Arsenicum alb.: Angina pectoris; sudden tightness above the heart; agonizing praecordial pain; pains into the week occiput; anxiety, oppression, breathing difficult; fainting spells; least motion makes him lose his breath; sits bent forward or with the head thrown back, worse at night, especially from 1 to 5 A.M. Hydropericardium, with great irritability, anguish and restlessness.

Asafoetida: Nervous palpitation, with small pulse; from over- exertion or suppressed discharges (in women).

Asclepias tub: Carditis. Pericarditis.

Benzoic ac.: Gout affecting the heart.

Borax: Circulation irregular, face bluish, especially around the mouth, with blue look of finger-ends and feet; with attacks during which the child became prostrated and as if suffocating.

Bromium: Cutting pains running upward. Heart disease.

Cactus: Endocardial murmurs; excessive impulse; increased praecordial dulness; enlarged right ventricle. Palpitations of long standing caused by an unfortunate love affair. Irregularity of the heart’s action, at times frequent, at others slow; great irritation of the cardiac nerves; enlarged left ventricle.

Caffeine: Has proved of service in averting impending cardiac failure.

Caladium: Pulse hard and bounding in intermittents; very frequent, hardly to be felt, in typhus.

Carbo veg.: Blood stagnates in capillaries, cyanosis; cold face and limbs; cold sweat; complete torpor; impending paralysis of heart.

Convallaria maj.: Has been used in cardiac dropsies successfully.

Colchicum: Heart disease, following acute rheumatism. Hydropericardium.

Digitalis: Inflammation of pericardium, with copious serous exudation.

Erythrophloeum: Has been used as a cardiac stimulant in mitral disease.

Eupatorium purp: Pulse accelerated and full. Ague. Ferrum: Consecutive heart disease. Chlorosis. Hard, strong beating of the heart. Pseudoplethora. Throbbing in all bloodvessels; soft bellows’ sound at apex (?). [Base, if anaemic (Snader)].

Gelsemium: Nervous chill, yet skin is warm; wants to be held that she may not shake so. Heart disease.

Glonoinum.: Low, feeble pulse in sunstroke. Purring noise in the region of the heart when lying; pulse intermittent; must have head high; worse when lying on left side; better on right.

Helleborus: Frequent and soft, intermittent pulse in hydrocephalus, small, irregular in hydrothorax.

Hydrastis: Pulse slow during the chill.

Jaborandi: In one lad, whose pulse was intermittent, the medicine entirely removed this irregularity.

Kali carb: Systolic murmur; stitch pain; second tick loud from pulmonary stagnation. Endocarditis. Insufficiency of mitral valves.

Kali iod. Darting pains in the heart when walking; after abuse of mercury; after repeated endocarditis.

Kalmia: When articular rheumatism has been treated externally and cardiac symptoms ensue. When the pains suddenly leave the limbs and go to the heart. Hypertrophy and valvular insufficiency, or thickening after rheumatism. Severe pain in cardiac region, with slow, small pulse. Hypertrophy with dilatation and aortic obstruction. Paroxysms of anguish about the heart, dyspnoea, febrile excitement; rheumatic endocarditis, with consequent hypertrophy and valvular disease. Angina pectoris. Fatty degeneration. Palpitation (gastralgia). Slow, small pulse. Hypertrophy of heart. Remarkable slowness of the pulse, 48 in the minute (neuralgia). Quickened but weak pulse (rheumatism of the heart). Pulse only slightly accelerated and many times slow (acute rheumatism).

Lachesis: Restless, trembling; anxiety about the heart, hasty speech; suffocation on lying down; weight on the chest; heart feels constricted (rheumatism of the heart). Cyanosis neonatorum. Pericarditis, dropsy, diphtheritic patches in the throat after scarlatina.

Lachnanthes: Pulse 110, small, thin hard. Pneumonia.

Laurocerasus: Apoplexy. Cyanosis neonatorum.

Lithium carb.: Valvular deficiencies, worse from mental agitation, which causes a fluttering and trembling of the heart. Rheumatic soreness in the cardiac region.

Lobelia: Sawing sound about the heart, with violent pains, diarrhoea and vomiting.

Lycopodium: Hydropericardium.

Nux mosch.: Pulse small, weak; nun’s murmur in the carotids.

Opium: Full and slow, with snoring; imperceptible, face purple. Cyanosis neonatorum.

Oxalic ac.: Sharp, darting pain in heart and left lung, extending down to the epigastrium. Angina pectoris. Heartburn intermits when thinking of it.

Phosphorus: Disease of the right heart, with consequent venous stagnation. Dilatation of the heart following endocarditis or fatty degeneration.

Phosphoric ac.: In children and young persons who grow too fast; after self-abuse.

Phytolacca: Shocks of pain in the cardiac region. Angina pectoris. Pain goes into right arm. Heart’s action weak, with constipation.

Platina: Great anxiety and palpitation. Commencing endo-or pericarditis.

Plumbum: Rush of blood to the heart during a rapid walk; anguish, cold sweat; stitches during inspiration. Hypertrophy.

Psorinum: Pericarditis, psoric origin. Rheumatic pericarditis; effusion, cannot lie down.

Pulsatilla: Beating in the chest, interrupting sleep; old maids.

Rhus: Uncomplicated hypertrophy from violent exertion. Organic disease of the heart, with sticking pains and soreness; numbness and lameness of left arm.

Sanguinaria: Irregularity of the heart’s action, with coldness, insensibility, etc.

Sparteine: Has been employed i dropsies dependent upon cardiac disease.

Spongia: Angina pectoris; contracting pain about the heart, suffocation, anxious sweat. Aneurism of the aorta; dry, paroxysmal cough, worse lying down. Palpitation violent, with pain, gasping respiration; suddenly awakened after midnight, with suffocation, great alarm; anxiety. Valvular insufficiency. Rheumatic endocarditis; loud blowing with each heart-beat.

Stramonium: Pulse slow in typhus. Beating of heart so increased from motion he cannot speak for hours; trembling; twitches as in chorea; murmurs instead of regular sounds; consequent on fright.

Tabacum: Palpitation in attacks at night, tight across the chest, with angina pectoris. Oppression at heart; pulse feeble, irregular. Cholera.

Theridion: Anxiety about heart; sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder.

Veratrum alb.: Tumultuous irregular contraction of heart, forerunners of paralysis; intermittent action of the heart in feeble persons, with some obstruction to the hepatic circulation. Palpitation in the anaemic; agony of death, legs cold; difficult breathing, better at rest or lying down.

Zincum: Feels as if a cap were over the heart; spine affected.


Angina pectoris: Am. carb. Arsen., Acid oxalicum, Phytol., Spongia, Tabac.

Fatty degeneration: Arnica, Kalmia, Phosphor.

Endocarditis: Kali carb., Kalmia, Platin. (commencing), Spigel.

Valvular insufficiency: Kali carb. (mitral), Kalmia (aortic obstruction), Lithium carb. carb., Spongia.

Murmurs: Apis, Cactus, Ferrum, Kali carb., Spigel., Lobel., Nux mosch.


Blowing sound with the diastole: Apis.

Systolic: Kali carb.

Systolic at apex; also hard blowing sound with each heart-beat: Spigel.


Soft bellows’ sound at the apex (?): Ferrum. [If anaemic, the murmur should be systolic, and at the base (Sander).] Nun’s murmur in the carotids: Nux mosch.

Sawing sound: Lobel.

Hypertrophy: Kalmia, Plumbum, Rhus (uncomplicated).

Dilatation (enlarged ventricles): Cactus (left), Kalmia, Phosphor. (right).

Cyanosis: Borax, Carbo veg., Lauroc.

Cyanosis neonatorum: Lachesis, Lauroc., Opium.

Pericarditis: Digit., Lachesis, Platin. (commencing), Psorin.

Hydropericardium: Arsen., Colchic., Lycop.

“Heart disease” (character not mentioned): Bromium, Colchic., Gelsem.

“Rheumatism of the heart”: Kalmia, Lachesis.

Organic diseases of the heart: Rhus.

“Strain of the heart:” Arnica, Bromium.

Impending paralysis of the heart: Carbo veg., Veratrum alb.

Great irritability of the cardiac nerves: Cactus.

Gout of the heart: Benz. ac.

Aneurism of the aorta: Spongia.


Apoplexy: Lauroc.

Asthma: Aconite

Chill: Aconite, Gelsem., Hydrast.

Cholera: Tabac.

Cholera: Abrotanum

Constipation: Phytol.

Diarrhoea: Lobel.

Fever: Aconite

Haemorrhages: Secale.

Haemorrhoidal colic: Abrotanum

Hepatic obstruction: Veratrum alb.

Hydrocephalus; hydrothorax: Helleb.

Inflammations: Arsenicum, Aconite, Kalmia. Insensibility: Sanguin.

Metrorrhagia: Apocynum

Neuralgia: Kalmia.

Pain: Abrotanum, Arsenicum, Kali jod., Kalm.

Pneumonia: Lachnanth.

Peritonitis: Aconite

Pseudoplethora: Ferrum.

Rheumatism: Abrotanum

Scarlatina: Ailanth., Lachnanth.

Spine affected: Zincum.

Sunstroke: Glonoin.

Typhus: Caladium, Stramon.

Uraemia: Arsen.

Vomiting: Antimonium tart., Lobel.


Kalmia: Slow small pulse (hypertrophy). Slow and feeble (angina pectoris). Quickened but weak pulse (rheumatism of the heart). Pulse slightly accelerated and many times slow (acute rheumatism).

Opium: Full and slow, with snoring; imperceptible, face purplish (cyanosis neonatorum).

Abrotanum: Pulse weak and small (chlorosis).

Aconite: Full, hard, strong (fevers and inflammation). Small, intermittent, irregular (in asthma). Quick and hard (peritonitis). Small and weak (during chill).

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.