During the flush of heat: Sumbul.

Trying to sing: Naja trip.

After incomplete stool: China sulph.

After postponed stool: China sulph.



When head is high: Glonoin., Rumex, Spongia.

In a recumbent sitting position: Physos.

Lying on the back: Physos.

When lying on the right side: Glonoin., Laches., Tabac.

Sitting still: Lilium tigrinum, tigr., (hurried and forced feeling about the apex.)


From Yawning: Crocus, tarent.


Abrotanum: Across the chest, sharp and severe in the region of the heart.

Aconite: Stitches of the heart; lies on the back, with raised shoulders; constriction of chest.

Actea: From the region of the heart, all over the chest and down the left arm palpitation; unconsciousness; cerebral congestion; dyspnoea; cold sweat on the hands; numbness of the body; the left arm numb and as if bound to the side.

Aesculus: Darting in the region of the heart, with fulness and palpitation. Dull, aching, burning in region of the heart.

Agaricus: Burning, shooting pains in the region of the heart, extending to left shoulder-blade; caused by deep inspiration, and much worse from coughing, sneezing, hiccough.

Ailanthus: Dull pain and contracted feeling in the region of the heart and through the centre of the left lung.

Aloes: Strong beat of the heart occasionally; pain through to left scapula.

Ammonium mur.: Tearing in the region of the heart, going from there into the left forearm.

Amyl nitr.: Pain and constriction around the heart; an aching pain. Dull pain in the heart.

Anacardium: Stitch in the region of the heat, during inspiration, at night. Stitches piercing through and through at at the heart; each time two quickly succeeding each other.

Anantherum: Stitches and formication in the heart, with great anxiety. Lancinations, cramps and weakness of the heart, which seems too full of blood and unable to beat, with oppression; pulse slow and full, then accelerated, hard and dicrotic. Stitches and cramps in the heart, with sensation as if its apex were pinched very hard. Heavy and painful heart.

Angustura: Violent palpitation of the heart when sitting or stooping, with a painful sensation as if the heart was constricted. Painful thrust in the region of the heart.

Apis: Sudden attack of acute pain just below the heart, soon extending diagonally towards the right chest.

Argentum nitr.: Pains about the heart; can hardly breathe; choking.

Arnica: Stitches in the cardiac region. Pain from liver through left chest and down left arm; veins on the hand swollen, purplish; pain as if the heart were squeezed, or as if it got a shock.

Arsenicum: Sudden tightness about the heart; agonizing praecordial pain; pains into the neck and occiput; anxiety, oppression; breathing difficult, fainting spells; least motion makes him loose his breath; sits bent forward or with head thrown back: worse at night, especially fr om 1 to 5 P.M.

Asclepias tub.: Constrictive pain of the heart. Lancinating pain near the heart. Repeated lancinations in the heart and intercostal muscles (right side, 6 P.M.). Pain in the heart as from the prick of a pin.

Asparagus: Slight sensation of stitches in the region of the heart, after eating.

Aurum: Pain in the region of the heart, extending down the left arm to the fingers.

Benzoic ac.: Pains change place incessantly, but are constant about the heart.

Berberis: Stitches about the heart.

Bromium: Cutting pains running upward.

Bryonia: Stitching pain in the region of the heart. Cramp in the region of the heart, aggravated by walking, raising one’s self or using the slightest exertion, even raising the arm.

Bufo: Lancinating and pulling in the region of the heart, as if it were being distended. Pains as if pins were thrust into the apex of the heart.

Cactus: Pricking pain, impeding breathing and the movements of the body; oppression, cannot lie on the left side; blue face, pulse quick, strong, tense and hard. Dull, heavy pain, worse from pressure; suffocating respiration; face blue, oedema, especially of the left hand and of the legs to the knees; feet icy cold; pulse intermittent. Pains in the apex of the heart, shooting down left arm to the ends of the fingers; feeble pulse; dyspnoea.

Cannabis ind.: Pressing pain in the heart, with dyspnoea the whole night. Piercing pain in the heart. Stitches in the heart, accompanied by great oppression, the latter relieved by deep breathing.

Cantharis: Drawing pain in the region of the heart. Stitch in the heart followed by a crawling sensation.

Causticum: Stitches about the heart.

Cereus bon.: At night, when retired, felt severe convulsive pains at the heart; severe agonized pain for several hours, which returns towards morning. Slight pricking pain at the heart.

Cereus serp.: Feel pain at the heart after retiring. Pains at the heart after exertion, followed by shortness of breath, relieved after taking a full inspiration. Momentary pain at the heart. Afternoon, short, sharp pain through the heart. Thrusting pain at the heart, followed by sighing respiration.

Centaurea tag.: Lancinations as from a thorn driven into the heart.

Chininum sulph.: Sticking in the region of the apex, disappearing after a few minutes.

Cicuta vir.: Burning and sticking pains in the praecordium.

Clematis: Sharp stitches in the region of the heart from within outward.

Colocynthis: Stitches in the cardiac region.

Crocus: Stitches beneath the heart, aggravated by inspiration.

Croton tigl.: Stitches in the praecordial region on expiration, repeated after one hour. Frequent stitches in the praecordial region. Some jerkings in the left side of the heart.

Curare: Lancinating and distensive pains in the region of the heart.

Cuprum: Stitches below the heart. Boring pain in the region of the heart.

Cyclamen: Stitches about the apex.

Euphrasia: Violent pain in the heart, in the afternoon. Violent, long-continued pain in the heart, with audible palpitation, in the afternoon. Some fine stitches in the praecordia, on inspiration and expiration, in the evening, while sitting.

Fluoric acid: Sore pain at the heart.

Glonoinum: Sharp pains at the heart.

Graphites: Stitches.

Hamamelis: Pricking pain in the heart and superficial veins of both arms.

Hepar: Fine stitches in the heart and left half of the chest, with palpitation.

Hydrocyanic ac.: Praecordial anxiety, alternating with slight vertigo, pain in the same locality, not increased by pressure. Transient stitches in the right side of the heart.

Iberis: Slight pain over the region of the heart. Much pain over the base of the heart. A constant, dull pain the heart, worse lying down. Sharp, sticking pain in the region of the heart. On turning on the left side, a sharp, sticking pain is felt as if a needle were crosswise in the ventricles and pricked at each contraction.

Iodium: Constant, heavy, oppressive pain in region of heart.

Jacea (Viola tricolor): Oppression and stitches in the heart on bending forward when sitting.

Jaborandi: Pains in the region of the heart.

Kali bichr: Pricking pain in the region of the heart.

Kali carb.: Cramping pains, as if the heart was hanging by bands.

Kali cyan.: Stitches in the heart and lungs. Jerking stitches in the heart on respiration.

Kali jod.: Darting pain in the heart, when walking; after abuse of mercury; after repeated endocarditis.

Kali nitr.: Violent stitch in the praecordial region.

Kalmia: Wandering rheumatic pains in the region of the heart; shooting pains above the heart through to scapula. Severe pain in the cardiac region, with slow, small pulse.

Kreosote: Stitches over the heart: in the heart.

Lachnanthes: Stitches in the heart, with anxiety.

Laurocerasus: Stitches in the region of the heart.

Leptandra: Soreness in the cardiac region.

Lilium: Heart feels as if grasped, with pain and heaviness of left mamma to scapula. Constrictive pain about the heart extending through to scapula.

Lithium carb.: Violent pain in the heart as she bent over the bed, in the morning after rising. Rheumatic soreness in the cardiac region. Pains in the heart before and at the time of urinating; also before and at time of menses.

Lobelia: Slight, deep-seated pain in the cardiac region. Short sensation as if the heart would stand still; deep in above the heart, a pain.

Lycopodium: Pulsating tearing in the region of the heart.

Lycopus virg.: Constrictive pain and tenderness around the heart. Acute darting pains in the heart, with complete intermissions, lasting fully an hour. Subacute pain at apex of the heart, during the day; repeated sharp, superficial and deep pains in the praecordial region, during the afternoon; subacute pain in the praecordial region and left frontal eminence, at 1 P.M.; darting pain in the apex of the heart, in the evening.

Magnesia mur.: Stitches in the heart arresting the breath.

Menyanthes: Drawing pain in the region of the heart, after eating. Violent, persistent stitch in the region of the heart, increased by holding the breath.

Mercurius cor.: Pain in the praecordial region.

Mercurius jod. rub.: Sharp, cutting pain in the chest and sticking pain in the heart.

Muriatic ac.: Stitches in the heart.

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.