
(eighth day). Single stitches in the right frontal eminence (soon, second day); sticking in the right side of the forehead (fifth day). Temple. Head pains as though stuck through from one temple to the other. Headache for three hours, at one time in the right, at another in the left temple, and again in the vertex, in the morning (seventeenth day). Boring headache through both temples. Sensitiveness of the left temple (sixteenth day). Drawing in the temporal muscles; an external headache, worse on chewing. Frequent slight drawing from the mastoid process of the right temporal bone downward (thirteenth day). In the evening, drawing tearing in the mastoid process of the left temporal bone, and then in both eyeballs, where the pain ceased (seventeenth day). Drawing-sticking pain in the left temporal muscle, increased by mastication and diminished by contact; this pain continued for two hours, and in the open air as well as in the room (eighth day). A continuous drawing and tension below the mastoid process of the right side, accompanied with occasional drawing in the left frontal eminence towards the temple, and with roaring in the left ear, in the evening (ninth day). Pressive drawing in the left temple. Pressive headache in the right temple, especially on straining at stool (thirty-eighth day).

Pressive pain in the right temple and drawing-tearing pains in the right elbow-joint, aggravated by motion (seventy-third day).

Pressing in the right temple from without inward, in the forenoon (third day). A deep pressure in the right temple (after one hour and three quarters). Raging pressure in both temples, extending inward, as though the brain would be pressed outward. Violent pressing in the left temple soon after dinner, continuing all the evening, but in a less degree (fourth day). Contractive pain in the right temple, pretty severe, often returning, and always lasting several seconds. Periodical pinching in the mastoid process of the right side, as if a convex button were pressed upon the part (twenty-second day). Sticking pain in the temples.

Sticking in the right temple, soon; fine stitches in the temples (third and fifth days). Single stitches in the mastoid process of the temporal bone, with a drawing behind the right ear (sixty- ninth day). Sticking in the right temple (within two hours).

Sticking pains in the temples (after two days). Stitches in the temporal region. Violent stitches in the left temporal region externally (after eight, and twelve hours). A violent stitch drove suddenly through the left temple, as if an awl had been forcibly thrust through the brain; the pain lasted about a few minutes, but the spot remained for some time sensitive (thirteenth day). Throbbing in the temples, with violent tearing in the teeth. Throbbings in the right temple when rising from a.


Objective. A chronic scrofulous inflammation on the eyes, with swelling of the cervical glands, gradually disappeared during the first four weeks. Redness of the white of the left eye near the cornea, in the morning, without sensation (after twenty-four hours). Great redness of the whites of the eye and of the inner surface of the lids. A slight swelling beginning in the evening, and gradually increasing the whole next day, with much lachrymation and itching of both eyes; this was repeated still more violent after eight days. The eyes are red and painful on every effort. The white of the eye is blood red. Right eye congested with blood (twenty-first day). The white of the eye is very much inflamed and red, with biting and pressure as from sand. The weak eye is red and burning hot. (A spot on the cornea of the right eye becomes smaller and more transparent). Small ulcers in the eyes and on the head, with ulceration behind the ears, forming scabs. Eyes continually closed (twenty-ninth). Eyes glued with mucus on waking (thirteenth day). The eyes secrete much gum (sixty-sixth day). Convulsive movements of the eyes, and a feeling as of a grain of sand in them. Squinting with both eyes, alternately coming and going. Squinting of the left eye.

Weakness of the eyes (third day). The eyes are weak and painful from every effort. Weakness of the eyes, particularly observable when writing (third and fourth days). Weakness of the eyes when reading (ninth day). Weak eyes, pressure as from fine sand in them. Sensation of weakness of the eyes, with need of resting them, with burning and itching in them, and sensitiveness of all the surroundings of the eyeballs. Weakness of the eyes; on reading a quarter of an hour, the letters run together; it often seems as if the gaze were fastened upon a letter so that he cannot read further; the right eye is worse than the left; a glass afforded no assistance, though the eyes have no appearance of disease. Weakness of the eyes, even on exerting them a little; they ache deep in, and everything seems to become constantly smaller, until objects swim together. The weakness of the eyes increases, so that she sees badly both near and distant objects.

Subjective. Feeling of dryness in the eyes. Right eye dry, and in the margin of the lower lid a burning spot, as if a stye were about to form (twelfth day). Feeling of dryness in both eyes (a quarter of an hour; thirteenth day). A feeling as of sand in both eyes. Feeling of sand in the eyes, especially in the right (sixty-third day). Pain in the eyes and head at night (thirty- first day). Pains in the eyes compressing the lids together. Pain in the eyes as after too great effort, obliging to close them.

The eyes are sensitive to air, and are easily irritated. The eyes feel dim, as if she was in the dark. The eyes constantly long for a warm covering; as soon as the eyes are uncovered they immediately become painful and it seems as though cold streamed from the head out through them. Painful burning in the eyes, with white mucus in the canthi. Dry burning in the eyes. Burning in the eyes (eighteenth day). Burning in the eyes without redness, with very indistinct vision. Burning in the left eye near the internal canthus, compelling him to rub it (third day). Burning and stinging in both eyes and eyelids, with injection of the cornea, in the evening (ninety-fifth and ninety-sixth days).

Burning in the eyes, which were pained by the light, with the headache (nineteenth day). With the headache, burning in the right eye, which disappeared on repeatedly washing it with cold water (thirty-fourth day). Violent burning in the eyes and eyelids, at 2 P.M.; burning-pressing pains in the left eye, on the whole upper surface of the globe, aggravated by touch, in the evening (sixteenth day); burning in the eyes with the sneezing (fifty-fifth day); in the evening (sixty-seventh day); in the right eye (sixty-eighth day); burning and pressing in both eyes (sixty-ninth day). Burning in the eyes especially in the internal canthi, in the evening (twenty-sixth day); on rising in the morning (forty-second day); slight in the morning (fifty-second day); at 10 A.M. (fifty-eighth day); as if he room were smoky (for an hour), in the evening (sixty-seventh day); after dinner (seventy-third). Pressure and sensitiveness in the eyes (twentieth day). Pressure in both eyes (fifteenth day). Pressure in the eyes for two or three days. Constant pressure in the eyes, especially in the bright light. A pressive pain, as from a grain of sand in the left eye, continues without any other symptoms. A painful stitch through the center of the left eye, commencing in the center of the brain (fourth day). An unusual distressing sticking sensation in the eyes. Sticking in the eyes in the morning (in the sharp air). Some stitches in the eyes, always in a bright light. Stitch in the left eye (sixty-eight day). Sticking in the right eye (seventy-ninth day). The sticking pains in the eyes are aggravated. Brow and Orbit. The hair of the brows fall out with much itching. Dry tetter on the eyebrows and head, itching and stinging. In the evening a painful little tubercle in the middle of the left eyebrow (fifth day). The root of the hair of the left eyebrow are sensitive when passing the hand over them (sixteenth day). Tearing pain in the left eyebrow, disappearing after touch (after eleven hours). Slight drawing over the left eyebrow (forty-fifth day). Slight pressing in the lower border of the right orbit, soon disappearing; but the orbital edge remained sensitive to the touch, and to the closing of the eye for a quarter of an hour (seventy-first day).

Pressure and tension in the left and afterwards, also, in the right orbit, in the morning after waking (fifth day). Painful tension in the bottom of the left orbit for several minutes, at 7.30 P.M. (sixth day). Drawing pain in the bottom of the right orbit, continuing a quarter of an hour, in the morning (thirteenth day). A decided pressure above the right eye, externally (after three hours and three-quarters). A pressing sticking above the left eye, which extended toward the right, and then disappeared. Lids. Agglutination of the lids at night. Eyes agglutinated for several mornings (forty-ninth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.