
Throat dry and rough, and some difficulty in swallowing (twelfth day). Dryness of the throat, and painful deglutition with the chill (sixth day). Scraping in the throat (first day). Scraping in the throat and inclination to cough (third day); the scraping continued, with frequent cough (fifth day); scraping in the throat, compelling him to cough (thirteenth day); with cough (twenty-sixth day); with frequent cough (thirty-fourth day).

Sensation of a hair in the throat. Sensation mostly like a plug in the throat, which he attempts to relieve by coughing.

Sensation of roughness in the throat came on and lasted until afternoon (after one hour, eighth day); feeling of roughness on the tongue, hard palate, and in the throat (immediately, ninth day). Scraping in the throat provoking dry cough (first night).

Scraping and roughness in the throat (tenth day). Scraping in the throat after eating ices (fifty-eighth day). Feeling of roughness in the throat, lasting some hours (fourth day). Feeling of roughness in the throat, in the evening (tenth and eleventh days). Feeling of roughness in the throat, which soon went off, then for an hour, a feeling in the throat as if there were a painless tumor there (fifth day). A little roughness in the throat (thirteenth day). Roughness in the throat, with continual inclination to hawk, and with a deeper tone of the voice, in the morning, disappearing again after breakfast (fifty-eighth day).

Roughness in the throat, in the morning (sixty-seventh day).

Throat rough, scraping, as if it would become inflamed (after fourteen months). Irritation of the throat causing a dry hacking cough (after thirteen months). An acrid sensation in the throat suddenly provoking cough. Burning, as from bitterness in the throat. Burning in the throat, obliging him to hawk (soon, thirty-eighth day). Cutting-burning pain in the throat close to the larynx, with swelling of the glands of the right and left side, with stitches extending into the ear, and heavy swollen tongue preventing swallowing (forth month). Pressure in the back part of the throat on swallowing. Pressure and sticking in the throat when laughing and talking. Scraping, pressure, and salt mucus in the throat. Pressure in the throat increases so that the trachea seems to become constantly narrower. Biting and bubbling in the throat, rising up from low down in the left side.

Sticking in the throat. Sticking in the pit of the throat.

Sticking-tearing drawing in the throat, and a sore sensation, with heat in it when coughing (first day). Crawling in the throat preventing loud talking. Uvula and Tonsils. The uvula seems to be lengthened, in the afternoon (third day). The arch of the palate, uvula, tonsils, and fauces suddenly became inflamed and dark red, and covered with superficial white ulcers, especially on the uvula, from the tip of which a piece is lost, with the most profuse salivation, bad odor from the mouth, sleeplessness, and inability to swallow. Tonsils and inner throat swollen. Tonsils vividly reddened, in the afternoon (third day); red (nineteenth day). Slight swelling of the tonsils, painful and inducting frequent deglutition (twentieth day). Fauces and Pharynx. Fauces dry (ninth night). Violent thrust like stitches in the right side of the fauces suddenly extending into the ear, with a sensation in the ear, on opening and closing the mouth, as if there were an opening in it through which the air could penetrate (after six hours and a half). Dryness of the pharynx (twenty- ninth, thirtieth, and thirty-first days). A slight pain in the right side of the pharynx, extending to the ear; swallowing somewhat impeded (ninth day); returned in the afternoon, with a feeling of dryness and increased thirst, and wholly vanished again in the evening (tenth day). Swallowing. Inclination to swallow. Difficult swallowing without any apparent cause, in the throat (third day). Difficulty of swallowing, with gurgling and cracking in the throat. Sudden inability to swallow anything, as if the throat were paralyzed without pain, swelling or redness, together with paroxysms of accumulation of saliva in the mouth, and a feeling of tightness in the throat (fourteenth month).

Sensation as if he could not swallow on account of mucus, and as if the pharynx were contracted; after hawking, the throat feels raw. Painful swallowing (thirty-fifth day). External Throat.

Swelling of the cervical glands (after five hours, third day); at 6 P.M. (eighth day). Swollen glands in the neck and groins. The parotid and neck seem swollen, with pulsation on stooping.

Salivary glands very much swollen, much salivation. Pain in the (swollen) cervical glands so that he could not lie down at night.


Appetite and Thirst. Great appetite (fifteenth day). Canine hunger, with thirst (seventeenth day). Dinner was devoured with a veritable canine appetite (twenty-second day). Hunger, with pain in the stomach. Ravenous hunger, in the evening (first day).

Irresistible longing in the stomach to at every hour, in the forenoon. Very keen appetite. Great desire to eat, with loss of appetite and aversion to food. Ravenous hunger frequently repeated, even waking from sleep at night. Took my lunch about 12.30, which was earlier than usual, feeling hungry; about an hour after looked pale, with feeling of emptiness in the stomach, as if from want of food, which soon went off; after this, more tired than usual, at the Dispensary (eighth day). At about 10.30 A.M., while walking, he was attacked with such deadly hunger that he came near fainting and was obliged, at a very unwonted time, to eat something in a neighboring tavern; this symptom was repeated in the evening of the same, and of the following day (fifty-sixth day). Does not feel satisfied after the usual meal.

Appetite, but does not relish food, and after eating, weakness and anxiety, with palpitation. Moderate appetite at noon (twelfth day); uncommonly strong appetite which must be appeased, towards evening (thirty-fifth day). Appetite for only cold things. Great desire to smoke, which he had not experienced up to this time (thirty-sixth day). The lost appetite for meat returns (after fourteen days). Longing for milk. Appetite decreased (twentieth and twenty-first days); (third day). Complete loss of appetite, etc. Less appetite than usual for lunch, and eat very little; yet I did not feel unusually hungry at dinner-time (third day).

Breakfast did not relish, and while at table, slight vomiturition (twentieth day); but little appetite at noon (thirty-first day).

Want of appetite, especially in the evening (third day). Want of appetite, with great thirst and dryness of the mouth (sixth day); no appetite (thirty-fifth to thirty-seventh day). Loss of appetite, no relish for food. Constant aversion to all food, with never a sensation of hunger. She has no desire to eat, yet everything eaten is relished. Tobacco-smoke is not as agreeable as at other times, in the evening (twenty-first day). No desire to smoke. Loss of desire to smoke; whenever he attempted it, he immediately had a desire for stool (after twelve months).

Aversion to meat; (second and third days). Aversion to potatoes, of which hitherto she was especially fond. Aversion to milk.

Increased thirst (twenty-fourth day). Thirst for water (forty- ninth day). Great thirst on waking, in the morning (after twelve months). Very thirsty after dinner (third, fourth, and eleventh days); great thirst and cold over the whole body, with drowsiness (twelfth day); thirst, with alternations of heat and cold, the latter especially in the dorsal and sacral region, with hot head and face during the day; coldness before midnight, warmth towards morning, perspiration finally (seventeenth day). Violent thirst (fortieth day). Very great and constant thirst, alternating with complete loss of desire to drink. Great thirst and dryness of the mouth, with the want of appetite (sixth day); much thirst in the afternoon (thirteenth day); much thirst (thirty-fifth day).

Thirst, without heat, in the morning on rising. Violent thirst for cold drinks all day, without heat (after eight hours); thirst for cold drinks before dinner, and for some time afterwards (after ten and eleven hours). Little thirst. Eructations, etc.

Perpetual eructations (twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and thirty-first days). Copious eructations of wind, for two days (after thirteen days). Frequent eructations of wind, in the afternoon (thirty-first day). Ineffectual attempts to eructate.

Slight eructations all day. Frequent eructations during the customary smoking (after seventeen hours). Frequent eructations, with nausea (immediately, tenth day). Frequent eructations of wind (one hour after second dose, second day); (eighteenth day).

Frequent eructations of wind, preceded each time by painful constriction of the stomach, in the forenoon (thirty-fourth day).

Incessant eructations of air while eating. Many eructations, with diarrhoea. On drinking water, the last swallow returns through the nose, not when eating. Increasing development of gas in the stomach and intestines, with almost incessant eructations, repeated in constantly renewed paroxysms, at times less, at times greater. Great uprisings of acidity from the stomach. Eructations for several hours after each dose. Eructations and emission of flatus relieved the cramp in the stomach and chest, the anxiety, palpitation, cramps in the muscles, and the pains in the ulcers on the feet. Empty eructations, after which he was obliged to lie down, the eyes close, but he could not sleep, yawned a great deal; after half an hour he rose and felt very weak, and his legs felt beaten (fifty-fifth day). Very violent eructations, with heartburn and acidity in the stomach. Unusual violent and continued eructations of air from the distended stomach. Rancid eructations. Frequent eructations, as of a rancid grease (twenty eighth day); rancid eructations (thirty-second day). Frequent eructations (after two hours); continued rancid eructations (eighth day); rancid eructations for eight hours (thirteenth day). Eructations tasting of food during the customary smoking (after eight hours). Frequent eructations of food, with the taste of the drug, the whole afternoon (after 900 drops).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.