
He frequently makes mistakes in talking and writing, with confusion of the head, vertigo, fluttering and flickering before the eyes, so that he could not see distinctly (after six months).

He makes mistakes in talking, and writing, and in looking (after twelve months). Makes frequent mistakes in writing (after thirteen months). Makes mistakes in talking very frequently, for several days (forty-fifth day); makes mistakes in talking and writing, for several days (sixty-second day). When writing, she omits words, so that it is difficult to write a letter (sixty- fifth day); makes many mistakes in talking and writing, omits syllables and words (after ten months). Thoughts vanish, with vertigo. Sudden vanishing of though with dull headache.

Vanishing of thought and senses, as in delirium. Thoughts vanish, so that she does not know what she is about to say. Quiet absorbed in himself, without thought, unsteady, she walks about from place to place without knowing what she wants. After rising, she is unable to go with her dressing, and constantly requires the reminding assistance of others. Inattention to what was going on about him. Inability to fix the attention and to think, with crawling in the hands and head. While reading, he is unable to follow the meaning understandingly. She could no longer recognize her acquaintances, and could not recall those she had lately seen, even if they had but just been seen by her. Memory very weak; he forgets everything which he does not write down; has great difficulty in fixing the attention (after twelve months). Forgetfulness; (twenty-first day). Continued loss of thought. Could scarcely collect his senses for half an hour, in the morning on waking. Stupid, as if intoxicated, especially in the morning. Felt as if stupefied, sleepy, and weak for four hours after the dose (thirtieth day); stupefaction and weakness again, but not lasting so long (thirty-first day). Stupefaction (effects of the alcohol?), (first and second days); stupefied (twenty-fifth day). Constant coma for two or three days (sixth week).


Confusion and Vertigo. Head constantly confused and weary. Head confused, as if intoxicated (twenty-second day). Confusion of the head the whole forenoon (tenth day). The head seems confused while sitting and walking (after six hours and a half). Dull confusion in the head (fourth day). Dull confusion of the head, with general debility, in the morning (thirteenth and twenty- third days). Dull confusion of the occiput, ending in a pressing headache, which lasted half an hour (first day). At noon, dull confusion in the forehead, which disappeared at midnight (after two hours, tenth day). Dull confusion in the head, with the nose symptoms (fifth day). Obscuration of the forehead, immediately.

Dull confusion of the head, in the evening (tenth day); for half an hour (twenty-first day). Head somewhat confused, especially in the forehead, at noon (twelfth day); dull confusion, in the forenoon and after supper (sixteenth day); in the morning, dull confusion in the head, especially in the region of the forehead and temples, which an hour after began to increase and extended over the vertex, but subsequently entirely disappeared (twentieth day); in the forehead, in the evening (twenty-first day); with shuddering (fifty-sixth day); after dinner (sixty-seventh day); at noon (sixty-eighth day). Vertigo, etc. Slight vertigo (effects of the alcohol), (twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and thirty- first days); vertigo (fortieth day). Vertigo soon disappearing (immediately); slight vertigo (third day). A kind of vertigo; objects about the room seem to move (twenty-first day). Frequent attacks of vertigo and diminished sleep (after nine hours); vertigo frequently made its appearance when sitting or lying down (seventeenth day). Head felt cloudy, immediately (effect of the alcohol?). Giddiness and obtuseness more violent than before.

Vertigo, in the evening on going out (fifth day). Vertigo and heat for half an hour (after two hours). Vertigo when seated, returning as in pushes every minute (after a quarter of an hour).

Vertigo coming on suddenly after dinner (while looking up).

Vertigo on moving the head sideways. Head dizzy, as if stupefied, in the morning (nineteenth day). Repeated attacks of vertigo (after every dose). Vertigo, so that he could scarcely walk without holding on to something, after a siesta of three-quarters of an hour (twelfth and thirteenth days); turns of vertigo after talking long and when walking (seventeenth day). Vertigo, with fullness in the head (third day); vertigo at home, with vanishing of the letters when reading (fourth day). Upon being waked from his siesta, he became quite giddy, and had great trouble in collecting his thoughts (ninth day); a sudden sensation of giddiness while writing, at 11 A.M.; he felt as if a current of air was ascending from the occiput and penetrating towards the forepart of the head, causing vertigo and loss of thought (twelfth day). A feeling of vertigo on closing the eyes, at 1.30 P.M. (sixty-fifth day). Momentary vertigo. Frequent attacks of vertigo, even to loss of consciousness. Frequent vertigo, even while lying in bed. Vertigo; violent reeling back and forth.

Vertigo, with nausea and a feeling of faintness, lasting a long time (sixth month). Vertigo, with spasmodic drawing up and a paralyzed feeling in the right side of the body, aggravated by walking, with anxiety and accelerated pulse, gradually disappearing, after lying down in bed. Vertigo, especially on sitting and closing the eyes; it disappears when lying down.

Much vertigo while sitting, like a moving to and fro, much worse while lying. Sudden attack of vertigo, in the evening, with pain in the eye, so that she did not dare to look in the light, together with anxious heat and feeling of fullness in the stomach, ineffectual eructations, and vomiting several times (ninth month). Attacks of vertigo, even while lying down. Constant vertigo, especially in the evening when walking, so that he reeled sideways. Vertigo constant and constantly recurring, especially distressing on account of a constant sensation of unsteadiness, and reeling back and forth while walking. Vertigo; as soon as she closes the eyes everything seems to turn around, vanishing on opening the eyes again. Vertigo whenever looking down at moving objects, always associated with a violent headache, flickering before the eyes, and dimness of vision.

Vertigo very frequently coming and going suddenly increasing, so violent that she was obliged to steady herself to avoid falling.

Vertigo whenever he looks upwards or sideways and on stooping, frequently with falling. Whirling vertigo even when sitting; while walking, she staggers. Vertigo, with spasmodic contraction in the head. Vertigo, with faintness and cold sweat, bilious vomiting, pressure in the head behind the eyes, and burning on the vertex. Vertigo, with frequent lightnings before the eyes, obliging her to down for a moment on account of danger of falling. Vertigo at night, on waking, very violent in the morning on rising; it drew her to one side, so that she could not walk, with nausea and inclination to vomit, emptiness and faintness in the stomach, chilliness, and weakness, so that she was obliged to go back to bed; whenever she moved, turned over, or sat up in bed, the vertigo was aggravated, and she was obliged to lie perfectly quiet (fifty-fifth day). Vertigo, even to falling down, on turning the head. Violent vertigo when sitting and closing the eyes, as if the sofa upon which he was sitting were balancing to and fro (going off immediately when opening his eyes), (tenth day). Head feels dizzy and intoxicated after rising from bed (sixteenth day); vertigo (twenty-second); so that he could scarcely prevent falling during breakfast (thirty-fifth day); frequently obliging him to steady himself (thirty-seventh day); while sitting, in the morning (forty-fourth day); after 12 o’clock he became dizzy and weak for some time, so that he went to bed and soon fell asleep (as on the preceding day at 11 o’clock); after sleeping quietly for an hour, he awoke with a bad taste, which, however, gradually disappeared (after fifty-seven days); dizziness on rising from bed, with dulness of the head, in the morning (fifty-eighth day); on alighting from a carriage, he walked with difficulty, and was obliged to steady himself (eighth day); frequent vertigo continued to recur (after twenty weeks); vertigo, as that he could scarcely step over a stone without falling (after nine months). It becomes misty about his head, so that he does not know where he is, while standing (after three- quarters of an hour). Constant whirling, with a sensation as if it came from the left side of the ribs from a pressive aching spleen, with a very suffering pale expression. Whirling in the head, aggravated by looking to the left. Frequent whirling in the head. He woke from the midday nap after eating a little, feeling a whirling in the head, which changed to faintness on every motion, and continued till 10 P.M., when it ended in vomiting of the undigested dinner. Fantastic whizzing in the head. Sensation of reeling, as after frequent turning in a circle (after three-quarters of an hour). Slight reeling (within two hours). He staggers after stooping. Staggering while walking in the air (soon, second day). The head seems intoxicated, weak and dizzy. The effect was at first the drunkenness induced by alcohol, heat in the head and face, uncertain gait, reeling of surrounding objects, etc. (twelfth day). General head. Rush of blood to the head, with outbreak of perspiration on the face and desire for cold drinks, even when undressed (after eleven hours and a quarter). He feels the blood rush into the head, with weakness of vision, so that it suddenly becomes black before the eyes, and he is unable to recognize anything for a longer or shorter time, even for a longer or shorter time, even for a quarter of an hour, with a peculiar corroding pain in the right eyeball, obliging to press the lids together and to wipe repeatedly with the hand, usually occurring in the evening and in the house, though not in the open air, recurring for six or seven days. Stupefaction of the head, with ringing in the ears, chilliness, distension of the abdomen, urging to urinate, stiffness of the lower extremities, and great weakness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.