Naja trip.: After riding some distance had considerable pain at the heart, extending through to the left scapula; pain in the chest is not affected by deep inspiration. Complained of a great pain near the heart.

Natrum carb.: Painful cracking in the region of the heart.

Oleander: Dull, drawing pain over heart, worse when stooping.

Oxalic ac.: Pain in the heart; soreness, stitches from behind forward, or from above downward. Sharp, darting pain in the heart and left lung, extending down to epigastrium.

Phosphoric ac.: Stitches through the heart.

Physostigma: Dull pain in the region of the heart, lasting nearly an hour.

Phytolacca: Shocks of pain in the cardiac region (angina pectoris); pain goes into right arm.

Plumbum: Stitches during inspiration.

Pulsatilla: Catching pain in the cardiac region, better fro a time from the pressure of the hand.

Rhododendron: Boring pain in the region of the heart.

Rhus tox.: Numbness and lameness of the left arm.

Rhus ven.: Stitches in the heart. Palpitation, with stitches in the heart.

Sanguinaria: Painful stitches or pressing pain in region of the heart.

Scutellaria: Occasionally a sticking pain in the region of the heart, in the evening.

Spigelia: Stitches about heart, sometimes synchronous with the pulse; with anxiety and oppression.

Spongia: Contracting pain in the chest, heat, suffocation, faintness and anxious sweat. Stinging, pressing pains in the praecordia.

Strychninum: During the day dull pain shifting along the line of the aortic arch.

Sulphuric ac.: Shooting through the heart.

Tabacum: Suffered chiefly at night, from paroxysms of praecordial oppression, with palpitation and pain between the shoulders. One morning was suddenly seized with pain in the region of the heart, with transverse constriction in the upper part of the chest; he could neither walk nor speak; the pulse was insensible; the hands cold; the attack continued half an hour. Darting pain, extending from the heart upward to the vertex, a sensation of constriction across front of upper chest, with dyspnoea and disposition to take a full inspiration. Aching pain in the cardiac region, generally worse at night, with frequent intermissions of the pulse and of the heart’s action. Palpitation and pain in the cardiac region. For some time he suffered from palpitation; with pain and constriction of the chest, which came on in the form of an attack either i the evening or night; afterwards a similar attack from inhaling the fumes.

tarentula: Oppression and pain in the heart as if a misfortune had happened, with weeping and moaning, followed by cramps and coldness in the extremities. Pain in the heart as if squeezed or compressed, also in the aorta, under the left clavicle and carotids; with violent throbbing of these arteries and heart. Pain as if the heart and aorta were torn, with a tingling sensation. Severe pain in the aorta extending to the subclavian, as if it was going to burst, with slight beating of the heart. Sensation as if the heart turned and twisted around, with pain in the chest and general perspiration. Pressive pain in the heart and aorta, with violent throbbing. Pressive pain in the whole region of the heart, with severe headache and a great deal of moaning in the night. Pressive pain in the region of the heart, worse by touching. Shooting pain in the heart and arteries of the left side of the chest, extending to the left arm. The sensation of these parts is so increased that the contact of the dress is very painful. Palpitation of the heart, stitches interfering with breathing; pain in the back, painful feeling in the spinal column. Painful throbbing of the carotids, with fulness in the head, especially in the region of the medulla, oblongata, relieved by epistaxis.

Tellurium: Dull pain in the region of the heart when lying on left side; better when lying on the back.


Thea: Acute pain as from a spasm in the region of the heart; and, inspite of all his efforts, he felt as if he were continually falling into deliquium. Violent palpitation and considerable pain.

Theridion: Sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder. Ustilago: Burning pain in cardiac region.

Valeriana: Stitches in the region of the heart. (Hering.) Sudden stitches in the region of the heart when sitting or standing, abating when stooping, only during an inspiration. (Allen.) Veratrum vir.: Pricking; dull aching.

Zincum: Severe pain in the cardiac region, some swelling and great tenderness.


Agonizing: Arsen., Cereus bon.

Violent: Euphras., Kali nitr., Lithium, Menyanth.

As she bent over the bed in the morning after rising: Lithium.

Sharp: Abrotanum, Cereus serp., Glonoin., Iber., Lycopodium virg., Mercurius jod. rub. (cutting), Therid.

Aching: Aescul. (dull), Amygd. am., Tabac.

Acute: Apis, Lycopodium virg., Thea.

Sudden attacks: Apis.

Severe: Abrotanum, Cereus bon., Kalmia, tarent., Zincum.

With slow, small pulse: Kalmia.

With some swelling and great tenderness: Zincum.

Piercing: Anacardium, Cann. ind.

Tearing: Ammonium mur., Lycop. (Pulsating).

Pulsating: Lycop. (tearing).

Bursting: tarent.

Shooting: Agaricus, Kalmia, Acid Sulphuricum, tarent.

In the heart and arteries of the left side of the chest: tarent.

Sticking: China sulph., Curare, Iber., Scutel., Mercurius jod. rub.

A sharp, sticking pain is felt as if a needle were crosswise in the ventricle and pricked at each contraction: Iber.

Stitches: Aconite, Anacardium, Ananth., ARnica, Aspar., Berber., Bryon., Can. ind., Canthar., Caustic., Clemat., Coloc., Crocus, Crot. tigl., Cuprum, Cyclam., Euphras, Graphit., Hepar, Hydrastis ac., Kali cyan., Kali nitr., Jacea, Kreosotum, Lachnanth, Lauroc., Magn. mur., Menyanthes, Acid Muriaticum, Oleand., Phosph. ac., Rhus ven., Sanguin., Spigel., tarent., Valer.

About the heart: Caustic.

About the apex: Cyclam.

Below the heart: Cuprum. Over the heart: Kreosotum

Through the heart: Phosph. ac. Piercing through and through at the heart, each time two quickly succeeding each other: Anacardium

Sometimes synchronous with the pulse: Spigel.

Sharp, from within outward: Clemat.

From behind forward or above downward: Acid oxalicum

Lies on the back with raised shoulder : Aconite

And oppression on bending forward when walking: Jacea.

During inspiration: Plumbum.

During inspiration, at night: Anacardium

Arresting his breath: MAgn. mur.

Accompanied by great oppression, the latter relieved by deep breathing: Cann. ind.

Followed by a crawling sensation: Canthar.

Fine, and in left half of chest: Hepar.

With anxiety: Ananth., Lachnanth.

Or pressing pain: Sanguin.

Interfering with breathing: tarent.

And formication in the heart, with great anxiety: Ananth.

And cramps in the heart, with sensation as if its apex were pinched very hard : Ananth.

Slight, in the region of the heart, after eating: Aspar.

Fine stitches, worse on inspiration and expiration: Euphras.

Jerking stitches in the heart on respiration: Kali cyan.

Thrust: Angust., Bufo, Cereus serp.

Painful thrust in the region of the heart: Angust.

Followed by sighing respiration: Cereus serp.

Catching: Pulsat.

Cutting: Bromium, Mercurius jod. rub. (sharp).

Darting: Aescul., Kali jod., Lycopodium virg., Tabac.

With fulness and palpitation: Aescul.

When walking: Kali jod.

Drawing: Canthar., Menyanth., Oleand. (dull).

Oppressive: Iodum.

Pressing: Cann. ind., Glonoin., Sanguin., Spongia.

As if contracted: Glonoin.

Or stitches: Sanguin.

Construction: Amyl. nitr., Asclep. tub., Angust., Lilium, Lycopodium virg., Tabac.

Pain and constriction about the heart: Amyl. nitr.

Contracting: Spongia.

Squeezed: Arnica, tarent.

Pulling: Bufo.

Lancinating and pulling in the region of the heart, as if it were being distended: Bufo. Jerking: Crot. tigl.

Torn: tarent.

As if the heart and aorta were torn, with tingling sensation: tarent.

Boring: Cuprum, Rhodod.

Superficial: Lycopodium virg.

Deep-seated: Lobel., Lycopodium virg. Dull: Aescul., Ailanth., Amyl nitr., Cactus, Iber., Oleand., Physos., Tellur., Strychnin., Verbascum vir.

And contracted feeling: Ailanth. And drawing when stooping: Oleand.

Heavy: Cactus, Iodium, Lilium.

Wandering: Benz. ac., Kalmia.

Shock: Arnica, Phytol.

Cramping: Bryon., Kali carb. (as if heart was hanging by bands: burning).

Stinging: Spongia.

Pricking: Cactus, Cereus bon., Hamam., Kali bichr.

Impeding breathing and the movements of the body: Cactus.

And in superficial veins of both arms: Hamam.

Burning: Aescul., Agaricus, Cicuta vir., Ustil.

Tenderness: Zincum, Lycopodium virg.

Soreness: Acidum fluoricum, Lauroc., Lithium, Acid oxalicum

Rheumatic: Kalmia, Lithium.

Lancinations: Ananth., Ascl. tub., Bufo, Cent. tag., Curare. As from a thorn driven into the heart: Cent. tag.

Cramps: Ananth.

Compressed: tarent.

Pain in the heart as if squeezed or compressed, also in the aortam, under the left clavicle and carotid: tarent.

Like the prick of a pin: Ascl. tub., Bufo.

Pains as if pins were thrust into the apex of the heart: Bufo.

Throbbing: tarent.

Convulsive: Cereus bon.

Distensive: Curare.

Pressive: tarent.


Momentary: Cereus serp.

Short: Cereus serp.

Disappearing after a few minutes: China sulph.

Pricked at each contraction: Iber.

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.