
The menses were suppressed, and in their place there was a watery discharge. The menses, usually very profuse and long lasting, now last only two days, and are very scanty, and the cessation is followed by a great rush of blood upward, with throbbing toothache, sleeplessness, and increased nervous weakness; the next time it is preceded by violent coryza, which affords relief; the menses appear as usual, more profuse, and lasting four days, with subsequent improvement. Menses at first very profuse, then suppressed for eight weeks, followed for three weeks by a constant discharge of blood mixed with mucus, with stinging burning-biting aching in the uterus, in the mother of several children. The menses, that had always been regular hitherto, now presented but a trace. The menses returned after they had ceased for over a year, in an unmarried woman fifty-two years old (third month). Menstruation recurs after fourteen days, lasts two days, omits on the third day, with violent pains in the head and teeth, returns on the fourth day, with disappearance of the pain; three days later, sensation in the night as if the abdomen and chest were pierced by many needles, followed by pressure on the chest (eleventh month). The menses occurred after five weeks, light- colored, and very scanty, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back. Eight days after the usual menses had ceased, discharge of blood reappeared, and lasted moderately for three weeks, associated with a corroding and biting leucorrhoea. The menses, that had long been absent, appeared, preceded by nosebleed, uneasiness in the lower extremities in the evening, so that she could not keep them still, with intermittent pressive pains in the abdomen, and itching in the skin over the whole abdomen, succeeded by well feeling. The menses appeared, with very violent pains in the back, chest, small of the back, and abdomen, distension of the pit of the stomach; the blood was very dark.

Menses accompanied by very painful forcing outward, as if something internal would fall out (this had never happened to her before). The menses came on with an unusual sick feeling, headache, blue nails, and general coldness, obliging lying down.

Menstruation accompanied by constant pressure in the stomach, retching and distension. Menstruation preceded by most violent constrictive pressing, sore pains in the genitals, with most acute tenesmus, without stool; with a feeling of faintness, so that she was obliged to lie down, and then vanishing of consciousness, with convulsive throwing about of the head and right arm always to the right; on regaining consciousness, she felt icy cold and stiff all over, which lasted through the night in bed, and disappeared only towards morning, with general weakness, after which the menses began to flow and discharged as usual, only they were brown in color (thirteenth month). Menses accompanied with colic and convulsive weeping. Menses preceded by violent toothache, affecting generally the whole left side of the head; they lasted three days, and after intermitting for one day, continued for five days more, in the night, after which there was an attack of nightmare, with anxious compressive oppression of the chest, so that she could not move a limb (thirteenth month).

Very acute voluptuous excitement in the genitals, with increased leucorrhoea, quite contrary to her will and habit.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. Increased secretion of mucus in the larynx and trachea, at night (fifteenth day). Constriction in the region of the os hyoides after eating ices (fifty-eighth day). Dryness and crawling in the larynx, provoking dry tickling cough.

Pressure in the larynx. Sensation of burning and constriction in the larynx. Scraping in the trachea, obliging him to cough (third day). The trachea feels spasmodically constricted in the morning on waking, obliging him to rise suddenly and walk about, after which there is relief. Burning sensation through the whole trachea, with at times hoarseness, worse from 6 to 8 P.M.

Pressing sticking in the left side of the trachea, just below the larynx, worse on swallowing (after three hours and a half).

Sticking in the trachea and region of the pit of the throat on breathing, for two days. Voice. A feeling in the throat as if a membrane were over the larynx, which prevented singing, especially of the high notes. Hoarseness. Hoarseness and violent cough, with stitches in the left breast and left scapula (soon).

Hoarseness in the morning and evening; in the morning bad-tasting expectoration, followed by disappearance of the hoarseness, in a tuberculous patient (fourth month). Hoarseness and fluent coryza (towards evening), (after eleven hours). Hoarseness, as from constriction in the pharynx. Somewhat deeper and hoarser voice on awaking, in the morning (forty-first day); hoarse, with frequent inclination to hawk, during the lecture (sixty-ninth day);hoarse during lecture and throat so choked with mucus that he was frequently obliged to hawk (seventy-third day). Hoarseness, and secretion of mucus in the fauces, obliging him to spit (forty- third to fifty-second day). Roughness of voice. Voice often low and husky, especially in the cold. Voice weak, toneless, scarcely audible, for a long time. Cough and Expectoration. Cough, which he regards as possibly caused by exposure to cold (after eight days). Cough, as if caused by pungent food, in the morning on rising (after twenty-five hours). Cough, immediately after eating. Violent cough, caused by tickling in the throat, for several mornings, lasting until the running of clear water from the mouth (sixth month). Constant cough at night lying down, obliging to rise, which gives relief; cough also during the day as soon as he lies down. Awakened from sleep early in the morning by a catching cough, with expectoration of frothy saliva, even to nausea. Spasmodic paroxysmal cough with whistling. Paroxysms of incessant, racking, spasmodic cough, even to vomiting, with a catching drawing in of completely expired breath, day and night, but worse at night, lasting a long time (fourth month). Constant dry irritable cough, even to vomiting, with short and difficult breathing. Constant dry tickling cough, especially at night in the open air, after loud talking and laughing. Dry cough, with stitches in the larynx. The dry cough, the constriction in spots on the thorax and in the corresponding parts of the lungs (frequently returning, very irritating, and annoying, compelling frequent deep inspirations, and ameliorated by wine and beer), first entirely disappeared in the coarse of about eight weeks.

Dry, frequent returning cough, which rendered me so anxious about my health that I discontinued the experiment. Short and hacking cough (seventy-eighth day). Repeated short dry cough. Dry, cough, increasing in a direct ratio with the duration of the experiment, becoming constantly more troublesome, and finally obliging me to lay aside the proving for a while. Frequent short dry cough (fourth and seventh days); frequent hacking cough (eighth day); frequent short dry cough, in the evening (tenth and eleventh days). Whooping-cough, in a grown girl. A paroxysm of fatiguing cough, like whooping-cough, with hoarseness and tickling in the larynx, which made her cough all night, with violent scratching and burning in the throat, with a sensation as if it continually became tighter, increasing even to vomiting, with increased leucorrhoea, with itching burning and sore spots in the groin (twelfth week). The whooping-cough decidedly diminishes within three days, and entirely disappears on the ninth day. (The tuberculosis cough, dyspnoea, and wasting fever immediately diminish; the hitherto suppressed menses return normally, and the hitherto profuse leucorrhoea begins to cease for days, during the first four weeks, followed by undisturbed gradual progressive cure, in a young girl). Cough, with expectoration of mucus, when eating; after eating, cough, with raising of tough mucus.

Constant cough, with very profuse yellow, pasty, sweetish expectoration of mucus, though without any difficult in breathing, in one convalescent from asthma. Cough, with expectoration of brown pieces of mucus. Cough, with expectoration of blood. Woke, in the morning, with great dryness of the nose, as in dry catarrh, soon followed by cough, with frothy, saliva- like, tasteless expectoration; the cough became worse and more fatiguing, associated with attempts to vomit, and ending with vomiting of mucus, at first tasteless, afterwards acrid and bitter; during the vomiting he broke into perspiration; during the cough there was a scraping-smarting feeling under the sternum, the whole paroxysm lasting half an hour; there remained for some time a tickling under the sternum, which caused cough for four or five minutes, with expectoration as before described (second day); spasmodic cough, with soreness and rawness in the chest, in the morning after waking (twenty-third day); tickling cough, with rawness and soreness beneath the sternum (twenty- sixth day); violent fatiguing cough, with expectoration of mucus, for three days (after twenty-six days); inclination to cough returns every night on waking, and also in the morning (twenty- eighth day); violent cough, in the evening, with pain (beneath the sternum; expectoration of tenacious mucus with great effort (thirty-seventh day); fatiguing cough, with retching, hawking, and vomiting of mucus, at 11 A.M. (fifty-fifth day); cough, with vomiting of mucus and rattling (sixty-sixth day); expectoration of mucus mixed with blood, when coughing (seventy-eighth day); violent fatiguing, spasmodic cough, in the morning on waking, which lasts more than half an hour, with expectoration and vomit- ing of mucus (ninety-fourth day); spasmodic cough every morning on waking, occasional paroxysms through the day, with tickling in the larynx (ninety-ninth day); fatiguing cough, with inclination to vomit, in three paroxysms; with the first, mucus ran from the mouth; after the third paroxysm he was obliged to hawk up mucus from the throat; frequently there were two attacks in succession (after six months); bloody mucus is expectorated with the cough (after six months). Short, dry, barking cough several times, in the morning (tenth day); at night, and on waking, several times, short interrupted convulsive cough, which is excited by an irritation in the larynx, and leaves an unpleasant dryness in it (twelfth day); on rising, considerable cough and roughness in the throat, disappearing by noon (fifteenth day); frequent cough, with raising of thick mucus, at night (twenty-third day); frequent dry hacking cough (twenty-fourth day); frequent dry hacking cough in the morning (twenty-fifth day); during the day (twenty-sixth day); frequent short, dry, interrupted cough (thirty-first day); raising of tough mucus, in the morning (forty-fifth day); frequent dry hacking cough (sixty-fifth day); frequent coughing up of mucus (sixty-sixth day); frequent hacking cough, in the morn-ing (sixty-seventh day); frequent short, dry, hacking cough (sixty-eighth day); frequent raising of mucus, leaving behind a feeling of sensitiveness in the larynx, in the morning after rising (sixty-ninth day); short, dry, hacking cough frequently comes on (seventy-first day); frequently a dry hacking cough (seventy-sixth day). Frequent dry hacking cough; afterwards, raising of mucus (eighth day); frequent dry hacking cough, two hours after dinner (seventy-second day); short, dry, troublesome cough, in the morning (twenty-fourth day); short, dry, interrupted cough, excited by tobacco-smoke, in the evening (twenty-eighth day); dry, short, hacking cough (thirty-first day); hacked up a thick tenacious mucus from the larynx, in the morning (thirty-third day); repeated coughing up of mucus (thirty-seventh day); slight raising of thick mucus (thirty- eighth day); frequent dry hacking cough on awaking, in the morning (forty-first day); frequent coughing up of thick mucus, in the morning (forty-second day); frequent coughing up and blowing from the nose, on awaking, frequent dry cough, in the evening (forty-third day); mucous cough, in the morning (forty- eighth day); frequent coughing up of thick mucus, in the morning (forty-ninth day); frequent cough, with raising of thick mucus, in the forenoon; short dry cough, in the afternoon and evening (fiftieth day); frequent raising of thick mucus, with slight cough (fifty-first day); cough up mucus once or twice in the morning, and frequently in the evening (fifty-third day); frequent slight coughing up of mucus (fifty-fourth day); slight coughing up of mucus, in the morning; frequent short dry cough, after dinner (fifty-sixth day); frequently coughed up thick mucus (fifty-seventh day); thick mucus was thrown off by slight coughing (fifty-ninth day); coughed up thick mucus several times, in the morning (sixty-second day); a couple of short dry coughs (sixty-ninth day); for several days past he has noticed that, while he is smoking a cigar, seated at a table, he is obliged to cough, dry, and interrupted, which was usually not the case (seventieth day); inclination to cough, and burning in the throat on the left side, near the larynx, which after-wards extended towards the left ear, with more of a feeling of soreness (seventy-first day); frequent dry cough (seventy-third day); coughing, with raising of mucus (seventy-fifth day). Cough, with copious excretion of mucus, in the morning, (seventeenth day); violent cough, with raising of mucus (eighteenth day); frequently coughed up mucus as thick as lard (nineteenth day); an attack of coughing, with raising of tenacious mucus, vomiturition, and strangling, towards noon; after this she felt ill and weak for half an hour, and had a return of more violent headache (twenty- first day); cough dry (twenty-fourth day). Hard white mucus loosens from the throat and is coughed up, which relieves the hoarseness. Frequent raising of mucus, with cough and reddened tonsils, without pain (seventeenth and eighteenth days). The expectoration of coughing begins to have a better taste, and at the same time the nightly ravenous hunger ceases. Spitting of blood twice while walking (fifty-fifth day). Respiration. Hurried breathing, at night (thirty-first day). Necessity of frequent deep breathing. Increased need of taking a deep breath on account of oppression of the chest (first day). Rattling of mucus, which is difficult to loosen, in the morning after waking, followed by vomiting of tasteless mucus (after twelve days). At times troubled by short breath, with tickling in the throat and hoarseness Frequent attacks of shortness of breath (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.