Sulphur: Full, hard, at times intermittent.

Sulphuric ac.: Small, feeble.

Sumbul: The action of the heart full, and sharp strokes at times, irregular, beating rapidly 98 or 10 times, then slowly. Accelerated, full pulse. Pulse 90, strong in the evening.

Tabacum: Full, quick, large; imperceptible, small, intermittent (Hering). Pulse rapid. Pulse small and very frequent. Pulse rapid and irregular. Pulse 92, full, hard, rapid. Pulse small, hard, rapid. Pulse irregular, variable and intermittent, at one time 136 per minute, and in a short time thereafter down to 38 per minute (Allen).

Tanacetum: Pulse 110, small and feeble; almost extinct. Pulse 98. Pulse decidedly increased in force and a little in frequency. Pulse quite full, forcible, 128.

tarentula: The circulation of the blood, judging by the pulse, is alternately increased and diminished. Hard and frequent pulse.

Terebinthina: Hard, rapid pulse. Pulse rapid and weak. Pulse and respiration quickened. Pulse quick, small, compressible and almost imperceptible, but regular. Pulse 65 to 86. Small, hard, 82; small, irregular, 86; small, weak, 92.

Thea: Pulse rapid, irregular and often intermitting. Pulse at first accelerated, afterward diminished, irregular, and even intermittent. Pulse expanded, 120. Pulse full and quick. Pulse 92, then 84, then 80.

Thuya: In the evening, violent pulsations.

Terebinthina: Feeble, rapid.

Valeriana: Sometimes tense, or small and weak (Hering). Pulse 90. The pulse is somewhat accelerated and irregular, two or three beats being occasionally quicker than the others; at the same time it was more tense. Pulse 85 at 10 a.m. Pulse 87, the beat of the heart being weak and scarcely felt. The pulse at first fell 10 beats, but subsequently rose higher than the former. Pulse 69 (before experiment), rose to 75, where it remained for some hours; associated with rush of blood to the head, feeling of fulness and increased warmth of the face. Pulse frequent, tremulous and irregular. Pulse unequal, in one minute 60, and in the next 90 (Allen).

Veratrum: Frequent, small, hard.

Veratrum vir.: Suddenly increases and gradually decreases below normal.

Zincum: Irregular, or small and frequent, evenings.


Regular: Acid aceticum, Amyl. nitr., Atrop., Hydrastis ac., Naja trip., Rhus ven., Strychnin., Terebintha Not full: Atrop.

Between the spasms: Strychnin.

Irregular: Actea rac., Alum, Amyl. nitr., Bufo, China sulph., Dulcam., Hellon., Strychnin., Sumbul, Tabac., terebintha, Thea, Valer.

Intermittent: Amygd. am., Benz. ac., Bryon., Bufo., Helleb., Hepar, Hydrastis ac., Iber., Laches., Sulphur., Tabac., Thea.

Third, fourth or fifth beat: Iber.

With orgasm of blood: Bryon.

In hydrocephaloid: Helleb.

At times: Hepar.

Large: Alumina, Iodum, Ipecac., Jatroph., Tabac.

Small: Aconite fer., AEThusa, Ailanth., Alumina, Amygd. am., Ant. tart., Arsen., Asafoetida, Atrop., Aurum, Baryta ac., Canthar., Chamom., Chelid., Cinchon., Coccul., Crotal., Cuprum, Cuprum ac., Dulcam., Acidum fluoricum, Guajac., Hydrastis ac., Ipecac., Kali brom., Kali nitr., Kreosotum, Laches., Lobel., Nitr. ac., Platin., Pulsat., Sambuc., Strychnin., Acid Sulphuricum, tabac., Tanac., Terebintha, Valer., Zincum.

Full: Acid aceticum, AEscul., apis, Arnica, Atrop., Baptis., Bellad., Bryon., Calcar., Canthar., Capsic., Cepa, China ars., Coloc., Crotal., Cuprum, Digit, Dulcam., Eupat. purp., Ferrum, Graphit., Helleb., Hepar., Hyosc., Kali nitr., Iber., Jatropha, Laches., Mercur., Mezer., Naja trip., Nux vomica, Oleand., Phosphor., Ranunculus scel., Spongia, Stramon., Sulphur, Sumbul, Tabac., Tanac., Thea.

Often tremulous: Calcar.

Seldom full: Lauroc.

Weak: Aconite fer., AEsc. hipp., Actea, Ailanth., Ant. tart., ARsen., Atrop., Crot. tigl., Cuprum ac., Coffea, Gelsem., Hydrastis ac., Ipecac., Jatropha, Kali nitr., Kreosotum, Laches., Lobel., Mancin., Mercurius cyan., Natr. mur., Phosph. ac., Rhus, Strychnin., Terebintha, Valer.

In the evening: Lobel.

Strong: Aconite, Apis, Asarum europaeum, Baptis., Benz. ac., Capsic., Mercurius cyan., Naja trip., Phosph. ac., Stramon., Strychnin., Sumbul.

Soft: AEscul., Atrop., Cuprum ac., Gelsem., Guajac., Helleb., Ipecac., Mang. ac., RAn. scel., Rhus, Strychnin.

Hard: Aconite, AEthusa, Ananth., Ammonium carb., Ant. tart., Apis, Arnica, Bellad., Bryon., bufo, Canthar., Caladium, Chelid., Cina, Cinchon., colchic., Crot. hor., Cuprum, Cuprum ac., digit., Ferrum, Graphit., Hepar, Hyosc., Iber., Ignat., Iodum, Jatropha, Kali nitr., Lachnanth., Mezer., Nitr. ac., Nux vomica, Opium, Phosphor., Ranunculus bulb., Sabina, Sanguin., silica, Stramon., Tabac., tarent., Terebintha, Veratrum alb.

With anxious breathing; Opium.

Seldom hard: Coccul.

Seldom full and hard: Lauroc.

Hurried: Arnica.

Contracted: Acid aceticum, Aconite, Ant. tart., Cuprum ac., Millef.

Spasmodic: Cann. ind., Cuprum ac.

Thready: Amygd. am., Colchic., Cuprum ac.

Thin: Lachnanth.

Thread-like: Arsen., Iodum.

Double beat: Agaricus, Cyclam., Phosphor.

Unrhythmical: AEthusa.

Heavy: AEscul.

Almost imperceptible: Cyclam., Acid oxalicum, Arsen., Gelsem., Rhus, Strychnin., Terebintha

Or trembling: Rhus.

With deadly coldness, clammy sweats, livid nails: Acid oxalicum

Variable: Hydrastis ac., Tabac.

Fluttering: Junip. virg., Thea.

Compressible: Kali cyan., Sumbul., Terebintha

Slightly compressible: Tabac.

Easily compressed: Atrop., Iber., Strychnin.

The single pulsations not sharply defined: Atrop.

Scarcely to be felt: Cuprum ac., Valer.

Irritable: Kali brom.

Unequal: Hydrastis ac., Naja trip.

Wavy: Iber.

Feeble: Hydrastis ac., Tanac., Valer.

Throbbing: Jatropha.

Wiry: Iber., Physos.

Flickering: AMygd. am.

Suppressed: Strychnin.

Almost extinct: Tanac.

Forcible: Tanac.

Expanded: Thea.

Sinking to a thread: Oleand.

Depressed: Aconite cam.

Dicrotic: Ananth.

Jerking: Amyl nitr., Iber.

Almost jerking: Jatropha.

Agitated: Bufo.

Tense: Strychnin., Valer.

Corded: Strychnin.

Tremulous: Calcar., Iber., Platin., Valer.

Trembling: Ant. tart., Kreosotum, Nux mosch., Rhus, Staphis.

Excited: Caustic., Clemat.

Violent: Bryon., Nux mosch., Digit.

Increased in force and frequency: Terebintha

Alternately full and small: Aconite, Laches.

Quicker than beat of the heart: Arnica, Rhus.

Bounding (in intermittents): Caladium

Rises and falls alternately: Glonoin.

Alternately hard, rapid and small beats: Nitr. ac.

Large and small beats intermixed: Alumina

Changing from slow to rapid every few beats: Ant. carb.

Suddenly increases and gradually decreases below normal: Verbascum vir.

Noticing the beat of the heart increases it: Argentum nitr.

Generally hard and full: Ignat. Constantly soft and weak: Mang. ac.

Heart beats more strongly and rapidly when lying on the back: Arsen.


With orgasms, ebullitions, etc.: AEscul., Agaricus, Ambra, Anacardium, Benz. ac., Bryon., Carb. an., Caustic., Clemat., Ignat., Mang. mur., Mercur., Natr. carb., Oleand., Pulsat., Verbascum vir.

Felt all over the body: AEscul.

Strongly felt: Agaricus

Beating in the bloodvessels: Anacardium

Heart’s pulsations seem to fill the chest: Baptis.

Internal but no external heat; cannot go to sleep: Benz. ac.

Strong orgasm of blood: Bryon.

Beating in the bloodvessels: Carb. an., Iodum.

Towards evening: Caustic.

Throbbing in the veins: Clemat.

With throbbing in the bloodvessels: Ignat.

With distended bloodvessels: Pulsat.

At night with excited pulse: Natr. carb.

While sitting: Mang. mur.

With giddiness: Atrop.

With a peculiar noise in the ears: Coca.

With cold skin: Crot. hor.

With nausea: Argentum nitr.

With rush of blood to the head: Valer.

With a feeling of fulness and increased warmth of the face: Valer.

With asthma: Argentum nitr.

With warm hands: Kali nitr.

With a condition very like an inflammatory irritability of the whole body, especially in the abdominal organs: Kali nitr.


Pulse 100, with peculiar double beats, which seemed to run into each other: Iber.

After sweating, a very noticeable lowering of the pulse and temperature: Jabor.

Wider pulse oscillations and diminished arterial tension: Mate.

Pulse regular in rhythm, but unequal in force: Naja trip.

Pulse increased in frequency in direct proportion to the dose: Nicot.

Pulse and respiration very irregular: Nicot.

Woke about 2 a.m., with a rapid, tumultuous action of the heart, as in high fever, but there was no unusual heat: Physos.

Slight acceleration of the pulse from 5 to 10 beats during the perspiration: Pilocarp.

Slight diminution of blood pressure from small doses; great diminution from large doses: Pilocarp.

Pulse increased coincident with or a little later than the salivation: Pilocarp.

Pulse at first, on entering a warm room, accelerated, then sinks far below normal: Aconitine.

Pulse at first small, frequent and intermittent, then slow and regular: Amygd. am.

Pulse at first slow and very strong; afterwards quicker and jerking: Amyl nitr.

Pulse slow and full, then accelerated, hard and dicrotic: Ananth.

Just as the pulse rises a slight giddiness is often perceptible: Atrop.

Weak doses accelerate the heart and increase blood pressure; poisonous doses have the reverse effect: Atrop.

Pulse 140, increased tone, but diminished volume: Atrop.

Edwin Hale
Edwin Moses Hale 1829 – 1899 was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College to become Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Hahnemann Medical College, editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy and The American Homeopathic Observer and a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Hale was also a member of The Chicago Literary Club.

Hale wrote Lectures On Diseases Of The Heart, Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies Volume 1, Materia Medica And Special Therapeutics Of The New Remedies Volume 2, Saw Palmetto: (Sabal Serrulata. Serenoa Serrulata), The Medical, Surgical, and Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, New Remedies: Their Pathogenetic Effects and Therapeutic Application, Ilex Cassine : the aboriginal North American tea, Repertory to the New Remedies with Charles Porter Hart, The Characteristics of the New Remedies, Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies, The Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies: Their Botanical Description etc.