
Pressing, with stupefaction, when moving the head to one side.

Pressure and roaring in the head, with great weakness. Violent painful pressure here and there in the head, only momentary (after two hours). Boring pressure in the head. Drawing headache. Drawing from the head over the nape and back to the sacral region (thirteenth day). He awoke with very acute drawing and pressive headache, extending from behind through the whole head to the root of the nose, most violent in the forehead, associated with a peculiar burrowing faint feeling in the stomach, lasting all day. Drawing headache, preventing sleep at night, first in the forehead, then in the occiput, with dizzy heaviness and fullness in the whole head, and with a qualmish uneasiness in the pit of the stomach; twice, paroxysms of cutting colic, with a soft but normally formed stool; very rapid pulse, anxiety, and spasmodic drawing in the right lower extremity, calf, and toes, ending with an emission. Intolerable tearing in the whole head drives him from bed at night and obliges him to walk about, always becoming worse on lying down. Sticking headache; (thirty-fifth day). Sticking in the head, in the evening, relieved after an evacuation (sixteenth day); violent, in the morning on rising, especially on moving (eighteenth day); when walking, in the afternoon (twenty-first day). Boring sticking in the head and right eye. Stitches through the brain from below upward, especially when coughing. Sticking pain in the brain from the neck up to the vertex. At times dull stitches ran through the brain, generally in the direction of the eyebrows, and from the eyeball to the occiput. Stitches from below upward through the whole brain. Stitches in the head, worse on suddenly turning the head, when running. Jerk like stitch through the whole head, which leaves a pressing sensation (after one hour).

Violent tearing stitch through the right half of the brain from the occiput to the forehead (after eleven hours). Sensation as though the brain were raised several times in succession (first day). A sore sensation on the middle of the head. Sensation of numbness and tingling in the left half of the brain and in the left ear (after three hours). A burning pain in the head, extending through the heart into the lower extremities, especially into the calves. Headache, like beating waves, about the whole head, ending with a reeling lying down. Forehead.

Dulness of the head in the forehead, in the evening (forty- seventh day). Dull Headache over the whole frontal region (lasting an hour), (after a quarter of an hour, fifth day). Dull stunning headache in the frontal region and vertex, which, however, did not last long (seventeenth day). Frontal headache (fortieth day); in the evening (twenty-ninth day). Headache in the frontal region (seventh day); with heat in the cheeks (after one hour, thirty- fifth day). Aching in the forehead, with failure of the sight, in the evening (fourth day); headache continued (fifth day); lasting pressing headache in the forehead, with burning in the eyes (nineteenth day); headache in the forehead, in the evening (twenty-fifth day). Aching pain, especially in the frontal eminences of the temples, at 8 P.M. (seventeenth day). Transient pain in the forehead and in the left side of the face, a sort of twitching (after one hour). Some headache in the forehead on awaking (seventeenth day). Headache in the region of the forehead and eyebrows, such as usually precedes a catarrh (fifth day). Aching in the forehead, with obstruction in the nose, in the morning (seventh day). Headache in the forehead, with warmth (third day). Some headache in the forehead. Headache in the anterior part of the head, which is covered with hair, as though compressed, in the evening (twelfth day). Slight headache in the forehead after dinner (twentieth day). In the evening, after much conversation in company, a pressing headache began in the forehead, extended gradually towards the vertex, and slowly disappeared (thirty-sixth day); ache in the forehead, which, after an hour, merged into the sensation as if a wedge were driven into the temple; sneezing did not aggravate the headache, but motion of the head and swallowing had that effect (thirty- seventh day); pressing in the forehead and in the right temple, in the evening (forty-sixth day); on waking, ache in the forehead, which disappeared again after half an hour (forty- seventh day); aching in the forehead on waking, disappearing by degrees after rising, but returned about 9.30, became heavy and pressing, and only vanished after four hours (seventieth day).

Violent aching in the left frontal sinus, extending into the upper jaw, ending with sudden sneezing and running from the nose, in the evening. Alternately boring, sticking, griping, lightning-like piercing headache in the forehead, in and above the eyes and in the nasal bones, worse in the morning fasting, better while eating and lying down. A drawing intermittent pain in the left side of the forehead, and at the same time symptoms of colic, accompanied by emission of flatus (sixth day); at 9 A.M., a pain in the left side of he forehead when writing, which continued the whole forenoon (ninth day). A painful drawing in the left frontal eminence (while walking in the open air), at 10 A.M. (ninth day); on waking, 5.30 A.M., a dull drawing pain in the right frontal eminence, extending as far as the right orbit and the right nasal bone, setting in paroxysms, and ending at 8 o’clock (twelfth day); painful drawing in the right side of the forehead, ceasing and returning several times, at 10 A.M.

(twelfth day); drawing headache in the right forehead (thirteenth day); a clawing-aching pain in the left frontal eminence becoming fixed in a small place (for a few minutes), accompanied with rumbling in the bowels (after two hours, thirteenth day).

Transitory pain in the left frontal eminence, as if a nail were driven in it. This pain disappeared at once on touching the part, returned, however, immediately at the superior posterior angle of the left parietal bone, as if a convex button were pressed against that part (fourth day); digging headache in the left frontal eminence at 5 P.M., returning several times at short intervals, and alternating with the sensation as if a convex button were pressed upon the part near the vertex. This sensation, which ceased immediately upon the parts being touched, and returned again as soon as the contacts ceased, was experienced several times in the right mastoid process, in the left parietal bone, and under the right clavicle (fifth day); a momentary pressure, as of a nail which had been driven in, in the left frontal eminence (while walking in the street), at 7 P.M.

(sixth day); a transitory pain in the left frontal eminence, as of a nail which had been driven in, in the evening (seventh day); a beating tearing, with sensation of heat, in the right frontal eminence (eighth day); on waking, drawing pain in the left frontal eminence (this pain had already made its appearance in the evening after lying down), (ninth day); headache in the forehead over the left eyebrow, extending as far as the right side of the forehead, in the forenoon, when walking in the open air (ninth day); a few moments after waking, complete hemicrania in the left side of the forehead. It was a violent drawing pain, commencing directly over the left upper eyelid, extending perpendicularly upward through the middle of the left eyebrow, and dividing in the left frontal eminence into a number of threads and rays, which penetrated deep into the brain. This symptom lasted a few minutes, and disappeared as rapidly as it came (twelfth day). Drawing-pressive headache in the forehead, especially in the right eye, as if pressed deep into the skull (fifty-ninth day). Frequent pressing in the forehead (after second day); and sticking in the forehead, disappeared while waling in the open air (fifth day); pressing in the middle of the forehead (ninth day). Pressing pain in the frontal and occipital regions, in the evening (second day); pressing in the forehead, lasting all day (fifth day). Slight pressive headache over the right superciliary eminence (after 1st dil.). Pressing in the forehead (first day); in the middle of the forehead (soon, second day); in the forehead, at 6 P.M. (eighth day). Headache in the forehead, pressing, the whole day (first day). Pressing in the right side of the forehead (soon, second day). Very violent pressing aching in the forehead lasting all day (twelfth day). A pressive pain transversely across the forehead (after half an hour). Dull drawing pressure transversely across the forehead, as if a weight were sinking down in it (after four hours and a half). Jerk like pressure in the left frontal eminence extending down to the eye (after four hours and a half). Headache, consisting of a pressure, bruised and tearing sensation, extending from the forehead to the occiput, on waking from sleep, disappearing after sleeping again. Violent constrictive pressure on the left frontal eminence externally, which seems to press the upper lid downward (after one hour and a half). Distressing pressive pain in the forehead and eyes, every morning after rising, lasting a long time, after two months, and constantly recurring with interruptions. Sharp lancinating pain in the left frontal eminence, in the afternoon (forty-sixth day). Maddening twitching in the right frontal eminence, in the evening (first day). Repeated tearing in the forehead (second day). Sticking pain in the forehead. Sticking in the left side of the forehead (third and fourth days). Dull sticking in the left frontal region (first day). Single stitches in the right frontal region (fifth day). Needle like stitches, especially from before backward, in the forehead (after five hours and a half). Repeated transitory stitch in the left frontal eminence (second day). Stitches in the left side of the forehead (within two hours); sticking pain in the frontal eminences (after second day). Frequent stitches in the frontal eminences (first day); sticking in both frontal eminences (lasting the whole day, and continually increasing), (second day); on awaking, sticking pain in the left frontal eminence (third day); stitching in the forehead and in different parts of the body, especially in the shoulders, arms, and legs (fourth day); sticking in the left frontal eminence, at 6 P.M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.