
Tearing drawing in the right lower jaw in the evening. Tearing pains in the under jaw, which began on both sides, in the region of the joint, ran forward together in a line to the chin, united, and simultaneously disappeared. Flying tearing in separate jerks, from the angle of the under jaw to the os hyoides, pretty deep in the integuments (forty-fifth day). Stitches in the lower jaw coming out of the ear. Needle-like stitches in the left lower jaw (after one hour and a half). Violent drawing stitch in the angle of the left lower jaw, disappearing after touch (after eight minutes). A boring stitch in the right side of the under jaw (sixty-first day). Sticking pain in the left lower jaw, afterwards some acute stitches, as with needles in the left side of the brain, towards morning (sixty-seventh day).


Teeth. Grating of the teeth at night. The teeth become a dirty yellow, which persists. (The teeth which had been yellow during the first part of the proving began to be whiter), (fifty-ninth day). Bleeding of all the teeth, in two paroxysms, in one day.

Looseness of the teeth, which are also in part crumbly. The teeth seem loose and sensitive to every touch. All her teeth seemed loose in the morning (nineteenth day). Sensation in the lower front teeth, as if the gum were loosened from the teeth, the gum is red, with dark-blue points, and with a white suppurating margin around the necks of the teeth. All the teeth are painfully sore, making chewing impossible. Sore pain beneath the last right teeth. Great sensitiveness of the front teeth, cold and warmth cause breaking (fifty-third day). Increased sensitiveness of the eye-teeth, a rigid sensation on biting on them, with vertigo and dulness of the head (sixty-eighth day). Toothache from evening till midnight, dull, as from fine pressure upon a nerve, with at times jerking in it. Toothache in all the back teeth of both sides, increasing from day to day, only caused by chewing while eating, and rendered intolerable when biting upon them; lasting a long time (fifth month). Dull toothache in the left side, as if the teeth were affected by acids, together with aching in the left side of the forehead, and increased desire to urinate. A continuous digging and burning pain in the upper hollow molars of the right side. (Toothache removed by a dose of Mercurius Sol 3), (third day); the toothache returned, whenever he entered a warm room from the street, and remained there a little while; cold water was the only palliative (fourth day). The toothache again made its appearance, but only under similar circumstances (fourth day); after walking in the open air, he entered a warm room, when the above-described toothache again made its appearance, but soon abated, and disappeared on using cold water. This symptom returned as often as he entered a closed apartment and remained in it for awhile. It was immediately diminished by inhaling the air at an open window for a few minutes (eleventh day). The toothache returned ten minutes after having entered a room without fire, in the forenoon (first day); the toothache made its appearance again in the usual paroxysms (thirteenth day); toothache came on again as often as he entered a closed apartment from the open air (fifteenth to thirty-third day). A continued digging pain in the two hollow upper molars of the right side, relieved by cold water, but increased by warm soup and tobacco-smoke (fourth day). Burrowing and hammering toothache aggravated by every touch of the tongue, and worse at night, with a dark-red gum, and with swelling of the cheek, painful to touch (second month). Ulcerating toothache, lasting a long time, coming and going. Constant corroding pain in the hollow tooth, affecting the whole side of the head, aggravated by all cold (drinks or air), and also by chewing (after four days).

Breaking toothache in the front teeth, caused by cold drink (sixty-seventh day). Pressing pain in the hollow tooth on blowing the nose. Sudden pressive pain in the root of an old tooth, followed by the formation of an ulcer on the gum (after thirteen months). After every cup of his accustomed tea he suffered from a violent pressing pain in the first lower molar, as if the tooth were splitting asunder, a pain which afterwards extended over the whole upper and lower jaw, and gradually disappeared (after one hour). Acute nervous drawing in the front teeth. Sharp drawing toothache in the lower teeth, extending from below upward, frequently without cause, usually worse while eating. Drawing in the lower incisors, immediately (tenth day); several times (sixteenth day). Wandering drawing pains in the hollow teeth for two days (after thirteen days). Tearing in the teeth of the left side, in the afternoon (thirty-fourth day). Paroxysm of tearing toothache, every night, at midnight. Tearing in the teeth, requiring daily, from 10 to 11 A.M., and in the evening. Tearing pains in the right lower teeth, with swelling of the cheek, extending as far as below the chin, preventing opening the mouth, with pains in the throat that make swallowing difficult. Violent tearing toothache, day and night, extending through all the teeth, suddenly coming and going, lasting four weeks. Violent tearing toothache drives him out of bed at night. Sudden violent tearing in the first left lower molar, suddenly extending over the whole lower jaw (after three-quarters of an hour). Jerking pain in hollow tooth, in the morning. Feeling of numbness in the incisors (thirty-seventh day). Tolerably strong, jumping- sticking pain in a hollow tooth of the left under jaw, which had never ached before; the pain appeared only upon the day of taking the drug, and about three to four hours after its administration; it disappeared again under the subsequent remarkably large doses.

Sticking pain in an incisor. A sudden stitch in a hollow tooth, in the evening while eating (sixteenth day). Toothache, like a hacking or sharp throbbing in the gum. Throbbing in the teeth, with tearing, swelling of the left cheek, under the chin and in the mouth, as from an abscess, which would break, with stitches in it, with a faint sick feeling, loss of appetite, very coated tongue, a sensation of emptiness in the whole fore part of the abdomen, lasting two days, and disappear-ing very suddenly on the third day. Gums. The gum bleeds easily, and is sore to touch. The gum is swollen, with streaks of dark redness, and with large distended veins, and in many spots, as also on the lips, covered with superficial white ulcers, with constant tearing toothache and headache. Great swelling of the gum and tongue, which are painful any time she takes anything hard into the mouth, or eats.

Gum swollen and painfully sore. A white superficial chancre-like ulcer on the inflamed gum, by a lower incisor, in a five-year old sickly boy, after vaccination (sixth month). Tartar forms on the gum, so that the gum is painful to touch, and bleeds profusely, for several days (sixty-first day). Sensitiveness of the gums of the molars, at noon (ninth day). A momentary darting pain in the gums of the right upper jaw, during the siesta at 4.30 P.M.

(tenth day). Sore sensation in the left lower gum when touched (after forty-eight hours). The gum is painful in spots, as if inflamed, with transient shooting pain through single teeth. A sore aching in the gum and a lower incisor, every evening.

Sticking jerking through the gum of the last lower molar (after thirty-four hours). Tongue. Tongue swollen, especially, on the right side, he bites it easily, frequently recurring (ninth month). Tongue is thickened, though with white cracks on the margin, and the whole upper surface covered with numerous dark red, blunted papillae towards the posterior portion. Ulcer on the left margin of the tongue, indurated, painfully sensitive to touch (twenty-second week). A painful ulcer on the left margin of the tongue, afterwards on the right margin (after six months).

Small white vesicles on the tongue resembling miliary rash (twentieth day); vesicles, which had almost vanished, reappeared with burning, especially after eating warm food. This was accompanied with painful compression in the region of both malleoli of the left foot, and slight burning during urination, the urine being redder than usual (twenty-fourth day). A white blister on the side of the tongue, close to its root, which is painfully sore. Tongue coated slimy. The tongue is covered with thick brown mucus. Tongue coated white, without thirst. Tongue somewhat furred, and half dry (twenty-fifth day); thickly-coated tongue (forty-sixth day). Tongue furred (thirty-seventh day).

Burning and redness of the tip of the tongue, which is frequently covered with sore points. Sensation of falling asleep of the tongue when eating, with the same sensation constantly in the tips of the all the fingers (fourteenth day). Dryness of the tongue (soon, thirteenth day). Tongue dry at the point (twenty- sixth day). The tip of the tongue is painfully sore to touch.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.