
Increased tensive pains in the chest, as if it were tightly constricted by a band stopping the breath, with great weakness and trembling, obliging one to lie quietly stretched out. Pain like a pressure in the chest, worse after eating. Cutting pains through the chest in different directions. Often tormented by a painful tearing drawing in the left side of the chest, in the neighborhood of the fifth and sixth ribs; this pain appeared when standing and sitting, disappeared when moving, and was rather diminished than increased by a deep inspiration (fifteenth and sixteenth days). In the morning, on waking, the upper part of the body felt bruised, so that he could not move, could not turn over in bed on account of stitches and pain in the chest, which disappeared on rising (fifty-seventh day). Sensation as though he had strained or injured himself by lifting a heavy weight, in the left side of the chest, close to the pit of the stomach (after six hours and a half). Bruised sensation in the chest, in the afternoon (ninth day); (thirteenth day). Scraping in the chest, forcing him to cough (soon, second day). Feeling of heat in the whole chest. The chest smarter internally, as if sore, especially during the dry cough, which appeared from time to time. Burning aching over the whole chest and abdomen, with violent stitches in the left side, making it difficult to breath, with tympanitis and cough, with expectoration of gray, gelatinous, salt pieces.

Burning in the isolated spots under the skin, particularly on the right side of the chest (sixty-second day). Burning externally over the lower ribs of the right side (seventieth day). Transient stitches in the chest. A single stitch through the lower portion of the lungs, from behind forward. This was accompanied by a bruised sensation in the chest, with dulness of the head, sad mood, and discouragement, being the same in the open air and in the room (thirteenth day). Vague stitches in the left lung.

Transient stitch, pains on both sides of the thorax, extending to the armpits (seventy-first day). Succeeding sneezing, there was very violent sticking in the lower part of the right lung, lasting from 3 till 11 P.M., when, although very severe before, it disappeared at once; this sticking was greatly aggravated by sneezing, deep breathing, and coughing (nit by movement), (thirteenth day). Sudden stitches in the chest at times, which took away his breath, so that he was obliged to rub vigorously, which removed the sticking (after six months). Violent, dull, intermittent stitches in the chest, extending inward from the left axilla (after twelve hours). Stitches like lightning transversely through the chest. Several stitches coming from the interior of the chest (first day). Violent pulsation in the chest, felt over its whole surface. Front and sides. Pressure under the sternum. Pressing in the middle of the sternum, at 6 P.M. (eighth day). Pressing in a small spot under the sternum, which gradually extended to the scrobiculus, in the afternoon and evening (eleventh day). Pressing and fine sticking under the sternum (first day). Pressure in the sternum, not affecting the respiration (first day). Constant pressure in the middle of the chest, with sticking pains during the attempt to inspire deeply.

Pressing in the middle of the chest upward into the neck, causing difficult respiration. Pressure upon the sternum, in the afternoon, after smoking, so that he could not breath freely; at night times, three times violent pressure on the sternum, which woke him, lasting a only a few seconds (sixty-third day). Annoyed through the whole day with a crawling, pressive pain in the left side of the sternum, which was confined to a spot about the size of a dollar, remained the same in rest or motion, and finally left a feeling as though the spot were sore (nineteenth day).

Painful oppression under the sternum (increased by deep inspiration) and in the inguinal region. Knocking in the chest under the sternum, extending to the sacrum, when lying on the back. Very violent spasmodic pain in the sternum, on waking, as if everything in it would be screwed together with screws; after lasting half an hour it was followed by choking cough, ending with vomiting of white frothy saliva (eleventh month). A peculiar pain in the middle of the chest, close to the left side of the sternum, in a place as large as half a dollar, as if beaten with violent blows of a hammer, worse at night (fourth week).

Anxious gnawing in the middle of the chest. Troublesome clawing in the sternum, about 2 P.M. (seventh day). Repeatedly during the day a cutting pain perpendicularly through the middle of the chest, from below upward, as far as the pit of the throat.

Cutting under the sternum, which embarrasses the respiration (second day). Slight burning under the sternum (third day); continued burning along the whole length of the sternum (eighth day). Dull sticking pain near the lower part of the middle portion of the sternum, on the right side (fourth day).

A painless swelling of the bone of the left sixth rib diminishes in size during the first six weeks, and gradually disappears entire during the next six months, in a chlorotic, rickety girl of fourteen years, and at the same time the spine, previously curved to the left, became straight and firm. Pressing in the right side of the chest, all the afternoon, accompanied in the evening with sticking, which extended into the sacral region (fifteenth day). Pressing in the left side of the chest, in the evening, relieved after a stool (sixteenth day). Pressing in the left side of the chest, particularly troublesome in the region of the fifth ribs (sixteenth day). Pressing in the left side of the chest (fifth seventh day). Pressing in the right side of the chest, particularly noticeable when breathing deeply, and when bending the body (fourth day). Pressing to the left under the short ribs (fourth day); the pressing pain appeared at the lower extremity of the right side of the chest, after getting up; it was somewhat violent at first, but decreased very much during the day, without, however, entirely disappearing (fifth day). A sudden thrust from before backwards to the right half of the chest, in the forenoon (first day); a return of the chest pain, but in the left half (second day). A pain in the right chest beneath the arm (after three hours and a half). Pinching pain in the region of the fifth and sixth ribs. Tearing in the clavicle, making respiration painful. Cutting from below upward on the right side near the sternum (first day). Cutting in the right side of the chest, extending from the sternum to the right elbow (second day). Stitches in both sides of the thorax under the mammae, both during respiration and not respiring (third day); afterwards these stitches often returned, and did not seem to be connected with the respiration. Sticking in both sides of the chest (first day). Sticking, causing soreness, in the sternal end of the clavicle. Very painful stitch on the right side, near the sternum, on the fourth true rib, repeated in only on spot (first day). Sticking on the right side near the middle portion of the sternum (first day). Sticking in the region of the fifth true rib on the right side (first day). Single stitches in the lower half of the right side of the chest (eighth day). Flying stitches on the right side near the sternum, for a quarter of an hour, at noon; these stitches had this peculiarity, that instead of being aggravated, they disappeared on a deep inspiration, and returned again only on the succeeding expiration (sixty-second day).

Sticking at one time in the right, at another in the left side of the chest (first day). Sticking in the middle of the right side of the chest, near the sternum (after a quarter of an hour). Some painful stitches in the side of the chest, within, after sneezing, at 4 P.M. (fifteenth day); very severe stitches in the lower part of the right side of the chest, at 6 A.M. (sixteenth day). Sticking beating in the middle of the right side of the chest. A crawling sticking in the right chest (after three hours). Stitches in the whole left side of the chest, as if pierced through the outer portion to the scapula. Acute sticking in the left upper half of the chest, in the forepart, extending to the scapula, with a sensation of swelling and some redness of the skin. Violent stitches in the left side of the chest, which frequently returned throughout the day (third and fourth days). A repeated violent stitch in the left side of the chest, in the evening (seventeenth day); a violent stitch in the left side of the chest, increased by inspiration, in the evening (twenty- fourth day). Two flying, very painful stitches low down in the left side of the chest, late in the evening, when going home (sixty-first day). Several stitches periodically in the left side of the chest, apparently deep in the pectoralis major muscle (fourteenth day). Stitches in the left side, about the heart.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.