
Momentary constrictive cramp, extending from the pit of the stomach up under the arm. Constrictive pain in the stomach, extending towards the navel, with diarrhoea of yellow water, with undigested food, five times (fourth day). Constriction in the epigastric region, at night, with vomiting without nausea, wherewith only air and water came up. Cramp in the stomach, which increases excessively towards evening. A momentary starting in the epigastric region, in the direction of the left hypochondrium, as if something alive, while lying in bed (after one hour and a half, second day). Apprehension in the pit of the stomach, which mounts to the head and back again, with qualmishness. Whirling in the stomach, with vertigo, followed by vomiting (eighth week). Throbbing pressure in the pit of the stomach and about the navel, followed a by a sensation of weakness in the whole abdomen. Cutting in the epigastrium from the spine outward (fourth day). Cutting pain on the left side, near the pit of the stomach. Tearing in the pit of the stomach on bending the body to the right side. One feels like a sudden jerking in the pit of the stomach. Pinching pain in the stomach, in the forenoon (seventh day). Frequent pinching in the epigastric region during dinner. Stitches in the pit of the stomach. Stitches from the spine through the epigastric region, forward to the pit of the stomach. Sticking on the left side, near the scrobiculus, from within outwards (first day). Several dull stitches near the scrobiculus on the left side (fifth day).

A fine painless throbbing, like a beating of an artery, in the middle of the pit of the stomach (after three quarters of an hour). Pulsation in the pit of the stomach. A distressing beating and throbbing in the pit of the stomach, causing anxiety (ninth month).


Hypochondrium. The liver is swollen and very sensitive; with especially disagreeable spasmodic drawing back and forth, which extends into the abdomen, and affects the stomach, with frequent attacks of nausea and vertigo, during which the loosest clothing seems too tight (third week). Fullness, tension, pressure, and sticking in the liver. Tight pressure and fullness in the hepatic region, and in the pit of the stomach, so that stooping is difficult, with burning on the forepart of the tongue, and in the oesophagus, with rawness and with dry sticky lips, without thirst (twelfth week). Great soreness, as if bruised, deep in the middle of the liver, sometimes of longer, sometimes of shorter duration and recurring. Pressive pain in the right hypochondrium (thirty- ninth day). Pressure as from a stone on the lower portion of the liver while walking (after half an hour). (Burning, especially in the hepatic region). A cutting in the side above the liver on inspiration, while walking, disappearing on pressure, and on standing still. Drawing-sticking pains in the liver. Sticking pain in the liver, when walking. Sticking in the right hypochondrium (especially during respiration), in the evening (fifteenth day). Stitches in the region of the liver, when sitting (second day). Single deep stitches in the right and left hypochondria (seventh to thirteenth day). A fixed idea of a living animal in her abdomen; she hears it cry in the region of the spleen, as with a hoarse voice, and in the right side, between the ovary and liver, with a fine voice; wherewith at the same time a feeling of crawling, as from something alive moving about, in the second month, lasting a long time. Pressive, tensive, crawling, sore sensation, mingled with transient stitches in the swollen spleen, relieved after the appearance of a violent catarrh, since the fourth week. Soreness, with tensive heaviness in the spleen. Jerking in the left hypochondrium, towards the epigastric (fourth day). Transient stitches in the spleen, with a very pale look. Sticking in the region of the spleen at determinate times, but particularly during dinner and supper (at intervals of four days). Sticking and burning pain in the spleen, extending into the back at the scapula. Violent sticking in the region of the spleen during a meal. Sticking in the region of the spleen, twice in succession, with consequent soreness there (first day). Sticking in the splenic region (third day). A piercing stitch in the left hypochondrium, after dinner, while sitting (first day). A few deep stitches in the left hypochondrium in the forenoon (sixth day). Umbilicus and Sides.

Feeling of soreness in and about the navel. Griping above the navel (soon, second day); (third and fourth days). Transient griping about the navel (within two hours). Slight griping above the navel, soon; the griping drew from the umbilical region towards the right groin, and occasioned there flying, often- returning pressing (after one hour); disappeared in the open air (after two hours). Constriction about the navel, soon disappearing (soon, seventy-first day). Slight searching and griping about the navel at 2 P.M. (thirty-fifth day). Twisting sensation in the umbilical region, with needle-like stitches and burning in the abdomen. Cutting pain above the navel, transversely through the abdomen, as in diarrhoea; in the evening, lasting two hours after the stool (sixty-sixth day).

Cutting above the navel, extending into the sacral region (twelfth day). Pain in the left abdominal muscles, as though a hook were drawn upward in them, a clawing from below upward.

Painful pressure in the right abdominal region, which disappeared on pressure with the hand, but became sensible again (during the whole day) on taking a deep inspiration, or on forcibly expiring.

Pressive fullness in the right side of the abdomen in the lumbar region, which makes breathing difficult, while lying in bed about 2 or 3 A.M. Without the slightest cause, cutting and griping in the left side of the abdomen (second day). Cutting pain deep in the left side of the abdomen. Pinching in the left side of the abdomen (after two hours and a half). Stitches in the left side of the abdomen which rendered walking difficult (after fourteen hours). Many stitches in the right side of the abdomen while lying on the same side, disappearing on pressure, and returning on walking in the open air. General Abdomen. Abdomen large.

Distension of the abdomen, with violent pressure towards the groins, and burning in the latter, together with pressure in the right side, and in the nape of the neck. Constant distension of the whole abdomen, like a drum. After dinner the abdomen seems puffed up like a drum, the clothes are too tight, so that he is obliged to loosen them, aggravated by smoking (eighty-second day). Distension of the abdomen, with a feeling as if it would fall down or out. The abdomen becomes very large after eating.

So inflated that she could not bear the strings about her body, after dinner (third and fourth days). Abdomen very much inflated (twenty-fourth day). Swelling of the abdomen, after dinner (twenty-third day); strong inflation of the abdomen, after dinner (twenty-sixth day); extraordinary distension of the abdomen, which seriously embarrassed the respiration, after dinner (twenty-ninth day). Distension of the abdomen by flatulence (after two hours). Inflation of the abdomen (fifteenth day); great inflation of the abdomen in the afternoon (thirty-first day); after dinner (forty-second day); (for an hour), and a couple of gripes in the intestines, after dinner (sixty-eighth day). Distension of the abdomen (nineteenth and sixty-fourth days). Inflation of the abdomen for an hour, which disappeared by eructations (after nine hours). Painful retraction of the abdomen between the pit of the stomach and the navel, extending around to the back, in frequent attacks, though without trouble in breathing, in one hitherto suffering from asthma (ninth month).

Unusually offensive flatus, with a bad taste in the mouth, and very offensive urine. Remarkably increased flatulence. Emission of the flatus without noise (after half an hour). Frequent emission of flatus, which had not much smell (eleventh day).

Shifting of flatulence with constipation (twenty-sixth day).

Emission of flatus (fourteenth day); copious (twenty-fifth day); in the evening and night (thirty-seventh day); the whole day (thirty-eighth day); an excessive quantity upwards and downward, during a walk (sixty-ninth to seventy-sixth day); emission of flatus (after one hundred and one days). Much flatus discharged at night (thirty-first day); frequent discharges of flatus, which were always accompanied by some moisture (thirty-fifth day); discharge of copious, inodorous flatus, and a hard unsatisfactory stool; in the morning (sixty-third day); copious inodorous flatus (sixty-ninth day). Discharge of much loud inodorous flatus (fifty-first day); emission of flatus both upward and downward immediately (fifty-eighth day); evacuation of much flatus (immediately, sixty-eighth day); discharge of flatus upwards and downwards (seventieth day); discharge of flatus (seventy-third day). Frequent borborygmus (sixteenth day). Flatulence at night (twenty-third day); discharge of much flatus during the night (twentieth day). Much flatulence was discharged towards morning (ninth night). Excessive flatulent troubles immediately after eating, the abdomen is greatly distended, with needle-like stitches, pressure and dragging, with emission of a little flatus. Rumbling in the abdomen; (thirteenth day). Audible rumbling in the abdomen (after one hour). Rumbling in the right side of the abdomen, after a stool (after ten hours). Very much and loudly rumbling flatulence in the abdomen constantly.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.