Repeated after an hour: Crot. tigl.

Long continued: Euphras.

Constant: Benz. ac., Iber., Iodine.

With complete intermissions: Lycopodium virg.

Lasting fully an hour: Lycopodium virg.

During the day: Lycopodium virg., Strychnin.

Repeated: Lycopodium virg.

Persistent: Menyanth.

Lasting nearly an hour: Physos.

Continued half an hour: Tabac.

Occasionally: Scutel.

Paroxysms: Tabac.


With anxiety: Ananth., Arsen., Hydrastis ac., Lachnanth., Spigel., Therid.

Alternating with slight vertigo: Hydrastis ac.

With oppression: Ananth., Arsen., Cactus, Cinn. ind., Jacea, Spigel., Tabac., tarent.

With fainting spells: Arsen.

With palpitation: Angust., Euphras., Rhus ven., Tabac., tarent., Thea.

Violent palpitation when sitting or stooping, with a painful sensation as if the heart was constricted: Angust.

Audible palpitation, in the afternoon: Euphras.

With dyspnoea: Actea, Argent., Arsen., Cactus, Cereus serp., Magn. mur., Tabac.

Least motion makes him lose his breath: Arsen.

Stitches arrest his breathing: Magn. mur.

With numbness (Actea) of whole body, the left arm numb, and as if bound to the side.

With heat: Spongia.

With anxious sweat: Spongia.

With cold sweat on the hands: Actea.

With icy cold feet: Cactus.

With blue face: Cactus.

With choking: Argent.

With sudden tightness above the heart: Arsen.

With constriction of the chest: Aconite

With oedema, especially of the left arm, and of the legs to the knees: Cactus.

With pain between the shoulders: Tabac.

With inability to walk or speak: Tabac.

With insensible pulse: Tabac.

With cold hands: Tabac.

With disposition to take a full inspiration: Tabac.

With frequent intermissions of the pulse: Tabac.

With weeping and moaning: tarent.

Followed by cramps and coldness in the extremities: tarent.

With violent throbbing of the carotids and heart: tarent.

With slight beating of the heart: tarent.

With sensation that the heart turned and twisted around: tarent.

With severe headache: tarent.

With a great deal of moaning in the night: tarent.

With fulness in the head: tarent.

With the veins on the arms swollen purplish: Arnica.

With some swelling and great tenderness over the heart: Zincum.


Near the heart: Ascl. tub., Naja trip.

In the region of the heart: Angust., Bufo, Crot. tigl., Curare, Euphras., Hydrastis ac., Iber., Jabor., Kali nitr., Lycopodium virg., Menyanth., Physos., Scutel., Tabac., tarent., Thea, Valer.

Not increased by pressure: Hydrastis ac.

And left frontal eminence: Lycopodium virg.

Whole region of the heart: tarent.

At the heart: Cereus bon., Cereus serp., Naja trip.

Extending through to the left scapula: Naja trip.

Around the heart: Amyl nitr.

And constriction: Amyl nitr.

About the heart: Benz. ac., Lycopodium virg.

Pains change place incessantly, but are most constant about the heart: Benz. ac.

Over the region of the heart: Iber.

Over the base of the heart: Iber.

About the base of the heart: Agaricus

Above the heart: Arsen., Kreosotum, Kalmia.

Tightness: Arsen.

Deep in : Kreosotum (short sensation, as if the heart would stand still).

In the aorta: tarent.

Below the heart: Apis, Cuprum.

Beneath the heart: Crocus.

Over the heart: Kreosotum

Through the heart: Cereus serp.

Into the heart: Cent. tag.

In the heart: Ananth., Ascl. tub., Euphras., Iber., Kali cyan., Kreosotum, Lycopodium virg., Mercurius iod. rub., Rhus ven., tarent.

Stitches and formication: Ananth.

And intercostal muscles: Ascl. tub.

As from the prick of a pin: Ascl. tub.

And lungs: Kali cyan.

With palpitation: Rhus ven.

Constant: Mercurius iod., rub.

In the region of the apex: China sulph.

Apex: Ananth., Bufo., Lycopodium virg.

In the apex: Bromium, Cactus.

About the apex: Cyclam.

In the left side of the heart: Crot. tigl. (jerkings).

In the right side of the heart: Hydrastis ac.

Under the left clavicle: tarent.

In the carotids: tarent.

In the back: tarent.

In the region of the medulla oblongata: tarent.

Between the shoulders: Tabac.

Left frontal eminence: Lycopodium virg. In the chest: tarent.

And general perspiration: tarent.

Left side of the chest: tarent.

In the left mamma: Lilium.

In left lung: Mercurius iod. rub., Acid oxalicum

In the centre of left lung: Ailanth.

Across the chest: Abrotanum

Over the whole chest: Actea, Hepar.

And left half of the chest: Hepar.


Through to left scapula: Agaricus, Aloes, Kalmia, Lilium, Naja trip.

Extending to the left arm: tarent.

Down the left arm: Actea, Arnica, Arsen., Bromium.

Radiate to arm and left shoulder: Therid.

To left forearm: Ammoniummur.

To the fingers: Aurum.

From the apex to the ends of the fingers: Cactus.

Into the right arm: Phytol.

In the superficial veins of both arms: Hamam.

Through the heart: Anacardium, Bromium, Cereus bon., Phosph. ac., Acid Sulphuricum

Into the heart: Cent. tag.

Running upward: Bromium.

From within outward: Clemat.

From behind forward or above downward: Acid oxalicum

Into the neck and occiput: Arsen.

From the liver to the left chest and down the left arm: Arnica.

Over whole region of the heart: tarent.

Change place incessantly, but are most constant about the heart: Benz. ac.

And intercostal muscles: Ascl. tub.

And left frontal eminence: Lycopodium

Shifting along the line of the aortic arch: Strychnin.

Transverse constriction in the upper part of the chest: Tabac.

Extending from the heart upward to the vertex: Tabac.

In the aorta, extending to the subclavian, as if it were going to burst: tarent.

Extending diagonally across the right chest: Apis (from just below the heart).

In left lung extending down to the epigastrium: Acid oxalicum

Through the centre of left lung: Ailant.

When the pains suddenly leave the limbs and go to the heart: Kalmia.



Towards morning: Cereus bon.

In the morning: Lithium carb. carb., Tabac.

After rising: Lithium carb. carb.

During the day: Lycopodium virg., Strychnin.

In the afternoon: Cereus serp., Euphras., Lycopodium virg.

At 1 p.m.: Lycopodium virg.

In the evening: Euphras., Lycopodium virg., Scutel., Tabac.

At night: Anacardium orient., Arsen., Cann. ind., Cereus bon., Cereus serp., Tabac., tarent.

Especially from 1 to 5 P.M.: Arsen.

The whole night: Cann. ind.

When retired: Cereus bon.

After retiring: Cereus serp.


Least motion: Arsen.

Makes him lose his breath: Arsen.

From walking: Bryon.

When walking: Kali iod.

After riding: Naja trip.

Raising one’s self: Bryon.

Raising the arm: Bryon.


While sitting: Euphras.

When sitting or standing: Valer.

Lying down: Iberis, Cereus serp.

After retiring:Cereus serp.

Turning on the left side: Iber.

Lying on the left side: Cactus, Tellur.

On bending forward when sitting: Jacea.

When stooping: Oleand.

Eating and Drinking.

After eating: Aspar., Menyanth.


Touch: tarent.

Worse from contact of dress: tarent.


After retiring: Cereus serp.

When retired: Cereus bon.

After rising: Lithium carb. carb.

In the morning Lithium carb. carb.


From pressure: Cactus grand.


Using the slightest exertion: Bryon.

After exertion: Cereus serp.

After riding: Naja trip.


Caused by deep inspiration: Agaricus

From inspiration: China sulph.

During inspiration: Anacardium orient., Plumbum.

At night: Plumbum.

Only during an inspiration: Valer.

On inspiration or expiration: Euphras.

On respiration: Kali cyan.

On expiration: Crot. tigl.

Holding the breath: Menyanth.

From coughing: Agaricus


From sneezing: Agaricus

From hiccough: Agaricus

Before and at the time of urinating: Lithium carb. carb.

Before and at the time of the menses: Lithium carb. carb.


From lying on the back: Aconite, Tellur.

With raised shoulders: Aconite

From sitting bent forward with the head thrown back: Arsen.

When stooping: Valer.

From deep breathing: Cann. ind., Cereus serp.

Oppression: Cann. ind.

By taking a full inspiration: Cereus serp.

From pressure of the hand: Pulsat.

For a time: Pulsat.

From epistaxis: tarent.


Abrotanum: Pain across chest, sharp and severe. Rheumatism. Pulse weak and small. Chlorosis. Ebullitions, with general heat, and distended veins on the forehead and head. Haemorrhoidal colic.

Aconite: Pulse full, hard and strong in fevers, inflammations; small, intermittent, irregular, in asthma, quicker than the beat of the heart; quick, hard in peritonitis; full, hard and frequent, succeeding chill, during which it was small and weak.

Adonis vern.: Has removed dropsy dependent upon cardiac disease, primary or secondary.

Adonis aevest: Has proven palliative in cases of insufficiency of heart-action, with feeble, irregular, rapid pulse, and diminished arterial pressure.

Ailanthus: Pulse rapid and small; weak, sometimes scarcely perceptible. Scarlatina.

Ammonium carb.: Audible palpitation, with attacks of great anxiety, as if dying; cold sweat, involuntary flow of tears; loud, difficult breathing and trembling of hands. Angina pectoris.

Antimonium tart.: Great praecordial excitement with vomiting of mucus and bile.

Apis: Blowing sound with the diastole.

Apocynum: Pulse 45 between attacks of vomiting; feeble. Metrorrhagia.

Arnica: “Strain” of the heart from violent running. Fatty degeneration of the heart. (Bromium).

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.