
Superior Extremities

Constant weakness of the left arm from the first phalanx of the thumb. Trembling of the arm after writing half an hour, with a drawing pain. Involuntary jerking in the arm during the day.

Great heaviness in both arms, so that they ache from fatigue when held up. Heaviness and lameness in the right arm (seventy-second day). A stiffening sensation in the left arm, in the evening in bed, preventing his falling asleep. Both arms are painfully difficult to move, as if the joints were dry. Not yet able to tie his cravat behind or to hang the chain of his watch around his neck. On looking at the right shoulder in the glass, it was found to be somewhat more elevated than the left and swollen (sixth day). Paralytic feeling in the arms, as if he had carried too heavy a weight (after eight hours). Pressing pain, at one time in the right, at another in the left arm (within two hours). Raging pain in both arms, from 3 A.M. till rising at 6 A.M. A burning- drawing pain in the whole arm, in the periosteum of the bone, extending to the fingers, with a pressure seemingly from within outward; painful on deep pressure upon the periosteum, as if the flesh were loosened from the bones. A violent drawing apparently in the bones of the arm, lasting several hours. Frequent drawing in the arms, extending into the hands, with need of stretching, especially in the morning. A very acute aching drawing and trembling through the muscles of the right arm. Drawing in the left arm (fifty-fourth day). Drawing in the right arm and forearm, in the afternoon (eighth day). Drawing tearing in the right arm, lasting several hours, in the forenoon (third day); same sensation (fourth day); in the morning (sixth day). Tearing in the right arm, with weariness, worse during rest, better during motion, also in paroxysms. Frequent quivering came on in the afternoon and evening; pulse like jerks in the muscles of the right arm, especially in the deltoid (fifty-fourth day).

Shoulder. Cracking of the shoulder-joint on bending the arm backward; she is unable to move the arm on account of pain, as if dislocated. Pain in the left shoulder (seventy-eighth day). Pain in the shoulder, preventing his raising the arm over the head, aggravated by lying upon it, even to stiffness of the whole arm.

Frequently, for a minute for a time, a pain which, in the axilla, in the dorsum of the foot, and on various points of the external chest, was pinching and pressing. Bruised pain in the shoulder- joints and upper arms (seventeenth day). Deep aching sensation in the left shoulder when lying upon it (third month). Paralytic drawing in the right shoulder from lying upon it in bed, extending thence into the head, which is painfully affected at night. Drawing in the right shoulder (fourth day). Drawing pressure in the left shoulder, extending to the hand, followed by pressure in the right eyeball; the pain ceased after rising (fortieth day). Paralytic and drawing tearing in the left shoulder, better on motion (seventy-seventh day). Drawing-tearing pain in the left shoulder-joint and about the shoulder, so that the arm could not be moved without pain (after twenty weeks).

Drawing tearing-pressive pain in the region of the left shoulder when leaning against it or lying upon it; after the pain had disappeared, there was a similar pain in the right shoulder for several days, relieved by rubbing with cold water (after ten months). A laming drawing, of short duration, in the right shoulder and in the thumb of the right hand, at 5 P.M.; soon after, tearing in the palm of the hand, near the wrist (for half an hour), (sixty-second day). Laming drawing in the right armpit, coming on by fits (seventy-second day). Troublesome drawing in the left shoulder immediately after getting up, only disappearing in the afternoon (fifth day). Rather violent drawing in the right shoulder (second day). A drawing from the left axilla as far as the elbow-joint (after two hours). In the evening, tearing and laming drawing in the left axilla, which, on the following day, extended to the right shoulder, where it remained an hour (fifteenth day). Cutting in the right shoulder-joint (first day).

Pressing on the right shoulder (third and fourth days). Tearing in the left shoulder (twenty-fifth day); in the left axilla, in the night (twenty-fifth day); in the left shoulder; at times going to the right shoulder and nape (twenty-seventh day).

Tearing in the right shoulder, so that she cannot lie upon it or turn the neck, lasting a long time (second month). Constant tearing in both shoulders (in both at once, or alternately in one or the other). Several stitches in the right axilla and temple (first day). Solitary stitches in the shoulders (fifth day).

Drawing stitches in the right shoulder-joint and in the bend of the right elbow. Electric stitches in the left shoulder blade, towards evening (seventy-eighth day). Continual dull sticking pain in the left shoulder-joint (second day). Sticking in the shoulders, disappeared while walking in the open air (fifth day).

Sticking pain in the right shoulder (ninth day). Sticking pains in the left shoulder-joint; on awaking (fifth day). Frequent sticking pains in the right shoulder-joint. Painful sticking in front of the right shoulder, near the clavicle, associated with dull tearing (after five hours). Sticking pain, as with a dull point, in the right deltoid muscle while walking in the open air.

Violent stitches in the left shoulder when playing the piano.

Beating and throbbing in the shoulder-joint. Arms. Heaviness of the left arm, from the middle of the upper arm to the fingers, felt during motion and rest. The upper arms are painful and so weak that the patient can with difficulty hold them up long enough to arrange her hair (twenty-fourth day). The middle of both upper arms is painful, as if bruised, and feels so weak that he cannot hold up the forearms. On pressing upon the upper arm a pain in the bone, as if the flesh were loosened from it. Constant very painful aching in the left upper arm, as far as the shoulder and extending into the wrist and fingers, preventing his grasping anything. Bruised pain in the upper arms, as if they had been beaten blue. Feeling as if beaten in the upper arms, after dinner (twenty-third day). Frequent paralytic pain in the muscles in the middle of the left upper arm during rest and motion (after one hour and a quarter). Slight drawing in the left upper arm, in the evening (fifty-second day); in the night, drawing in the upper arm, axilla, and shoulder, preventing his lying on that side (seventy-second night); in the morning these pains became intolerable, but by warmly wrapping up the painful parts they gradually diminished and finally entirely disappeared, leaving behind a feeling of lameness in the arm; at 9.30 A.M. the tearing in the shoulders and upper arm returned in frequent short attacks; in the evening the pain in the shoulder is again very violent, and in the right arm, especially in the forearm, there is a condition bordering on paralysis, with feeling of coldness (seventy-third day); the pain in the arm came on in short accesses at 10 A.M., was sensible till noon, but was milder than yesterday, and ceased entirely in the afternoon (seventy-fourth day); the pain is entirely gone (seventy-fifth day). A painful drawing in the outer surface of the left upper arm, near the olecranon, recurring several times at short intervals (fourth day). Tearing pain in the anterior tuberosity of the left humerus continued, was increased by motion, and was heightened to a burning pain by contact, especially after the painful spot on the arm had been knocked against something, though only slightly (fifteenth day); sensitiveness of the anterior tuberosity of the left upper arm, especially when touched (sixteenth day); sensitiveness appeared to be more and more circumscribed every day; entirely disappeared in the course of a week. Stitches in the right upper arm, in every position, disappearing on touch (after one hour and a quarter). Elbow. Weakness in the elbow- joint, so that she could lift nothing heavy; this weakness extended a hand’s breadth above and below the right elbow (after five months). The left elbow seems paralyzed at times. Boring pain in the elbow-joint (after five days). Bruised pain in the elbow and wrist-joints, as if they had been crushed and bruised (after forty-two hours). Soreness in the bend of the right arm when extending it, in the forenoon (seventy-fourth day); return of the soreness in the bend of the arm, in the forenoon (seventy- fifth day). The prominences of the right elbow were painful, as after a severe knock (ninth day); did not entirely disappear until the eleventh day. Tension in the bend of the right elbow when writing (sixty-third day). Drawing in the right elbow-joint, in the forenoon (fifty-ninth day). Violent pressing pains in the left elbow, as if in the bone. A violent drawing tearing from the left elbow-joint as far as the two middle fingers (fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.