mosch., Phytol., Plumbum, Pulsat., Squilla, Stramon., Thea., Valer.

Strong: Crot. tigl., Bismuth. Rhodod., Scutel., Spigelia, Stramon, Strychnin.

Weak: Abrotanum, Acid aceticum, Aconite, Agnus., Benz. ac., Berber., Camphora, Cann. sat., Carb. veg., China sulph., Crot. tigl., Coloc., Hydrastis ac., Hyosc., Kalmia, Mang. ac., Mercurius cor., Mercurius cyan, Mercurius iod., flav., Acid Muriaticum, Nux mosch., Oleand., Pilocarp., Platina. Psorin., Pulsat., Rhodod., Rhu. ven., Sapon., Thuya, Valer., Verbascum vir.

During the day: Mercur.

In the morning: Thuya.

Feeble: Amyg. am., Actea rac., Agaricus, Apis, Apocynum, Arnica, Canthar., Cinchon., Colchic., Kali brom., Physos., Tabac., Thea.

With trembling and weakness. Actea.

Full: Aconite, Alumina, Bellad., Camphora, Colchic., Crot. tigl., Natr. mur., Opium, Oleand., Scutel., Stramon., Strychnin, Sumbul, Tabac., Tanac.

Pulsating arteries and swollen veins in the neck. Opium.

Empty: Secale.

Compressible: Aspar., Mercurius cyan., Sumbul.

During the flush: Sumbul.

In the evening: Sumbul.

Incompressible: Tanac.

Tense: Cuprum met.

Contracted: Bismuth., Crot. tigl., Cuprum ac., Kali bich., Plumbum. With nosebleed: Kali bich.

Hard: Aconite, Curare, Dulcam., Hypericum, Kreosotum, Plumbum.

Soft: Baryta mur., Bellad., Cicuta vir., Mang. ac., Oleand., Scutell., Tabac., Veratrum alb., Verbascum vir. Constantly soft and weak: Mang. ac.

Tumultuous: Amyl nitr., Physos., Strychnin., tarent.

Trembling: Mercurius cor., Rhus., Spigel., Staphis., Stramon.

Tremulous: Platin.

Thready: Cuprum., Jatropha, Terebintha

Thread-like: Aconite, Carb. veg., Scutell.

Fluttering: Arnica, Thea.

With long-continued swooning: Thea.

Dicrotic: Cereus bon.

Suppressed: Aloes, Secale.

After vomiting: Aloes.

Collapsed: Dulcam.

Almost Imperceptible: Aconite, Aconitine, Agaricus, Agnus, Amyg. am., apis, Aspar., Cann. sat., Canthar., Chin, sulph., cic. vir., Crot. hor., Hydrastis ac., Kalmia, Lauroc., Oleand., Pulsat., Sapon., Terebintha, Thea.

With faintness: Crot. hor.

Arms weak; limbs cold. Kalmia.

Imperceptible: Amyg. am., Camphora., Mercur., Opium, Rhus., Stramon., Strychnin.

With warmth of body: Mercur.

Pulseless: Tanac.

Almost pulseless: Jatropha.

Spasmodic: Bismuth., Stramon., Zincum.

Convulsive: Cuprum ac.

Labored: Mercurius jod. flav.

Irregular: Aconite, Agaricus, Argentum met., Atrop., Aspar., Baryta ac., Baryta mur., Borax, Cereus bon., Curare, Cuprum ac., Cactus, Digit, Hyosc., Hydrastis ac., Iber.,

22 Kali carb., Lauroc., Mang. ac., Mercurius jod. flav., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Oleand., Opium, Phosphorus ac., Physos., Rhus, Sanguin., Silicea, Spigel., Stramon., Strychnin., Sumbul, Tabac., Tanac., tarent., Terebintha, Thea, Verbascum vir., Zincum.

Quicker than the beat of the heart: Aconite

With a slight anaemic murmur: Tabac.

Increased by exertion: Iber.

Circulation irregular, face bluish, especially around the mouth, nose and eyes, with the blue look of the finger-ends and feet, with attacks during which the child became prostrate and as if suffocated: Borax.

Irregularity of the heart’s action, at times frequent, at others slow: Cactus.

Sudden, spasmodic action: Mercurius jod. flav.

One normal, followed by two small rapid beats; Nitr. ac.; and unequal: Opium.

Irregularity of the heart’s action and pulse, with coldness, insensibility; irregularity, with great weakness: Sanguin.

Frequently irregular, and then slow: Silica.

irregular, spasmodic action. Occasionally one violent thump: Zincum (Aloes, Aurum, Sepia).

Regular: China sulph., Crot. tigl., Cuprum ac., Lycopodium virg., Platin., Physos.

But sometimes weak and trembling: Platin.

Unequal: Asafoetida, Chamom., Cinchon., Clemat., Conium, Opium, Sabina.

And then weak: Chamom.

Unequal in strength and sometimes irregular in rhythm: Conium.

Uneven: Mang. ac.

Intermittent: Aconite, Aconite cam., Alumina, Amyg. am., Argentum met., Argentum nitr., Arnica, Benz. ac., Bismuth., Canthar., Capsic., Carb. veg., Cereus bon., Cinchon., Curare, Digit., Gelsem., Jatropha, Kali brom., Kali carb., Kalmia, Lycop. virg., Mercurius cor., Mezer., Acid Muriaticum, natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Nux mosch., Phosphorus ac., Physos., Secale., Sepia, Tabac., Terebintha, Thea, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir.

Quicker than the beat of the heart. During three beats the apex strikes only once: Aconite

Beat sometimes omits: Argentum met.

With a unpleasant sensation of fulness. Argentum nitr.

Slow: Capsic.

The third, fifth or seventh beat intermits: Digit.

A peculiar action of the heart, as though it attempted its beat, which it failed fully to accomplish, the pulse intermitting each time, worse lying, especially on left side. Gelsem.

Every third, fourth or fifth beat: Physos.

Periodically: Oleand.

Every fourth or fifth beat: Oleand.

The third or fourth beat is harder, followed;by an intermission. Irregular intermission of the beating of the heart and of the pulse; worse lying on the left side; intermits every third beat: Natr. mur.

Fourth beat intermits: Nitr. ac.

Intermits, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death: Nux mosch.

One or two beats: Phosph. ac.

Or suppressed: Secale.

Interruption of the beating of the heart, mostly after dinner; alarmed; quivering motion: Sepia.

Variable: Canthar., Ignat., Rheum, Plumbum., Scutell.

Changeable: Cuprum met., Oleand.

Unchanged (often): Alumina, Argentum met., Asafoetida, Rheum, Rhodod., Ruta, Secale. Even during violent attacks: Secale.

Unaltered: Lycopod.

Easily excited: Glonoin.

Irritable: Hydrastis ac.

Violent: Jatropha, Kali nitr., Kali chlor., Mercurius cyan., Tabac.


Heart thumps, can be heard in the scapular region: Absinth.

Heart’s action ceases suddenly; impending suffocation: Actea.

Noticing the beating of the heart increases it: Argentum nitr.

Exertion causes strong beating, worse noticing it: Argentum nitr.

Strong heart-beat: Bismuth.

Laborious action of the heart: Glonoin.

Hard beating of the heart: Hypericum

Heart beats stronger: Rhodod.

Trembling beating of the heart: Staphis.

Weakness of the beating and sounds of the heart: Aconite

Pulse and heart sometimes intermit for several seconds: Aconite cam.

Pulse scarcely perceptible: Amygd. am.

The beating of the heart and of the carotids is very marked, in some persons: Amyl nitr.

Cardiac oppression and tumultuous heart action: Amyl nitr.

Heart’s action irregular, apparently obstructed: Atrop.

Irregular, quickened, twofold stroke of the heart: Aspar.

Pulsations of the heart perceptible to the feel and hearing: Aspar.

Pulse not perceptible at the wrist: Crot. hor.

No radial pulse on either side: Hydrastis ac.

Diminution of the vascular tension during the sweating stage: Jabor.

The beating of the heart suddenly became distinct to the hand, and was even felt in the chest: Jatropha.

Violent beating of the heart, shaking the chest when walking slowly about the room: Jatropha.

Violent, almost audible beating of the heart: Kali chlor.

Violent beating of the heart, in the evening, in bed: Kali nitr.

Violent beating of the heart when lying upon the back: Kali nitr.

Unusual beating of the heart, audible to himself: Naja trip.

Constant sinking of the pulse: Nicot. The heart and pulse extremely feeble and tumultuously irregular: Physos.

Pulse of the right side nearly double the strength of that of the left: Physos.

Diminution of arterial tension, even before perspiration: Pilocarp.

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.