Cannabis sat.: Very weak; frequently almost imperceptible.

Cantharis: Very variable; at times intermittent, feeble, scarcely perceptible.

Capsicum: Irregular, often intermitting.

Carbo veg.: Thread-like, weak and small; intermittent.

Cereus bonplanti: Pulse a little irregular just after dinner. A little before 6 a.m. counted pulse for one minute; found several dicrotic beats and intermissions in that time.

Chamomilla: Frequently very unequal, and then for a time weak.

Chininum sulph: Extreme praecordial anxiety. This evening, at 6 o’ clock, a nap, with hands joined over top of head, lying on back; was awakened at 6.45; the heart beat with abnormal impulse, felt through most of chest (and too frequently); better by lying still a while, then stirring about moderately. Pulse regular and very weak; scarcely perceptible.

Cinchona: Feeble, unequal, intermitting.

Cicuta vir.: Pulse weak. Pulse soft, small and scarcely perceptible.

Clematis: Unchanged.

Conium: Unequal in strength and sometimes irregular in rhythm.

Crot. hor.: Pulse scarcely perceptible, with faintness. Pulse not perceptible at the wrist.

Croton tigl. : Very perceptible pulsation and throbbing of the heart. Pulse small. Small and contracted pulse. Pulse at first weak, becoming stronger and fuller, then regular.

Cuprum: Very changeable, thready, tense.

Cuprum ac.: Pulse small, irregular, at times convulsive. Pulse small, contracted, but regular.

Curare: Irregular pulse, sometimes intermitting and always hard.

Digitalis: Violent, but not very rapid, beating of the heart. Intermitting the third, fifth or seventh beat.

Dulcamara: Collapsed (Hering). Great cardiac excitement. Pulse quiet, but small and rather hard, in the evening (Allen).

Gelsemium: A peculiar action of the heart, as though it attempted its beat, which it failed fully to accomplish, the pulse intermitting each time; worse lying, especially on the left side.

Glonoinum: Laborious action of the heart, easily excited.

Helleborus: Almost imperceptible.

Hyoscyamus: Weak and irregular.

Hydrocyanic ac.: Heart’s action very weak. Heart’s action very irregular, pulse hardly to be felt. Pulse irritable, small and of unequal force. Pulse not perceptible, while the action of the heart was but feebly to be felt. No radial pulse on either side.

Hypericum: Hard beating of the heart.

Iberis: Irregularity increased by exertion.

Ignatia: Variable.

Jaborandi: Sphygmographic tracing, at different stages of the administration of this drug, showed almost complete asystolia, with a very noticeable diminution of vascular tension during the sweating stage. No close relation existed between the rapidity of the pulse and the fall of temperature; in one lad, whose pulse was intermittent, the medicine entirely relieved this irregularity.

Jatropha: The beating of the heart suddenly became distinct to the hand, and was even felt in the chest. Violent beating of the heart, shaking the chest, when walking slowly about the room. Almost pulseless. Pulse small, thready, and intermittent.

Kali bich. : Irregular, small, contracted, with nosebleed.

Kali brom.: HEart’s action feeble and intermitting.

Kali carb.: Intermits; heart’s action irregular or weak.

Kali chlor.: Violent, almost audible beating of the heart, oppression of the chest, and cold feet.

Kali nitr.: Violent beating of the heart, in the evening, in bed, on account of which he woke. Violent beating of the heart while lying upon the back, so that she awoke at midnight, and sat up full of anxiety.

Kalmia: ARms feel weak; pulse scarcely perceptible; limbs cold. The third or fourth beat is harder and is followed by an intermission.

Kreosote: Small and hard.

Laurocerasus: Irregular. Often imperceptible.

Lilium tigr.: Rapid beating, 160 to 170 per minute.

Lycopodium: Unaltered.

Lycopus virg.: Cardiac depression, causing faintness, in the evening. Intermittent character of cardiac pulsation; intermission at seventh, eighth, sixth, twenty-first, ninth, twenty-third and eighty-eighth, on waking at 6.30 a.m.; later the heart beats regularly at 70.

Manganum acet.: Very uneven and irregular (sometimes rapid, soft; slow); but constantly soft and weak.

Mate: Acts more strongly on the heart than any other similar beverage.

Mercurius : Imperceptible, with warmth of the body.

Mercurius cor.: Small, weak, intermitting; sometimes trembling.

Mercurius cyan.: Violent and abrupt beating of the heart. Pulse 70 to 76; small, but compressible. Heart’s impulse and sound weak.

Mercurius iod. flav.: Sudden, spasmodic action; labored, weak, irregular.

Mezereum: At times intermittent.

Naja trip.: Unusual beating of the heart, audible to himself.

Natrum mur.: Irregular intermission of beating of the heart and of pulse; worse lying on left side. Intermits every third beat.

Nicotinum: Constant sinking of the pulse.

Nitric acid: Irregular. One normal, followed by two small, rapid beats, fourth beat intermits.

Nux mosch.: Small, weak; intermits, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death.

Nux vomica: Intermits every four or five beats.

Oleander: Pulse small, irregular, periodically intermitting. Intermissions every fourth or fifth beat. Pulse very irregular, at one time rapid, at another very slow (Hering). At one time full, at another very soft and weak (Allen).

Oleander: Changeable, irregular.

Opium: Pulsating arteries and swollen veins on the neck. Pulse varies. Irregular and unequal; imperceptible.

Phosphoric ac.: Irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats.

Physostigma: I took a cup of strong coffee, after which I speedily felt an indefinable change within me, and, on examining the condition of the heart, I found it had become perfectly and permanently regular. Happening to get on the left side, my attention was, for the first time, directed to the tumultuous action of the heart, which compelled me to turn on the back again, to escape the strange sensation. Heart’s action irregular; intermissions every third, fourth or fifth beat. The heart and pulse extremely feeble and tumultuously irregular. Pulse of the right side nearly double the strength of that of the left.

Phytolacca: Small, irregular, with great excitement in the chest, especially in the cardiac region; full, but soft.

Pilocarpinum: Weakness of the heart. The pulse-curve at first exhibits an increased systolic elevation, a more abrupt curve, a more sudden downfall, and a very decided recurrent elevation; the artery is filled rapidly and violently and collapses suddenly; symptoms of relaxed tone of the vessels and accelerated heart’s action; the character of the pulse-curve is most pronounced after ten or fifteen minutes; it gradually returns to the normal. Diminution of the arterial tension a few minutes after the injection, even before perspiration. After the perspiration the pulse falls and gradually sinks to the normal.

Platina: Regular, but sometimes weak, sometimes tremulous.

Plumbum: Variable.

Psorinum: Weak, feeble.

Pulsatilla: Small and weak; often scarcely perceptible.

Rhus ven.: Pulse 72, rather weak.

Ruta: Unchanged.

Sabina: Unequal.

Sanguinaria: Irregularity of heart’s action and pulse, with coldness, insensibility, irregularity, with great weakness.

Saponinum: Pulse weak, hardly perceptible. Weak pulse.

Scutellaria: In the evening a marked change in the heart took place, the average number of beats per minute would scarcely exceed the normal standard, but were exceedingly variable, being at one moment strong and full, and then gradually diminishing until they became exceedingly soft and thread-like.

Secale: Often unchanged, even during violent attacks; at times intermittent or suppressed; small, empty, weak.

Sepia: Interruption of the beating of the heart, mostly after dinner; alarmed; quivering motion. Occasional hard “thump”.

Spigelia: Irregular, trembling.

Staphisagria: Trembling beating of the heart; often trembling.

Stramonium: Full, hard, strong; irregular; small and spasmodic; sometimes double (and very quick), with quiet respiration.

Strychninum: The heart’s action was distinctly felt by the hand applied to the chest. Tumultuous action of the heart. Impulse of the heart strong. Irregular action of the heart. Pulse large and full. Pulse full and strong, but irregular. Pulse imperceptible.

Sumbul: Pulse very compressible during the flush; pulse very irregular; pulse full, very irregular, compressible in the evening.

Tabacum: Aching pain in the cardiac region, generally worse at night, with frequent intermissions of the pulse and of the heart’s action. Both sounds of the heart clear, but the action was relaxed and occasionally intermittent. The heart-sounds were muffled and seemed to almost run into each other. Systolic murmur in aortic area and in course of large vessels. On applying the hand over the cardiac region, the impulse conveyed to it was of marked peculiarity, much resembling, as was conceived at the time, the purring tremor, or fremissement cataire of French writers, which is likely to accompany aortic regurgitation. Sounds of the heart inaudible, and its movements scarcely felt. Strong pulsation of the temporal arteries. Heart beat so violently he was compelled to give up active exercise. Heart beat irregularly, with a slight anaemic murmur. Heart’s action very feeble. Violent pulse. Pulse soft, full and feeble. (Allen). Imperceptible, small, intermittent (Hering).

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.